I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Literature Network » Miguel de Cervantes » Don Quixote » Chapter VIII
Don Quixote
At this point they came in sight of thirty forty windmills that there are on plain, and as soon as Don Quixote saw them he said to his squire, "Fortune is arranging matters for us better than we could have shaped our desires ourselves, for look there, friend Sancho Panza, where thirty or more monstrous giants present themselves, all of whom I mean to engage in battle and slay, and with whose spoils we shall begin to make our fortunes; for this is righteous warfare, and it is God's good service to sweep so evil a breed from off the face of the earth."
"What giants?" said Sancho Panza.
"Those thou seest there," answered his master, "with the long arms, and some have them nearly two leagues long."
"Look, your worship," said Sancho; "what we see there are not giants but windmills, and what seem to be their arms are the sails that turned by the wind make the millstone go."
"It is easy to see," replied Don Quixote, "that thou art not used to this business of adventures; those are giants; and if thou art afraid, away with thee out of this and betake thyself to prayer while I engage them in fierce and unequal combat."
So saying, he gave the spur to his steed Rocinante, heedless of the cries his squire Sancho sent after him, warning him that most certainly they were windmills and not giants he was going to attack. He, however, was so positive they were giants that he neither heard the cries of Sancho, nor perceived, near as he was, what they were, but made at them shouting, "Fly not, cowards and vile beings, for a single knight attacks you."
A slight breeze at this moment sprang up, and the great sails began to move, seeing which Don Quixote exclaimed, "Though ye flourish more arms than the giant Briareus, ye have to reckon with me."
There is also that part at the beginning where he describing the gun camera footage as looking like we were in the middle of a Fourth Of July fireworks display. That must be symbolized in my memory as that time in 1988 when we were almost home. And DAMN, that must have been one hell of a ride, because in my memory, there were thousands of rounds fired, tracers all over the place. The thundering jolt of the 5-inch going off. There were all the flares, there was something I wrote a couple years ago where I looked at the flag and saw the "unexpected shadows." I have wondered about that several times, why did I write that?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]
If there is a good analogy to all this, it is like being constantly blasted with Search radar. It's from friendlies, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. And I don't like being exposed to all that electromagnetic radiation if I can help it. I haven't seen any Fire Control radar, which would be especially troubling, but still, I know of systems that can fire on Search. They are easier to evade that FCS guided, but still, it's very annoying.
Damn damn damn damn damn damn.......I once had an Eagle Claw fishing rod when I was a kid.....
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]
?????? other sources have a different date, but this one....
7. Speed Of Sound
Product Details
Audio CD (June 7, 2005)
Original Release Date: June 7, 2005
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]
I need to study that video more but it is hard to concentrate on it. My impression is that the aircraft did the so-called backflip, then rolled upright, then turned to starboard to reacquire the target. That seems to be consistent with what I was writing about that 9-point buck coming in from my right and then stopping in front of me. There are also those background noises. I think most of it is some kind of threat receiver from weapons radar including missiles perhaps. I am thinking there is also some kind of stall alarm going off too.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/18/2006 4:02 PM
I wonder why I was discussing that so-called “Hail Mary” maneuver from Operation Desert Storm with Tom Huston that time. We were at Rich Molck’s wedding, that was 1997 I think, and I remember referring to that event to support my position in some debate Tom and I were having. Tom Huston was a fire-control radar technician in my division on the Wainwright. In the past, I have written that people in that role, such as David Gugel, were F-14 Radar Intercept Officers in my squadron where I was a pilot. How much of that memory of that entire day at his wedding is implanted memory? How much is converted memory, if any at all? Maybe the detail of me speaking about that means I was part of that maneuver, but I have thought several times, quite a few times actually, that I devised that maneuver. I wish I could remember.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 18 September 2006 excerpt ends]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 3:04 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 21 January 2015