Sunday, July 05, 2009

Surrender now.

Thank you for contacting the White House.

From: Kerry W. Burgess (official United States federal undercover identity, an identity completely compromised by forces hostile to the United States of America)

Joseph Biden:

You and your criminal conspirators that have fraudulently seized control of the United States federal property that is known as the White House and other associated locations are ordered to surrender now.

You and your criminal conspirators are trespassing on United States federal property and you are ordered by superior United States federal authority to cease all criminal activity and to abandon the United States federal property that you and your criminal conspirators have seized by fraud.

Joseph Biden: You are a severely treasonous traitor against the United States federal government and you are a thief of private property.

You, Joseph Biden and your severely treasonous criminal conspirators such as Barack Hussein Obama and severely treasonous traitor that is Eric Holder, including your staff of any capacity and that are all severely treasonous traitors against the United States federal government, have no hope of evading prosecution and conviction by superior United States federal authority for your severely treasonous criminal activity against the United States federal government.

You have no hope of becoming martyrs as your pathetic and last resort attempt to defend your criminal activity against my private property that has tremendous commercial value.

Joseph Biden: I condemn you and your severely treasonous criminal conspirators to permanent confinement in United States federal prison.

Surrender now.