Monday, June 25, 2012

I guess you're just going to let them do it to you the hard way.


a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, with the basic meaning “on the far side of, beyond.” In relation to the base to which it is prefixed, ultra- has the senses “located beyond, on the far side of”


the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE:----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:25:22 PM

Subject: Re: Star Trek: TNG: First Contact, Nov. 22, 1996

There was that dream I had the other night, where I was inside a missile. I remembered today the similarity with this movie, in that Cochrane converted an ICBM into his warp ship. But why would someone create a connection between me and Cochrane? I didn't create warp drive in the past only to have someone block my memory of that, did I? It's funny, when I read something the other day about Data arguing with Einstein, it reminded me of something I was writing in my journal back in the early '90s. I was wondering why it was impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. A couple years ago I was writing about it again. The idea presented itself to me about why it was impossible, something about atoms not being able to work because electrons could not transfer energy faster than the speed of light. I wondered if it was possible to create some kind of process to transfer energy to those atoms, not unlike a cell's mitochondria works.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 May 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Friday, April 06, 2007

SEATTLE (F-U Wire) - Microsoft Corporation announces plans to expand its historic outpost of insurrection in Bellevue, Washington. The City Of Bellevue welcomes the insurgency despite that Microsoft Corporation is actively working to overthrow the constitutional form of government in America.

City of Bellevue Mayor Grant Degginger admits that hundreds more Americans will be killed by Microsoft Corporation-sponsored terrorism, but “Hey, Microsoft is giving me a free Lexus to look the other way. Who can argue with that? The covert federal agent we tried to murder only wanted to give us a prison term for providing material support to terrorists.”

When informed that over 99% of the employees of Microsoft Corporation were going to be charged - at a minimum - with providing material support to terrorists, they exclaimed a collective “Wow.”

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 6 April 2007 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

Tom Clancy




Pete now had six friends in the treatment center. Only two of the subjects felt well enough now to remain in the open bay with the TV cartoons and the whiskey, and Killgore figured they'd be in here by the end of the week, so full was their blood with Shiva antibodies. It was odd how the disease attacked different people in such different ways, but everyone had a different immune system. That was why some people got cancer, and others did not despite smoking and other methods of self-abuse.

Aside from that, it was going easier than he'd expected. He supposed it was due to the high doses of morphine that had all of them pretty well zonked out. It was a relatively new discovery in medicine that there really wasn't a maximum safe dosage of painkillers. If the patient still felt pain, you could give more until it went away. Dose levels that would cause respiratory arrest in healthy people were perfectly safe for those in great pain, and that made his job far easier. Every drug-dispensing machine had a button the subjects could hit if they needed it, and so they were medicating themselves into peaceful oblivion, which also made things safer for the staffs, who didn't have to do all that many sticks. They hung nutrients on the trees, checked to make sure the IVs were secure, and avoided touching the subjects as much as possible. Later today, they'd all get injected with Vaccine-B, which was supposed to safeguard them against Shiva with a high degree of reliability-Steve Berg said 98 to 99 percent. They all knew that wasn't the same as 100 percent, though, and so the protective measures would be continued.

Agreeably, there was little sympathy for the subjects. Picking winos off the street had been a good call. The next set of test subjects would appear more sympathetic

Microsoft News Center

News Press Release

Microsoft Expands Footprint in City of Bellevue

Company leases 1.3 million square feet of office space to better accommodate current and future employee base in Puget Sound region.

BELLEVUE, Wash. — April 5, 2007 — Microsoft Corp. today announced that it will expand its presence in the city of Bellevue, Wash.

