I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, September 08, 2018
The President's Double
From: Kerry Burgess
One time, before I escaped their captivity, I was planning on buying my own hunting dog.
One day, the wacky idea formed in my mind that I was going to name the dog 'deeohgee'.
Dumb idea but I thought it was brilliant idea.
I told Denzil about it. I told him I was naming my dog 'deeohgee'. That was just some creative idea that I had never heard before.
The way I remember it, he came back later and was telling me, as usual, that I was stupid because of that name, that it was a stupid name.
I was thinking over all that back in those early years of my confused mind after they let me out of the VA hospital in Seattle after having me drugged up for a long time, for no good reason.
That was when the notion came to me that he was illiterate.
Being a fan of "Superman" in my youth, I remembered a scene in the 1978 film about the villian and his lines to "Superman" about how only anything with four legs, or "Superman" could hear that frequency he was speaking to him on. "Superman" is trying to block his ears from the painful sound and the scenes includes dogs howling.
My guess was, a few years ago, that I had learned somehow, back in the 1990s, along with all this other information, that Denzil was illiterate and that knowledge, if true, somehow gained by me personally, was bubbling up to my conscious mind.
What made that memory seem funny is that I guessed Denzil had repeated 'deeohgee' to Ambrus Chauncy, who was probably literate himself, and he told him what it meant. Denzil wouldn't have known that if he is illiterate. And that would have made him paranoid.
That reminds me of something else I have been thinking about lately. I have been wondering if Denzil was illiterate. That's a real possibility. As best I recall he went to school only through the 4th grade. There was a story I heard often back then about how when he was younger and working at the gravel pit he was seriously injured by electrocution. So I guess he learned how to read those words. I have wondered about that because of something I did when we were all living together on Hicks Road. Denzil raised hunting dogs and I was planning on get my own hunting dog, a breed I cannot now recall, and raise it for hunting. I told Denzil I was going to name it "deeohgee". He came back to later and told me that stupid. Perhaps that was after he relayed to his buddy Ambrus Chauncy about my choice for a name. At some point Ambrus started always calling me "Einstein". Denzil was often calling me "stupid".
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Centauri: I must congratulate you on your virtuoso performance, my boy. Centauri is impressed. I've seen them come and I've seen them go. But you're the best, my boy. Dazzling. Light years ahead of the competition.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 7:54 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 08 September 2018