I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, October 12, 2015
"And Happy New Year to you, in jail!"
Democratic Debate; Benghazi Ex-Staffer Speaks. Aired 2-2:30p ET
Aired October 12, 2015 - 14:00 ET
BALDWIN: Listen, great questions from Tapper toward this man, you know, essentially he was saying, I have a conscience. This is why I want to come forward. He calls himself, Kevin, a conservative Republican. Is this someone who truly has emerged and wants to blow the whistle and has a conscience now? Or is this someone who is just a bitter, fired employee?
MADDEN: Well, we don't know. I mean I think there are legitimate questions about his motives. I mean he - is in the process of filing a lawsuit. He was fired by the committee. He does make some allegations in there about resources being shifted inside the committee. You know, I doubt he was in the position to make a decision about those resources.
Central Intelligence Agency
United States of America
A Look Back … Directors of Central Intelligence
R. James Woolsey
February 5, 1993–January 10, 1995
DVD DISC - Season 4, Disc 2
WOOLSEY: Well. This is awkward.
CARTER (nodding): Yes.
The American Presidency Project
Franklin D. Roosevelt
XXXII President of the United States: 1933-1945
103 - Letters on the Application of Civil Service Rules to Employees of the Home Owners Loan Corporation.
August 25, 1936
Dear Mr. Mitchell:
The Home Owners Loan Corporation was created as an emergency agency to meet the mortgage crisis in the urban home field, and the Act provided that its employees should be selected with-out regard to the provisions of the Civil Service Act. This was necessary in order to organize the service quickly and to render immediate assistance not only to home owners, but to the savings and commercial banks, building and loan associations, insurance companies and other mortgage-lending institutions which were foreclosing mortgages.
The Corporation has been in existence for more than three years, and it has progressively sought to test and select its employees on the basis of merit. Now, at the conclusion of its lending activities, the Corporation is engaged in reducing its force. It is at this point, and also with respect to the future work of the Corporation and of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and its subsidiaries, that I am confident the Civil Service Commission, with its accepted standards, can render most effective service. I am aware that further legislation is necessary to place the positions in the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and its subsidiaries within the competitive classified service; but now that much of the emergency is past and the work of the Board has been stabilized, I feel that so far as practicable the principles and methods of the merit system established by the Civil Service Act should be further extended in its personnel relationships.
The Federal Home Loan Bank Board and its agencies have for more than two years received the assistance of the Civil Service Commission in the development of standards and policies for the selection and payment of its employees. I have addressed a letter to Chairman Fahey of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, suggesting that he arrange with your Commission to extend as far as possible the application of civil service qualifications with respect to prerequisite experience, education, and other necessary conditions for employment.
I know that your Commission will be very glad to cooperate with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in applying to every possible position within its organization the principles of the civil service system. I request, therefore, that you take the necessary steps to bring this about in cooperation with the representatives of the Board.
Very sincerely yours,
Hon. Harry B. Mitchell,
President, Civil Service Commission,
Washington, D.C.
My dear Mr. Fahey:
I have given much consideration to the questions we have discussed with respect to the future employment program of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and its subsidiaries. One of these, the Home Owners Loan Corporation, was organized to meet a financial crisis in the urban home field, and now that the emergency is largely past, it faces the problems incident to gradual reduction of force and a program of gradual liquidation over a period of years.
The Act of 1933 creating this Corporation, as well as the Act of 1932 establishing your Board, placed employment outside the provisions of the Civil Service Act. It will, of course, require action by Congress to bring the positions of your organizations within the competitive classified service.
Now that much of the work of the Board and its subsidiaries has been stabilized, I believe that so far as possible every advantage should be taken of the standards and practices developed under the Civil Service Act of 1883 and the Classification Act of 1923. Pending legislative authority it is appropriate and entirely possible to apply the principles involved in these two statutes to the work of your organization.
I have accordingly addressed a letter to Chairman Mitchell of the Civil Service Commission, expressing my desire that the Commission cooperate fully in rendering all possible assistance to your organization in applying its standards to the work of your Board. It is gratifying that your Board has gone such a long way already in grading and classifying employees and in building an efficient staff, but I am certain that the Civil Service Commission can be helpful in further application of the standards that are common to the regular established organizations of the Federal Government.
Very sincerely yours,
Hon. John H. Fahey,
Chairman, Federal Home Loan Bank Board,
Washington, D.C.
