I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
The Last Stargate Starfighter
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Centauri: I must congratulate you on your virtuoso performance, my boy. Centauri is impressed. I've seen them come and I've seen them go. But you're the best, my boy. Dazzling. Light years ahead of the competition.
The American Presidency Project
Gerald Ford
XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974 - 1977
87 - Remarks at a President Ford Committee Reception in Orlando, Florida.
February 13, 1976
FIRST, I want to thank Lou, Skip, Bill, Paula, and I want to thank all of you. I can't express my appreciation and gratitude adequately. I have heard rumors to the effect that I did not have any volunteers, that we had a hard time finding people who were interested in going out and working hard on a voluntary basis. I have heard rumors that our organization just did not exist. I never believed it in the first place, and this is the best proof right here that we have got it. So, let me just say thanks again.
Now, I know this is a hard job. It takes a lot of time making phone calls, going door to door, distributing material and all the footwork that you have to do. I have done it.
The American Presidency Project
Gerald Ford
XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974 - 1977
84 - Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on a Nuclear-Powered Navy.
February 13, 1976
IN DEVELOPING the budget for FY 1977, the Navy and the Secretary of Defense have reviewed the requirements for surface combatants and recommended a program to me. I approve that program. In approving that program, it Was clearly understood that, on a ship for ship basis, a nuclear powered ship is superior in some respects to a conventionally powered one with equivalent sensors and weapons. The major issue with nuclear power concerns whether the added military benefits are worth the extra costs involved, particularly when those costs force reductions in numbers of ships or in the funding requirements of other important programs. Other concerns include the limited shipyard capacity available and extended lead time required to build nuclear powered ships. We have arrested the decline in the numerical size of the Navy, and my program (a mix of conventional and nuclear powered ships) will help to increase the number of ships in the Navy.
In view of the urgent need for increased anti-air warfare capability, we want to introduce and rapidly build up the number of ships equipped with the AEGIS area air defense weapon system. Due to the much greater cost and the later delivery date of the nuclear AEGIS ship, I believe it is in the national interest, taking into account fiscal constraints, to pursue a balanced program of nuclear and non-nuclear AEGIS ships. Therefore, I have included funding in my FY 1977 budget for a conventionally powered ship equipped with the AEGIS missile system.
From 7/13/1984 ( premiere US film "The Last Starfighter" ) To 10/24/1994 is 3755 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/13/1976 ( Gerald Ford - Remarks at a President Ford Committee Reception in Orlando, Florida ) is 3755 days
From 7/13/1984 ( premiere US film "The Last Starfighter" ) To 10/24/1994 is 3755 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/13/1976 ( Gerald Ford - Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on a Nuclear-Powered Navy ) is 3755 days
From 9/6/1984 ( premiere US film "Amadeus" ) To 10/24/1994 is 3700 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/20/1975 ( Gerald Ford - Statement on Signing the Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act ) is 3700 days
From 1/13/1904 ( Samuel G. Havermale dead ) To 12/25/1961 ( Otto Loewi deceased ) is 21166 days
21166 = 10583 + 10583
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/24/1994 is 10583 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) to 1/3/1993 ( premiere US TV series "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"::series premiere episode "Emissary" ) is 659 days
From 1/3/1993 ( premiere US TV series "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"::series premiere episode "Emissary" ) to 10/24/1994 is 659 days
From 8/7/1931 ( Herbert Hoover - Statement on the Organization for Unemployment Relief ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 21166 days
21166 = 10583 + 10583
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 10/24/1994 is 10583 days
Other posts by me on this topic, future updates by me most probable
Los Angeles Times
Tut Would Have Felt at Home
The Scene: Monday's premiere of MGM's "Stargate" at Mann's Chinese
Amadeus (1984)
Release Info
USA 6 September 1984 (Westwood, California) (premiere)
Amadeus (1984)
Full Cast & Crew
Tom Hulce ... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The American Presidency Project
Gerald Ford
XXXVIII President of the United States: 1974 - 1977
740 - Statement on Signing the Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act.
December 20, 1975
I HAVE today signed S. 1800, the Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act.
S. 1800 authorizes the Federal Government, under certain circumstances, to indemnify certain art, artifacts, and other objects to be exhibited internationally. One of the conditions which the bill requires to be met is that the Secretary of State or his designee certify that the proposed exchange would be "in the national interest." In approving S. 1800, I note that the legislative history links the determination of national interest specifically to exhibits and exchanges which would be in the "foreign policy interests of the United States," and "in the interests of the people of the United States" so that the indemnification program does not become simply an insurance relief mechanism. I believe that such linkage is essential to justify involvement of the Federal Government in this kind of an indemnification program, and I am therefore directing the Secretary of State to establish appropriate criteria for his certifications to assure that the intent of the legislation in this regard is properly and carefully carried out.
