Friday, August 17, 2007

You should have known better.

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 5:58:05 AM

Subject: Gladiator (2000)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Sleep journal - 2/9/06

Only remember a brief part of my dreams last night. It feels like there was more dreaming but I can only remember what seems like the last part. This felt like a normal dream and not one that was what I consider "suggested" or "manipulated." This recent dream was of me sitting in a room with three other guys. We were all wearing U.S. Navy uniforms and it seemed to be some kind of waiting room. I was enroute to a new assignment, a ship somewhere. One of the guys seemed to be a CPO, another was a LT. The third guy was a buddy of mine from the Wainwright, except that the uniform he was wearing was only similar to a U.S. Navy uniform but really wasn't. I walked out of the room with someone that I don't think was one of the first group. I was walking down some stairs.

My sleep pattern has changed over the past few days since I haven't experienced one of the foreign dreams. I am sleeping later. For the first time in a long time, I didn't get up to watch the 5 a.m. news, which is a bummer, but in all reality is a silly thing to feel bad about anyway.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Sleep journal 2/27/06

There was a bunch of stuff in my dreams last night, but I only remember one part. I was also very tired when I woke up, but couldn't go back to sleep. The part of the dream I do remember is where I was walking down some stairs. It seemed to be outside, as in stairs leading down the outside of a building, a factory maybe. I am thinking it was at the end of something, a conclusion of something. I turned around after going down a couple of the stairs and was organizing some stuff, books maybe. I couldn't get them all together or something and I think I was going to have to make a second trip to bring them all down. Within the boxes and books, I pulled out a hat and put it on. It was a U.S. Navy Officer's cover.

Today I am also thinking back to that dream I had in my last days at Microsoft. I told a friend about it. I dreamed that someone had set off two bombs and I was watching the towering clouds from the explosions rising high into the atmosphere. I was baffled at how people were going around their normal business like nothing had happened. There was one person I recognized, a guy that was on the same team as I. I didn't understand why no one was concerned.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: "The Great White Whale"

Thu, 3/2/06 12:29 PM

[I went down to lunch here in the shelter and I picked up a cup for some milk. I reached around another person and without looking at it, picked up the cup and went to sit down. I turned the cup around and on it was printed "Canberrra World Cruise 1988" with an emblem on it of their travels through the Pacific and approaching the Persian Gulf. I looked it up here on the internet, thinking of how it seemed a Lost-esque messages in a bottle.]

Canberra started her illustrious career in 1961, taking emigrants to a new life in Australia, but as global transportation and travel habits evolved, so did Canberra. In the early 1970's she was almost scrapped. The need for passenger liners diminished as both air travel and oil prices increased. A last minute reprieve saw the ship transferred to the growing cruising market. She never looked back.

In 1982 Canberra became an national heroine as she transported British troops into the war zone of the Falkland Islands. After the conflict, "The Great White Whale" as she had become known, returned home to a fantastic welcome in Southampton. After this, her popularity reached new heights and she became the country's favourite ship.


Fri, 3/3/06 3:22 PM

This was a pleasant surprise. I was disappointed though when I first saw them that they were preparing to leave. I think this is the one at the link below. I love these ships. Who needs a parade when you can watch a U.S. Navy warship getting underway? If I could choose any ship I wanted for a personal yacht, it would be a Burke-class destroyer.

I feel certain I was in that hospital room with President Ronald Reagan after he was shot. That is why I have those "memories" of sleeping on the sofa when Ronnie Romine was in the hospital. Ronnie Romine was my step-father's father in my artificial life. And my step-father was a Vietnam War veteran and I guess that is why he was my step-father in my symbolic memories. He symbolizes, in certain aspects, my experiences in the Vietnam War. I "remember" the time I found his three Purple Hearts from Vietnam. There was that one time the doctors said he would never walk again after he stepped on a landmine. That probably happened to me to, if not in Vietnam, then in the Falklands, but I think that part about never walking again actually has something to do with me walking on the Moon. As for Ronnie Romine, I "remember" he was in the hospital dying from a lung ailment. I think that all represents me sitting in the hospital with President Reagan and he was having trouble breathing because of the breathing tube, as I read about somewhere on the internet.


