Saturday, March 03, 2007

Here’s your message, George W. Bush, you punk ass coward: Fuck You.

This all reflects what Microsoft and their crooked lawyers, such as Brad Smith, have been trying to steal. But that is only the tip of the iceburg. And their theivery – and worse – has been protected by corrupt public officials such as Norm Maleng, Dave Reichert, and George W. Bush.

George W. Bush has not only been protecting himself, but also his father, because George H.W. Bush was stealing my image for his own political gain.

There has been some kind of competing motivation among all these theives and terrorists, such as Microsoft. There is a termendous amount of money to be made from my image, but there is also a measure of revenge against me to all their criminal activity. That is in combination with the need to get me killed simply because it helps them to steal my image. All this proves that in George W. Bush’s America, justice goes to the highest bidder.

As I recall, he set the record for the number of executions by any state while he was govenor of Texas. If he had put as much effort into determining their guilt as he has into protecting his own ass, I am certain none of those people would have been executed. Maybe they were all guilty, but I am quite certain George W. Bush cares nothing for justice in America unless he is the one that is guilty of criminal activity.

Fuck You, George W. Bush. You are effective at nothing but getting American’s killed.