I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
"If it is there, at Tanis, then it is something that man was not meant to disturb."
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
Mr. Burns: Tell me, Simpson, if an opportunity arose for taking a small short-cut, you wouldn't be averse to taking it, would you?
Homer: Hmm, not as such.
Mr. Burns: Neither would I. If you can take advantage of a situation in some way, it's your duty as an American to do it. Why should the race always be to the swift, or the Jumble to the quick-witted? Should they be allowed to win merely because of the gifts God gave them? Well I say, "Cheating is the gift man gives himself."
Homer: Mr. Burns, I insist that we cheat!
Mr. Burns: Excellent!
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
Couch Gag: Grampa is asleep on the couch. The family fold him up in the couch and sit down.
From 7/16/1963 To 6/12/1981 is 6541 days
From 6/25/1996 to 5/23/2014 is 6541 days
From 2/2/1997 to 12/31/2014 is 6541 days
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:26 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Wednesday 15 May 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/05/they-know-future.html
I could have wandered around those backroads for days and days and walked around in there and had no idea where in the hell I was or where I was going.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 15 May 2013 excerpt ends]
Springfield! Springfield!
Independence Day (1996)
And I'm looking for what?
You'll see. Over here. See us?
How does he do that?
Phoebe Cates
Date of Birth 16 July 1963, New York City, New York, USA
Birth Name Phoebe Belle Cates
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Remarks on Signing a Resolution and a Proclamation Declaring National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1981
June 12, 1981
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to what I think is a very important and worthwhile little signing ceremony here in the Rose Garden. I am pleased that I'm going to sign a joint resolution and a proclamation designating July 17th, 1981 National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day.
The brave men and women who fought for our country should all know that America does remember and is grateful and will always be proud of their courage and honor on the battlefield. And it's fitting that we pay this special tribute to those who so heroically endured the hardships and torture of enemy captivity—unusual in any war in our history, because it was the longest period that American fighting men have ever been held in captivity. Just the thought of the terrible pain that they suffered and endured should be seared in our memories forever. And let us remember, too, that 6 years after American involvement in Vietnam, in the war, we still don't have a full accounting of our missing servicemen from that conflict, an accounting that was guaranteed in the Paris peace accords that brought the fighting there to an end, an agreement which has been violated.
Recently there have been reports that Americans are still being held captive in Indochina. None of these reports, I'm sorry to say, has been verified, but the world should know that this administration continues to attach the highest priority to the problem of those missing in action. We intend to seek the fullest possible account from the governments involved.
I'm grateful that we have with us here today one of America's outstanding heroes from the Vietnam war, one of the former prisoners of war, and now the Senator from Alabama, Jeremiah Denton, accompanied by his lovely wife Jane. July 17th, it is just 16 years—or that will be—to the day that he was shot down over Southeast Asia. Now, lest someone think that there's a little confusion there, he was shot down on July 18th, 1965, but when it was the 18th there, on this side of the dateline it was the 17th. Jeremiah Denton. Who will ever forget on that first night in that first plane that arrived at Clark Field in the Philippines, and he was the first man we saw come down the ramp from the plane, salute our flag, ask God's blessing on America, and then thank us for bringing them home.
They're joined here by leaders of the House and Senate, many of their colleagues, Cap Hollenbeck and Bob Dornan, John LeBoutillier and Bill Hendon and John Paul Hammerschmidt and Tom Lantos from the House, and Senators Dennis DeConcini and Bob Dole, along with Senator Jeremiah Denton.
And now, I'm going to have the happy task of signing the proclamation and the bill.
Note: The President spoke at 3:02 p.m. at the signing ceremony in the Rose Garden at the White House.
As enacted, S.J. Res. 50 is Public Law 9713, approved June 12.
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Proclamation 4848 - National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1981
June 12, 1981
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Throughout American history our prisoners of war have been called upon to make uncommon sacrifices. In fulfilling their duty as citizens of the United States they have defended American ideals while suffering unimaginable indignities under the absolute control of the enemy. They remained steadfast even while their treatment contravened international understandings and violated elementary consideration of compassion and morality.
All Americans ought to recognize the special debt we owe to our fellow citizens who, in the act of serving our Nation, relinquished their freedom that we might enjoy the blessings of peace and liberty. Likewise, we must remember the unresolved casualties of war—our servicemen who are still missing. The pain and bitterness of war endure for their families, relatives and friends—and for all of us. Our Nation will continue to seek answers to the many questions that remain about their fate.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Friday, July 17, 1981, as National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, a day dedicated to all former American prisoners of war, to those still missing, and to their families. I urge all Americans to join in honoring those who made the uncommon sacrifice of being held captive in war, and to honor as well their loved ones who have also suffered valiantly and patiently. I also call on appropriate officials of the Federal, State and local governments, as well as private organizations, to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of June, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fifth.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Release Info
USA 12 June 1981
Independence Day (1996)
Release Info
USA 25 June 1996 (Westwood, California) (premiere)
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 9:43 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Saturday 24 May 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/05/i-love-this-apartment-this-day-first.html
I love this apartment. This day the first since Feb. 2004 I have had a sofa.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 24 May 2014 excerpt ends]
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
Ranger: Hey, what is going on here? Who are you people? This is a lookout post. Where is Ranger McFadden?
Drunk: (slurred; appears to be the ranger) I was just happy to see some of the nice people!
Ranger: Quiet, you drunk. Where's Ranger McFadden?
McFadden: Right here, sir. Right behind the drunk.
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
Marge: Don't worry, kids. This is a national park. We can have lots of fun!
Ranger: Oh, I'm afraid that's no longer true, ma'am. Budget cutbacks have forced us to eliminate anything the least bit entertaining.
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
Mr. Burns: Oh, yes, sitting, the great leveler. From the mightiest pharoah to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
AIRED: 2/2/97
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
Mr. Burns: We have several hours before the others arrive, let's say we get comfy. (turns on the fuse box) Now we have electricity. (turns on the gas) This propane tank will supply us with heat. And this doorknob, properly turned, will allow us access to the cabin.
Homer: No going through the window for us!
The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 12
Mountain of Madness
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 02, 1997 on FOX
Homer: We could build snowmen.
Mr. Burns: No, I have a better idea! We could build real men, out of snow!
Homer: (confused) Oh… okay.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Simpsons
Mountain of Madness
Good morning, sir. Care for some coffee?
No. The promise of a new day is more than enough exhilaration for me.
[Ticking] [Snoring]
Smithers, coffee. Ah! We need some excitement around here.
Chinese checkers or domestic, sir?
No, no. Something fun. Something the men will enjoy, like a safety drill. But what kind? Uh, "Meltdown Alert"? "Mad Dog Drill"? "Blimp Attack"? Ah! I think a good old-fashioned fire drill today!
[Ringing] - [Murmuring, Shouting]
All right. Popcorn's ready.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Indiana: Balloq's medallion only had writing on one side? You sure about that?
Sallah: Positive!
Indiana: Balloq's staff is too long.
Indiana, Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 3:55 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 10 May 2016