This Is What I Think.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Shore Patrol

In 1990 was that woman at my apartment during the spilled bottle of beer incident a woman I knew prior to 19 July 1989? After I wrote about that recently I started wondering if any of my memory about her is real because I have been trying to remember when I met her and that might have been in the summer of 1989. Or did I meet her in 1988? I cannot recall for certain.

I returned from the Persian Gulf in July 1988 and my girlfriend from Scotland broke up with me. I went back to Arkansas on leave and I think that was late July 1988 or possibly early August 1988 at the latest and I met a woman who had graduated before I did and that I knew her name but I had never talked to her before. We chased each other around town one evening before she finally pulled up to a stop next to my pickup and asked me if I would at least tell her my name.

The reports I generate explain why my memory was altered in an experiment by my superiors in the United States of America federal military and the obvious fact that United States of America public law requires the cooperation of any person with my official United States of America federal operation.

In the context of 1988, the Master At Arms designation in the United States Navy, along with those personnel specifically rated as Master-at-Arms (MA), could be a temporary assignment for personnel with other rating. An assignment on Shore Patrol was similar to how sometimes United States Navy personnel would sometimes wear on their uniform a Master-at-Arms badge but Shore Patrol personnel did not necessarily wear a Master-at-Arms badge unless that was their United States Navy rating and I cannot recall any specific occurrences of that.

chron Houston Chronicle Archives

U.S. blasts 5 Iranian targets

Houston Chronicle News Services


MANAMA, Bahrain - The U.S. Navy today destroyed two offshore Iranian oil platforms, sank a defending Iranian patrol boat and bombed two Iranian frigates. Iran attacked oil facilities off Sharjah and fired on at least two U.S. vessels.

The U.S. attack on the Persian Gulf oil platforms came in retaliation for a mine explosion that tore a hole in a U.S. frigate last week, injuring 10 crewmen.

"We aim to deter further Iranian aggression - not provoke it," President Reagan said. "They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they'll pay a price."

One U.S. warship fired missiles at two approaching Iranian jet fighters, but the fighters reversed course; it was unclear whether they were hit, Carlucci said.

He said an Iranian patrol boat fired on the U.S. cruiser Wainwright, which took part in the attack on one of the platforms. The Wainwright was not hit.



A Master-at-Arms (MA) may be a naval rating responsible for discipline and law enforcement

United States Navy

In the United States Navy, a Master-at-Arms (MA) is the rating concerned with law enforcement, antiterrorism, force protection and expeditionary warfare. They serve as a military police force onboard Naval ships and installations, both Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside Continental United States (OCONUS). MAs traditionally report to the Commanding Officer (CO) of the command, through the Executive Officer (XO) or Operations Officer (OPS), in maintaining good order and discipline, enforcing rules and regulations, and protecting life and property.

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]


Red Heat (1988)

114 KOMODT2: Friday, September 2 11:00 PM

1988, R, **1/2, 01:46, Color, English, United States,

A Moscow detective (Arnold Schwarzenegger) shows his local police escort (James Belushi) how to hunt a Soviet drug smuggler in Chicago.

Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Belushi, Peter Boyle, Ed O'Ross, Larry Fishburne, Gina Gershon, Richard Bright, Oleg Vidov Director(s): Walter Hill


Oh! Attention!
Fun bag patrol. Double bogies, 11:00.
Whew, Christ!
You think she bought those? I don't think so.
I think those are definitely home grown.
Just an opinion.
-Guy's gotta be dead not to notice that. -What's the matter with you?
I'm a man. I got needs.
We're on the job. Come on.
We oughta arrest her.



Mission background:

Year: 1999. Location: The Moon, Sea of Tranquility.

A black, rectangular object found by American expedition.



Given name...Tycho Monolith.

Mission background:

Signal sent from monolith towards Jupiter.


Mission background:

Year: 2001. Location: Vicinity of Jupiter.

Spacecraft: U.S.S. Discovery.

Mission background:

Flight crew: Commander - David Bowman.

Mission background:

Co-pilot - Frank Poole.

Mission background:

Scientific crew of three in deep hibernation to be awakened when Discovery reaches Jupiter.

