Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Dreams (1994)


"The Stand" (1994)

TV mini-series

Release Date: 8 May 1994 (USA)


Memorable quotes for

"The Stand"

The Dreams (1994)

Stu Redman: [on surprising Glen] I'm a friend.

Glen Bateman: [eying Stu's M16] I certainly hope so.

Stu Redman: [holding up the gun] Think of it as home defense... while on the road.


"The Stand"

The Dreams (1994)

Original Air Date: 9 May 1994 (Season 1, Episode 2)

Plot: The plague has taken its toll and only those immune to the virus are alive. The forces of good and evil are slowly taking shape

Ray Walston ... Glen Bateman

>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Sleep journal 5/4/06

After my short nap yesterday late evening, when back to sleep after midnight and slept pretty soundly until after 7. Had a dream that seemed to occur just before I woke up. I was inside some kind of missile. Seems like it was an SM2-ER on the Wainwright's launcher and it was going to send me into orbit or outer space maybe. When I woke up, I heard lyrics from that song:

Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?


>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Friday, May 5, 2006 9:25:56 PM

Subject: The Simpsons: September 24, 1995


Chief Wiggum (releases dogs to search for Milhouse): "Okay, we can all stop worrying now, these dogs never fail."
Milhouse's Dad: "But...will they just find Milhouse, or will they find him and kill him?"
Chief Wiggum: "Well, they'll... when they find him, they'll... um, um..." [mumbles incoherently]
Milhouse's Dad: "Uh, excuse me, you didn't answer me, you just trailed off."
Chief Wiggum: "Yeah...yeah, I did kind of trail off, there, didn't I?"
Bart: "Yo, Dr. S, have you seen Milhouse today?"
Dr. S: "No."
Bart: "Okay, thanks."
Dr. S: "Wait! Did you know that there's a direct correlation between the decline of Spirograph and the rise in gang activity? Think about it."
Bart: "I will."
Dr. S: "No, you won't."


>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE:From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:01:41 PM

Subject: Re: ABCs Lost

I find myself thinking about this time a long time ago. I may have been in the 4th grade at the time, I don't remember. One of us, maybe me, accidentally made up the fold-out sofa bed with the dog still in it. She stayed in there all day. I came home from school and sat down on the sofa wondering where she was. Then I started hearing her faintly crying out, but I couldn't tell where the sound was coming from. This other neighbor kid was sitting on the couch too, we had to have been crushing her. Eventually I realized she was inside the couch and let her out. She jumped out and ran to the water bowl. I can certainly understand how that dog must have felt.



Mountain of Madness

Original Airdate on FOX: 02-Feb-97

Title sequence

Couch :- Grampa is sleeping on the foldout sofa, and only manages to utter a "huh?" before the family folds back the sofa over him. They sit, as if nothing happened.


Flight of the Intruder

All right, now listen, Doc.

Don't touch anything.

Keep your hands in your lap.


The only exception
is if you have to eject.


Now, you got a yellow
and black handle

here and one here--
you pull it.

The command will be
"eject, eject, eject."

Three times, you got it?

Yes, "eject, eject, eject."

Do I say roger or...
just do it or what?

You even say "huh," you'll
be talking to yourself...

'cause I'll be gone.

>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:01:15 PM

Subject: Right

I wonder if this is where that guy painting the picture was standing?




156 4th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States


Flight of the Intruder

Got that one site--
it's a gun down there.

B issue 23.

He's got me painted.

I'm bracketed.

Okay, break right.

Oh, shit, I'm hit.

I'm hit.

5-1 1 to Devil Leader.

You're smoking, Devil Leader.

Get out, sir.

My BN is dead.

I'm getting out of here.

My canopy's stuck.

Damn it.

I can't eject.

Get out, sir, get out.

I'm taking her down.

I've got a clearing ahead
and a road.

I think I can make it.

Level your wings-- easy, boss.

I'm right behind you.

You can do it, sir.

Devil Leader off the screen.

Do you have a visual?

He's down.

Devil Leader down on the road.

I see the aircraft--
it's smoking.

We need a rescue team.

I've got a Jolly Green

standing by, but he's unarmed.

We need prop-driven planes
in here.

Send in the Sandies.

They can get in low

>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE: ----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:45:01 PM

Subject: Re: Finally

the worst time is seeing the plane flying over and waiting..........



Stephen King's The Stand

Season 1, Episode 2

The Dreams

Air Date

Monday May 9, 1994


(Stu pets Glen Bateman's dog, Kojak)

Stu Redman: He's the first dog I've seen in, uh... well, since the third week of June.

Glen Bateman: Yeah. Superflu took most of the dogs... right along with their idiot masters. Most unfair.

>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:49:58 PM

Subject: Sleep journal 5/13/06

In an office, my boss's boss, was telling me that I had made history today. She said something about me proving how a single person can make a difference. She handed me some stuff including a chain that you use for dog tags. I was looking at it and there was something about it being too long, or needing to have some links taken out of it. I don't recognize me boss's boss, but my boss was familar. The senior person told me that my boss appreciate's people that are passionate about their work, after I was commenting on how much I enjoy my work.

I have also been thinking today again about the distinction between free will and mind control. The exhausting part about all this, as really with any kind of direction, is from rejecting the advice I don't want to follow. That is the stuff I don't remember, the advice or direction I didn't want to follow.


>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 23, 2006

Interesting. I had forgotten that Hawaii became a state in 1959. That is the year I assume I was born, which also would mean it was still a territory at the time I was born, if that is where I was born. I am thinking I was born there or England. Or I was born in California. I don't know. Hell, I could have been born on Mars for all I know.
