I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Run towards the light, Toby.
That was actually Maple Valley that caused me to look at the Renton library. I was scrolling the map to look at that T-junction with the "No Shooting" sign, as I have been wondering for a couple days where that location I saw in my sleeping dream on the 12th might be associated to, and as I was scrolling the map I noted Maple Valley and then I stopped to think about that and then I noted Cedar River and then I followed it back towards Renton and then suddenly I noted the Renton library. I am familiar with all those places but they are details I do not give any conscious thought to on any kind of regular basis. I've probably traveled to downtown Renton one time in the past year. I'm not really even certain if I rode my bicycle at any time on that road with the "No Shooting" sign. I think it looks familiar and I have examined it several times in recent years for various but I am not certain if it seems familiar now because I rode my bicycle through there back about the year 2000 or if it look familiar now only because I am familiar with seeing it on Google Streetview combined with the sense in recent years that it seemed familiar when I first looked at it on Google Streetview, which has the consistent notion about riding my bicycle through there. Wait, that might have been a triathlon I went through there on. That would have been 2003. Still not really certain. That doesn't seem to be it after looking it up. I might be confusing it with Redmond-Fall City Road which I now feel certain I rode my bicycle through that time long ago.
I had to look at it for a while before I understood the guy standing there at the stop sign was selling strawberries. I had just been thinking a few days ago about strawberries. As a result of candy bars I saw on the internet I started thinking about something associated with strawberries.
I must have been buried under strawberries in that recent sleeping dream. But that's just a thought that occurs to me much after the fact.
What seems very real though is that I seem to be seeing the reflection from a mirror. A different kind of mirror. A mirror image of the thoughts in my mind about 12 hours later in the day. I seem to have prescient thoughts about the thoughts that will be in my mind later in the day as though some strange kind of mirror is reflecting those thoughts back to my mind and I am probably today the mental equivalent of, as I search for an analogy, I remember a few months ago when I noted watching the 1984 film "The Bounty" and how marveled the islanders were by mirrors. Ha. Strawberries and mirrors. I wasn't even trying to make that connection when I started off writing this section of text.
I wrote the preceding text during and before the 7 PM hour and it got even stranger early into the 8 PM hour.
File:Nishiwaki Lane.jpg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Description Street sign in Cedar River Park in Renton, WA commemorating its sister city Nishiwaki.
Nishiwaki, Hyogo
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nishiwaki is a city located in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
The city calls itself "The Navel of Japan (Nihon no Heso)." Located at the crossing of the 135° East meridian and the 35° North parallel, the city's Nihon no Heso Park marks the center of the nation.
The city was founded on April 1, 1952 and is the sister city of Renton, Washington, U.S.A.
35°N 135°E
Japan : Kinki
3.6 km (2.2 miles) WSW of Nakahatacho, Nishiwaki-shi, Hyogo-ken, Kinki, Japan
26-Nov-2005 -- As first visitor explained, this is an symbolic confluence in Japan, so it is one of tourist attraction. There is a park called "Japanese Navel Park" and the museum named "Nishiwaki Earth Science Museum/Terra Dome".
The biggest confluence monument in Japan was built in April 1994. There is a marker stone at the centre of the monument and is exactly measured by the government.
2008 film "Jumper" DVD video:
David Rice: [ narrating ] I figured it was time to move on.
David Rice: Uh, I'd like a room.
Hotel manager: [ Microsoft Steve Ballmer look-alike in real-life portrayal of Microsoft Steve Ballmer soliciting an underage prostitute for illegal sexual activity ] You're not going to be any trouble, are you? No weird stuff?
David Rice: Nope. No weird stuff.
David Rice: [ narrating ] And so there I was. I had a million questions, like how does this thing work? How do I control it?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cedrus (common name Cedar) is a genus of coniferous trees in the plant family Pinaceae.
Cedrus is a tree up to 30–40 m (occasionally 60 m) tall with spicy-resinous scented wood
Cedars are very popular ornamental trees, widely used in horticulture in temperate climates where winter temperatures do not fall below about -25 °C. The Turkish Cedar is slightly hardier, to -30 °C or just below. Extensive mortality of planted specimens can occur in severe winters where temperatures do drop lower. Areas with successful long-term cultivation include the entire Mediterranean region, western Europe north to the British Isles, southern Australia and New Zealand, and southern and western North America.