Mission background:

Logic circuit: HAL-9000.

Mission status:

As spacecraft approached Jupiter's two major inner moons...Europa and Io...HAL-9000 computer malfunctioned.

Mission status:

Scientific crew killed while in hibernation when life support systems were shut off by HAL-9000.

Mission status:

Co-pilot Frank Poole killed by HAL-9000 while outside the spacecraft.

Mission status:

Commander David Bowman disconnected logic circuits of HAL-9000.

Mission status:

Commander David Bowman encountered object between Jupiter and Io. The object identical to monolith found on the Moon...except in size.

Monolith near Jupiter is two kilometers long.

Mission status:

Commander Bowman left Discovery to investigate. Last transmission from Commander Bowman:

"My God, it's full of stars."


- Captain Danko. - Yes.
I'm Detective Sergeant Gallagher, Chicago Police Department.
- Glad to meet you. - Thank you.
This is my partner, Detective Sergeant Ridzik.
- First time in Chicago? - Yes.
You have a nice flight?
Yes, fine.
- You hungry? - No.
Hate to break this up, but I'm parked in a red zone. No offense.
We got a car waiting outside for you.
It's a half-hour drive to the city.
It's a nice drive. You'll enjoy it.
Nice night.
Been real hot lately. Nothing hotter than Chicago in August.
It's the humidity that gets to you.
Humidity. You know, moisture in the air.
How's it been in Moscow?
No moisture.
Where'd you learn to speak English so well?
Compulsory training. Language school in Kiev.
Oh, yeah. That's like in Chicken Kiev.
We had that at my sister's wedding.
Viktor Rosta must've pissed off a lot of commissars...
for them to send someone all this way to baby-sit him home.
What did he do? Pee on the Kremlin?
I gotta apologize for my partner, Captain.
He's just naturally suspicious.

From 6/14/1988 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Red Heat" ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush murders 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a United States military prisoner ) is 400 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1966 ( premiere US TV series episode "Lost in Space"::"A Visit to Hades" ) is 400 days

From 9/28/1964 ( Harpo Marx - deceased ) To 6/14/1988 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Red Heat" ) is 8660 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush murders 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a United States military prisoner ) is 8660 days

From 5/9/1985 ( while he was averting the Soviet Union Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire maritime bomber force targeting for destruction his US Navy aircraft carrier United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan was the United States Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot that was attacked by hostile Soviet Union air forces and his United States Navy RIO flight officer crewman is killed by enemy fire from Soviet Union forces and as instigated by Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush the known accomplice of communist China and Soviet Union and the International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America federal government ) To 6/14/1988 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Red Heat" ) is 1132 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/8/1968 ( premiere US TV series episode "Hallmark Hall of Fame"::"Pinocchio" ) is 1132 days

From 6/7/1981 ( the 3rd United States Navy Medal of Honor hijacked from my brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Tom Reagan and the Iraq-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush Baghdad Osirak terrorist nuclear weapons construction site destroyed by Israeli Air Force with the personal assistance of United States Navy Fleet Admiral Tom Reagan the F-16 Falcon pilot flying combat to destroy the Iraq-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush Baghdad Osirak terrorist nuclear weapons construction site ) To 6/14/1988 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Red Heat" ) is 2564 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/9/1972 ( premiere US film "1776" ) is 2564 days


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Red Heat (1988)

Country Date

USA 14 June 1988 (Beverly Hills, California) (premiere)
UK 13 January 1989

Eastern Bloc information dissemination

Eastern Bloc information dissemination was controlled directly by each country's Communist party, which controlled the state media, censorship and propaganda organs. State and party ownership of print, television and radio media served as an important manner in which to control information and society in light of Eastern Bloc leaderships viewing even marginal groups of opposition intellectuals as a potential threat to the bases underlying Communist power therein.

In the Eastern Bloc, the state owned and operated the means of mass communication. The ruling authorities viewed media as a propaganda tool, and widely practiced censorship to exercise almost full control over the information dissemination. The press in Communist countries was an organ of, and completely reliant on, the state. Until the late 1980s, all Eastern Bloc radio and television organizations were state-owned (and tightly controlled), while print media was usually owned by political organizations, mostly by the local Communist party.


