This Is What I Think.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Independence Day

I have determined that other companies were conspirators of Microsoft, such as Bank of America. I opened an account with them in 2002, but don't use anymore, and the pin code they sent me in the U.S. mail with the debit card was 7938. A while back, I realized that is Brian Dennehy's birthday, according to sources. I recorded that revelation in my journal on July 13, 2006. The role I always remember Dennehy playing was the dirty cop Sheriff in the 1982 movie "Rambo." So I started wondering if Bank of America was trying to clue me into some danger because Sheriff Dave Reichert had it in for me as he was on the payroll for protecting Microsoft's criminal activities. But as I thought more about it, I realized if they were trying to tell me something, they weren't trying very hard because I didn't figure it out until 4 years later. The conclusion I arrived at is they were doing the same thing Microsoft/Corbis was doing, probably in collusion with Microsoft/Corbis, to inject themselves into the content Microsoft/Corbis was secretly creating by staging all this craziness around me 24 hours a day.

I started looking more into "Rambo" and I found some other interesting clues. The most interesting is that the movie released in 1982, and I believe it was planned that way to coincide with my graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy and because I was already qualified in the top-tier of Special Forces by that time. I believe the movie reflects many lessons that military officers are taught and I think the most important lesson for us was to never forget that we were leaders of men who are not machines. The idea is that we all might have different reasons for serving our country but the basic reason is that all of us serving do so because our families and ourselves benefit from the nature of peace. A few days ago, I followed a hunch and I looked to see if there is a Hope, WA, as depicted in the movie. The MSN map service finds a place called Hope and it is located on Fox Island, near Tacoma, WA. The zip code for Fox Island, WA, according to, is 98333. One other detail has been puzzling me since I saw that movie again a few months ago. Towards the end of the movie, "Rambo" is telling "Trautman" about how he and his buddy were going to go to Las Vegas one time when they were on leave from the Army. As soon as I heard that in the movie, I remembered something from a few years ago at Microsoft. I'm not sure of the year, maybe 2000 or 2001, I was in Las Vegas at a meeting for a company that did business with my group at Microsoft. Ken Fagan was down there with me and we were both giving technical presentations at the meeting. He and I were out walking in Vegas after going to a bar and he told me about one time when he was on leave from the Army and had spent some time in Vegas. The more I think about it, the more I suspect that every single conversation I had when working at Microsoft was staged for the benefit of the content that Microsoft/Corbis was developing.

So anyway, I thought more about the movies of 1982 and I remembered that is the year that "An Officer And A Gentleman" was released and I think that was also supposed to coincide with my graduation from the USNA. But I think the story is about someone who would later be a friend of mine as we were serving as pilots in the fleet. I developed that theory when I discovered that the area around Annapolis, Maryland, was settled by two families with the names Burgess and Mayo. In my current mindset, Burgess is my real last name and Mayo was the name of the protagonist character in the movie. I thought of several details from that movie that seemed important. One is that "Zack's" father resembled the person I "remember" as the senior Boatswain on my first ship when I was in the Deck department, working for the Boatswain's as a non-rated sailor. Then I thought of how Louis Gossett also resembled the Chief Boatswain on that ship. I started thinking that the reason "Zack" lived in the Philippines is because my real father's name or maybe his father's name, neither of whom I can actually remember, is Philip. I decided that I am highly trained at the martial art Aikido because Microsoft/Corbis positioned a woman named Akiko around me when I was working at Microsoft and instructed her to introduce herself to me. I find myself seeming to understand techniques of Aikido but I cannot understand how I know what I can't even consciously describe. Recently, I was reading through some quotes from this movie and I started thinking that the mother of my oldest son, who I can't actually remember either, along with any of my kids, but I have lately started feeling that I know who they all are, is named Debbie. In the movie, there is a scene, although I don't actually remember it as I haven't seen the movie in a long time, where they have a cadence call going about "Sgt. Foley" protecting them from the "Puget Deb." The "Deb's" are the "debutante's" but I think that my son's mother is also named Debbie and that is why they created that reference.

Another movie from 1982 is "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial." I haven't seen this movie in a long time and I don't remember it very well, but my general impression is about "calling home." In my "memory," I started off my enlistment to earn the rating of Electronics Technician, but then I switched to another rating in the Advanced Electronics Field called Fire Control Technician. They were similar in function, but the primary purpose of the Fire Controlman is to maintain the electronics and electrical systems that control the weapons on the ship, in essence, to control the fire of the weapons. The reason I started thinking about the Electronics Technician is because the official USN abbreviation for that rating is E.T. There is probably a great deal more symbolism there in that movie, considering my service in the space program, but that is all I can think of now.