Another concern about S. 1800 grows out of the provisions designating the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities as an agency for the purpose of administering the indemnification program. Under existing law, the Council is essentially an advisory body. This bill, however, would assign executive functions to the Council. Thus, its members must be officers of the United States. In this regard, four of the current statutory members of the Council--the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the Director of the National Gallery of Art, the member designated by the chairman of the Senate Commission on Art and Antiquities, and the member designated by the Speaker of the House-are not appointed in the manner prescribed in the Constitution for appointment of officers of the United States. Furthermore, the conversion of the Council from an advisory body into an executive agency for the purpose of the act would place the Congressional member of the Council in violation of the constitutional prohibition against Members of Congress holding civil offices of the United States.
However, I am approving S. 1800 since these surface constitutional defects can be cured by Executive action. Under the authority vested in me by the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 to change the membership of the Council to meet changes in Federal programs or executive branch organization, I am today directing that, because of the constitutional provisions noted above, the four Council members previously mentioned shall not serve as members of the Council when it acts as an agency in carrying out functions under this act.
Note: As enacted, S. 1800 is Public Law 94-158 (89 Stat. 844).
Citation: Gerald R. Ford: "Statement on Signing the Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act.," December 20, 1975.
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 3:23 PM
Homeless Veteran Of Microsoft
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
"I must congratulate you on your virtuoso performance"
The Spokesman-Review
Then & Now: Havermale Island
Mon., Sept. 12, 2016
DSC00265.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 07 September 2018
DSC00266.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 07 September 2018
Stargate Image Gallery
Stargate Movies > Screen Captures > Stargate (The Movie) (1994)
from my journal as Kerry Burgess
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 04:32 am (Pacific Time USA)
I wonder if that's the same day I remember graduating from United States Navy basic training in Orlando.
Must have been.
The uncertainty in my mind is because of vague memories I still have about those last days before we left.
I can still visualize that last day, had my seabag and sunglasses on and the company commander sending us off and I can visualize myself walking for the last time out the door of that barracks we had been in for 8 weeks.
I went across base to begin Basic Electricity and Electronics School for the Electronics Technician occupation rating, a rating I chose because it was one of only two ratings in the Advanced Electronics Field, along with Fire Controlman, and the ET rating required several more weeks of electronics training than FC and I found that appealing to me. Several weeks later, being completely unprepared for unhindered access to cheap alcohol, having been sheltered from alcohol and then on my own with no old woman screeching at me, with no closed door in her house I could ever escape to away from her, I let myself get kicked out of school and sent out to the fleet to work in the deck department as a non-rated sailor. Working my butt off, as since 14 years old, from my own personal initiative and with no personal role models in my past experience, I had become accustomed to regular employment, I was allowed to select a rating to aspire for and I chose the gun/missile Fire Controlman (FC) (in the last days of the Fire Control Technician Missiles (FTM) rating) and worked my way back up and my next fleet assignment was with a bunch of push-button technicians whose career track had been the same as my original aspirations with the ET rating. They went to school for several courses of instruction and were advanced to Petty Officer Third Class (E-4 paygrade after entering recruit training as E-3 paygrade) without ever working a day in the fleet. I had spent over a year - a total of 419 days to be exact - on a shakedown period for the USS Taylor FFG-50 where I had many responsibilities including being responsible for the boatswain locker, helmsman, lookout, repair locker personnel, damage control, others.
All I know for certain is my official military records tell me I was transferred from basic training by the United States Navy on Monday, July 16, 1984.
The previous Friday was the 13th.
The details I vaguely recall are about how my company, C155, finished the course of instruction several days before the other company's finished. The reason, I vaguely recall, is that several companies began the course of instruction during the same week but on different days of the week. So we started on a day before the others started and we finished a few days before the last company finished. If we started on a Monday then others started on Friday. So we finished on a Monday and they finished on a Friday. But we all graduated on the same day, which I believe was a Friday and I have reason to believe was the 13th. I can't imagine we were goofing off for over a week waiting for the other company to finish the course. K076 was the female company I remember starting with us on the same day and I think they were in the same large classroom with us for classroom instruction. I remember a vast number of sailors being on the field for graduation ceremony and my company was a large group of sailors.
The answer might be out there somewhere on the internet but I can't find it.
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Release Info
USA 13 July 1984
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Full Cast & Crew
Lance Guest ... Alex Rogan / Beta Alex
- posted by Kerry Burgess 4:44 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 11 September 2018