I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, April 06, 2013
I looked back through the episode list and I determined that "Awakening" was the last episode of "Stargate: Universe" I watched when it premiered as a new broadcast on television.
Today I decided to watch the episode that immediately followed that last episode I watched.
The "Awakening" episode premiered 12 October 2010 and then that episode was followed on 19 October 2010 by "Pathogen."
I decided to watch today for the first time the "Pathogen" episode which I have the DVD for.
Mostly what I am thinking again about today is how "Dr. Rush" secretly gained control of the bridge of that spaceship they are traveling on and that they are stuck on because they don't have enough power to dial the "Stargate" back to "Earth," their home planet in that fiction.
Lately I have been thinking I am a shape-shifter. My mind can shift into any shape I want and that reorganization of the physical structure of my brain causes memories to seem real. I recently imagined a past conversation where I had explained how my new-found awareness of shape-shifting capabilities had wreaked havoc on my sense of identity. So eventually I thought about how I was not even aware until almost 24 years old that I was a shape-shifter. And from there I established my true sense of self, my sense of identity as though I had never learned I was a shape-shifter.
Finally I am thinking about how to manipulate the observations I make on a daily basis to tell me about my own personal future and I have given that some thought lately.
I started thinking recently with a greater sense of certainty that the sources of information I track have details about my personal future.
Those of you paying attention remember how I have established in my writings that I believe my writings are information I will transfer to the future of this present day when I time-travel to the past on my first excursion to the past. My first arrival date will be 03 March 2003 and that is when I give to my sister-in-law my journal. She is now using that information from the future to influence decisions she makes with her resources.
So that tells me........nothing. Absolutely nothing. See, I have no idea about their objectives. Hell, I probably gave them the idea by writing about it here and transferring it to the future. There must be a point to all this.
And they can see what I am doing every day and what I am planning to do and so they are telling me nothing about the future.
Or are they?
If I record the future of this present day into this journal then they will have that information already. They know already what information I will post here tomorrow on this blog. I have absolutely no idea what information I will post tomorrow on this blog or any day beyond this day. All I know is this blog posting I am working on now. I am not planning on making any posts beyond this post.
And see, I started looking closer at details associated with stuff I had been looking at on the internet and that I have not written about here. I have not mentioned a single detail about what I have been looking at. And I see a familiar pattern forming. AND AND AND that pattern is consistent with the sleeping dreams I have. It seems completely unpredictable to me and I feel rational enough to understand that I might simply be overlooking something and I feel with certainty there is no way anything I am doing could cause me to see the pattern I see and I believe that at some point in the future I document certain details and those details get time-traveled to the past and there are people out there right now who have information about the future. The kind of personal details I am not ever going to publish in this public blog. I don’t even throw my grocery receipts into the trash. I don’t throw utility bills into the trash. Whether I time-travel those details to the past is another story. I might just burn it.
So anyway I wonder about the future. I don't know what the hell I am doing. I am so damned tired of this.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/31/10 3:14 AM
Damn, my left shoulder has really started hurting the past hour or longer. It is something that is close to my shoulder, actually, but under the clavicle and the pain in on my back to, about where the shoulder blade would be. The pain is almost bad enough that I cannot really move my left arm, although it is not that bad. The feeling may be closer to a muscle spasm in the area of my left shoulder blade.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/31/10 1:58 PM
My left shoulder is still just as painful as it was when I noted it
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 31 October 2010 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 Posted by H.V.O.M at 1:25 PM
The Walking Dead (New)
697 AMCHD: Sunday, October 31 7:00 PM
Science fiction
Days Gone By
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 November 2010 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 1:25 PM Tuesday, November 02, 2010
"The second you don't respect this, it kills you."
I have not had any similar aches and pains as this problem with my shoulder, which still lingers slightly, in a long time. The funny part about this is that in the days leading up to this observation, over the span of several hours during two days, as best I recall, I was experiencing an extensive line of thought about Kerry Burgess having returned. The real Kerry Burgess and not me pretending and lying about being Kerry Burgess and lying because I do not have any alternative except to maintain this identity and who can prove anyway that I am not Kerry Burgess?
The extensive line of thought was that Kerry Burgess suddenly appeared in my living room and he was almost in a state of shock because, for him, the Stargazer aircraft had just made contact with the ground after spiraling down to the Earth from forty thousand feet above and then being vaporized by the sudden impact. I walked over to him and explained that he was all right and he called me "Tom" but he wasn't sure because I look a lot different now and I explained that I am not Tom and that I am supposed to be him, Kerry Burgess, and I have the memory of Kerry Burgess, until 1990, but I have specific knowledge of Tom Reagan, and so I am neither. I am someone completely different. We discussed how I am one of the undercover identities that was created for Kerry Burgess and that he helped design.
The real Kerry then wanted to know where Tom was and I explained that I think Tom does not exist right now, similar to how you did not exist in this world until a few minutes ago and that this is the year 2010 and you have not existed in this world since the year 1994. I also explained that Tom Reagan emerged from the 27 June 1994 crash almost immediately after the crash but then Tom died again in 1998. Instead of the real Tom Reagan emerging again in 1998, this person I am now emerged and I went to work in this identity.
