I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
"Well thanks for the time, I needed to think a spell."
The Satan Bug (1965)
Lee Barrett: There's three possibilities. Foreign power: possible. Criminals, hijackers: improbable. It's the first and the third that bother me.
Gen. Williams: What's the third?
Lee Barrett: Well, you said it. A lunatic.
Gen. Williams: Psychotics don't generally engage in teamwork, Lee.
Lee Barrett: Paranoids do, and they're very brilliant, some of them.
Gen. Williams: What sort of paranoid?
Lee Barrett: The kind that we grow the most of in this country. A messiah.
Ann Williams: What kind of messiah?
Lee Barrett: Take your pick. Extreme right. Extreme left. From the I'd-Rather-Be-Red-Than-Dead fanatics to the Bomb-Moscow-Right-Now fanatics.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: April 07 2011
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/07/11 1:02 AM
I generated that number '5160' by randomly selecting each number at a time. First, I closed my eyes, started flipping pages in the telephone book, stopped on a page with my eyes still closed, then I jabbed my sharp scientific instrument tool onto the page of the telephone book and held it there and then opened my eyes to see what was under the instrument. I had to do that several times before I had used my instument to stick the sharp end into an actual number and eventually, I generated the number '5.' I did the same thing over and over again until I generated the number '1' and then I did the same process over and over again until I got the last two numbers and I generated each number by itself using that process.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/07/11 4:18 AM
God, I know what it is. If I could just remember it. Salt. What is it about salt? Salt has something to do with it. Sodium chloride. NaCl. What is about salt? Am I supposed to create some kind of solution that uses salt? I tried that already. Nothing happened. Is it not yet time? Salt. Salt. Salt. Salt. Salt water, of course, is seawater. But that is not it by itself. That is not what I need to recall. I don't know. Maybe, again, I don't have to actually construct anything. Maybe I am just supposed to remember something.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/07/11 7:07 AM
When did I last get drunk before today? I have been trying to remember the last time I got drunk. Must have been three or four or five days ago. Maybe more but I don't know. I should be able to find quickly the grocery store receipt that lists when I bought the beer. I am wondering about it because as I finish off the better part of a twelve pack of Corona Extra this morning I have reached the point in the series finale episodes of the "Battlestar Galactica" television series DVD collection where those final five "Cylons" all stick their hands into what I just heard them describe as a conductive solution so they can all transfer the code in their "Cylon" minds into a collective work that will give the other "Cylons" the program code to the "Resurrection" technology.
The reason I wonder about when the last time I was drunk is that the last time I was drunk is when I was thinking hard about salt and what secret is connected to it. I even poured a heaping of salt into a bowl and then I filled that bowl with warm water and I was thinking to myself about how I had to use both hands and then I took that bowl over to that area of the inside wall that I cleared a space in front of and with both of my hands I puts both of my hands into that bowl of warm salt water and I traced out a question mark onto that wall.
I stand in front of that wall today and I cannot see any kind of marks that I left from that activity but I was standing about about three feet or more away from the wall yesterday and I did have a salty taste in my mouth after I moved about three or four feet in front of the wall.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/07/11 7:15 AM
I noted a while back that I had started watching again that DVD collection but then I quit after or thereabouts that last time I brought it up in my online blog. Tonight, or this morning, I decided to just pick up those final episodes and watch those as I finish this twelve pack of Corona Extra. I started with unaired extended version of "Islanded in a Stream of Stars" and then the unaired extended version of the final episode.
I find those people that work in that production of "Battlestar Galactica" more objectionable every time I see them.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/07/11 8:07 AM
April 1st, 2011, seems to be the last time I purchased beer from the Safeway nearby. I might have drank it that night but I don't recall for certain. I typically do not wait more than two days to drink the beer I purchase from that grocery store. I probably drank it that night. As I saw the date on that reciept I got to thinking about how I recently watched the 1993 film "Amos and Andrew" on Comcast On Demand in the free movies section and I was watching that as I was drinking that beer. As I watched that film on television and I recognized the plot elements about the million dollars and the helicopter and I started thinking about how that was associated with a neighbor who I was writing about would be the one who would pick me up on 11/7/2010, which I was writing about a few days ago. I am writing these notes now on my offline computer otherwise I would not all note these thoughts. Also, 6 April 2011 has passed and nothing happened the way, or any way, I was thinking it would so what the hell does that mean about anything!