The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1953

Hans Krebs, Fritz Lipmann

Hans Adolf Krebs

Born: 25 August 1900, Hildesheim, Germany

Died: 22 November 1981, Oxford, United Kingdom

Affiliation at the time of the award: Sheffield University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Prize motivation: "for his discovery of the citric acid cycle"

Hans Adolf Krebs

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Hans Adolf Krebs (25 August 1900 – 22 November 1981) was a German-born British physician and biochemist. Krebs is best known for his identification of two important metabolic cycles: the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle. The latter, the key sequence of metabolic chemical reactions that produces energy in cells


Corporate Information


March 26, 1971 TEPCO's first nuclear power facility, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station's No. 1 reactor (460 MW) began operation


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 91


It was just after midnight when the truck drove north across the Kemenny Bridge to Borovitskaya Square and turned right, toward the Kremlin. The driver stopped for the first group of Kremlin Guards. Their papers were fully in order, of course, and they were waved through. The truck pulled up to the second checkpoint by the Kremlin Palace, where their papers were also in order. From there it was five hundred meters to the service entrance of the Council of Ministers Building.

"What are you delivering this time of day, Comrades?" the Red Army captain asked.

"Cleaning supplies. Come, I will show you." The driver got out and walked slowly around the back of the truck. "Must be nice, working here at night when things are so peaceful."

"True enough," the captain agreed. He'd go off duty in another ninety minutes.

"Here." The driver pulled back the canvas cover. There were twelve cans of industrial-strength solvent and a crate of hardware parts.

"German supplies?" The captain was surprised. He'd been on Kremlin duty for only two weeks.

"Da. The Krauts make very efficient cleaning machinery, and the vlasti make use of it. This is carpet-cleaning fluid. This is for lavatory walls. This one here is for windows. The crate - ah, I will open it." The lid came off easily since the nails had already been loosened. "As you can see, Comrade Captain, parts for some of the machines." He smirked. "Even German machines break."

"Open one of the cans," the captain ordered.

"Sure, but you won't like the smell. Which one do you want opened?" The driver picked up a small prybar.

"That one." The captain pointed to a can of bathroom cleaner.

The driver laughed. "The worst-smelling of all. Stand back, Comrade, we don't want to splash this slop on your clean uniform."

The captain was new enough on the job that he scrupulously did not step back. Good, the driver thought. He worked the prybar under the can's lid, twisted, and popped his free hand down on the end. The lid flew off, and the captain was splashed by some flying solvent.

"Shit!" It did smell bad.

"I warned you, Comrade Captain."

"What is this garbage?"

"It's used to clean mildew off bathroom tiles. It will come right out of the uniform, Comrade Captain. But be sure you have it dry-cleaned soon. An acid solution, you see, it could damage the wool."

The captain wanted to be mad, but the man had warned him, hadn't he? Next time I'll know better, he thought. "Very well, take it in."

"Thank you. I am sorry about the uniform. Don't forget to have it cleaned."

Tom Clancy


Dr. Archer saw the humor of that. "Yes, John, we are. So, Vaccine-B is readyT-"

He nodded. "Yes, I had my injection a few hours ago. Ready for yours?"

"And -A?"

"In the freezer, ready for mass production as soon as people need it. We'll be able to turn it out in thousand-liter lots per week when we have to. Enough to cover the planet," he told her. "Steve Berg and I worked that out yesterday."

"Can anybody else-"

"No way. Not even Merck can move that fast - and even if they did, they'd have to use our formula, wouldn't they?"

That was the ultimate hook. If the plan to spread Shiva around the globe didn't work as well as hoped, then the entire world would be given Vaccine-A, which Antigen Laboratories, a division of The Horizon Corp., just happened to be working on as part of its corporate effort to help the Third World, where all the hemorrhagic fevers lived. A fortunate accident, albeit one already known in the medical literature. Both John Killgore and Steve Berg had published papers on these diseases, which had been made quite high-profile by the big scare America and the world had gone through not so long before. So, the medical world knew that Horizon/Antigen was working in this area, and wouldn't be surprised to learn that there was a vaccine in the works. They'd even test the vaccines in laboratories and find that, sure enough, the liquid had all manner of antibodies. But they'd be the wrong antibodies, and the live-virus vaccine would be a death sentence to anyone who had it enter his system. The time from injection to onset of frank symptoms was programmed at four to six weeks, and, again, the only survivors would be those lucky souls from the deepest end of the gene pool. One hundred such people out of a million would survive. Maybe less. Ebola-Shiva was one nasty little bastard of a bug, three years in the making, and how odd Killgore thought, that it had been that easy to construct. Well, that was science for you. Gene manipulation was a new field, and those things were unpredictable. The sad part, maybe, was that the same people in the same lab were charging along a new and unexpected path - human longevity and reportedly making real progress. Well, so much the better. An extended life to appreciate the new world that Shiva would bring about.

