I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, October 09, 2015
Gray's Sports Almanac.
I haven't watched this DVD in more than one year I am pretty certain of that.
After watching it and being so bored with so many boring films being produced these years there isn't much interesting out there for me personally. I had to struggle with myself just to watch tonight again this DVD.
Anyway there there was one specific instance with a scene of that magazine that reminded me of a sleeping dream and that notion is the reason I am making this note.
In that sleeping dream from the last time I was asleep, sometime about 24 hours ago, I saw myself from the perspective of my eyes, in all I can now recall, and I was in an airport. I seemed to dream extensively but there are only brief scenes I can now recall vaguely. I clearly saw the luggage I was carrying with me. I thought to myself about how another traveler had his luggage inspected and I thought to myself that I could avoid that embarrassment because I was wearing the white dress uniform I remember wearing of a United States Navy sailor in the late 1980s. I saw clearly the contents inside. That one specific scene is familiar but in my sleeping dream there was a lot more than just one item.
There was also something about Alaska and 26 dollars. I thought about that a lot later after waking. Was that a 26 dollar expense for an Alaska Airlines commercial airliner from Alaska to Seattle? Not certain precisely.
I am tired of making these notes but I think to myself that sometimes Safeway chicken pot pies are just Safeway chicken pot pies.
In my daily miserable routine, as I am certain tomorrow will be again, I would be happy just to get back to the point where shopping for food at a Safeway store was once again convenient.
I sure do resent you moronic sheep.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:08 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 09 October 2015