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 April 2011 excerpt ends]
From 4/14/1965 ( premiere US film "The Satan Bug" ) To 8/26/2012 is 17301 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA ) To 3/16/2013 ( --- ) is 17301 days
The Satan Bug (1965)
Release Info
USA 14 April 1965 (New York City, New York)
Synopsis for
The Satan Bug (1965)
The Satan Bug is a film about the theft of germ cultures for the purpose of bioterrorism. The theft takes place at Station Three, a top secret U.S. biological warfare laboratory located somewhere in the Mojave desert. Stolen are 1200 grams of Botulinus, and the only extant culture of a new designer virus. This new virus does not have a scientific name yet, but is refered to by the scientists at the station as the Satan Bug. It is aggressively reproductive, transmitted through the air, and attacks all forms of life. It is considered powerful enough to kill the planet. At the time of the theft Washington officials were debating whether to destroy it or not.
The director of security and one of the laboratory's top scientists are murdered in the course of the theft. The thief escapes by cutting through the perimeter wire of the compound.
The recently fired head of Station Three security, played by George Maharis, is rehired to manage the search for the missing cultures. He is assisted by Anne Francis, who plays the daughter of a high placed intelligence official (Dana Andrews) known only as the General. He is directing the operation.
Maharis is sure that someone in the lab is implicated in the theft. While he tries to learn who an anonymous telegram is received warning that an "incident" will take place soon. Within hours one of the flasks of Botulinus is crushed on one of the Florida Keys, and everyone downwind dies. Then an anonymous telephone call is received warning that Los Angeles will be next.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/05/11 11:30 PM
On FM 102.5 KZOK Seattle Washington radio an advertisement about KIA cars is playing.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/05/11 11:32 PM
About 11:32:25 on FM 102.5 KZOK Seattle Washington radio the Peter Gabriel song "Solsbury Hill" has started to play after the advertisements end:
could see the city light
time stood still
eagle flew out of the night
he was something to observe
son he said grab your things I've come to take you home
walked right out of the machinery
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/05/11 11:35 PM
On FM 102.5 KZOK Seattle Washington radio about 11:35:00 the same song is still playing and I heard the specific lyrics:
never where I want to be
liberty she
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 05 April 2011 excerpt ends]
album: "The Dark Side Of The Moon" (1973)
"Brain Damage"
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
"I can't think of anything to say except...
I think it's marvellous! HaHaHa!"
album: "The Dark Side Of The Moon" (1973)
All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy
beg, borrow or steal
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say
All that you eat
everyone you meet
All that you slight
everyone you fight
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
There is no dark side of the moon really.
Matter of fact it's all dark.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/11 2:56 AM
So what do I have to write here so that the door appears for me and then becomes accessible to me?
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/11 2:57 AM
For a while now, I guess the better part of the past day, I have been thinking about how when the door starts to appear, there will be a sound similar to water falling. I even looked up that day I awoke to the sound of water falling out of my ceiling, which was 22 November 2007, and was going to include that in my next report but I has since in the past two hours or so taken it out of my draft text report.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/11 2:59 AM
I also keep thinking that the door will appear on an inside wall of this apartment and the reason the guy gets badly burned in the recent film "Devil" is because that is where the doorway appears in here and someone talked to someone else about it. Hell, I might be causing all that simply because I think it about and then write about it here.
I think about that because that location is where the Renton fire department employee came in, at my insistence, at pulled the electrical cord for a power strip for my personal computers out of the wall as it was starting to float from all the water piling up on the floor from the flood above and I was telling them they should cut the building power before a fire starts. That is when one of them told me the electrical breaker would prevent a fire. In that relevant scene in the film "Devil" the security guard sees an arcing electrical cable down in the basement, and thinking that is what was causing the elevator to malfunction, the scene ends, as I recall, with a close up shot of his foot as he is about to step in a pool of water that is between him and the arcing electrical cable. The next time he is seen, he has staggered into the lobby of the building and is very badly burned and he collapses to the floor among all the people in the lobby of the building.
A few days ago, I was standing there at that section of wall where I think my time traveler portal door will appear and I was thinking of how that electrical cord was still plugged in there, there just next to the patio door on the inside wall, and I have since moved that power strip to an outlet towards the kitchen and on the same wall. I also moved my desk away from the area, a few feet, and closer to the kitchen.