Cedar wood and cedar oil are known to be a natural repellent to moths, hence cedar is a popular lining for modern-day cedar chests and closets in which woolens are stored. This specific use of cedar is mentioned in The Iliad (Book 24), referring to the cedar-roofed or lined storage chamber where Priam goes to fetch treasures to be used as ransom.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Resin in the most specific use of the term is a hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees. Resins are valued for their chemical properties and associated uses, such as the production of varnishes, adhesives and food glazing agents. They are also prized as an important source of raw materials for organic synthesis, and as constituents of incense and perfume. Plant resins have a very long history that was documented in ancient Greece by Theophrastus, in ancient Rome by Pliny the Elder, and especially in the resins known as frankincense and myrrh, prized in ancient Egypt. These were highly prized substances, and required as incense in some religious rites. Amber is a hard fossilized resin from ancient trees.
More broadly, the term "resin" also encompasses a great many synthetic substances of similar mechanical properties (thick liquids that harden into transparent solids), as well as shellacs of insects of the superfamily Coccoidea.
Other liquid compounds found in plants or exuded by plants, such as sap, latex, or mucilage, are sometimes confused with resin, but are not chemically the same. Saps, in particular, serve a nutritive function that resins do not. There is no consensus on why plants secrete resins. However, resins consist primarily of secondary metabolites or compounds that apparently play no role in the primary physiology of a plant. While some scientists view resins only as waste products, their protective benefits to the plant are widely documented. The toxic resinous compounds may confound a wide range of herbivores, insects, and pathogens; while the volatile phenolic compounds may attract benefactors such as parasitoids or predators of the herbivores that attack the plant.
"Space: Above And Beyond"
"Dear Earth"
March 3, 1996
Episode 17 DVD:
1LT Shane Vansen: I'm number 154? I can't wait that long. My call's a personal emergency.
Ensign Boasberg: Personal? Really? Anyone else got a personal emergency?
Crowd: Yeah.
1LT Shane Vansen: My sister's baby is due any day now. The disk she sent me is three months late. She could've had the kid by now.
Ensign Boasberg: My advice - send a teddy bear and a fruit basket, then get at the end of the line. By the time you get to use the phone, the kid'll have pimples and be wearing dumb clothes.
1LT Shane Vansen: How much for your spot, Ensign... Boasberg?
Ensign Boasberg: Ain't cheap.
1LT Shane Vansen: Name it.
Ensign Boasberg: Anything?
1LT Shane Vansen: Anything.
Ensign Boasberg: Strawberries. A bowl of strawberries in heavy cream. Rich, thick, heavy cream.
1LT Shane Vansen: You want fruit?
Ensign Boasberg: I don't know what kind of groceries the Wild Cards chow down on but they serve us Navy personnel freeze-dried, preserved, dehydrated powdered mystery meat with the shelf life of a light-year. So, yeah, I want fruit.
The Bounty (1984)
[last lines]
Admiral Hood: This court finds that the seizure of His Majesty's Armed Vessel Bounty was an act of mutiny by Fletcher Christian and others of her crew, and that her captain Lieutenant William Bligh is, in the opinion of this court, to be exonerated of all blame on this occasion. Indeed in the matter of his command of the Bounty's open launch we commend Lieutenant Bligh for his courage and exemplary seamanship. Will you please come forward, Lieutenant?
[hands Bligh his saber]
Bligh: [Bligh sheathes his saber] My lord, thank you.
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
-How was the convention?
They wept with envy
when I read my paper.
Come back here!
What's the matter,
Mrs. Grimaldi?
It's nothing. He just don't
want to go to school.
1956 film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" DVD video:
Dr. Miles J. Bennell: Hey! Hey! Hey, take it easy. Why isn't this Jimmy Grimaldi?
Grandma Grimaldi: Yes, doctor. Can I talk to you a moment?