Maybe this Russian bully stuff works on a chessboard, but not here.
You retire the uniform?
I am now undercover.
You look like Gumby.
You're gonna fit right in.
For your information, Captain, I shot one of your Russians.
Unfortunately, he's not dead. He's in intensive care.
When he comes to, maybe you should talk to him.
How long before this happens?
Is this 60 Minutes? Do I look like a doctor?
Other things first.
Hey, Gumby?
Where do you think you're going?
Lighten up. I got it. Thanks.
- What are you doing out of bed? - He thinks he's gonna find Viktor.
- That's cute. Keep an eye on him. - Why me?
Because I said so. He's a material witness.
Maybe Donnelly can figure out what to do.
- How come I get all the shit jobs? - Because it fits you.
- You come with me? - You heard. I just got my orders.
- Take me to the same hotel? - Do I look like a cab?
I just took him back to the hotel.
He went in, came out ten minutes later.
I didn't know what to do, so I brought him here.
Okay. Good.
About your involvement in this, you know standard procedure.
If you're a witness to a murder, you can't be active in the investigation.
Okay, I know.
I'm not taking you off the case.
You and Gallagher were friends.
I'll fit you in somehow.


Hi. I'm Michael Newman.
I told you you'd know me.
I've been tracking you for a long time.
I wish I'd spoken to you before tonight.
Why are you following me?
You're one of the survivors, Jacob.
Come on. We can't talk here.
It's not safe. Come on.
So, first I'm arrested, right?
Best LSD I ever made right down the drain.
I figured, "This is it.
20 years in the can if I'm lucky."
That was 1968.
Long time ago.
Really. Next thing I know, I'm on Riker's island.
Ever been there, man?
Well, suddenly, they take me from my cell,
they throw me in a waiting room With bank teller windows.
Four army colonels with medals up their asses
are standing on the other side.
They say to me, if I come to Vietnam for two years--
No action, just work in a lab--
they'll drop all charges and wipe the record clean.
I'd only been in jail 13 hours.
I knew 'Nam couldn't be any worse.
Shows how little you knew.
Yeah, really. They had me by the balls.
Next thing I know, I'm in Saigon.
I'm working in a top-secret lab
synthesizing mind-altering drugs.
Not the street stuff.
They had us isolating special properties--
the dark side.
They wanted a drug that increased aggressive tendencies.
They were scared. They were worried.
They figured you guys were too soft,
not fighting up to your potential.
They wanted something to stir you up,
make you mad, you know, tap into your anger.
And we did it.
Most powerful thing I ever saw.
Even a bad trip, and believe me, I've had my share,
do not compare to the fury of the Ladder.
The Ladder?
Yeah. That's what they called it.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for


Art Ritzik: Yeah, and about the chess game, you were right, I was dead in two.

Ivan Danko: [with scorn and moving away] It was obvious.


All right, what's the score?
Shit, it's been a hell of a night.
First, some cleanhead stuck his damn gun in my ear...
- and Danko here shot a drag queen. - I've always enjoyed your reports.
I'm especially going to enjoy when you detail your cross examination...
- of Gallagher's informant. - Streak?
According to his lawyer, you tried to break his hand.
He's now filing a criminal and civil suit against the department.
Well, it's bullshit. We can beat that rap.
He got his hand stuck in a door. Danko will tell you.
After silencing the alarm button on the EKG monitor...
el transvesto killed Tatomovich by shooting an air bubble into a vein.
He obviously didn't want us to question him.
Viktor did not want me to question him.
The drag queen belongs to Viktor?
Yes. He killed his own man.
He knew I would get information from Tatomovich.
- He thinks it's better to kill him. - Did you get to his wife?
The Manzetti woman? We've been trying to track her down all night.
No, we don't have shit.
Tell me, Captain. Where did you get the gun you used?
Registered in my name. Moscow Militia Headquarters.
He did not know about gun.
Under the circumstances, I'm going to have to ask for your weapon.
And I say, no.
I see Ridzik is teaching you his sense of humor.


