I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
People with reasons
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:17 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 14 November 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/11/to-serve-man.html
So I must have gone to the Redmond police on 6/11/2005.
If I remember this correctly the Redmond police in the Seattle suburbs of King County Washington State sent me to Harbor View hospital in Seattle. I can vaguely recall speaking to a nurse there in the emergency room. They sent me to the Bellevue hospital Overlake.
I might have that backwards. The Redmond police might have sent me by ambulance to Overlake and then they sent me to Harbor View and that makes more sense because Harbor View is inside the city of Seattle.
I feel certain I spoke to a Red Cross social worker while I was in the admitting area or the discharge area of Harbor View while in the city of Seattle and that woman is the one who got me into the Downtown Emergency Services Center and that is the entry pass card I still have and that is date stamped 6/11/2005.
From there I can recall stumbling around outside
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 14 November 2014 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 3:09 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: torment
Great physical pain or mental anguish
A source of harassment, annoyance, or pain
To cause to undergo great physical pain or mental anguish
To agitate or upset greatly
extreme mental distress
"After several days, maybe a couple weeks, of roaming around the woods, stretching out a loaf of bread and a box of graham crackers, because tomorrow would be the day they tell me it's over, Kerry met with a social worker who had nothing to give him but a bag of food that he wasn't very interested in despite the lack of food and because he had already survived that 9 day period of starvation and wasn't too afraid of starving anymore, but she wasn't the one that he hoped would have the answers he needed so Kerry parked his Jeep at Marymoor park where he began walking towards a bridge that he was going to jump off but hoping along the way someone would tell him what he needed to know and then about 14 hours later he sat there exhausted and starving with people sitting around him watching as they ate their lunches and he decided to wait until the next night to jump so he was there in the park for 24 hours while they all gawked at his misery and did nothing and when he was standing there on the edge at three in the morning he got angry that the bastards had such contempt for his life and began a 22 hour stumbling excrutiatingly painful walk back to his Jeep, knowing that tomorrow would be the day someone would give him the information he needed."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 February 2006 excerpt ends]
Hancock (2008)
Release Info
USA 2 July 2008
Hancock (2008)
Full Cast & Crew
Will Smith ... John Hancock
Hancock (2008)
Boy at Bus Stop: [hits Hancock, passed out on bench] Hancock!
Hancock: [slowly wakes up] What, boy?
Boy at Bus Stop: [points to TV screens] Bad guys.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 4:08 AM Monday, August 20, 2007
July 25, 2006
I was thinking this morning or last night about all that commotion in the Ironman community a few years ago about people racing under other people's name. That would seem to tie in with my theory about Tom Warren and Tom Watson. They are probably real people, but I think they know I was there. Not exactly clear on this, but it means something. I suspect that people were all talking about something along these lines and that produced the buzz about the "phantom" competitors.
Also, I have been thinking that my memory of returning to my fictional niece's birthay, was actually about me returning from a space shuttle mission, possibly in July. I told my relative, probably my daughter in reality, that I traveled all the way from space to be there for her birthday. I think it was STS-71. The June 29 date for the rendevous with Mir is an important date too. The first Ironman CDA was June 29, 2003. I wrote something about this trip for Caitlins birthday a while back. It was that reference I made to the Simpson's episode. When I wrote about that, I was still believing all that literally happened to me. I noted the part about Bart talking to "Dr. S" about Spirograph. When I arrived at my sisters house for Caitlin's birthday, I gave Kaitlin and Kayli and couple board games I had picked up. One was Spirograph and the other, I think, was Life. Or maybe it was Sorry. I can't remember for certain. Maybe it was both, that I gave them three games. Melissa and I used to play those games when we were kids. I was trying to remember, but I was certain that I had given them that Spirograph game exactly a month before the airdate of that Simpson's episode. I also noted that it was exactly a month later when I started that contract job at Microsoft in 1995. I think it was the previous year I drove back to Ashdown for her birthday.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 20 August 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Fri, May 5, 2006 9:25:56 PM
Subject: The Simpsons: September 24, 1995
Chief Wiggum (releases dogs to search for Milhouse): "Okay, we can all stop worrying now, these dogs never fail."
Milhouse's Dad: "But...will they just find Milhouse, or will they find him and kill him?"
Chief Wiggum: "Well, they'll... when they find him, they'll... um, um..." [mumbles incoherently]
Milhouse's Dad: "Uh, excuse me, you didn't answer me, you just trailed off."
Chief Wiggum: "Yeah...yeah, I did kind of trail off, there, didn't I?"
Bart: "Yo, Dr. S, have you seen Milhouse today?"
Dr. S: "No."
Bart: "Okay, thanks."
Dr. S: "Wait! Did you know that there's a direct correlation between the decline of Spirograph and the rise in gang activity? Think about it."
Bart: "I will."
Dr. S: "No, you won't."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 05 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2006 12:54 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: in captivity
"During my last night in captivity, my captors forced me to participate in a propaganda video. They told me I would be released if I cooperated. I was living in a threatening environment, under their control, and wanted to go home alive. So I agreed," she said in a statement.
[I can't blame her. I probably would have done the same thing in that kind of situation.
Hopefully they didn't constantly lead her on, playing mind games with her all that time.
I think I would have much rather spent years in that type of captivity than in this form of captivity. I personally would have found it actually easier to cope with people holding me with guns. I have been in situations even as kid when people were using weapons to threaten me personally or people I cared about. I was never a hostage like this, but I think it would have been easier on me mentally than all this deception I have endured all these years. I find it easier to cope with physical pain than I do with mental anquish. I wonder who I am making that revelation to.]
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 April 2006 excerpt ends]
Memorable quotes for
"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
The Fresh Prince Project (1990)
Will: Hey look, man, I don't have the problem, all right. YOU have the problem. I remind you of who you are and what you used to be. Now I don't know, somewhere between Princeton and the office, you got soft. You forgot who you are
White Man's Burden (1995)
[Last lines. Mrs. Pinnock has just refused to accept from Mr. Thomas the money he owed her husband]
Thaddeus Thomas: Why don't you keep it? I can give you some more if you think... if you think it's not enough.
Marsha Pinnock: How much is enough, Mr. Thomas? How much will ever be enough?
[turns, shuts the door and walks away]
The New York Times
FILM REVIEW;Imagining Race Relations With Roles Reversed
Published: December 1, 1995
Later, Louis picks up his 6-year-old son and takes him to a toy store where, over the father's objections, the little boy chooses a doll of a black super-hero as a birthday present.
Memorable quotes for
"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
The Fresh Prince Project (1990)
Will: [when Will first arrives at the Banks' house] Hey, Uncle Phil!
[hugs Geoffrey]
Geoffrey: I am not your Uncle Philip.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 02:34 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 10 January 2017