Those are the three primary movies from 1982 that I think are relevant to me, although there are many others, maybe even from that year, but definitely from the years before and after 1982. The other highly symbolic event from 1982 that I have been studying recently is the World's Fair in Knoxville, TN. I noticed that the road running in front of the Sunsphere is labeled as Highway 441 and Highway 33. I don't want to get too far into detail on the "441" but one point is that it was 4/14/77 when I returned from my "COLE" mission but I think the primary symbolism there is supposed to represent the "441" because that was an element of my objective on 7/4/76. Additional details I discovered a few days ago are that the support structure for the Sunsphere is 58.07 meters and the sphere itself is 23 meters. I believe that the 58.07 was supposed to represent the "59" of my birth-year and the "23" was my jersey number my senior year at the USNA when I was on the basketball team. The sphere even looks like a golden basketball. A minor league basketball team, according to sources, from Pensacola, the home base of the Blue Angels, wanted to make the Sunsphere their headquarters office. The gold color could symbolize my name of Ray, because of "sun ray." The zip code of Sunburst, Montana, is 59482, where I believe I graduated the USNA in April 1982.

I alluded earlier to another occurrence of "Ray Gun" and it was something I just picked up on with the past few weeks. There is a scene in 1984's "Terminator" where they are watching the video interview of "Reese" and they all laugh about the part where the doctor asks why he didn't bring a "ray gun" back with him. That scene, I believe a tonque-in-cheek reference to me, reinforces a detail I have been thinking about for a long time. Sometime in my second year at Microsoft, which was in the year 2000, I moved to a window cubicle on my floor in the Bellevue, WA, office building we occupied a few miles from the Redmond campus. It was a great seat and I had an incredible view of the surrounding area, I think we were on the 10th floor, and of the Seattle skyline. Sitting in the cubicle next to me, visible to all the people secretly recording us with cameras, was a woman who had a striking resemblance from a distance, because of her hair, to the character Linda Hamilton portrayed in "Terminator." It was only a few months earlier that Microsoft selected John Connors as the Chief Financial Officer for Microsoft. As any fan of "Terminator" knows, the "Terminator" was trying to kill Hamilton's character, while in the past, before she could give birth to "John Connor," the future savior of humanity.

I just now remembered that 1982 was also the year that "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan" was released. I haven't fully processed the relevant symbolism to my life in that installment, but it may have continuing elements from the first Star Trek movie. I believe the primary reason for the first movie, as was the first "Star Wars" movie of 5/25/77, is to represent my "COLE" mission of 11/2/75 to 4/14/77. The first "Star Wars" released 41 days after my return on 4/14/77 and that is a highly relevant number in the clues I have found and assembled. A non-movie detail that reinforces my notions that I was on a secret mission in space from 11/2/75 to 4/14/77 is that the town of Black Eagle, Montana, is zip code 59414. I believe that "Black Eagle," was the code name for my space craft and was chosen because I was part of the "Eagle has landed" of Apollo 11 and because my mission was secret. I have been slowly remembering, or maybe just imagining, details about that mission over the past few months. It was August 13th, according to my journal entries, when I realized that all the thoughts I was having about being in the space program were actually in the past and not in the future, as I had been thinking. I couldn't imagine that I had ever been in space so all those ideas must have been about something that was going to happen, not something that had already happened. My mission was to destroy the "Death Star" is how I started to think of it. The "Death Star" was actually a comet that was going to impact Earth and some point. As in the movie "Deep Impact" with the "E.L.E," the code word "COLE" was something similar to "Comet, Life Extinction," meaning that the comet was predicted to strike Earth and eliminate all life on the planet because it was very large.

The theory I have been exploring for a while, seems like it was October 10th when it began to dawn on me that my mission was well beyond what I had been thinking of with Mars. I had been thinking that I left for Mars in 1975 on a secret trip that coincided with the Viking 1 lander. I guessed that we kept it secret because they wanted me to be able to live a normal life for most of my years before the trip was revealed when I was an old man. One key clue to that hunch was because the movie "Mission To Mars" was released on March 10, 2000 and that was relevant to me because it was exactly one week after my real birthday of March 3rd. Looking back in my journal, it was 5/22/06 when I wrote that I had started thinking that day that my real birthday might be in March 1959. At first, I think I was thinking that it was on the 4th. But the confusion may be because my father is a British citizen and my mother is an American citizen. I think I was born in Hawaii though, in the months before it gained statehood.

