I wrote a while back about how the lottery numbers from "Lost" pointed directly at that first apartment Microsoft put me in when I moved out here after accepting their offer of employment. Yesterday I noticed that the apartment they put me into also aligns with 3rd street. There is another 3rd street nearby and the Microsoft Civica office building adjoins it. The Microsoft corporate apartment was SE 3rd Street and the Microsoft Civica is NE 3rd Street, so they are close to each other and running parallel to each other east-west, which forms a "3 3." The Microsoft corporate apartment is at the intersection of SE 3rd and 119th, where the "119" makes me think it was some kind of reference to 9-1-1. I lived there for a month, so that would be from about 12/7/98 to 1/7/98.
Microsoft Pacific Northwest District: Bellevue, WA
Civica Office Building
205 108th Ave. NE, Suite 400
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (425) 705-1900
Fax: (425) 936-7329
The Microsoft office in Los Angeles, California, the state where Ronald Reagan was Governor from 1966 to 1975, whom I believe is my grandfather but cannot remember, is at the intersection of Grand and 3rd. The street address is 333 and the suite number is 3300.
Microsoft Southern California District: Los Angeles, CA
333 South Grand Ave, Suite 3300
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone: (213) 806-7300
At 3.5 miles from the Microsoft Conneticut office to the town of New Britain, Conneticut, it is close enough for me to believe that they selected that location to represent 3.3, or "33." They may have purchased something, or had someone secretly purchase something nearby, to produce a 5.9 mile marker.
Microsoft New England District: Farmington, CT
Pondview Corporate Center
74 Batterson Park Rd.
Farmington, CT 06032
Phone: (860) 678-3100
Fax: (860) 678-7414
For all these obvious clues that demonstrate that Microsoft is stealing my image, I am only finding the easy ones. Microsoft/Corbis's grand larceny is much more complex. They are developing their content by stalking me constantly and when they start selling the property they have stolen from me, all of what I have figured out so far will be just the tip of the iceburg. I am seeing that my family, including my children, are showing up in Microsoft/Corbis's attempts to steal my image for the financial gain of Microsoft/Corbis and accomplices. It may be that all this wasn't supposed to be revealed by them until decades from now so they are taking a lot of time to develop the content because there is going to be such a large market for it in the future. And they have a world audience to market to. They can, for example, play up on anti-American sentiment and that is why they revealed that I flew with Israel to Iraq in 1981. A lot of people that hate America would be very interested in buying and viewing that content. Bill Gates is thinking that there will be so much anti-American sentiment by that time that no one will really care that they had hidden cameras in my homes for all those years. People will still purchase and view whatever content they deliver regardless of just how badly Microsoft/Corbis was stalking me or because of the destruction Microsoft/Corbis caused as a result of selling their stolen product.
It is a win-win for Bill Gates and accomplices. He knows that people will still buy the property he has stolen from me regardless of how it wrecks my life. It is the same reason the paparazzi has such a lucrative appeal for people. If there wasn't a lot of money to be made in stalking celebrities, there wouldn't be so many people taking pictures of them. Bill Gates is the king of the paparazzi and he has billions to spend on crooked lawyers such as Brad Smith, dirty cops such as Dave Reichert, and corrupt politicians such as George W. Bush. There is something to all this that for Bill Gates is beyond money but I don't know what it is. Maybe he doesn't need any motivation and is doing it just because he is a sociopath.
One good example about how Microsoft has been developing content about me, by manipulating my environment, is to consider Vince Maraia, the former coworker I mentioned earlier and who has that book that they associated with my "birth marks." When Microsoft/Corbis starts selling their content that they developed while stalking me, Vince Maraia's name will come up a lot in the Microsoft/Corbis content, which I assume will distibuted primarily on the Internet. Vince's name will come up a lot because I talked to him on a regular basis and that will in turn generate advertisements in the Microsoft/Corbis content for his book. Microsoft/Corbis will have it programmed to do that. And he knows that even if I do fight my way through the dirty cops and corrupt politicians, he would have to do, what?, 6 months in a minimum security jail? Jail time no one will know about when his book is being sold because Microsoft lawyers are protecting him. At worst, he would probably only get home arrest for 6 months. So he gambles that he has to spend 6 months in jail, if that, and for that he gets a lot of promotion for his first book and then others, not to mention a lot of fancy stuff to put on his resume, etc. Pretty sweet deal.
He was only one example, too. Microsoft/Corbis had all kinds of people around me as catalyst for their content. Some, such as Vince Maraia would probably make money off it, others might not. When Microsoft/Corbis placed Vince Maraia in a cubicle next to me, they also placed a guy named Latimer in a cubicle across the aisle from me. I never wanted to say anything about it because I thought it would be cruel, but he bore a striking resemblance to the cartoon character "Peter Griffin" from the "Family Guy." Recently I read on the Smithsonian website about Lewis Latimer, who was an expert on the electric light and worked for Thomas Edison's company, which may be one of the reasons they placed him next to me, for reasons I will describe next.
The reason Microsoft/Corbis was putting all those people around me was to introduce certain topics and subjects into their content to generate interest by marketers and advertisers. One example is to consider the keywords that I found associated with the late Ilan Ramon, who was part of the 1981 strike on Iraq that I believe I was part of. I believe Microsoft/Corbis revealed a few years ago that I was a covert member of that team, the terrorists heard Microsoft reveal that detail, and that triggered the attack on the USS Cole and the 9/11 attacks. I found a photo of Ramon on the website of the pirates Corbis, which as I mentioned, they had Tom Devey working in my group because he resembled Ilan Ramon, and the keywords associated with that photo reveal a lot about their intentions. They had many keywords associated with his photo, and some are Astronaut, Colonel, Disaster and destruction, Eye contact, Fighter plane, Israel, Israeli armed forces, Jewish, Middle East, Military officer, Prominent persons, Space shuttle mission, State of Israel, War and military.
As Microsoft/Corbis has been stalking me all these years, as well probably as my children, they have been collecting all these photos of us and assigning keywords and categories to them based on details, characteristics, attributes, of the photos. Then advertisers review the content for those keywords, attributes, characteristics, and pay money to associate with those images. You, as a spectator, may not even have to pay anything to view those photos, but for every photo you view, you are making it profitable for the advertiser that is associated with those stolen images of me. An example would be of content they produced as they were stalking me that shows me going about my daily routine. They would show me driving in my Jeep a lot, going into Starbucks once or twice a day, the drive-thru at McDonalds. All of those occurrences would generate multiple photos and all of those companies would have an interest in associating with those photos. They could present photos of all the people I interacted with on any given day. And since those people were all placed there by Microsoft/Corbis, there would be interesting details and attributes and characteristics associated with those people that would produce interest based on the combinations. Those are only some basic example's and as that photo of Ilan Ramon demonstrates, there was a tremendous amount of combinations for them to work with.
So for people like Vince Maraia, it is win-win because they get all that attention and free publicity and notoriety. Meanwhile, they've tried killing me in the past, they are probably trying to kill me now, and they will most certainly try to kill me again in the future.
For me, when Microsoft/Corbis's treachery is finally revealed it will serve as a lesson that, despite the sense of satisfaction I got from all those years of fighting for peace, in the final judgment, humans are, fundamentally, as a collection, bad and not worth a person risking their own life to protect. As I watch as people are so eager to steal my privacy and as they demonstrate such great contempt for my life and for the safety of my family, I know that humans are not worth such personal risk. There at the end of it all will be the tribute to my life in the form of having it so thoroughly stolen by the ultra-greedy and the ungrateful. All because of those decades of sacrifice and great personal risk for the sake of peace.