I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, November 02, 2015
The Last Crusade
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 8:15 PM Monday, March 14, 2011
I walked into the kitchen a few minutes ago and I noted a piece of paper on the counter where I had written down a series of numbers that I had seen in a dream a few hours ago and then forgot about until I just now saw the numbers I had written down and that made me remember the dream.
I would have ignored it but one compelling detail in the dream is that I was wearing a khaki colored business suit as I was walking around in that building, as I will describe.
The dream was mostly, it seems, about me trying to find my way to my new office where I was starting a new job and I was lost and could [ not ] find my way through a building, which I thought after waking up from the dream, reminded me of one of those mid- to high-rise buildings in downtown Charlotte North Carolina where I do have artificial memories of working but in the dream that does not seem to be the same place.
I have forgotten a lot of details that leaves me feeling annoyed because I wanted to includes those details in this narrative but I cannot recall some of those details although are probably not crucial to the dream but that clarifies the scenes I saw in the dream.
At some point, I was sitting on what I think was the groundfloor area of that building, an atrium perhaps I think just now as writing this sentence, or some kind of shopping mall type of area, on the groundfloor of that building, and there seemed to be three women there and we were having a conversation and then the group broke up and I was walking back to the elevator with one of the women and we got in the elevator and she said something to me I don't remember and I think she was going to the sixth floor and I think I then realized I should have pressed the button for the fifth floor and I did but I think that was the first point in the dream where I had no idea where I was going. I had been given instruction earlier in the dream, I think, but which is one of those details I am not clear on and probably was not clear about after I woke, on where my new office was located. I started going around to different floors and I was just walking around and I had no idea where I was going. At some other point, either before or after this scene, the same thing happened to me in the multi-story parking garage for the building and I had no idea where my car was located and I was just walking around looking for it.
So at some point, I walked by a desk off in a corner of one of the floors, that seemed to be a mezzanine perhaps on the lower floors, and that was sort of similar to a kiosk desk and there were several building security guards at the desk. One of the guards recognized me and was calling me over and we were talking because we had been through some kind of course together, which I seemed to recall in the dream but that I do not now recall, other than we had been in the same class on some kind of security training procedure. I was standing there talking to him and I think I told him I could not remember how to get to my office and he gave me the office number, which included the floor of the building, and the four digit cypher lock code for the door to the office, which I will describe later. I looked down at a small piece of paper I was holding and I could clearly see on the paper the same numerical combination he had spoken to me and I commented something similar to how I already had that information but I didn't know what it meant and apparently that reason I was lost was because I could [ not ] remember what those numbers meant that was on that piece of paper I had in my hand and that apparently someone had spoken to me over the phone and that I had written down on the piece of paper.
I seemed to have then been on my way to my new office and I took the elevator to the fifth floor and I got off the elevator and right away I saw the plaque with the room number '547' on it and that was my office and I clearly saw that number '547' written on that piece of paper in my hand earlier in the dream. I was then standing there at the door and also on the plaque was the name of the company but all I remember for certain is that the first word of the words of that company name was "Incline" and the first letter of the second word might have been "M" and the initials for that company might have been "I.M.S." but I am not certain about those last two details. I did see clearly that first word, though. So I am standing there I have also seen clearly in my dream that cypher lock combination code and I do not describe that detail here, but as I looked at the cypher lock, the keys were not labeled as '1,' '2,' '3' for the three keys but were instead '7' and '1' and '4' and in that order from the top down in a vertical row. The combination code was valid though because the numbers in the combination code matched the keys on the cypher lock. None of that matter though because the door was unlocked and I just walked in.
The office seemed to be a one room office but it was luxurious and was no kind of office I had ever worked in before. The setting was something similar to an executive briefing room in combination with a fancy night club. At first, there seemed to be someone sitting at desk in the far left corner and in part of the room that was elevated a foot or so above the rest of the room, as the right corner also seemed to be. There might have been an exit door on that right side. After I walked back to the back the office seemed to be empty though. The rest of the dream seemed to be about me looking around in that office room and then also about me going about and doing my job and there might be other details that I have forgotten.
The reason I note this now here is because of what I have researched about those numbers I saw in the dream. Sometime after waking up from the dream, the thought occurred to me that might be a telephone number.
The '7' and '1' and '4' from the keys on the cypher lock could be the United States area code telephone number for the Orange County area of Los Angeles California, which is a detail I just looked up on the internet a few minutes ago.
Then '714-547' matches the area in Santa Ana California, according to one of those reverse number look-up website on the internet.
That reverse look-up indicated that location for the '714-547' area code and exchange number has a United States postal code of '92704' and the United States Postal Service internet website confirms that is a valid postal code for Santa Ana California.
I found that compelling enough to note here because 4 July 1992, or 1992 July 04, is the date the United States Navy aircraft carrier USS George Washington CVN 73 was commissioned into United States Navy active service and how could I have dreamed such a detail?
The combination code of that cypher lock, which I did not have to use because the door was already unlocked, conforms perfectly to a telephone number because it has four digits, thus '714-547-nnnn.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 14 March 2011 excerpt ends]
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Major Eaton: What exactly is a headpiece to the Staff of Ra?
Indiana: Well, the staff is just a stick. I don't know, about this big. Nobody really knows for sure how high. And it's...
[turns blackboard to blank side]
Indiana: it's, uh... it's capped with an elaborate headpiece in the shape of the sun with a crystal in the center. And what you did was, you take the staff to a special room in Tanis, a map room with a miniature of the city all laid out on the floor. And if you put the staff in a certain place at a certain time of day, the sun shone through here and made beam that came down on the floor here... and gave you the exact location of the Well of the Souls.
Colonel Musgrove: Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, right?.
Springfield! Springfield!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
[ Indiana Jones: ] Archaeology is the search for fact... ...not truth. If it's truth you're interested in, Dr.Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall. So forget any ideas you've got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and "X" never, ever, marks the spot.
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Springfield! Springfield!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
My God,
I must be blind.
Dad wasn't looking for a book
about the knight's tomb,
he was looking
for the tomb itself.
Don't you get it?
The tomb is somewhere
in the library.
You said yourself
it used to be a church.
Seven. Ten.
And ten.
Now where's the ten?
Look around for the ten.
Three and seven.
Seven and seven
and ten.
"X" marks the spot.
You don't disappoint,
You're a great deal
like your father.
Except he's lost,
and I'm not.
Lower me down.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:05 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 02 November 2015