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Release Info
USA 20 December 1946 (New York City, New York)
The American Presidency Project
Grover Cleveland
XXII President of the United States: 1885 - 1889
Executive Order
August 3, 1888
No substitute shall hereafter be employed in any Department; and the head of any Department in which substitutes are now employed may appoint any of such substitutes to take the place of his principal, or to any place of lower grade: Provided, That no substitute shall be appointed as herein authorized until he shall have passed an appropriate examination by the Civil Service Commission and his eligibility shall have been certified by said Commission to the head of the Department in which he is employed.
Approved, August 3, 1888.
The American Presidency Project
Grover Cleveland
XXII President of the United States: 1885 - 1889
Veto Message
August 3, 1888
To the House of Representatives:
I return without approval House bill No. 3008, entitled "An act for the relief of P. A. Leatherbury."
This bill provides that the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to the person above named the sum of $601.27, being the amount paid by him to Lucy Roberts on two pension checks which were afterwards recalled and canceled.
The committee of the House to whom this bill was referred report that--
The Department discovered, after the issuing of the checks, that the claim for pension was fraudulent, but not until after the purchase, in the ordinary course of business, by Mr. Leatherbury paying $601.27 therefor and giving his due bill for the balance, which balance he refused to pay after ascertaining that the check was repudiated by the Government.
Lucy Roberts, a colored woman, filed a claim for pension in 1868, alleging that she was the widow of Nelson Roberts, who died in the military service in 1865.
Her claim was allowed in 1876, and two checks, numbered 6863 and 6864, aggregating $1,301.27, were issued on account of said pension. Before payment of the checks information was received which caused an investigation by the Pension Bureau as to the honesty of the claim for pension. This investigation established its utterly fraudulent character, and thereupon the checks were canceled and the woman's name was dropped from the pension rolls.
Certain important facts are reported to me from the Pension Bureau as having been developed upon the investigation.
It appears that one Thomas had undertaken to act for the claimant in procuring her pension under an agreement that he should have $300 if successful. Mr. Leatherbury was a notary, postmaster, and claim agent, and acted as notary and general assistant to Thomas and the claimant, who was employed at Leatherbury's house. In the month of July, 1876, the same month the claim for pension was allowed, the woman Roberts was indicted for larceny, the complaining witness being Mr. Leatherbury. Shortly after the issue of the checks the woman disappeared, and it is reported that certain indications suggested that both Leatherbury and Thomas were not entirely ignorant of her whereabouts nor completely disconnected with her disappearance. The checks were obtained from Thomas by Leatherbury, he paying, as he alleges, to Thomas the fee of $300 which had been agreed upon. The checks remained in Leatherbury's possession until they were delivered by him to the special agent of the Pension Bureau upon the investigation. He claimed in his deposition that he considered that what money he had let the woman have and the goods she had obtained at his store while she worked for him, and the $300 which he had advanced to Thomas, her agent, justified him in holding her indebted to him in the sum of $600, and that he held the checks as security for the same, admitting that there was still $700 in her favor, written acknowledgment of which he had placed in the hands of his wife. He further stated that rather than gain notoriety in the matter he would return the checks to the special agent, but he trusted that the Government would pay him the $600 which he had sunk in the transaction.
The woman testified that she did take some goods from Leatherbury at his store at his suggestion, after the arrival of the checks and before she left, about August 16, 1876, which purchases amounted to no more than $100, and that he also advanced her $100; that he made no further payment and wrote to her that he had to give up the checks, and that she never indorsed the checks nor authorized anyone to do so.
Both Leatherbury and Thomas disclaimed any knowledge of the fraudulent character of the claim; but the fraudulent claimant lived in the house of one of them and he was assisting in procuring her claim to be allowed, while the other made an unlawful agreement for a liberal compensation for his services if the claim succeeded. The woman was indicted at the instance of Leatherbury at about the time of the issuance of the checks and fled, but if she is to be believed Leatherbury wrote to her during her absence. After her disappearance he ventures to pay to Thomas his illegal fee and takes possession of the checks. He considers that she owes him $600, and the bill under consideration gives him $601.27, the exact amount of the checks less $700.
Someone with more intelligence than this ignorant colored woman concocted the scheme to gain this fraudulent pension; and the circumstances point so suspiciously toward Thomas and Leatherbury, the claim of the latter upon the Government is infected with so much illegality, and the amount of his advances is arrived at so loosely that in my opinion he should not at this late day be relieved.
