Saturday, June 02, 2012

Huh. Which part of that DVD is the result of my personal time-traveler effect?

In no way did the dream I had while sleeping long ago lead me to watch again this DVD for that episode of the severe criminal racketeering and corrupt organization the United States television series "Battlestar Galactica."

Only watching just now again the episode did I start thinking about that sleeping dream.

That severe criminal racketeering and corrupt organization the United States television series "Battlestar Galactica" is created specifically to discredit my highly honorable service of the United States federal government and specifically to discredit my actions of valor while an officer of the United States Marine Corps.

The dream seems to be in no way connected to that episode.

But I do dream of my actions of valor while an officer of the United States Marine Corps.

That severe criminal racketeering and corrupt organization the United States television series "Battlestar Galactica" does specifically, for the benefit of foreign power actively violent to the United States of America, try to discredit my actions of valor while an officer of the United States Marine Corps.

There was something else I wanted to document here but now that has slipped my mind. The content of my posting was not created contiguously in paragraph format. I decided to post this report because of the robot cleaning the blood from the walls.

F.Y.I. - for those of you who are SO UNBELIEVABLY ***DULLARD*** THAT YOU ARE JUST ***NOW* TUNING IN I should reiterate that the hyperlinks and URLs did not work last time I checked, as referenced below, but I had utilized a download method provided from that website to download the text files and I use that reference now still because it saves me time from having to manually transcribe the text for the dialog from that severe criminal racketeering and corrupt organization that operates freely inside the United States and that severe criminal racketeering and corrupt organization knows it will not be prosecuted because the United States Department of Justice remains ***100%*** under the control of al-Qaida violently against the United States.





Basestar: Conference Room

(A Centurion wipes blood off the walls as Cavil enters; Natalie sits with two Eights.)

Cavil: I see you're still cleaning up your mess.

Natalie: Oh, I hardly think this qualifies as our mess.

Cavil: Well, I guess that explains why none of you are lending a helping hand. Really, Six, if you had wanted some room to spread out, you could've just asked.

Natalie: Is there anything that isn't fodder for a joke with you? Or is that really how you see our very existence, as some sort of nihilistic punch line?

Cavil: Nihilistic punch line? I like that. But quite honestly, I'm feeling very serious. Getting riddled with bullets affects me that way. But I want you all to know that I place the blame for all of this squarely on myself.

Natalie: Go on.

Cavil: Well, you had legitimate concerns, but I refused to hear them. But now I'm listening. So tell me, what's to be done to stop all this and let us get back together?

Eight: Well, for starters, you can stop lobotomizing the Raiders.

Cavil: Done.

Natalie: And you can agree to unbox the D'Annas.

Cavil: Resurrect her entire line? Don't forget, Six, it was D'Anna's messianic quest for secrets better left alone that started us down this divisive path in the first place.

Natalie: You talk about restoring our unity. Well, we think it's time to restore our greater unity. To unite the twelve models once and for all.

Cavil: Well, I don't think the others will accept this, but I'll make your case.

Natalie, to a Centurion: Escort him off the ship.

(Centurion doesn't move.)

Natalie: Please?

Cavil: It's a good thing you remembered the magic word. You're going to find you opened a bigger can of worms than you realize.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 1:06 PM Pacific Time USA Saturday 02 June 2012