I cannot recall the last time I heard thunder from the sky. I heard a hearty peal of thunder from the sky here in the Seattle-area back during the noon hour here today. The sound of thunder happens so infrequently here that I always note when it happens. The last time I can recall distinctly hearing thunder from the sky would have been the year 2002 or 2003. I remember that because I talked with a coworker about it. I might have heard thunder from the sky since then though and have forgotten it. Everytime I can recall you will hear one peal of thunder or maybe two peals, as I heard today. But as best I can recall, I have never heard three or more peals of thunder on any given day. I always think of that because thunderstorms are something I miss from living in the south United States. Charlotte North Carolina always had great thunderstorms roll through in the afternoons in the summer. Here the weather is always bland and I think last summer was generally cooler than last winter. I hope the trend continues somewhat because living here is miserable enough to have to endure a broiling summer in this godforsaken place.
I saw that little white dog again in a dream I awoke from while sleeping earlier. I never take naps anymore. I can barely get a full nights sleep anymore. Most of yesterday I went through the day struggling with my mind to keep from puking. So anyway, I walked into a house that I didn't recognize but seemed to be somewhere I was going to stay for a while and I saw that little white dog was stranded there and it had been there for a while. I cannot visualize the details about how it was stranded but being awake for a while I thought about it and I guess it was on top of some furniture, along with some books piled on top, and the little dog could not get down from there. I went over to it and it was eager to get down from there and I put it on the floor and it ran around a corner and I was thinking in the dream as I started following it that it was going to its water bowl and that it was it was doing as it seemed to be very thirsty. Some other stuff happened after that in the dream that doesn't really seem important to describe.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 1:33 PM Pacific Time USA Thursday 12 April 2012