The American Presidency Project
Woodrow Wilson
XXVIII President of the United States: 1913 - 1921
Executive Order 2729A - Vesting Power and Authority in Designated Officers and Making Rules and Regulations Under Trading with the Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act Approved June 15, 1917
October 12, 1917
By virtue of the authority vested in me by "An act to define regulate, and punish trading with the enemy and for other purposes," approved October 6, 1917, and by Title VII of the act approved June 15, 1917, entitled "An act to punish acts of interference with the foreign relations, the neutrality and the foreign commerce of the United States, to punish espionage and better to enforce the criminal laws of the United States and for other purposes" (hereinafter designated as the espionage act), I hereby make the following orders and rules and regulations:
I hereby establish a War Trade Board to be composed of representatives, respectively, of the Secretary of State, of the Secretary of the Treasury, of the Secretary of Agriculture, of the Secretary of Commerce, of the Food Administrator, and of the United States Shipping Board.
I hereby vest in said board the power and authority to issue licenses under such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law, or to withhold or refuse licenses, for the exportation of all articles, except coin, bullion or currency, the exportation or taking of which out of the United States may be restricted by proclamations heretofore or hereafter issued by me under said Title VII of the espionage act.
I further hereby vest in said War Trade Board the power and authority to issue, upon such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law, or to withhold or refuse, licenses for the importation of all articles the importation of which may be restricted by any proclamation hereafter issued by me under section 11 of the trading with the enemy act.
I further hereby vest in said War Trade Board the power and authority not vested in other officers by subsequent provisions of this order, to issue, under such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law, or to withhold or refuse, licenses to trade either directly or indirectly with, to, or from, or for or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any other person, with knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that such other person is an enemy or ally of enemy, or is conducting or taking part in such trade directly or indirectly for or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, an enemy or ally of enemy.
I further hereby vest in said War Trade Board the power and authority, under such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law, to issue to every enemy or ally of enemy, other than enemy or ally of enemy insurance or reinsurance companies, doing business within the United States through an agency or branch office, or otherwise, applying therefor within thirty days of October 6, 1917, licenses temporary or otherwise to continue to do business, or said board may withhold or refuse the same.
And I further hereby vest in said War Trade Board the executive administration of the provisions of section 4 (b) of the trading with the enemy act relative to granting licenses to enemies and enemy allies to assume or use other names than those by which they were known at the beginning of the war. And I hereby authorize said board to issue licenses not inconsistent with the provisions of law or to withhold or refuse licenses to any enemy or ally of enemy or partnership of which an enemy or ally of enemy is a member or was a member at the beginning of the war, to assume or use any name other than that by which such enemy or ally of enemy or partnership was ordinarily known at the beginning of the war.
I hereby revoke the Executive order of August 21, 1917, creating the Exports Administrative Board. All proclamations, rules, regulations, and instructions made or given by me under Title VII of the espionage act and now being administered by the Exports Administrative Board are hereby continued, confirmed, and made applicable to the War Trade Board, and all employees of the Exports Administrative Board are hereby transferred to and constituted employees of the War Trade Board in the same capacities, and said War Trade Board is hereby authorized to exercise without interruption, the powers heretofore exercised by said Exports Administrative Board.
The said War Trade Board is hereby authorized and empowered to take all such measures as may be necessary or expedient to administer the powers hereby conferred. And I hereby vest in the War Trade Board the power conferred upon the President by section 5 (a) to make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, as may be necessary and proper for the exercise of the powers conferred upon said board.
I hereby establish a War Trade Council to be composed of the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, the Food Administrator, and the chairman of the Shipping Board, and I hereby authorize and direct the said War Trade Council thus constituted to act in an advisory capacity in such matters under said acts as may be referred to them by the President or the War Trade Board.
I hereby vest in the Secretary of the Treasury the executive administration of any investigation, regulation, or prohibition of any transaction in foreign exchange, export or earmarking of gold or silver coin, or bullion or currency, transfers of credit in any form (other than credits relating solely to transactions to be executed wholly within the United States), and transfers of evidences of indebtedness or of the ownership of property between the United States, and any foreign country, or between residents of one or more foreign countries, by any person within the United States; and I hereby vest in the Secretary of the Treasury the authority and power to require any person engaged, in any such transaction to furnish under oath complete information relative thereto, including the production of any books of account, contracts, letters, or other papers in connection therewith in the custody or control of such person, either before or after such transaction is completed.