I was also thinking about where Tom Reagan went in 1998 and he did emerge but he is very far away and has been there by himself all this time and he is on his way back. Unlike the real Kerry Burgess that emerged after 16 years, Tom Reagan has aged naturally and he looks normal as he would have for someone who has aged 16 years. Kerry Burgess emerged at the same age as he was in 1994.
So the funny part is that, during all that thinking, sometime, I am pretty certain was on 30 October 2010, Kerry Burgess was standing in my living room and he wanted to know why I had the matches laid out on my keyboard.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 November 2010 excerpt ends]
Stargate Universe Season 2 Episode 4
When Eli and Rush realize Chloe is acting strangely, they investigate and determine that a pathogen placed by her alien captors allows them to control her... and learn the secrets of Destiny.
AIRED: 10/19/10
SGU 2.04 "Pathogen" Transcript
[Looking at his PDA, Eli is walking by and notices Chloe standing at a console.]
Hey, what are you doing in here?
[Chloe looks up at him as if confused.]
Are you okay?
I don't know how I got there. The last thing I remember, I was lying down for a nap.
Sleepwalking? I used to do it all the time as a kid. My dad had to put an alarm on the front door to make—
[Chloe is not paying attention. Suddenly she gets up and rushes out.]
I'll see you later.
[Eli is talking to Scott.]
Seriously. And it's not just this one thing. She-she's been acting a little odd for a while now. You know what I'm talking about, right? It's not just me noticing—
No, no, no, right. She's been acting different. She's quiet and withdrawn.
You should talk to her about it.
I did. I mean, I tried, yesterday.
And nothing. She wasn't in the mood. She was too busy writing in her diary.
She keeps a diary?
Oh, it's kind of a therapy for her. There's all the stress of being on the ship.
Oh! What about that gun-shot wound on her leg!
[He realizes he's speaking loudly and looks around.]
(more quietly)
No one heals that fast. How do you explain that?
I can't.
[Young enters and approaches.]
Eli. You need to use the stones. Your mother is sick.
What? I-is she…
I don't know the details, just that they want you to go back soon.
[Eli rushes off. Scott and Young exchange a look, then Young follows Eli out.]
[Rush has both hands on various knobs and switches on a panel.]
You need to sleep, Nick.
[He rubs his face and twitches.]
Yes, yes.
[He flips three adjacent switches.]
[Destiny drops out of FTL.]
[The countdown clock has started. Franklin appears.]
Manipulating the countdown clock is, uh, complicated, to say the least… So many variables tied into it.
Well, that's the problem, isn't it. A myriad of systems, each as complicated as the next.
Made worse by one man trying to do the work of an entire crew.
Well, for now, I just need to control the countdown clock. And if you are indeed the ship, why aren't you helping me?
SGU 2.04 "Pathogen" Transcript
[Rush takes Chloe to a remote, long corridor in which the dark walls are covered with equations written in white chalk. There are bits of paper taped to the walls as well.]
What is this?
A place for study. Problems to solve.
[He closes the hatch behind them.]
Does any of this look familiar to you? Take your time. Look closely.
[Chloe approaches a section of the wall with equations involving trigonometry and integral calculus. Rush hands her a piece of chalk. She immediately adds a new equation to the wall. She gives the chalk back to Rush, who looks at her in amazement.]
SGU 2.04 "Pathogen" Transcript
[The countdown clock starts.]
(seeing the clock)
[Brody and Park are working.]
Again with this? No gates.
Altered course.
Bet you a day's rations he doesn't answer.
[Brody sighs heavily but picks up his radio.]
(into radio)
Doctor Rush, this is Brody, come in? Doctor Rush, please respond.
(to Park)
You owe me.
I never agreed to that!
[Young has joined Park and Brody.]
I don't think it's because of pulsar damage. There would be a pattern to the jump intervals, however frequent they are.
There's also the changes in the ship's course once we drop out of FTL.
It also seems too coincidental that every time this happens, we can't seem to get a hold of Rush.
He's doing this. How?
Outside of cracking the master code, I don't know.
Figure it out.
SGU 2.04 "Pathogen" Transcript
Why is your radio off?
Sorry, I was in my quarters, sleeping.
Wrong. You didn't answer my call. I sent Cpl. Barnes to your quarters. Where were you?
(ignoring him)
Okay, so, uh, so what's happening? What's wrong?
Just trying to figure out what's going on with Destiny.
(to Rush)
Where the hell were you?
[Rush shows Park, Brody, and Young inside.]
What's this?
I come here to think.
And write on the walls?
Working on problems that have confused us since we set foot on this ship, Mr. Brody.
(pointing at equation Chloe added)
This one has been particularly frustrating. And yet Chloe — she solved it in a minute flat. Whatever alien influence she's under, it's studying this ship.
So you think she's hijacked the ship's systems during one of her blackouts?
Something she could have set in motion days, perhaps even weeks, ago.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:27 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Saturday 06 April 2013