Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Enterprise" Broken Bow (2001)



Broken Bow: Part 1 (2001)

Original Air Date: 26 September 2001 (Season 1, Episode 1)

Broken Bow

WILLIAMS: And just who gets to decide what's pertinent information?

ARCHER: Admiral.

FORREST: Jon. I think you know everyone.

ARCHER: Not everyone.

LEONARD: It's a Klingot.

TOS: A Klingon.

ARCHER: Where'd he come from? (they're viewing through window)

WILLIAMS: Oklahoma.

FORREST: A corn farmer named Moore shot him with a plasma rifle. Says it was self-defense.

TOS: Fortunately, Soval and I have maintained close contact with Kronos since the incident occurred.

ARCHER: Kronos?

LEONARD: It's the Klingon's homeworld.

FORREST: This gentleman is some sort of a courier. Evidently he was carrying crucial information back to his people.

Broken Bow

CHANCELLOR: (walks up to Klaang, draws a knife and cuts his palm) Pog! (an aide catches Klaang's blood in a vial, goes over to a machine and calls up a magnified image on a screen. There in the DNA strands are computer-style data.

CHANCELLOR: ChugDah hegh. Volcha va.

ARCHER: I'll take that as a thank you.

HOSHI: I don't think they have a word for thank you.

ARCHER: What did he say?

HOSHI: You don't want to know.