I further hereby vest in the Secretary of the Treasury the executive administration of the provisions of subsection (c) of section 3 of the trading with the enemy act relative to sending, or taking out of, or bringing into, or attempting to send, take out of, or bring into, the United States, any letter, writing, or tangible form of communication, except in the regular course of the mail; and of the sending, taking, or transmitting or attempting to send, take, or transmit, out of the United States, any letter or other writing, book, map, plan, or other paper, picture, or any telegram, cablegram, or wireless message, or other form of communication intended for or to be delivered, directly or indirectly, to an enemy or ally of enemy. And said Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and empowered to issue licenses to send, take, or transmit out of the United States anything otherwise forbidden by said subsection (c) and give such consent or grant such exemption in respect thereto, as is not inconsistent with law, or to withhold or refuse the same.
I further authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to grant a license under such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law or to withhold or refuse the same to any "enemy" or "ally of enemy" insurance or reinsurance company doing business within the United States through an agency or branch office or otherwise, which shall make application within thirty days of October 6,1917.
I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of the Treasury, for the purpose of such executive administration, to take such measures, adopt such administrative procedure, and use such agency or agencies as he may from time to time deem necessary and proper for that purpose. The proclamation of the President, dated September 7, 1917, made under authority vested in him by Title VII of said act of Congress, approved June 15, 1917, shall remain in full force and effect. The Executive order, dated September 7, 1917, made under the authority of said title shall remain in full force and effect until new regulations shall have been established by the President, or by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, and thereupon shall be superseded.
I hereby establish a Censorship Board to be composed of representatives, respectively, of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the Postmaster General, the War Trade Board, and the chairman of the Committee on Public Information.
And I hereby vest in said Censorship Board the executive administration of the rules, regulations, and proclamations from time to time established by the President under subsection (d) of section 3, of the trading with the enemy act, for the censorship of communications by mail, cable, radio, or other means of transmission passing between the United States and any foreign country from time to time specified by the President, or carried by any vessel, or other means of transportation touching at any port, place, or territory of the United States and bound to or from any foreign country.
The said Censorship Board is hereby authorized to take ad such measures as may be necessary or expedient to administer the powers hereby conferred.
I further hereby vest in the Federal Trade Commission the power and authority to issue licenses under such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law or to withhold or refuse the same, to any citizen of the United States or any corporation organized within the United States to file and prosecute applications in the country of an enemy or ally of enemy for letters patent or for registration of trade-mark, print, label, or copyright, and to pay the fees required by law and the customary agents' fees, the maximum amount of which in each case shall be subject to the control of such commission; or to pay to any enemy or ally of enemy any tax, annuity, or fee which may be required by the laws of such enemy or ally of enemy nation in relation to patents, trade-marks, prints, labels and copyrights.
I hereby vest in the Federal Trade Commission the power and authority to issue, pursuant to the provisions of section 10 (c) of the trading with the enemy act, upon such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law, or to withhold or refuse, a license to any citizen of the United States, or any corporation organized within the United States, to manufacture or cause to be manufactured a machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or design, or to carry on or cause to be carried on a process under any patent, or to use any trade-mark, print, label, or copyrighted matter owned or controlled by an enemy or ally of enemy, at any time during the present war; and also to fix the prices of articles and products manufactured under such licenses necessary to the health of the military and the naval forces of the United States, or the successful prosecution of the war; and to prescribe the fee which may be charged for such license, not enceeding $100 and not exceeding 1 per centum of the fund deposited by the licensee with the Alien Property Custodian as provided by law.
I hereby further vest in the said Federal Trade Commission the executive administration of the provisions of section 10 (d) of the trading with the enemy act, the power and authority to prescribe the form of, and time and manner of filing statements of the extent of the use and enjoyment of the license and of the prices received and the times at which the licensee shall make payments to the Alien Property Custodian, and the amounts of said payments, in accordaiice with the trading with the enemy act.
I further hereby vest in the Federal Trade Commission the power and authority, whenever in its opinion the publication of an invention or the granting of a patent may be detrimental to the public safety or defense, or may assist the enemy, or endanger the seccessful prosecution of the war, to order that the invention be kept secret and the grant of letters patent withheld until the end of the war.
The said Federal Trade Commission is hereby authorized to take all such measures as may be necessary or expedient to administer the powers hereby conferred.
