This Is What I Think.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

It's Christmas. What the hell's going on?

When was it that cat showed up? Less than a week ago but maybe close to exactly a week ago. I have thought about it often because I have wondered if the arrival of the cat was synchronized in a manner unexplainable to other observations I made around the time of the arrival of the cat.

I do not now recall specific details but I do now as I sit here think vaguely that there were some details I wondered about. I had been watching on DVD the 2004 film "Dawn of the Dead" around the time the cat arrived. I might have been watching the DVD at the time the cat arrived but I do not now recall that specific detail. Scanning back through my journal that seems to have been the last post of the morning of 31 August 2011. I consistently think since then, even now as I write this, that if, as I do now, write about that then there is something I will forget and that I wanted to note and that seemed relevant and prescient.

I had seen the cat before as it walked around the yard in front of my apartment and I assumed it was a neighbor's pet. But when I write about the 'arrival' of the cat, that was the time when it jumped down on my patio and was definitely trying to get into my apartment. I saw it nudging with its nose my screen door on the patio and it was trying to get into my apartment late one night and I think, as best I recall, that was in the three o'clock time frame in the morning. It jumped down more times after that but that first night, I think, I was trying to give it some food. It seemed healthy and clean and that first time I held out my hand with food in it the cat came up and sniffed at the food I had for about a second or two and then I saw its eyes look up at me and I guess it didn't like the food I brought out to it. In the days after that it has not jumped down on my patio but I did hear a commotion near my other window about twelve hours ago and the cat was there doing something that I could not tell in the dark. I think tonight about how its calico fur reminds me of "Gizmo" although the cat has since that first time I got close to it become skittish enough that it moves away when I come out onto my patio. I have been wondering if that is because I ignored it when it was trying with it nose to nudge open my screen door. Other times I have just wondered if it does not want to become a zombie cat.

Doesn't that make sense? I have thought several times since it arrived. There will be people who survived who will want cats to survive. I have thought extensively about how my niece Michelle would want to see her rabbit alive again. And while that inspires a lot of complicated thoughts in my mind I think of how that is all obvious. To me and to her.

So why would not that cat arrive. First, is the time traveler effect. I write about an observation, and so on. But there is also something else in terms of how there might be other people who do want cats to survive, too. I keep thinking there was another observation I wanted to make here but it slips my mind and I cannot recall what that was. As I finalize the details for this post I think to myself that the material content I wanted to publish has slipped my mind and I cannot recall the relevant detail I wanted to reference here and for a purpose the will reduce the amount of time I have to spend here in this hellish existence.

1984 film "Night of the Comet" DVD video:

DJ voice recording tape: Well, it's time to reach into the old mailbag here. Got a letter from

Samantha: Beam me up, Scotty.

Hector: Okay, girls. Hold it right there. You, the blonde, get into the light.

Regina: Wait. Why don't you just let my sister go. And maybe you and I can work something out.

Samantha: I'm not going anywhere!

Regina: Shut up!

Hector: You got the wrong idea. You, into the light. I'll give you to five. One, two... No? All right. Let's try it this way. Five, four, three -

Samantha: Okay, okay. Do you get a lot of dates this way?

Hector: Open your eyes. Okay. Hey, I know what you're thinking, but -

Regina: That you're a cretin?

Hector: Sweetheart, you haven't seen those freaked-out zombies running around here?

Regina: Yeah, I was jumped by one.

Hector: Well, you got off lucky. Me and this girl pulled into town this morning.

Samantha: You don't work here?

Hector: No. I drive a truck. I was heading to San Diego with this girl I picked up. We were looking for a gas station. That's when we spotted one of those... Whatever they are. Looked like it was eating... Looked like it was eating a cat.

Samantha: A dead cat?

Hector: Semi-dead.

Samantha: Who'd want to eat a live cat?

Hector: Beats the shit out of me. This girl freaked out. Took off running. I spotted her about twenty minutes later. Looked like one of those things had -

Samantha: What?

Hector: Torn her apart.