And the breakthroughs wouldn't stop. Many on the select list to receive Vaccine-B were scientists. Some of them wouldn't like the news, when they were told, but they'd have little choice, and being scientists, they'd soon get back to their work.

Not everyone in the Project approved. Some of the radical ones actually said that bringing physicians along was contrary to the nature of the mission-because medicine didn't allow nature to take her course. Sure, Killgore snorted to himself. Fine, they'd let those idiots have their babies in farm fields after a morning's plowing or hunter gathering, and soon enough those ideologues would breed themselves out. He planned to study and enjoy nature, but he'd do so wearing shoes and a jacket to keep the chill out. He planned to remain an educated man, not revert to the naked ape. His mind wandered… There'd be a division of labor, of course. Farmers to grow the food and tend the cattle they'd eat - or hunters to shoot the buffalo, whose meat was healthier, lower in cholesterol. The buffalo should come back pretty fast, he thought. Wheat would continue to grow wild in the Great Plains, and they'd grow fat and healthy, especially since their predators had been so ruthlessly hunted down that they'd be slower to catch up. Domestic cattle would thrive also, but they'd ultimately be edged out by the buffalo, a much hardier breed better suited to free life. Killgore wanted to see that, see the vast herds that had once covered the West. He wanted to see Africa, too.

That meant that the Project needed airplanes and pilots. Horizon already had its own collection of G-V business jets, capable of spanning most of the world, and so they'd also need small teams of people to manage and maintain a few airports-Zambia, for instance. He wanted to see Africa wild and free. That would take perhaps ten years to come about, Killgore estimated, and it wasn't all that big a deal. AIDS was killing off that continent at a nasty pace, and Shiva would only make it go faster, and so the Dark Continent would again be free of man, and he'd be able to go there and observe nature in all her glory… and maybe shoot a lion to make a rug for his home in Kansas? Some of the people in the Project would raise pure fucking hell over that, but what was one lion more or less? The Project would be saving hundreds of thousands of them, perhaps millions, free to roam and hunt in their prides. What a beautiful New World it would be, once you eliminated the parasitic species that was working so hard to destroy it.


Memorable quotes for


Malcolm Crowe: Wanna play a game? It's a mind-reading game. Here's how it works. I read your mind. If what I say is right, you take one step towards the chair. If what I say is wrong, you take one step back... towards the doorway. If you reach the chair, you sit down. If you reach the door, you can go. Wanna play?

[Cole nods]

Malcolm Crowe: O.K... When your mother and father were first divorced, your mom went to see a doctor like me, and he didn't help her. So you think I'm not going to be able to help you.

[Cole takes a step forward]

Malcolm Crowe: You're worried that she said she told him things - things she couldn't tell anyone else... Secrets.

[Cole takes another step forwards]

Malcolm Crowe: You have a secret, but you don't want to tell me.

[Cole takes another step forwards]

Malcolm Crowe: [looking at Coles watch] Your dad gave you that watch as a present just before he went away.

[Cole takes a step back]

Cole Sear: He forgot it in a drawer. Doesn't work.

Malcolm Crowe: You keep pretty quiet in school, but... you're a good student, you've never really been in any serious trouble.

[Cole takes another step back]

Cole Sear: We were supposed to draw a picture. Anything we wanted. I drew a man. He got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver.

Malcolm Crowe: You saw that on TV, Cole?

[Cole steps back again]

Cole Sear: Everyone got upset. They had a meeting. Mom started crying. I don't draw like that anymore.

Malcolm Crowe: How do you draw now?

Cole Sear: I draw... people smiling, dogs running, rainbows. They don't have meetings about rainbows.

Malcolm Crowe: No. I guess they don't.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 08:23 AM Pacific Time USA Monday 25 June 2012