Dr. Miles J. Bennell: Sure. [ to Jimmy: ] You know I almost ran you down this morning? You got to be careful when you run out in the street.
Jimmy Grimaldi [ sobbing, indistinct ] You ran me down.
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
It's nothing. He just don't
want to go to school.
If I were you, I'd have
a talk with his teacher.
I will when I get time.
What's the matter?
Has Joe been sick?
We gave the stand up.
-Too much work.
The boy's
panic should have told me...
it was more than school
he was afraid of...
and that littered,
closed-up vegetable stand...
should have
told me something, too.
When I last saw it,
less than a month ago...
it was the cleanest
and busiest stand on the road.
That's strange.
She was in to see you, too--
last Friday.
I tried to get her to see
Doc Pursey, but she wouldn't.
She said only you
could help her.
Whatever it was...
it couldn't have been
too serious, I guess.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
Dr. Dan 'Danny' Kauffman: Love, desire, ambition, faith - without them, life's so simple, believe me.
Dr. Miles J. Bennell: I don't want any part of it.
Dr. Dan 'Danny' Kauffman: You're forgetting something, Miles.
Dr. Miles J. Bennell: What's that?
Dr. Dan 'Danny' Kauffman: You have no choice.
Friends of the Cedar River Watershed
Cedar River Salmon Journey
Salmon are the vehicle through which we tell the story of clean water and healthy habitat.
Renton Library
At the Renton Library, stand directly above the salmon, and see many human changes to the Cedar River.
SGU 2.13 "Alliances"
Master Sergeant, wait!
I'm off duty, right?
Then I don't have to talk to you.
You know, if you go into this assuming it's a waste of time, it probably will be.
Do you have any idea what's going on here?
We've known about the Lucian Alliance threat for a long time.
Then too bad we didn't do anything about it.
I did do something about it. Those prisoners gave us valuable intelligence.
Maybe they were just feeding us a line, while we gave them food and shelter, and put our own people at risk!
You don't know what—
[An alarm goes off in the building. People start running around them.]
What's happening?
That's incoming.
SGU 2.13 "Alliances"
(into radio)
Looks like our nearest way out is blocked. How's it coming with that bomb disposal unit?
(into radio)
So far, not so good. There's a lot of debris; they can't dig through it. We've got heavier equipment on the way, but by the time they get here… I don't know.
(into radio)
What kind of bomb are we talking about?
(into radio)
Intelligence suggests it's a weapons-grade naquadria device with a probable yield of fifty to seventy megatons.
SGU 2.13 "Alliances"
Greer. Greer, can you just this once, not pretend to be invincible?
Can you just this once stop talking?
What is your problem?
You really want to know?
Yeah, I really want to know.
We're really going to do this now?
My problem is people like you. People who talk and talk, and meanwhile, nothing gets done!
No. No, that's not it.
So now you're going to tell me something about me?
I know you.
You know a file and a desk! You don't know anything.
You're afraid of me.
You hear something?
[Greer/Covel digs vaguely in the debris while the argument continues.]
You're afraid of what I do because I help people with their problems. But I can't do it unless they admit they have problems in the first place, and that's just somewhere you won't go.
You need to just think you make a difference, instead of just taking up space!
Shut up for a minute!
You're afraid that if you look inside yourself for even one second, you might find out that you're not invincible. That you're just as scared and vulnerable as the rest of us!
I said, shut up!
[They look at him silently. There is a clicking sound.]
I can hear something.
(looking down the corridor)
It's coming from over here. What is it?
It's the Geiger counter. The Tech who was sweeping the building…
[The rush to the sound, where they see the Tech's hand sticking out from the rubble.]
There he is. Hey! Can you hear us? We're going to get you out.
[She pulls on his arm and it comes free in her hand, not attached to a body.]
Oh god! Oh, oh.
[She cries out in dismay and falls back. Greer/Covel holds onto her as she starts retching.]
You're okay, you're okay. It's okay. Just breathe.
[The Airman reaches into the opening and pulls out the Geiger counter. It's sounding off nearly continuously.]
That doesn't sound good.
I don't know. I can't read this thing.
SGU 2.13 "Alliances"
[Rush is studying the problem with the stones.]
