This Is What I Think.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Content Is King at Corbis

Content Is King at Corbis
MARCH 15, 2006

Bill Gates' photo agency squares off with Getty Images, as it tries to reach profitability in the $2 billion digital-image market

It is not just the Seattle area where Microsoft has been encoding personal details about me into their facilities. The new Microsoft data-center in Quincy, Washington, aligns with C Street and 3rd Avenue at its north-east corner.

Microsoft research at Cambrige, UK, is near the intersection of Thomson Avenue and A1303. I can't remember for certain, but I think my real first name is Thomas and my birthdate is 3/3/1959. The numerical sequence of "303" is a variation of the March 3rd date.

The Microsoft IPO for MSFT stock was 3/13/86, which I believe was designed to reflect that it was 10 days after my 3/3 birthday and that 1986 was ten years after a 1976 accomplishment I don't want to go into too much detail right now. I wrote a while back that the USS Cole was associated with my real identity somehow but that I don't actually remember. It is frustrating to not know if my theories about my real identity are just random imaginative thoughts or they are real memories trying to resurface in my consciousness. I have started thinking that "Cole" is not the name of a person relevant to my real life, rather it was the code name for an operation I was part of from 11/2/75 to 4/14/77, with the primary objective occuring on 7/4/76. The name "Cole" actually represents something similar to "Co. L.E." is my hunch.

My theory to all this, the key to all this, is that I was some kind of extreme child prodigy and, among several other accomplishments, I could fly a jet by the age of 8 years old. My theory is that I started college at Princeton University on 9/2/65 at the age of 6.5 years and then graduated with a Master's degree in computer science in 1970. From there, I studied at Oxford, possibly at Lincoln College, although I don't know what I was studying. I believe I graduated from Oxford in 1973 though. I don't actually remember any of this but I found some clues that I have started to believe represents details of my real but lost identity.

I have been piecing all this together not unlike a jigsaw puzzle and an important element to the bigger picture is that I believe I was part of the Apollo space program despite my young age. We wanted to keep it secret for many reasons. One reason is what I call the "daredevil effect." We didn't want to encourage kids to engage in dangerous activities because they would think that if I could do it at 10 years old, so could they. Another reason is that parents might think they could push their youngsters into such accomplishments as well even though they didn't have the abilities that I did as a ten year old.

It is my belief, even though I can't actually remember any of this, but I do believe it, that I was onboard Apollo 11 when it landed on the Moon. I started believing that when I was browsing NASA images and I was stuck by this image that is supposedly of Buzz Aldrin. It was the photo number that struck me. 5903. Then there were two details about that photo that struck me. One was the watch and the other was the bent arm. I had this photo of me on a Navy ship in a similar pose and it hit me that I had that picture because I was supposed to remember at some point that I am the person in image AS11-40-5903 from Apollo 11.

Then I started looking at other photos of the Apollo 11 landing and I found myself studying this photo of Aldrin and Armstrong in the same photo. I became convinced that one of the astronauts is much smaller than the other. I found myself measuring the heights of the astronauts and I found that the left astronaut, as illustrated below, is about 85% the height of the second astronaut. If the taller astronaut is 6 feet, then the short astronaut would be about 5 feet. It could be that the image is skewed, I find myself wanting to write more about photographic techniques but I find that I cannot articulate what I seem to know about photography. I feel as though I know a lot about photography, but since I can't remember how I ever learned the knowledge I think I possess, I don't know how to describe what I know because I can't even remember learning any of it. Anyway, I don't think any factors, such as parallax affect that image and that the height measurements are fairly accurate. Another image, of an artist's rendition, seems to confirm it all. Why would they have an artist draw a photo of the Apollo 11 landing when the one astronaut is clearly much smaller than the other? I have included the image and the original link below.

This is the story that Microsoft/Corbis has been trying to steal from me and my family all these years.

Photo ID: Program: Mission: Date Taken:
S69-39017 Apollo Apollo XI 1969-07-12

Title: Composite artist's concept of lunar surface activities of Apollo 11 mission
Description:Composite of four artist's concepts illustrating the lunar surface activities of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Depicted here are commander on the moon, contingency sample, documented sample collection and sample collecting.

Illustration of height difference between two astronauts on the surface of the moon during Apollo 11:

Original image