Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I just finished watching this not-so-cheap and not-so-free movie of the Comcast On Demand free movies sections. At two hours twenty minutes this George Bush-Nazi-Communist garbage has a lot of anti-American garbage to spew.

The most incredible accomplishment of George Herbert Walker Bush is that he united the Nazi's and the communist's in the George Herbert Walker Bush enterprise to overthrow violently the constitutional form of government in the United States of America.

The pansy George Herbert Walker Bush will murder anyone who attempts to stop the violent overthrow by George Herbert Walker Bush of the constitutional form of government in the United States of America.

When I first started watching this video there was a scene in the first few minutes that reminded me of a very vivid dream I had yesterday when I last was sleeping. Normally when something like that happens I will pause the video and make this kind of observation about it but this time I decided to wait until I had watched the entire video which was difficult because it is two hours twenty minutes.

The scene that made me think about the dream was when "Hoffa" jumps back out of the truck and then hides behind a billboard sign that has something to do with wheat and bread.

When I was last sleeping, which was sometime yesterday, I had a very vivid dream that I woke up from, although I think I went back to sleep and then later had another very vivid dream that I woke up from and got up out of bed, and the dream, which I have forgotten some details from, seem to start from a point where I was protecting a field of wheat. From that field of wheat I could produce bread. There was only one other person in the dream and that point and she was a young Vietnamese woman I recognized. Later, after being awake awhile, I started thinking I saw her because of the significance of her name, which becomes more obvious as I describe the dream. But the dream also featured the detail that I was going to marry her. The dream did not go into any detail about how it happened but the world had ended. She was the only person around because everyone else was gone. I was glad to find the field of wheat because the would be a source of food. I was aware, based on only a few details, of how the field would be reaped, which is a description I have just now thought up. For most of the past day, I thought that was just a normal dream and there wasn't really any significance worth writing about, especially because since I am still reading "The Stand" I could have been dreaming about wheat instead of corn.

The dream seemed to started at that wheat field and I seemed to be riding in the cargo bed of a red Ford pickup truck and that could have been that red 1967 Ford pickup I remember owning. That young woman was driving the pickup and we were driving down some roads out in the country and I have no idea where we were and that doesn't really seem important. A detail I have thought about extensively that past day is that the only object in the cargo bed of that pickup truck, besides me, was a Browning M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun. The machine gun was in the bed of the truck and was out of sight to everyone but me.

I thought about that series of scenes again as I watched the 1992 "Hoffa" and there was that scene as he and Danny DeVito, in his portrayal as "Hoffa's" sidekick were being transported to prison. In my dream, I was riding in the open cargo bed of that pickup truck down a road out in the middle of the country somewhere, as you would see in a wheat farm, and there was a lot of objects lined up along the road. Unlike in the film though, those objects seemed to be the contents of those trucks that were lined up on the road. I have thought about all that many times today as I tried to think about what that could have meant. The thought I had usually is that the objects seemed to be objects you would see in a pawn shop. As I think again about it now as I write this sentence I guess that was all junk. There was an order to it so, I don't know. I saw that order once in a pawn shop I think just now.

Then there was a large group of people that were nearby and I am not certain if they were lined up on the side of the road and I don't think that is how it was in the dream. They just seemed to be a group of people and I saw them as I rode by in that pickup truck and one of them pointed in my direction and raised my hand to wave back, of which in the dream was never established if he was actually pointing at me, and then I saw another guy raise both hands and arms up towards the sky and I have thought about that today. The machine gun was still hidden from view so that wasn't the reason he raised his arms. The dream seemed to last a little longer and the specific young woman driving the truck seemed to change to someone else and I still remember who that was and I don't understand why that specific woman would be in my dreams, especially because the thought of marriage was still associated with her and there are a lot of details that are too vague to describe, such as her wedding and engagement ring that seemed to be from me. One part of it seemed to be the front chain ring of a bicycle and so that made no sense.

The second dream was also very vivid and I still recall it because it doesn't seem important here although it still seems important to me. I was thinking later and several times over the past day that my dreams are similar to what I read in "The Stand" recently that made me think I see things in my dream that are in the context of my point of view but that context actually represents what is going to happen to other people, which is the basis of my theory that Stephen King, for example, is the messenger for evil. That means his message was created by evil and for the support of evil.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 29, 2006

The company owner met with us in Greenville, when he bought the company, sometime in 1992, shortly before I transfered with them to Memphis.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 July 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 05/01/07 7:27 PM
My co-worker, Frank, from the office at First Federal came over to help me move all my stuff into the truck. I got the largest truck they had and it was well too large for all my stuff. At one point as I was driving down the interstate, a truck driver pulled up beside me, honked his horn, and pointed to the back of my truck. I didn't know what he was talking about and I didn't stop. Then the trucker behind him did the same thing as he passed, so I stopped on the interstate and went back to see what they were talking about. At some point earlier, the brakes had locked up on the full trailer that I was towing my 1990 red Mazda RX-7 on and there was a lot of smoke coming from it.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 1 May 2007 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]


Hello. Yeah, Bobby Ciaro told me to call this number.

I'm out here at the roadhouse. I'm having a problem with my truck.

You won't fuckin' believe it!

They said they're coming right over with it.

You're fuckin' right he is.

- You remember that. - How can I thank you?

You don't gotta thank me.

Nice. Guess you got a lot of pull, huh?

A lot of pull, yeah. I got a lot of pull.

I'm the last fuckin' Mohican.

That's the way it should be.

- Are we all in it? - Fuck, yeah.

- Thanks. - It's all right.

This was stuck to the bottom of it.

That really from Jimmy Hoffa?

That's really from Jimmy Hoffa?

That's right, son.

You know him? You know Jimmy Hoffa?

There you go.

I'm gonna show you something, kid. Come on.

You wanna thank somebody?

You wanna thank somebody, thank somebody deserves your thanks.

I want you to take these, go over there, and thank that man.

Just do it. If you wanna thank someone, you go thank him.

Go on.

- Mr. Hoffa? - Yeah, that's right.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Hoffa (1992)

Country Date

USA 25 December 1992