Well, it's interesting. This shouldn't be happening.
What do you mean?
The stones work in pairs. They're linked. In order for a connection to be shut off, the command has to be received at both ends.
We've seen radiation cut the signal out before.
Yes, but in this case, the transfer's still in place, which means the signal must be getting through.
The radiation must only be affecting command protocols, nothing else.
There may be a way to boost that specific portion of the signal and alter it in order to get it past the interference. I've done a fair amount of research in this technology. I can help.
[TJ arrives with Varro.]
Colonel, Varro would like to speak with you.
Tamara told me what happened. I realize I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now, but I think I can help.
I can tell you how to defuse that bomb.
[The two are crawling through the rubble.]
Oh, I see the hull of the ship. We're almost there.
[They reach the ship and go inside. A large device pulses.]
Is that it?
(using the Geiger counter)
Yeah. It's the source of the radiation.
[The top of the device is a window onto a glowing pink hologram.]
(into radio)
David, this is Camille. I think we found our bomb.
SGU 2.13 "Alliances"
Airman, what are you doing?
I'm not going to die in here. We're going to turn around and find another way out.
You're freaking out. I understand. But this isn't going to help.
Shoot him. Even if he kills me, you can still get to the bomb.
It's an act! If you give him the gun, he'll kill us both. He's Lucian Alliance.
[She grabs his hand enough to pull the letter opener away. Greer/Covel shoots him twice. He falls dead.]
You sure he was one of them?
There was something wrong about him from the start. And he knew I wasn't a scientist, but I never told him that. All he knew was my name.
Telford gave them files on all of us.
[She peels back his shirt to check his neck. There is a large tatto between his shoulder blades.]
Clan tattoo. He was probably the pilot.
Think there's any more like him around here?
I doubt it. I mean, my guess is that the plan was to land the ship cloaked, on the roof or somewhere nearby, and then just walk away.
Nice catch.
[Later they have moved further toward the comm lab. Wray/Michaels checks the Geiger counter.]
The radiation's spiking. I think we're getting close.
[Concrete slabs lie in the way.]
Can we make it through?
I don't know.
(peering with flashlight)
You know, I think we can make it through here. We'll have to crawl, though.
SGU 2.12 "Twin Destinies"
[Young and Rush enter the bridge, where Telford and Volker are waiting.]
What is it?
It was in orbit around the star. Destiny picked it up when it turned towards us, and then we got the radio broadcast.
From who?
I don't understand.
Neither do we.
(pointing to speaker above)
Wait for it.
Wait for what?
(over comms)
I repeat, this is Doctor Nicholas Rush calling the Destiny. I'm aboard the shuttle, headed your way. Please respond.
Well, isn't this an interesting turn of events.
What is this?
Well, I wouldn't know, Colonel. How about you tell me?
Well, it's not a recording, if that's what you're thinking.
(going to control station)
It's a subspace broadcast, and beyond the fact that it sounds exactly like Rush, I can tell that that's our shuttle. And it's on an intercept course.
(pointing at overhead monitor)
Even though according to this, the shuttle is still docked with Destiny.
(over comms)
Again, this is Doctor Rush. I need assistance with the docking procedure. I know you can hear me.
Have we responded yet?
No, not yet.
Well, best not to keep me waiting.
[Rush sits in the command chair and operates the comms.]
(into comms)
Hello. This is also Doctor Nicholas Rush. How can we be of assistance?
(over comms)
Tell them not to try and dial Earth. It won't work. If they go through with it, they're all going to die.
(into comms)
This is Colonel Young. Doctor Rush is sitting right next to me.
[Alternate Rush, burnt and dirty, is flying the shuttle.]
(into comms)
Well, yes, obviously. We've just spoken. The only reasonable explanation is that, somehow, I've come back through time.
Reasonable explanation.
(over comms)
I couldn't be sure until I'd seen you dropping out of FTL.