I happened to glance at this article and it reminded me of something I had thought of a few times in recent memory. It was a time when Randy Romines father was in the hospital. He was dying from emphysema. That would have been 1978 I believe. I spent the night at least once on the sofa in his hospital room. I can't remember for certain his name, but I'm pretty sure it was Ronnie Romine. This article describes when Ronald Reagan was in the hospital after being shot by an assassin. He was having a lot of trouble it sounds like with the breathing tubes and he wanted to thank the nurse for staying with him. The article states her name as Marisa Mize.

Seattle Times June 9, 1981

Reagan, trauma past, seeks his Florence Nightingale

Ten weeks have passed since the assassination attempt on President Reagan


Raid On The Sun

Looks like an interesting book. Judging by all the people trying to look at the book cover as I was walking by them, there must be a great deal of interest in the topic.

The back cover has that photo of the pilots and something catches my eye about the one who has his face turned completely sideways, as though he is looking at someone to his right. There's another guy with his face turned sideways, but not as much as the unsmiling one in the second row from the front.

On the cover photo, the first two F-16s do not have Sidewinders on the wingtips and it appears they only have the 84s although I can't remember what any of that would actually look like.

What is it about 1720? Is that a time? Did something happen at 1720? There must be a reason I was making myself remember that number in my symbolic memory.

Wasn't that guy at Microsoft named 'Ariel'? Was his last name 'Netz'? And I think his brother who worked there also was named 'Amir.'

Corbis has the credit for several images in this book. David Rubinger is the name associated with Corbis. Corbis has partial credit for Ramon, as well as the Osirak site. I met someone from Corbis one time, wasn't it when I volunteered for Danskin? She was also a volunteer. But there was also someone I was riding bicycles with one time who worked at Corbis. Let's see......I met her in a new group of was Kate that invited me. Kate was a woman, from England I believe, who worked at Microsoft and I met her at Suzanne Morgans house. I think it was the time Suzanne invited me over for a Christmas party. I liked Kate, she had red hair and there was something else I can't remember that attracted me. She was also a very strong cyclist. That was probably around 2000. I was still riding with Grace Stahre then, as Kate was riding around Mercer Island with Grace and I. I don't remember riding with Grace after the STP of 2000. I did it the next year by myself.

This reference to the Ku band stands out in my memory:

The "Gun Dish" radar operates in the Ku band,

The SA-6's are more than I thought too, I was thinking they were comparable to Stingers, but they actually look more like Standard missiles.

The fairly large missiles have an effective range of 3-24 km (2-15 miles) and an effective altitude of 50-12000m (164-39,370 ft). The missile weighs 599 kg (1321 lb) and the warhead weighs 56 kg (123 lb). Top missile speed is approx. Mach 2.8.

At some point last night, either as I was about to go to sleep or while I was asleep, a message popped into my head that I was the only one to have an air-to-air kill on this strike.

"The leader Raz held the speed steady at 360 knots"

In my symbolic memory, this what I did in boot camp when we marched in formation. I was at the very front and to the very right. Somebody complained one day why were we traveling so fast and someone else suggested they asked me.

in boot camp, there were two elements to the formation we marched in. We forget the term for those two units, I want to say 'platoon' but that's not right as we didn't use that term. As a group, we were referred to as a 'company.' Generally, the second unit marched along with the main group, but sometimes they split off. The person to my left and I had counterparts in the front of that second unit. That started making me think about my right elbow again, there is a tenderness to it, and I remember something like bone chips under the surface. I am wondering if I didn't tuck it in well enough when I had to eject from an aircraft at some point. I don't think that happened during this event, but I'm not sure. I have been wondering again today if a memory I have of running out of gas in my red Ford relates here. I was on my way to supervising construction of the Senior-class float for the school parade. It's hard to know if these thoughts that come up are the result of memories coming back or they are just imagination. I am wondering again about that thought of me having an air-to-air kill during this operation and I ran out of gas because I engaged another fighter.