I hereby vest in the Postmaster General the executive administration of all the provisions (except the penal provisions) of section 19, of the trading with the enemy act, relating to the printing, publishing, or circulation in any foreign language of any news item, editorial, or other printed matter respecting the Government of the United States or of any nation engaged in the present war, its policies, international relations, the state or conduct of the war or any matter relating thereto, and the filing with the postmaster at the place of publication, in the form of an affidavit of a true and complete translation of the entire article containing such matter proposed to be published in such print, newspaper, or publication, and the issuance of permits for the printing, publication, and distribution thereof free from said restriction. And the Postmaster General is authorized and empowered to issue such permits upon such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law and to refuse, withhold, or revoke the same.
The sum of $35,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby allotted out of the funds appropriated by the trading with the enemy act, to be expended by the Postmaster General in the administration of said section 19 thereof.
The Postmaster General is hereby authorized to take all such measures as may be necessary or expedient to administer the powers hereby conferred.
I hereby vest in the Secretary of State the executive administration of the provisions of subsection (b) of section 3 of the trading with the enemy act relative to any person transporting or attempting to transport any subject or citizen of an enemy or ally of enemy nation, and relative to transporting or attempting to transport by any owner, master, or other person in charge of a vessel of American registry, from any place to any other place, such subject or citizen of an enemy or enemy ally.
And I hereby authorize and empower the Secretary of State to issue licenses for such transportation of enemies and enemy allies or to withhold or refuse the same.
And said Secretary of State is hereby authorized and empowered to take all such measures as may be necessary or expedient to administer the powers hereby conferred and to grant, refuse, withhold, or revoke licenses thereunder.
I hereby vest in the Secretary of Commerce the power to review the refusal of any collector of customs under the provisions of section 13 and 14 of the trading with the enemy act, to clear any vessel, domestic or foreign, for which clearance is required by law.
I hereby vest in an Alien Property Custodian, to be hereafter appointed, the executive administration of all the provisions of section 7 (a), section 7 (c), and section 7 (d) of the trading with the enemy act, including all power and authority to require lists and reports, and to extend the time for filing the same, conferred upon the President by the provisions of said section 7 (a), and including the power and authority conferred upon the President by the provisions of said section 7 (c), to require the conveyance, transfer, assignment, delivery, or payment to himself, at such time and in such maimer as he shall prescribe, of any money or other properties owing to or belonging to or held for, by or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of any enemy or ally of an enemy, not holding a license granted under the provisions of the trading with the enemy act, which, after investigation, said Alien Property Custodian shall determine is so owing, or so belongs, or is so held.
Any person who desires to make conveyance, transfer payment, assignment or delivery, under the provisions of section 7 (d) of the trading with the enemy act, to the Alien Property Custodian of any money or other property owing to or held for, by or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of an enemy or ally of enemy, not holding a license granted as provided in the trading with the enemy act, or to whom any obligation or form of liability to such enemy or ally of enemy is presented for payment, shall file application with the Alien Property Custodian for consent and permit to so convey, transfer, assign, deliver, or pay such money or other property to him and said Alien Property Custodian is hereby authorized to exercise the power and authority conferred upon the President by the provisions of said section 7 (d) to consent and to issue permit upon such terms and conditions as are not inconsistent with law, or to withhold or refuse the same.
I further vest in the Alien Property Custodian the executive administration of all the provisions of section 8 (a), section 8 (b), and section 9 of the trading with the enemy act, so far as said sections relate to the powers and duties of said Alien Property Custodian.
I vest in the Attorney General all power and authority conferred upon the President by the provisions of section 9 of the trading with the enemy act.
The Alien Property Custodian to be hereafter appointed is hereby authorized to take all such measures as may be necessary or expedient, and not inconsistent with law, to administer the powers hereby conferred; and he shall further have the power and authority to make such rules and regulations not inconsistent with law as may be necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of said section 7 (a), section 7 (c), section 7 (d), section 8 (a), and section 8 (b), conferred upon the President by the provisions thereof and by the provisions of section 5 (a), said rules and regulations to be duly approved by the Attorney General.
The Alien Property Custodian to be hereafter appointed shall, "under the supervision and direction of the President, and under such rules and regulations as the President shall prescribe," have administration of all moneys (including checks and drafts payable on demand) and of all property, other than money which shall come into his possession in pursuance of the provisions of the trading with the enemy act, in accordance with the provisions of section 6, section 10, and section 12 thereof.
October 12, 1917.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 2:57 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 12 October 2015