Thursday, July 28, 2011


At the risk of giving away too many personally identifying details, I cannot help but make this following observation. During the 10 AM hour this morning here in Pacific time in Washington State, I was at the grocery store. I had the thought to pick up a bag of Lifesavers candy. I rarely if ever purchase candy but I was thinking about it as I walked to the grocery store and I had thought before, as I was then, about that scene from the 2002 film "Windtalkers." I had no specific reason for purchasing that item in relation to that film "Windtalkers" but I did think about it a great deal among the thousands of details that circulate around in my conscious mind during the day. I would not even note that detail about that Lifesavers candy here in my web log except for one other detail. Somehow, the total bill for the groceries I took to the self-checkout line totaled *precisely* $33.59. That was after tax. I thought about that, especially in the context of observations I have made lately in my web log in the internet, as I left the store and walked back to my apartment and I wondered, as I always wonder about the suspicious behavior of people in that grocery store, if someone in the back office had automatically adjusted the prices on my items so that such a total would be reached. Perhaps. But that becomes less likely the more I think about it. I wasn't consciously calculating a running total of the items I was selecting as I already had decided in my mind before I went in there as to what I would buy. Looking at the receipt, the prices are consistent with what I remember from the shelves where I got the items. I wondered why did that happen today. That happened today and that first time in years and decades since I bought Lifesavers candy.

Of course, according to my time traveler communication theory then that had to happen. I write about it here now in my journal and then it has to happen. Okay, so since everything I record in my journal has to happen then just ten minutes after I post this note, I will get an email telling me where that house is that still belongs to me, which is in this local area, and that I can go there at that very moment if I want to. Since I am now writing this in my journal then that has to happen because that is what I strongly want to happen. A universe time paradox of galactic scale will happen if I do not get that email ten minutes later.


We've got some new radiomen
from headquarters.
Private Whitehorse...
and Yahzee...
and a couple of sergeants...
Enders and Henderson...
who, if I'm understanding
these orders correctly...
will be covering our Navajos' asses.
God damn you, Joe Enders.
...but I'm telling you...
we're going to be stepping into
our share of the shit, nonetheless.
Any questions?
Sounds like you're dying.
These might help get rid of the taste.
Charlie and I both lost it
on the boat ride from San Diego.
Not many bodies of water in Arizona.
Life Savers really helped.
You want a Life Saver?
What are you doing here?
Just trying to help.
Not what I meant.
You mean, what am I doing in this uniform?
It's my war, too, Sergeant.
I'm fighting for my country,
for my land, for my people.
It's not your people I'm worried about.
Listen, Enders, I'm a codetalker.
It takes me two and a half minutes
to do what used to take an hour.
Somebody wearing a lot more stripes
than you thinks that's worth something.
Remind me to time you when you've got
bullets flying over your head.
What the hell is wrong with you?