"He was not due to break radio silence and check in with Command until the 38-degree-longitude point, about one-quarter the distance to Baghdad, another twenty minutes. Then he would break silence only long enough to utter the code word 'Moscow,' indicating "so far, so good."

I am eager to finish this book. But I am having a lot of trouble concentrating.

I read about one sentence and then my mind drifts off for about 2 minutes. Now it'll be 3 minutes as I know people will start watching me reading.

That was the Junior float actually. I was supervising because I was the class president. Jennifer Jones thought I was too uptight. It had been pouring rain earlier and I was wearing my hunting jacket, which was waterproof. Mark Miller thought that was funny for some reason and asked me if I was going hunting. Years later, there was a style of men's jacket that was popular and I would think about how similar it was to that hunting jacket I wore. They called them "Barn jackets."


6 7 1 9 8 1



F = Feline? = Katz?

"As Raz had struggled to modify his approach, he saw Yadlin cut in beneath him. Not a bad move, he thought. He pulled all the way back on the stick, angling the F-16 backward and, finally, all the way over, executing a maneuver pilots called an "overturn," an incredible, circuslike loop-de-loop in which his F-16 turned full circle like a Ferris wheel. Raz came swooping down on the dome at a perfect angle."

"Nothing was said about Raz missing the navigation. Neither Raz nor Yadlin mentioned that Yadlin had cut in beneath Raz, or the fact that the first two bombs had been dropped by the number two flier. Unmentioned also was Raz's astounding 360-degree backflip over the target, under enemy fire, and then dropping both two-thousand-pounders with 100 percent accuracy."

This explains those recurring dreams I was having a while back. I can't remember when I was having them, seems like it has been during this period of captivity while I was homeless. The recurring element in those dreams was that I was in a pickup, one time in a Jeep, and the vehicle was going backwards. I couldn't get it to start moving forward again. A very disturbing dream. Seems like I wrote in my sleep journal about the last one. Something about me in my red Ford spinning my wheels as I approached a cliff.

As for the ambidextrous theory, I started thinking again about this scar I have on the side of my right wrist. I have been wondering if that is actually a bullet wound and not the burning apple pie I remember while in a day care center. I wonder if that wound caused some nerve damage that affects my dexterity. I am also wondering if that is one of five bullet wounds. There are two right next to each other that I wonder if are separate wounds or if they are entry and exit scars.

Now I understand why Bill Latimer [ the "Peter Griffin" look-alike from "Family Guy" ] was talking one day at Microsoft about the nature of how an orbiting space craft reenters the atmosphere. He pointed out to someone that I knew what he was talking about. The craft, with the engine pointing in the direction of travel executes a burn which slows the craft down which in turn causes the Earth's gravity to capture it.

A while back, I was writing about that time I got my red Ford stuck in the mud while out hunting on that underground pipeline. Could that situation symbolically connect to this strike? The place I got stuck wasn't far from where I hit that 9-point deer, but I am pretty certain represents the Osirak strike, but I'm not sure which event happened first for Kerry, the 9-point or the stuck Ford. That corridor the pipeline passed through, carved out of the trees, reminds of what I was reading in this book, where the strike group went through some kind of radar corridor. There is also a corridor aspect to the travel through Jordan. Assuming I did get shot down or ran out of gas on the way back, I had to walk my way out through the very dark terrain until I found someone that could help. Kerry Burgess found someone that went to the same church to drive him back and pull his truck out. Not sure what happened in reality, assuming that I really was on the ground evading capture. It may represent a local giving me a ride back to friendly terrain. There was also that aspect of everyone back home out searching for me, but I told them I was going hunting in a different place so I was miles away from where they were actually looking for me.

And when I write about that pipeline, if I call it a "buried pipeline" I feel compelled to change that to "underground pipeline." There must be a reason for that.

All that noise, and all that sound,
All those places I got found.
And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand?