So anyway, it was October 10th, a couple months ago, that I suddenly began to understand that I had not just gone to Mars, I had gone much farther. I went all the way out to Saturn, maybe even farther, after stopping at Mars. We had constructed, probably during the Skylab missions, a radical type of spacecraft that had plenty of power to get me out to Saturn in about 8 months and then back to Earth in about the same time. The radical nature of the spacecraft is that it was propelled by actual nuclear explosions near the ship. It sounds like something out of a "Road Runner" cartoon, which you damn people watching me every damn second of the day know I referred to a couple years ago, but I found a lot of information on the web that describes the process. It was called the Orion spacecraft and it was designed by someone from Princeton University. From what I can tell, it was actually luxurious as far as a spacecraft created in the 1970's goes, but as I read, with that type of propulsion, the larger the spacecraft was, the more efficient it was. As I have been imagining or remembering all this, I don't know which it is, I believe that I was the only person on this Orion spacecraft. One document I found referred to the spacious habitation module as a "space taxi." As soon as I read that, I remembered that marketing slogan Microsoft started using around 1994: "Where do you want to go today?"
When I first started piecing together the details of this story, as I mentioned, I thought it only involved going to Mars in 1976 along with the Viking 1 lander. Then I started thinking that I went to Saturn, specifically the moon Phoebe, and timed my landing to coincide with the Viking 1 landing, which was to commemorate the Apollo 11 landing of 1969.

Some other clues that I used to construct this theory of my deep space mission are that the movie "Deep Impact," which I think one of my close family members is in the cast, premiered on May 8, 1998. I believe that they would have released on 5/9/98 if it had been a Friday, as that is the day of week movies are usually released on from what I can tell by studying the patterns. There was actually a NASA space mission in 2005 that was called "Deep Impact" and similar to my theories about my mission, it also struck a comet and it struck the comet on July 4th. I wrote something about a possible connection with "Tempel" but I can't remember what that was now. I have been thinking that the comet I stuck in 1976 was a Hyakutake comet, maybe even that one in 1997 that came very close to Earth. It seems that the one I hit would have passed Earth much earlier, so maybe 1997 was its second pass. The 1998 movie "Armageddon" also tells part of the story about my 1976 mission, I believe, and I have been thinking that someone else in my family is part of the cast.

The basic story about my mission, as I now imagine it, is that I launched from Earth on 11/2/75, where my Orion spacecraft was already in orbit. From there, I went to Mars and I landed on Mars on 1/21/76 and left on 1/23/76. I found a lot of details in my "memory" that I used to develop those dates and they are mostly from highway numbers, but I don't want to go into a lot of details about that right now. I have two reasons for why my Mars landing was selected for 1/21/76. One is that book from long ago about taking a trip around the world in 80 days, as it was 80 days from the time I left Earth until I landed on Mars. I had a very fast spacecraft, but unfortunately, we will probably never use that type of propulsion again. I say it is unfortunate only because we don't have anything as fast. The nature of the propulsion is really very ugly and it shouldn't be used in space away from Earth or even allowed to orbit the Earth. A more likely reason for those dates, though, is that the Mars landing was precisely 6 years, 6 months after the Apollo 11 landing and there was some symbolism in that I was 6 years, 6 months old when I started that program at Princeton University. Everything was going well at that point in the mission, and I believe my next scheduled stop was the moon of Phoebe at Saturn. I decided I went to Phoebe because I "remember" meeting a girl named Phoebe one summer at camp and I decided that must be symbolic, for several reasons I wrote of in my journal, of my visit to Phoebe. I believe that I landed on the moon of Phoebe on 7/21/76. I can't recall if I decided on a date I left Phoebe though. I may have written it in my journal but I can't remember. But somewhere before Phoebe, catastrophe stuck. As in the movie "Mission To Mars," but for me, after Mars, I was hit by micro-meteroids and lost much of my oxygen supply. Ground control told me to return to Earth because I still had enough oxygen to make it back so that my ship could be repaired and we could try again. But I figured out that, while I did not have enough oxygen to complete my mission and return to Earth, I did have enough oxygen to complete my objective of striking the comet on 7/4/76. I rejected the orders from ground control to return and also disabled the electronics that would allow them to remotely steer the spacecraft back to Earth. I went through with the Phoebe landing because the program had already been created and then I launched from the moon and proceeded on course to intercept the comet. As in the movie "Armageddon," flying into the comet was horrifying from all the debris that I had to avoid and it was similar to flying in a hurricane until I got to the actual comet which was similar to the eye of the storm. My theory is that I had some kind of special shuttle/lander craft that I used to land on the planets and moons as well as the comet. My objective was to plant my cargo, a total of 4 bombs at strategic points on the comet. The comets were designated B41 and, from what I have read, were thermonuclear bombs, each with a yield of 25 megatons. I read that those bombs were retired from U.S. military in 1976 and I believe that coincides with my use of the bombs on the comet. I believe I had to make at least two trips in that "hurricane" around the comet to plant the bombs. As with "Deep Impact," I believe I lost my communications transmitters at some point and I did not have contact with Earth for many months. I think I could receive transmissions, but I had no transmission capabilities. They only way the observers on Earth knew I had completed my objective was when the astronomers reported a bright flash in the known vicinity of the comet. In my journal recently as I processed these thoughts, whether real memories trying to resurface or just random imaginative thoughts, I wrote that the people in the mission control were all cheering and applauding when they saw the flash but somewhere nearby, my family members were deeply saddened by the report of that light burst because they thought I had died along with that flash. I imagined that some weeks earlier, as illustrated in the corresponding scenes of "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon," I was communicating with my family that I wasn't going to make it back home. I had decided that since I had enough oxygen, I was going to continue the mission. That comet wasn't going to wait for me to return to Earth, fix my ship, and then go back out there to kill it. For all we knew, on the second trip, we might hit something big enough to completely destroy the ship. So it was a one-way trip for me at that point.