(into comms)
Which happened roughly twelve hours ago in my timeline.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
After Stu had gone over to Larry’s, Frannie rushed upstairs to the bedroom. In the corner of the closet was the sleeping bag she had carried across the country strapped to the back of her motorcycle. She had kept her personal belongings in a small zipper bag. Most of these belongings were now distributed through the apartment she and Stu shared, but a few still hadn’t found a home and rested at the foot of the sleeping bag. There were several bottles of cleansing cream—she had suffered a sudden rash of skin outbreaks after the deaths of her mother and father, but that had now subsided—a box of Stayfree Mini Pads in case she started spotting (she had heard that pregnant women sometimes did), two boxes of cheap cigars, one marked IT’S A BOY! and the other marked IT’S A GIRL! The last item was her diary.
She drew it out and looked at it speculatively. She had entered in it only eight or nine times since their arrival in Boulder, and most of the entries had been short, almost elliptical. The great outpouring had come and gone while they were still on the road… like afterbirth, she thought a little ruefully. She hadn’t entered at all in the last four days, and suspected that the diary might eventually have slipped her mind altogether, although she had firmly intended to keep it more fully when things settled down a little. For the baby. Now, however, it was very much on her mind once more.
The way people get when they convert to religion… or read something that changes their lives… like intercepted love letters…
Suddenly it seemed to her that the book had gained weight, and that the very act of turning back the pasteboard cover would cause sweat to pop out on her brow and… and…
She suddenly looked back over her shoulder, her heart beating wildly. Had something moved in here?
A mouse, scuttering behind the wall, maybe. Surely no more than that. More likely just her imagination. There was no reason, no reason at all, for her to suddenly be thinking of the man in the black robe, the man with the coathanger. Her baby was alive and safe and this was just a book and anyhow there was no way to tell if a book had been read, and even if there was a way, there would be no way to tell if the person who had read it had been Harold Lauder.
Still, she opened the book and began to turn slowly through its pages, getting shutterclicks of the recent past like black-and-white photographs taken by an amateur. Home movie of the mind.
Tonight we were admiring them and Harold was going on about color & texture & tone and Stu gave me a very sober wink. Evil me, I winked back…
Harold will object on general principles, of course. Damn you, Harold, grow up!
… and I could see him getting ready with one of his Patented Harold Lauder Smartass Comments…
(my God, Fran, why did you ever say all those things about him? to what purpose?)
Well, you know Harold… his swagger… all those pompous words & pronouncements… an insecure little boy…
That was July 12. Wincing, she turned past it rapidly, fluttering through the pages now, in a hurry to get to the end. Phrases still leaped up, seeming to slap at her: Anyway, Harold smelled pretty clean for a change… Harold’s breath would have driven away a dragon tonight… And another, seeming almost prophetic: He stores up rebuffs like pirate treasure. But to what purpose? To feed his own feelings of secret superiority and persecution? Or was it a matter of retribution?
Oh, he’s making a list… and checking it twice… he’s gonna find out… who’s naughty and nice…
Then, on August 1, only two weeks ago. The entry started at the bottom of a page. No entry last night, I was too happy. Have I ever been this happy? I don’t think so. Stu and I are together. We
End of the page. She turned to the next one. The first words at the top of the page were made love twice. But they barely caught her eye before her glance dropped halfway down the page. There, beside some blathering about the maternal instinct, was something that caught her eyes and froze her almost solid.
It was a dark, smeary thumbprint.
She thought wildly: I was riding on a motorcycle all day long, every day. Sure, I took care to clean up every chance I got, but your hands get dirty and…
She put out her hand, not at all surprised to see that it was shaking badly. She put her thumb on the smudge. The smudge was a lot bigger.
Well, of course it is, she told herself. When you smear something around, it naturally gets bigger. That’s why, that’s all that is…
But this thumbprint wasn’t that smeared. The little lines and loops and whorls were still clear, for the most part.
And it wasn’t grease or oil, there was no use even kidding herself that it was.
It was dried chocolate.
Paydays, Fran thought sickly. Chocolate-covered Payday candy bars.
For a moment she was afraid to do so much as turn around—afraid that she might see Harold’s grin hanging over her shoulder like the grin of the Cheshire cat in Alice. Harold’s thick lips moving as he said solemnly: Every dog has his day, Frannie. Every dog has his day.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 9:01 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Sunday 14 April 2013