I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
What the "Grandpa Simpson" reference really reminds me of is a story I remember telling before. I don't know recall the precise details but what I am thinking I once told people, possibly even years later at Microsoft, is of how after I moved back to Greenville I was glad to be back because the street signs in Memphis had been difficult for me to find my way around when I was making service calls. I think I was telling that to people at First Federal Savings and Loan (later First Savings Bank and then merged into BB&T) after I returned to Greenville and started working service calls there again and I remember how they were all so glad I was back to fix their computer problems.
Those ATMs were worse than I imagine the 5-inch cannon fire-control system on the Wainwright had been for my FC peer's there but I figured out the tricks of that beast after a while.
That time period at First Federal was precisely 4 years. From 1990 to 1994.
And another point I wanted to make recently was something I thought I noted here before in this massive blog but have not tried to find again.
I found a similar reference when I wrote about the physical memory in my brain about the 1990s and I have been thinking I expanded on that notion but I'm not sure if I wrote about the idea.
The notion is about those people I remember working with at First Federal from 1990 to 1994.
I was thinking about how some of them saw me so infrequently.
They really would have no idea or not if I really worked there full-time for the bank's contractor, which is two of the employers listed on my federal documents.
Jim Shea might have been the only person that covered that region but that seems unlikely from what I recall now of the number of locations that were contracted to service.
Looking now at the map, as illustrated here now, that area spanned about 65 miles east-west as measured in a straight line on the map.
I can recall specifically going to Rock Hill during that time to cover for the Columbia office.
Even those guys might have not known whether I worked there full-time.
I talked often to the guy who worked by himself in the Charleston office. He left at some point and I recall covering for his replacement when he took vacation. I stayed down there for two weeks living in a hotel. Maybe more than once. I recall specifically Dan Benbow sending me down to solve a long-standing problem, finding an elegant solution.
So really the only person in Greenville who might have known the truth, besides Dan Benbow, and possibly some person invisible to my mind right now, is Jim Shea. He must have known.
I can visualize sitting in my duplex apartment on Wexford watching video on CNN of the beginning of the air war in 1991's Desert Storm.
There's a picture on that guy's office wall I thought about going back and imaging but screw it.
Springfield! Springfield!
Sneakers (1992)
- Gunter? You're not...
- God, no. Here you go. Nice to see you.
- Who the hell is that?
- Battle stations.
Monitor the audio. Grab the mike.
I'm gonna remove my hand now.
Please, don't scream.
I promise, nothing will happen to you.
Who are you?
- He's a PI.
- You're a private investigator.
- I'm a private investigator.
- But why?
Who hired you?
- Who hired you?
- Mrs. Janek.
There is not Mrs. Janek.
You got us stumped.
Oh, yeah? Who do you think paid
for your little love jaunt to Mexico City?
That was good.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:56 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 25 August 2016