There is a scene from "Armageddon" that really got me when I was watching it the other day, which was after I had started developing this theory. Unlike in that scene, I was too far away for two-way communication and it was just me transmitting farewell messages to my wife and kids. Even though I was 16, I believe I already had three kids by that time, which is confusing, but I think I understand why. And why not. I was ten years old when I was on the Moon. So anyway, my oldest was about 3 years old and I am guessing I told him I wasn't coming home again because "my ship was busted." The scene from "Armageddon" that really gets me is when Bruce Willis is saying goodbye to his daughter because he has to stay on the surface of the comet and manually detonate the bomb. I have been imagining that the scene is exactly what I did but, for us, my second child, my oldest daughter, was still just an infant at the time. The actress in that scene, who I believe somewhat resembles that daughter as she appears today, is portraying what that scene must have looked like in the real circumstances and she is portraying my infant daughter. My infant daughter recognizes the image of me on the screen as her "daddy" but as the actress explains, she doesn't "understand" because she is only an infant. There are similar scenes in "Deep Impact" and I think that my 3rd child, the youngest at time, was born shortly after I launched from Earth. I believe I actually married his mother before I left, not unlike a plot element from "Deep Impact" where "Biederman" marries his girlfriend. So for them, the bright flash in the sky that night of 7/4/76 had a much different meaning than for the cheering crowds. The Earth was saved, but they probably thought that burst of light reported my demise. I have been thinking there was some discussion about me staying on the surface of the comet and ending it quickly rather than slowly suffocating to death some weeks later when my air ran out. But in the end, I chose not to take the easy way out. Using clues I have been finding lately, at least I guess they are clues, I did all the math using a computer on my spacecraft, which I think was a Univac model, and projected a course to Jupiter. I don't know why I decided to go to Jupiter but maybe it was for the reason that ultimately resulted in my survival or just because that was where I decided to go to run out the clock and so at least they would find my corpse some day. My theory is that I landed on the moon Callisto of Jupiter and it was there that I actually created oxygen through some process I can only guess at. I have read some articles on the web that suggest to me how I could have created oxygen, but I am still not entirely sure how I did it. But it worked obviously, if any of this is true, and I left for Earth. It was 11/26/76 when I think I landed on Callisto at Jupiter. I'm not sure when I left but I am thinking I was there for three days. My hunch is that I was in space away from Earth for 529 days and I spent 9 of those days on the surface of Mars, Phoebe, and Callisto. I believe that I sped towards the sun, similar to a plot element from "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home," and then looped around the sun to intercept Earth. I have recently been studying charts of the planet alignments, which I used to formulate that theory. My theory is that no one on Earth knew I was alive, but I am not sure about how that all actually went. I think they may have known that the spacecraft was returning but they didn't know if I was alive until I was close enough to communicate by Morse code over a low-power transmitter I had that still worked. My theory is that I returned to Earth in my shuttle/lander and the Orion craft itself was brought down somewhere near the North Pole, where it still may be. I spent the next few months recuperating in Hawaii and working on regaining all the weight I lost while in space for 17 months, which was a great deal of bone and weight loss. I believe that I had recovered enough to participate in the very first Ironman triathlon, which was held in Hawaii and I think it was connected somehow to my return to Earth. Sometime in 1978, I began my first year at the U.S. Naval Academy and I think I started flying with the Blue Angels at that point.