The Internet Movie Database

Biography for

Harpo Marx

Date of Birth

23 November 1888, New York City, New York, USA

Date of Death

28 September 1964

Birth Name

Adolph Marx


He's going through customs right now.
You read the report Stobbs wrote on the cleanhead bust?
- He says your performance was adequate. - Adequate. Jesus Christ! What a jerk!
It's a personality thing.
Stobbs just doesn't like yours.
Ten to one he doesn't speak English.
- Captain Danko. - Yes.
I'm Detective Sergeant Gallagher, Chicago Police Department.
- Glad to meet you. - Thank you.
This is my partner, Detective Sergeant Ridzik.
- First time in Chicago? - Yes.
You have a nice flight?
Yes, fine.
- You hungry? - No.
Hate to break this up, but I'm parked in a red zone. No offense.
We got a car waiting outside for you.
It's a half-hour drive to the city.
It's a nice drive. You'll enjoy it.
Nice night.
Been real hot lately. Nothing hotter than Chicago in August.
It's the humidity that gets to you.
Humidity. You know, moisture in the air.
How's it been in Moscow?
No moisture.
Where'd you learn to speak English so well?
Compulsory training. Language school in Kiev.
Oh, yeah. That's like in Chicken Kiev.
We had that at my sister's wedding.
Viktor Rosta must've pissed off a lot of commissars...
for them to send someone all this way to baby-sit him home.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

"Lost in Space"

A Visit to Hades (1966)

Country Date

USA 7 December 1966


The Internet Movie Database

Lost in Space (TV series 1965–1968)

A Visit to Hades (#2.12)

Release Date: 7 December 1966 (USA)

United Airlines Flight 232

United Airlines Flight 232 was a scheduled flight from Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colorado, to O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, with continuing service to Philadelphia International Airport. On July 19, 1989, the DC-10 (Registration N1819U) operating the route crash-landed in Sioux City, Iowa, after suffering catastrophic failure of its tail-mounted engine, which led to the loss of all flight controls. 111 people died in the accident

The crew guided the crippled jet to Sioux Gateway Airport and lined it up for landing on one of the runways. However, without flight controls, they were unable to slow down for landing, and were forced to attempt landing at much too high a speed and rate of descent. On touchdown, the aircraft broke apart, caught fire, and rolled over. The largest section came to rest in a cornfield next to the runway.

On final descent, the aircraft was going 240 knots and sinking at 1,850 feet per minute, while a safe landing would require 140 knots and 300 feet per minute. Fitch needed a seat for landing; Dvorak offered up his own, as it could be moved to a position behind the throttles. Dvorak sat in the cockpit's jumpseat for landing. Unfortunately, right before touchdown, the aircraft began a downward phugoid and veered right. The flight crew had no time to react. The tip of the right wing hit the runway first, spilling fuel, which ignited immediately. The tail section broke off from the force of the impact, and the rest of the aircraft bounced several times, shedding the landing gear and engine nacelles and breaking the fuselage into several main pieces. On the final impact the right wing was sheared off and the main part of the aircraft skidded sideways, rolled over on to its back, and slid to a stop upside-down in a corn field to the right of Runway 22. Witnesses reported that the aircraft cartwheeled, but the investigation did not confirm this. News reports that the aircraft cartwheeled were due to misinterpretation of the video of the crash that showed the flaming right wing tumbling end-over-end and the intact left wing, still attached to the fuselage, rolling up and over as the fuselage flipped over.

Of the 296 people on board, 111 died in the crash. Most were killed by injuries sustained in the multiple impacts, but 35 people in the middle fuselage section directly above the fuel tanks died from smoke inhalation in the post-crash fire.


Viktor uses fake name, marries American to get visa to U.S.
Right. Why do I get the feeling you're taking it so personal?
I shot his brother six months ago in Moscow.
- Shot him dead? - Yes.
- Way to go. - Thank you.
Why don't we stake it out? You go to the car.
I'll get something to eat. I'll get you something healthy from all food groups:
hamburger, french fries, coffee, donuts.
- Wait. - You don't like onions?
- Give me key to car. - It's unlocked.
In case she leave.
No, you can't drive that car. What if you crash?
That means I gotta fill out reports until I retire.