I remember when the management of this apartment building sent me the online notice for the renewal of my lease, there were two items that were incentives associated with the renewal. One was to have this inside wall in the living room painted and I think in the color of my choice. I forget what the second item was. There might have been several items and I chose to have the wall painted and some other choice I do not recall now. A few weeks later, as I had communicated to them when I first got the renewal notice, they told me the lease dates were wrong and I needed to go through the electronic lease documents and do it over again. When I went back through it after that I didn't see any renewal incentives listed or offered to me. I didn't really care anyway and didn't bother to say anything about it. I suspected the error in the first place had been to offer me those renewal incentives and the message about the wrong lease dates was just subterfuge, because for one reason, although I did not verify for certain, I don't think the lease dates actually changed after I filled out the documents the second time.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/11 3:22 AM
I don't know. Maybe it happens when I am sleeping. The sound startles me awake and I get up to find the source of the noise, thinking they are flooding me out again, which is something I dread every time I think of it.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/11 3:25 AM
In the 1994 film "Timecop" "Atwood" is sitting at his desk and he seems to hear that "Walker" is about to appear in his office. Something seems to alert him that "Walker" is about to appear but when ever I watch that film on television I am never really just what alerts him to the appearance of "Walker." The scene establishes that "Atwood" is alert before the form of "Walker" even begins to appear.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/11 3:30 AM
So now I have the thought that I will not be asleep when the door next appears because I am supposed to watch it appear, at least for the first time.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/11 3:33 AM
Look at how that works out. The name "Atwood" is also that street name I noted at that former First Federal building where I "remember" working in Greenville SC. The building is at the corner of Academy and College. A street just as close as Atwood is, I think without looking it up again, named Barrett. I think it is connected to Central. The premiere date is the same as "Princess Caraboo."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 April 2011 excerpt ends]
The Satan Bug (1965)
Dr. Gregor Hoffman: More than forty chemical weapons are being developed at Station 3. I will confine myself to two which we have developed here, at E Lab. The first, botulinus. We have twelve hundred grammes in six flasks. If ten grammes of it were allowed to contaminate a city, that city is a morgue in four hours. It is an ideal weapon, if you will forgive the phrase, because it only destroys people. It oxides itself, and in effect dies after eight hours.
Lee Barrett: Well, then it's safe to go in there. It's been over eight hours since that vault door was closed. And if all twelve hundred grammes of botulinus were spilled, it would still be safe. The closed-air circulation system is still in operation, so it would be oxidised.
Dr. Gregor Hoffman: That is correct, but there is something else in there. It is only three weeks since Dr. Baxter refined it, and only three days since he communicated its existence to anyone.
Gen. Williams: There's something beyond botulinis?
Dr. Gregor Hoffman: Yes, the second weapon. Also a virus, airborne. But self-perpetuating. Indestructible. Once released it will multiply at a power beyond our calculations. It perhaps will never die. To this virus we have given a highly unscientific name, but one which describes it perfectly. "The Satan Bug." If I took the flask which contains it and exposed it to the air, everyone here would be dead in three seconds. California would be a tomb in a few hours. In a week all life, and I mean all life, would cease in the United States. In two months, two months at the most, the trapper from Alaska, the peasant from the Yangtze, the Aborigine from Australia are dead. All dead, because I crushed a flask and exposed a green colored liquid to the air. Nothing, nothing can stop the Satan Bug.
Lee Barrett: What would be the last to go?
Dr. Gregor Hoffman: Perhaps the Great Albatross swinging its way around the bottom of the world. Perhaps an Eskimo deep in the Arctic. But the seas travel the world over, and so do the winds. One day, one day soon, they too would die. The Satan Bug is behind that door! One flask. It has got to be locked up in there, it has got to be! I must make you understand, if botulinus has been spilled then, as Mr. Barrett here says, it does not matter. But by god, if someone were to get in there and the Satan Bug has been spilled and the vault door were opened more than half an inch and left open, then the airlock room is lethal! Open this door for more than five seconds, and everything that I have told you will happen will happen. I beg you sir, seal up the door! You cannot take the risk!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 07:50 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 16 June 2016