Remarks on Signing a Resolution and a Proclamation Declaring National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1981

June 12, 1981

maybe this represents that I had been found or that I had returned.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, May 08, 2007

That memory of jumping off the radio tower with the towel for a parachute probably reflects falling out of the space shuttle after I fixed the landing gear at the last second. The notion of using the towel might reflect that I was too low for my parachute to fully inflate. The part about not remembering how it turned out probably means that I was knocked unconscious after a hard landing on the desert floor and I woke up in a hospital room. The reason for the “R2-D2” model rocket is because the space shuttle on the launch pad resembles the space shuttle from the back when it is on the launch pad.

ID: DF-SC-82-03784

The Space Transportation System (STS) Shuttle COLUMBIA is being moved on the mobile launcher platform from the vehicle assembly building (VAB) to Launch Pad 39 before its first flight.

Date Shot: 1 Dec 1980

From 4/14/1981 to 11/18/1994 is: 13 years, 218 days
218 / 365 = 0.59
From 4/14/1981 to 11/18/1994 is: 13.59 years

Star Trek: Generations (1994)

Release Date: 18 November 1994 (USA)

The first Space Shuttle mission, STS-1, was launched April 12, 1981, and returned April 14. Space Shuttle Columbia orbited the earth 36 times in this 54.5-hour mission. It was the first US manned space flight since the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in July 15, 1975.

Star Trek: Generations (Paramount Pictures, 1994) is the seventh feature film based on the Star Trek science fiction television series. It is the first film in the series to star the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) attends the christening of the USS Enterprise-B, successor to the Enterprise-A, which he commanded. This unfinished and unprepared Enterprise-B is commanded by the young and inexperienced Captain John Harriman (Alan Ruck). Pressed into a rescue mission during its maiden voyage, Enterprise rescues 47 El-Aurian refugees caught in an "energy ribbon." Among those rescued is Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell) and Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg). Captain Kirk appears to be killed during the rescue mission.

The casting for the character "Captain Harriman" was probably to associate me with "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." The helmsman reminds me of girl I knew named Laurel Hutchinson, which reminds me of "Starsky and Hutch" and which also reminds of what I read about the shuttle pilot's middle name being Laurel. The movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" premiered during the time I was missing in Africa, but I assume I had creative input into that movie and my input was before I was missing-in-action. I haven't examined all the details and I'm quite certain I have not watched that movie in the past 10 years, even though I am quite familiar with the plot. Matthews Broderick's girlfriend in the movie seems to be someone I would cast to represent Phoebe in my life, assuming Brodericks character had some bearing on some aspect of my life.

Sunday, 4/12/1981 - Launch of first space shuttle flight
Tuesday, 4/14/1981 - Landing of first space shuttle flight

Memorable quotes for

Star Trek: Generations (1994)

Kirk: You left port without a tractor beam?

Harriman: It doesn't arrive until Tuesday.

Robert Laurel Crippen (born September 11, 1937 in Beaumont, Texas) (Captain, USN, retired) is a former USAF and NASA astronaut, and flew on four Space Shuttle missions, including three as commander. Crippen is a recipient of the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.

Jacqueline Kim
Date of Birth: 31 March 1965
Star Trek: Generations (1994) .... Ensign Demora Sulu

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, December 13, 2006

One time recently, I was walking through Pioneer Square in Seattle and someone spoke the phrase "15 times" and I wondered if that meant I had been wounded in combat fifteen times or I had been into space fifteen times. Then I wondered if it meant both. That I had been awarded fifteen Purple Hearts over the years and that I had been into space on the shuttle fifteen times. That was around the time I was thinking that the scars on my arms and legs aren't what I remembered and are actually old bullet wounds. I "remember" a time on the Wainwright when one of my co-workers, from Phoenix and named Reese, told me about a time a power drill went through his hand and I suddenly began thinking that is why I have a scar on my hand, right near the knuckle of my middle finger. The scar above my right eye, which I have started noticing on certain actors in certain movies, such as the "Major West" character from the 1998 movie, "Lost In Space," noticable when "West" and "Professor Robinson" had a heated argument in the engine room and the scar on "West's" eye looked similar to mine. I have started thinking that scar was from a cut with a knife when I was POW. A few months ago I was pondering over a "memory" about me getting into a fight with a guy whose name was pronounced "Rill" and I lost the fight, which was obvious from my face. Recently I started thinking that was a memory of someone beating me up, probably while a POW, because I was figthing with "Rill." But it wasn''t "Rill" that I remember fighting with, it was "Is Rill" or Israel. And I wasn't fighting against Israel, I was fighting with Israel and that is why my captors were beating me up, probably to get me to admit that I had been the leader of that strike in 1981, which I did not admit.

