Tuesday, April 10, 2012

That he didn't, didn't already have


The Time Machine

Another night was coming, but
this night no Eloi needed to fear.
The underworld of the Morlocks
was gone...
...and so was the life of leisure
for the Eloi.
But then what of me?
I was imprisoned in a world...
...in which Ijust did not belong.
Are you sorry?
- Sorry? Sorry for what?
- That you have to stay?
I could tell so much
to the people of my time.
I'd let them know...
...about the sorrow and happiness
that the future holds.
Maybe they could learn from it.
Or could they?

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:06 PM Pacific Time USA Tuesday 10 April 2012