This Is What I Think.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NASA still has maneuvering control of that UARS satellite.

That's what this means.

NASA is saying that they no longer have maneuvering control of that satellite that is predicted to fall to planet Earth on Friday.

But they do still have control of that satellite and they are going to deliberately crash it into the planet Earth on Friday the 23rd.

Or at least, they were going to do that.

Now that I have exposed another criminal activity by that severely corrupted organization they are going to use the maneuvering control to do something else now.

The date 2/14/1968 is my foster sister's birthdate.

There is another episode from that severely racketeering production of the television series "Lost" on ABC television that also has some kind of object from the sky crashing down on a group of people on the island. That might have been a meteorite but I don't recall for certain. The part I do recall for certain is that the physicist guy had some kind of scientific instrument set up and it was on a stand and I watched it on television and I thought as I watched it that the scientific instrument looked very similar to a miniature version of the Space Needle structure you can see just north of downtown Seattle Washington. As I recall, that physicist established that the island was in some kind of time bubble and events outside the bubble and outside the island happened at different times.

In that "Tricia Tanaka" episode she goes into the restaurant and "Hurley" stays outside and then just after she walks in "Hurley" sees a meteorite crash into his restaurant and destroy it.

From 2/28/2007 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV series episode "Lost"::"Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" & United States Title 18 Treason 2381 - the US NASA New Horizons spacecraft as a scheduled criminal event ) To 9/23/2011 ( ) is 1668 days

1668 = 834 + 834

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/14/1968 ( ) is 834 days


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for


Tricia Tanaka Is Dead (2007)

Country Date

USA 28 February 2007
UK 4 March 2007


The Internet Movie Database

Lost (TV series 2004–2010)

Tricia Tanaka Is Dead (#3.10)

Kate and Sawyer finally return to the castaways camp. Hurley recalls the day his father left his mother and him in his motorcycle. Than he recalls his curse and his bad lucky, inclusive after winning the lottery, including the day that the reporter Tricia Tanaka died and Mr. Cluck was destroyed by a meteor and when his father returned home. Back in the present, Hurley finds a capsized Kombi VW van in the jungle which used be operated by the Dharma Insiative, and with the support of Sawyer, Jin and Charlie, he tries to fix the car with hope to make it run again. Meanwhile, Kate decides to bring Jack back by convincing Danielle Rousseau to help her. Sayid and Locke follow her and join the team.

Release Date: 28 February 2007 (USA)


Feb. 28, 2007 RELEASE : 07-55

NASA Spacecraft Gets Boost From Jupiter for Pluto Encounter

LAUREL, Md. - NASA's New Horizons spacecraft successfully completed a flyby of Jupiter early this morning, using the massive planet's gravity to pick up speed for its 3-billion mile voyage to Pluto and the unexplored Kuiper Belt region beyond.

"We're on our way to Pluto," said New Horizons Mission Operations Manager Alice Bowman of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Laurel, Md. "The swingby was a success; the spacecraft is on course and performed just as we expected."

New Horizons came within 1.4 million miles of Jupiter at 12:43 a.m. EST, placing the spacecraft on target to reach the Pluto system in July 2015. During closest approach, the spacecraft could not communicate with Earth, but gathered science data on the giant planet, its moons and atmosphere.

At 11:55 a.m. EST mission operators at APL established contact through NASA's Deep Space Network and confirmed New Horizons' health and status.

The fastest spacecraft ever launched, New Horizons is gaining nearly 9,000 mph from Jupiter's gravity - accelerating to more than 52,000 mph. The spacecraft has covered approximately 500 million miles since its launch in January 2006 and reached Jupiter faster than seven previous spacecraft to visit the solar system's largest planet. New Horizons raced through a target just 500 miles across, the equivalent of a skeet shooter in Washington hitting a target in Baltimore on the first try.

New Horizons has been running through an intense six-month long systems check that will include more than 700 science observations of the Jupiter system by the end of June. More than half of those observations are taking place this week, including scans of Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere, measurements of its magnetic cocoon, surveys of its delicate rings, maps of the composition and topography of the large moons Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, and a detailed look at volcanic activity on Io.

"We designed the entire Jupiter encounter to be a tough test for the mission team and our spacecraft, and we're passing the test," says New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo. "We're not only learning what we can expect from the spacecraft when we visit Pluto in eight years, we’re already getting some stunning science results at Jupiter - and there's more to come."

While much of the close-in science data will be sent back to Earth during the coming weeks, the team also downloaded a sampling of images to verify New Horizons' performance.

The outbound leg of New Horizons' journey includes the first-ever trip down the long "tail" of Jupiter's magnetosphere, a wide stream of charged particles that extends more than 100 million miles beyond the planet. Amateur backyard telescopes, the giant Keck telescope in Hawaii, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-Ray Observatory and other ground and space-based telescopes are turning to Jupiter as New Horizons flies by, ready to provide global context to the close-up data New Horizons gathers.

[Hurley is being interviewed by a news crew outside a Mr. Clucks.]

TRICIA: It's everyone's fantasy -- winning the lottery -- untold millions falling into your lap overnight. What would you do with all that money? Well, one such lucky winner recently bought a chicken shack. I'm Tricia Tanaka with Hugo Reyes, winner of a record 114 million dollars, outside Mr. Clucks Chicken in Diamond Bar which will be having its grand re-opening tomorrow. So, Hugo, I think the question on everyone's mind is: why did you buy Mr. Clucks?

HURLEY [nervous]: Uh, I like chicken.

TRICIA: Um, also with us is Hugo's former boss, and now employee, Randy Nation. That's probably every working stiff's fantasy, isn't it, Mr. Reyes? [Hurley just shrugs] Um, okay, so, Hugo, tell us what else you've done since you got on your lucky streak?

HURLEY: Actually, I've kind of had some bad luck, too. My grandpa Tito died of a heart attack and the first house I bought my mom burnt down. My friend Johnny ran off with my girlfriend, Starla. Oh, and this guy jumped off my accountant's roof.

TRICIA: Cut! [to Hurley] What the hell was that?! It's a puff piece, Mr. Reyes, do you know what that is?

HURLEY: Yeah. Sorry, Tricia Tanaka.

TRICIA: Um, do you mind if we go inside and shoot some B-roll?

HURLEY: Oh, I don't know.