Monday, July 29, 2019

Proving Ground

2008 film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" DVD video:


Klaatu: This is it. Stop here.

Dr. Helen Benson: Should -

Jacob Benson: Uh, Helen, who is this guy?

Dr. Helen Benson: A friend.

Jacob Benson: What kind of friend?

Dr. Helen Benson: Scootch over. He's a work friend.

Jacob Benson: What's his name.

Dr. Helen Benson: Klaatu.

Jacob Benson: Klaatu.

Dr. Helen Benson: Yeah.

Jacob Benson: What kind of name is that?

Dr. Helen Benson: It's foreign, I think. [ sniffles ]

Jacob Benson: I never heard you talk about him before.

Dr. Helen Benson: Well, I haven't known him for very long. We're just giving him a ride.

Jacob Benson: Where?

Dr. Helen Benson: Here.

Jacob Benson: The forest?

The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

(from internet transcript)

Jacob Benson: I don't like him. He's weird, and... Why are we driving him around, anyway?

Dr. Helen Benson: Um... It's complicated.

- posted by Kerry Burgess 5:20 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 29 July 2019