Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm just saying I'm ready for this.

1986 film "Iron Eagle" DVD movie:


US Air Force Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair: Hey, hey, hey, all we have got so far is a plan. The only thing that you have proven to me is that you can steal some computer printouts and some pictures.

Doug Masters: Chappy, after tomorrow, he's only got one day left. Now are we going for it or not?

US Air Force Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair: We are going when I say we are going. You still got a lot left to prove to me. Now you keep your mouth shut and you listen to what I have to ask you. I still want to test you on some things, I want to make sure that you can deliver... what you say you can deliver.

Doug Masters: Name it.

US Air Force Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair: All right. I want a couple of F-16's with full, approved flight plans. Along with the stuff I'm going to give you are the two phony names I'll let you have. And I want a trainer at the same time, on the tarmac tomorrow. I'll let you put your money where your mouth is.

Doug Masters: You still don't believe I can fly, do you?

US Air Force Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair: Maybe and maybe not. I want to test you out on some live targets.

Doug Masters: Great. You won't be disappointed.

US Air Force Charles 'Chappy' Sinclair: I hope not. Or else we ain't going nowhere, boy. Understand?


Defense Minister Colonel Nakesh: Enough! You are a very stubborn man, Colonel. It would be easier on you if you would accommodate us with a signed admission of your guilt but no matter we can proceed without it. I must say I admire the way you can handle pain. I'm looking forward to seeing you handle death.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Training Day (2001)

Alonzo Harris: Naw, he ain't no fed. He's just a choirboy that got the drop on all you fools.