Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


Bart Gets Famous

Original airdate in N.A.: 3-Feb-94

Once inside the factory, their tour guide tells them a story.

The story of how two brothers (and five other men) parlayed a small business loan into a thriving paper-goods concern is a long and interesting one. And, here it is: it all began with the filing of form 637/A, the application for a small business or farm...

-- The box factory's tour guide, "Bart Gets Famous"

At the end of the story, the tour guide continues.

Guide: Many interesting and important things have been put into boxes over the years: textiles, other boxes, even children's candy.

Milhouse: Do any of these boxes have candy in them?

Guide: No.

Milhouse: Will they ever?

Guide: No, we only make boxes to ship nails. Any other questions?

Martin: When will we be able to see a finished box, Sir?

Guide: Well, we don't assemble them here -- that's done in Flint, Michigan.

Bart: Have any of the workers ever had their hands cut off by the machinery?

Guide: No --

Bart: And then the hand started crawling around and tried to strangle everybody?

Guide: No, that has never happened.


The Simpsons

Season 5, Episode 12

Bart Gets Famous

Air Date

Thursday February 3, 1994


Bart: I didn't do it!

From 7/21/1969 ( I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 12/20/1978 ( premiere US film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" ) is 3439 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) To 12/14/1972 ( I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3439 days


Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

Release Date: 20 December 1978 (USA)

Plot: In San Francisco, a group of people discover the human race is being replaced one by one, with clones devoid of emotion.

From 2/12/1973 ( Operation Homecoming begins and I was the lead C-141A pilot transporting home the American POWs ) To 6/25/1996 ( premiere US film "Independence Day" ) is 8534 days

8534 = 4267 + 4267

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) To 11/8/1970 ( my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) is 4267 days

From 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan M.D. ) To 6/25/1996 ( premiere US film "Independence Day" ) is 9026 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) To 4/1/1988 ( U.S. President Ronald Reagan : Proclamation 5788—National Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day 1988 including Bataan ) is 9026 days


Release dates for

Independence Day (1996)

USA 25 June 1996 (Westwood, California) (premiere)


Operation Homecoming

Operation Homecoming was a series of diplomatic negotiations that in January 1973 made possible the return of 591 American prisoners of war held by North Vietnam. On Feb. 12, 1973, three C-141A transports flew to Hanoi, North Vietnam, and one C-9A aircraft was sent to Saigon, South Vietnam to pick up released prisoners of war. The first flight of 40 U.S. prisoners of war left Hanoi in a C-141A, later known as the "Hanoi Taxi" and now in a museum. From February 12 to April 4, there were 54 C-141 missions flying out of Hanoi, bringing the former POWs home.


Memorable quotes for

Independence Day (1996)

Captain Steven Hiller: [talking to the unconscious alien he's dragging] Y'know, this was supposed to be my weekend off, but noooo. You got me out here draggin' your heavy ass through the burnin' desert with your dreadlocks stickin' out the back of my parachute. You gotta come down here with an attitude, actin' all big and bad...


Captain Steven Hiller: and what the hell is that smell?

Captain Steven Hiller: I could've been at a barbecue!

Captain Steven Hiller: But I ain't mad.