I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, May 30, 2014
So that would explain it.
I was going to stop and take some digital images of that vision-scene of the the doctor-wife and compare that to my memory of that house I lived in Greer South Carolina with Tracie and compare that with my writings of how I was trying to remember if that was the year 1993 and compare that with her child throwing hysterics over the boy in the hospital bed bandaged and she screaming something similar to "Who hurt Dillion?" I watched these episodes many years ago here on this same source and I wrote about it in my blog and about how I had never watched the television series when it premiered on television because it looked to stupid. Now I find these characters a lot less objectionable. I might have written about how that starring character, the guy with the bracelet, who is married to the doctor, the doctor who is looking down at the guy sitting on the sofa and with the profile that reminds me of myself, reminds me of Mark Howe. In my memory of the 1993 he was the office manager at Universal Financial at that time and had once slept on my living room sofa, although when I lived there alone. Her son "Dillion" at this point in the series is autistic of questionable severity and she asks if she has ever seen him before, once again in profile. That doctor-wife seems unfamiliar to me, in terms of look-alike, but she does remind me of "Rachel" from "Revolution" who was also a character I forget now from "Lost." I had blogged about these episodes years ago but I stopped abruptly after a few of the episodes of that abruptly cancelled series of 23 episodes that are listed and I never went back until now to watch them. In the next few days I am going to try to watch all of them as they are still available from free viewing on tv.com and other other sources. I cannot recall off-hand without looking, and I haven't, which episode I last watched but I think it was the one I blogged about how there was something about a tower and that was a similar detail in "Revolution".
Oh, and this is sort of a combined note. These notes seem especially pointless now and even more so day by day and so I write now thinking and hoping this will be the last note I ever post here. And I think about how my notes, in this sort of free-text section, is not contiguous in the formation of thoughts in my mind during creation of this note. I also reference here something I randomly watched recently on broadcast television and that doesn't conclude until next Wednesday but that seems to have been available elsewhere back in March 2004 and that is especially compelling to me.
Contemplate Death. That is how I would best describe the notion recently when I was out walking around. I started walking more recently because I am tired of being overweight. Being overweight is a new experience for me. Having trouble last winter tying my bootstrings was especially annoying and in recent weeks I feel I have made some good progress. For me, weight gain is very easily lost. If I were to buy a bicycle and ride around for a month I could possibly lose 50 pounds in that time. So I guess. I threw away my bathroom scale a few months ago and I have no idea how much weight I have lost from just a few simple long walks. But I feel it, the difference.
And I did. I had a long walk and long time to think and I did think it out.
So anyway, the usual projections were out there I have seen with varying level of perception these past few decades and they are predictable.
Springfield! Springfield!
White To Play
Tell us again why you're the boss? Because he's a genius.
FlashForward Season 1 Episode 2
White To Play
Aired Thursday 8:00 PM Oct 01, 2009 on ABC
Mark and Demetri go to Utah to investigate a lead on a suspect who might have a connection to the global blackout. Olivia sees the man from her flashforward, while her daughter Charlie is having trouble dealing with hers.
AIRED: Oct 01, 2009
You're a Grand Old Flag
by George M. Cohan
You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.
You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
Springfield! Springfield!
White To Play
I wanna know everything we're doing to identify this person in the stadium.
What would be the point? I thought you didn't think this was What was the term you used? "Scheduled event"? Are you going to brief me or crow about this some more? Honestly, I don't see why I can't do both - for a little while.
- We're calling him "Suspect Zero.
" How do we even know this is a "him" we're looking at? Video forensics.
Do you see how his head is the exact height of the bleacher right there? Well, that is a 6-foot wall, and using that as a reference point and accounting for camera angle and distance, we can estimate that this person is 5'8" and 150 pounds, which makes the odds of this being a female less than 1 in 40.
Can the image be enhanced further? Data services has already blown up the pixels, but we're sending it to the N.S.A.
to see if the Fort Meade supercomputers can do anything else with it.
Look at him-- Walking around, not a care in the world, not the least bit surprised which means he knew the blackout was gonna happen, which means he was involved.
Conspiracy theory is comforting.
It presents you with an enemy, gives you someone to arrest, put on trial.
Well, this is not a visual effect we're looking at.
This man is real.
I just hope we can find him before he does something worse.
What's worse than causing worldwide devastation? Causing it twice.
Would you say that was Cross?
Without an element of doubt.
Some airports have a television eye service.
They keep a video tape running, which they erase the next day. I had a hunch.
And it paid.
It should have been fairly easy to trace the destination of a priest.
Normally Washington airport wouldn't have too many priests departing,
but today was the last day of a conference.
More than 300 priests departed, in all directions, between 3 and 6pm,
Cross amongst them.
- Brilliant. - I agree.
- He had to have help. - No. Messenger boys.
The plan was Cross's. Would you agree to that, Scorpio?
Springfield! Springfield!
White To Play
Look, Mark, that was a good shot, okay? But maybe these future clues - of yours are just-- - Bogus? Well, I wasn't gonna be that harsh, but yeah.
Face it, it's been a little bit of a goose chase here, man.
Tell that to Didi Gibbons.
And what about this? I saw it in my vision, and it came true.
Has Charlie ever made you one of those before? Yeah.
Okay, well, then it's not that amazing.
Coincidences happen all the time.
That's why they're called coincidences.
People see patterns in tea leaves and clouds.
Come on.
Let's go home.
Yo! Sorry about the circus.
Sorry it didn't pan out.
Sheriff, what is that place there? Divine Doll, a mom-and-pop operation.
They went bankrupt a few months ago, along with most of the town.
It's vacant now.
In my vision, there was a photo of a doll - next to a card with the name-- - D.
You telling me that's a coincidence, too? You think this qualifies for probable cause? The county judge will.
He's my father-in-law.
I thought you said this place was vacant.
It's supposed to be.
# Ring around the Rosie # - # pocketful of posies # - Crap.
# Ashes, ashes, we all fall down # FBI! Open up! # We all fall down # - D.
Gibbons, get down! - Freeze! Don't move! On your knees! Are you alone here?! On your knees! Don't move! - Down! Get down! - Don't move! Get on your knees! Get down! "He who foresees calamities - suffers them twice over.
" - What'd you say? Officer down! All right, fellas, take her away.
Excuse me.
Could I take a look at the photo you just took? Thanks.
Shooter's in the wind.
Hey, Dem, I'm-- I'm sorry about Keegan.
I know what you must be thinking but-- Can we talk about that later? What we got now is cell phone and white queen.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Outer Limits (1963)
The Guests
Do you wanna leave here? This moment? Yes.
I'll show you a door.
Go and open that gate and leave.
Troy (2004)
Hector: You speak of war as if it's a game. But how many wives wait at Troy's gates for husbands they'll never see again?
Achilles: Perhaps your brother can comfort them. I hear he's good at charming other men's wives.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:28 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Tuesday 19 February 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/02/and-now-old-man-dancers.html
I told my manager at Microsoft about it.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 19 February 2013 excerpt ends]
Synopsis for
Amnesia (2004) (TV)
Stone's behavior becomes even more erratic. He seems to see Lucia leave their house. Stone receives an anonymous letter reading "Why did you do it?".
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 9:07 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Friday 30 May 2014