I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Wayward Pines
Wayward Pines Season 2 Episode 5
Sound the Alarm
Aired Wednesday 9:00 PM Jun 22, 2016 on FOX
AIRED: 6/22/16
Springfield! Springfield!
Wayward Pines
Sound the Alarm
First time in Idaho?
Yeah, it's beautiful.
Across here.
Oh, wow.
This is where we will build our tomorrow. Unfortunately, all these trees will have to go, except for the pines. They age better.
Looks like there's a town already there.
Not for long.
Springfield! Springfield!
Wayward Pines
Sound the Alarm
It's beautiful, isn't it?
(growling, screeching) (screeching) (growling) (screeching)
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 4:51 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 07 July 2015 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/07/every-time-i-look-out-window.html
Springfield! Springfield!
Wayward Pines
I passed by that lot this morning, Plot 33? And I think I found something.
There appears to be a substructure of some kind underneath the soil.
It felt like metal.
Oh, well, a water tank, maybe.
Y But it's buried in an empty lot, Bill, that [groans] Life's full of mysteries, all chock-full of head scratchers.
I wouldn't think about it too much.
Besides, you really shouldn't snoop around out there.
And why is that? The secret to a safe and happy town is everyone minding their own business.
People need to do what they're supposed to.
And not do what they're not.
The Spokesman-Review
September 7, 2014 in City, Idaho, Region
Liquid asset: Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie aquifer
Scott Maben The Spokesman-Review
On a corner lot in the center of Spokane Valley, Rupert Butler tends to his large lawn below one of Modern Electric Water Co.’s conspicuous water towers. His grass is green and healthy, and Butler takes care to find the right mix of water and fertilizer to keep it that way all summer long.
He sees plenty of wasteful watering, though, around his neighborhood: sprinklers left on for hours or running in the heat of the day, water splashing onto sidewalks and streets. For someone who has lived and worked in parched areas of Texas and California, he shakes his head at it all.
“What kind of irritates me is somebody turning on a lawn sprinkler and just letting it run while they go to work all day,” said Butler, who is retired from the USDA Farm Service Agency.
But what’s to stop them? Water here is abundant and cheap, drawn from a massive aquifer under the valley floor and piped with little or no treatment to half a million people.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 July 2015 excerpt end]
Springfield! Springfield!
Wayward Pines
Sound the Alarm
Is that where we'll build our base of operations? PILCHER: Well, we've already started.
It's on the other side of the mountain.
But you'll have you'll have ample time to explore up there after dinner tonight.
Hey, Jason.
- (bell dinging) - Rebecca, as you may have heard, the Abby on Main Street was the only one.
Good news.
You designed this place.
Now I need your help.
It's my job to keep this town safe.
Are you sure the fence is impenetrable? - The fence is secure.
- What if you're wrong? Then we're dead.
My designs are not the problem here, Jason.
Google Maps
E Galactica Ct
Google Maps
E Daybreak Ln
Spokane Valley, Washington
Google Maps
S Steen Rd
Spokane Valley, Washington
"Earth 2"
"First Contact"
Sunday 6 November 1994
Episode 1 Season 1 DVD video:
Alonzo Solace: Isn't standard operation to have me verify position so you and I can hop back in a big sack if we're a couple hundred million miles off course?
Dr. Julia Heller: That's right.
Alonzo Solace: Well, you'll be happy to know that my record's intact. I haven't missed yet.
Dr. Julia Heller: Okay.
Alonzo Solace: I could postpone everyone's defrost and celebrate life a little bit. What do you say?
Dr. Julia Heller: Is that the only come-on you sleep jumpers can come up with these days?
Alonzo Solace: You've worked cold-sleep runs?
Dr. Julia Heller: Well, let's just say your reputation precedes you.
Alonzo Solace: I don't have one. I'm not around enough to make one.
"Earth 2"
"Moon Cross"
Sunday 5 February 1995
Episode 10 Season 1 DVD video:
Alonzo Solace: [ narrating ] It wasn't until later that I realized this was what I had been dreaming about - Moon Cross.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 02:18 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 23 June 2016