Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saratoga was the only ship that looked intact, but on second glance her radar mast was askew.


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 227

Chapter 20

The Dance of the Vampires

USS Nimitz

Toland had been a busy fellow for the past twelve hours. The data on Iceland came in slowly, one confusing piece at a time, and even now he didn't have enough to call a clear picture. The group's orders had been changed, though only after too many hours of indecision. The mission to reinforce Iceland was a washout. For the past ten hours the battle group had been heading due east toward friendly air cover from England and France. Someone had decided that if the Marines could not go to Iceland, then they might find useful employment in Germany. Bob had expected them to be diverted to Norway, where a Marine Amphibious Brigade was already in place, but getting them there could prove difficult. A furious air battle had been raging over northern Norway for almost twenty hours, with losses heavy on both sides. The Norwegians had started the war with scarcely a hundred modern fighters. They were screaming for help, but there was no help for anyone as yet.

"They're not just chewing the Norwegians up," Toland observed. "They're driving them south. Most of the attacks are on the northern bases, and they're not giving them any breather at all."


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 238


The message was automatically relayed to four separate communication stations, and within thirty seconds was at SACLANT headquarters. Five minutes after that, Toland had the yellow message form in his hand. He walked immediately to Admiral Baker, and handed the message over: 0418Z REALTIME SENDS WARNING AIR RAID TAKE OFF 0400 HEADING WEST FROM KOLA ESTIMATE FIVE REGIMENT PLUS.

Baker checked his watch. "Fast work. CAG?"

The air group commander looked at the form and walked to a phone. "Shoot off the plus-fives, recall the patrol aircraft when they get to station, and set up two more Tomcats and a Hummer on plus-five. I want the returning aircraft turned around immediately. Reserve one catapult for tankers." He came back. "With your permission, sir, I propose to put another pair of F-14s and another Hummer up in an hour, and put all the fighters on plus-five. At 0600, the rest of the fighters go up, with tankers in support. We'll meet them with everything we have about two hundred miles out and kick their ass."


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 247

The Badger pilots were a little too relaxed, now that the most dangerous part of their mission was behind them. They didn't spot the four American fighters until they were less than a mile away


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 250


"New radar contact. Designate Raid-2 -"

"What?" snapped Baker. Next came the call from the fighters.

"Clipper Base, this is Slugger Lead. I have a visual on my target." The squadron commander was trying to examine the target on his long-range TV camera. When he spoke, the anguish in his voice was manifest. "Warning, warning, this is not a Badger. We've been shooting at Kelt missiles!"

"Raid-2 is seventy-three aircraft, bearing two-one-seven, range one-three-zero miles. We have Big Bulge radar tracking the formation," said the CIC talker.


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 248

The Kelts had flown on, oblivious to the furor around them. Their radar transponders made them look like hundred-ten-foot Badgers. Their own white-noise jammers came on, somewhat obscuring them yet again on the radar scopes, and autopilot controls began to jerk them up, down, left, right, in hundred-meter leaps as an aircraft might do when trying to avoid a missile. The Kelts had been real missiles once, but on retirement from front-line service six years earlier, their warheads had been replaced with additional fuel tankage, and they had been relegated to a role as target drones, a purpose they were serving admirably now.

"Tallyho!" The first squadron of twelve Tomcats was now a hundred fifty miles away. The Kelts showed up perfectly on radar, and the intercept officers in the back seat of each fighter quickly established target tracks. The Kelts were approaching what would have been nominal missile-launch distance - if they were the bombers everyone thought they were.

The Tomcats launched a volley of million-dollar AIM-54 Phoenix missiles at a range of a hundred forty miles. The missiles blazed in on their targets at Mach-5, directed by the fighters' targeting radars. In under a minute the forty-eight missiles had killed thirty-nine targets. The first squadron broke clear as the second came into launch position.


"Admiral, something is wrong here," Toland said quietly.

Falling Skies

Season 1, Episode 3

Prisoner of War

Air Date

Sunday June 26, 2011

Karen is dragged away by harnessed children at the hospital and Hal is left behind. He witnessed a group of harnessed children get executed by a firing squad. He's allowed to go back to his father as a messenger, delivering the message to the resistance group that their actions have consequences.

At camp, Dr. Harris is able to remove the needles that hold the harness to the body. Rick is given drugs in order to counteract the drugs that the Aliens have been transmitting through the harness. The removal went well but Rick is not awake yet. Tom speaks with Dr. Harris and blames him for his wife's death. Dr. Harris had abandoned his wife, Rebecca, and the food when the attacks started that morning. Dr. Harris thinks that because they are the last remaining humans on the planet, the group of individuals left with the resistance are the best that man kind has to offer. Tom does not agree but he believes they owe it to everyone else to try their best.

Back in another room, the prisoner of war opens his eyes and Rick wakes up from surgery.

Falling Skies

Season 1, Episode 4


Air Date

Sunday July 3, 2011

The captive Skitter wakes Ricky and Ricky places the harness back onto his spine. He then tries to free the alien but is caught by Mike and the others. The Skitter begins to communicate through Ricky, asking them to free it and then later, asking them to kill it.


Norway horror: 80 die in camp shooting, 7 in blast

Jul 22, 11:51 PM (ET)


OSLO, Norway (AP) - A Norwegian who dressed as a police officer to gun down summer campers killed at least 80 people at an island retreat, horrified police said early Saturday. It took investigators several hours to begin the realize the full scope of Friday's massacre, which followed an explosion in nearby Oslo that killed seven