Sunday, July 25, 2010

Along the Long Road

From 5/21/1945 ( Richard Hatch ) To 12/21/1970 ( I was primary United States Navy test pilot for the Grumman F-14 Tomcat first flight and for the United States Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet program ) is 9345 days





Kara's Cell

Apollo, entering cell: Um... Zarek nominated me for the vacant Quorum spot, so I...

Starbuck: You're Zarek's wingman.

Apollo, so easy and natural: All right, all right, you know, stow it, okay. I've heard it all before. The guy's a piece of work, I know. His head's as big as the house I grew up in. But I'm pretty new to all this, I could use the help. Besides, I never really could say no to anything.

Starbuck: Except me.

Apollo: Especially you. You know, I think I finally understand what you meant about having a destiny. I've got to do this. And the fact that I don't have an explanation why doesn't... Doesn't really seem to matter anymore.

Starbuck, smiling with sadness in her eyes: So say we all.

Apollo: So say we all.

Starbuck, standing at a loss and holds out a hand: Good luck on your journey, Lee Adama.

Simpson and Delilah

Burns: How would you improve the worker situation?

Homer: Well, sir, for one thing, we have a problem every Tuesday when the cafeteria would serve fish sticks...

Burns: Fish sticks!? What in blazes are you talking about?

Homer: Well, sir, they cut the head off the fish, then chop up the rest of the sticks [sic]. And then put seasoned breadcrumbs on it...

-- Haven't I heard this joke before? ``Simpson and Delilah''

Let the fools have their tar-tar sauce!

-- Burns implements Homer's plan, ``Simpson and Delilah''

Homer's tartar sauce solution seems to have worked...

You know, sir, accidents decreased by exactly the number that Simpson himself is known or suspected to have caused last month. And our output level is just as high as during Simpson's last vacation.

-- Smithers, on Homer's promotion, ``Simpson and Delilah''

Burns is so impressed by Simpson's work that he gives Homer the key to the executive washroom. While Homer pays it a visit...

Oh, hey ho, men. You know, I was watching the Dumont last night, when I happened to catch a fascinating documentary on Rommel, the Desert Fox...

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/18/10 11:46 PM
I think the line of thought about

started with that woman was going to take me there by aircraft. I even imagined that she was going to pilot an F-14 Tomcat with me in the backseat and land at a nearby airport and then drive to

where I would then write the numbers down on the pavement. The reason for the Tomcat is because that line of thought considered that I needed to get out there to

as fast as possible. I cannot recall if there was ever any specific reason for why I needed to get there as fast as possible. I remember thinking that after I got there, there was no real feedback as to why I needed to get there so fast. I simply got there as fast as possible, recorded the numbers, which were apparently visible to people in the real world, and then I guess that was when


List of Battlestar Galactica (reimagining) locations

The reimagined science fiction television series Battlestar Galactica presents various locations, spaceborne and planetary.

Ionian Nebula

The Ionian Nebula is a supernova remnant recorded by the people of Kobol 4000 years ago. The nebula closely resembles the Eye of Jupiter supernova event in the episode "Rapture" that resulted when the star the Algae Planet orbited exploded. Felix Gaeta noted similarities in the remnant patterns and believes the Eye of Jupiter is a marker that points toward the Ionian Nebula; another clue to finding Earth.

A massive battle takes place inside the Nebula between the Battlestar Galactica and 4 Cylon Basestars. 1,700 civilians are killed when the civilian ship Pyxis is destroyed, with Space Park and Astral Queen heavily damaged.

The Ionian Nebula is 13,000 light years from the Algae Planet.

NGC 2440 resembles the Ionian Nebula and is 4000 light-years from Earth.





Basestar Conference Room

Natalie: We want you to stop lobotomizing the Raiders, Cavil.

Cavil: Raiders with free will? Not going to happen... Do you know what just really rankles my ass? You've been pointing fingers, falsely accusing me of manipulation just short of tyranny, when you're the one that's been leading the charge here.

Natalie, arms crossed: We want you to stop.

Cavil: You're not in charge. We had a vote.

Natalie: For the last time: Will you stop lobotomizing the Raiders?

Cavil, to Simon: It's unbelievable, isn't it? Unbelievable. (To Natalie) For the last time, no.

Natalie: I was afraid you'd say that. Come in.

Cavil, as Centurions enter the room: This is cute. Centurions can't vote, Six.

Natalie: Oh, they're not here to vote, Cavil.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:01:15 PM

Subject: Right

I wonder if this is where that guy painting the picture was standing?


156 4th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States