Also on my earnings report from the Social Security Administration is my after-school job from the 80's. Lately, I decided that the name "Mills" refers to the military. I pondered over whether there was any symbolism to connect my "memories" of working at Mills Store for 4 years and my theory that I attended the U.S. Naval Academy for 4 years. My theory was these details represent my attendance at the Academy when I focused on a seemingly important detail from my 3rd year working at Mills Store. It was during that 3rd year that my employer, Donald Mills, was elected mayor of the town. That summer, he was granted some funds from the federal government for road maintenance in the town and he put me in charge of a group of people to fix the potholes in the street. We worked all day fixing the pavement and then I put in a few more hours at his store after I let the crew off for the day. According to my "memories," that all occurred when I was in school and after my fourth year working for Mills Store, where the M.S. probably represents 'Midshipman,' I "remember" going on active duty in the U.S. Navy. It was around that same time, at the end of my third year at Ashdown, just before the beginning of my last year at that school, that I recieved the American Legion award, which was a medal. I believe that time period represents how the Osirak strike was in the summer of 1981 and I graduated from USNA that next summer, meaning that I went to Iraq around the end of the equivalent of my junior year at the USNA.

A few months ago, I read that the Israeli's who flew the F-16's into Iraq to strike the Osirak facility in 1981 had trained in their new F-16's at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. That gave me a lot of details to ponder. One is that it cleared up something I had been pondering for a while. In the tenth grade, I had a teacher named Mrs. Hill. She was the instructor of a special program titled TARGETS. That was an acronym for something similar to "Towards A Real Goal of Excellence for Talented and gifted Students." I decided that "Mrs. Hill" was some kind of symbolic representation for me teaching those pilots to fly the F-16's as we prepared for the Osirak strike. I pondered a few other details about Utah. In 2002, I was a participant of Ironman Utah, which was held in Provo to the south, and I remember that I signed up for the event sometime in 2001. In the summer of 2001, I had just completed a bicycling event called the Seattle-To-Portland ride and I covered 200 miles on my bicycle in about 15 hours. After completing that course, I think it was the same month, I saw an advertisement for the Ironman Utah competition and decided to sign up for it. That date it was eventually held on was Saturday, June 8, 2002, and was the first event to be held in that state. I think at the time, that was actually the only Ironman triathlon that occurred in the Western U.S.

I can't remember if I noted this earlier, but this movie seems to be timed to point to a 1-359 clue. The difference of 11/25/1986 and 5/4/2000 is 13 years, 5 months, 9 days. According to the article, that was the day before this movie released on Friday, 5/5/2000. I recognize the date 11/25/1986 as when my family had a funeral service for me after they thought I had been killed when the Libyan prison I was being held as a Prisoner of War was bombed.
So this movie, "Gladiator" creates a 1-359 clue with 11/25/1986.

Release date(s) May 5, 2000

Gladiator is a 2000 historical action/drama film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix. Crowe portrays the loyal General Maximus Decimus Meridius, who is betrayed when the Emperor's ambitious son Commodus (Phoenix) murders his father and seizes the throne. Reduced to slavery, Maximus rises through the ranks of the gladiatorial arena to avenge the murder of his family and his Emperor.

This acrtress is one of the starring characters in this movie and is typically the love interest of the protagonist.

From 7/16/1963 to 7/3/1965 is: 718 days
718 / 2 = 359

Connie Nielsen
Date of Birth: 3 July 1965

One Hour Photo (2002) .... Nina Yorkin
Gladiator (2000) .... Lucilla
Mission to Mars (2000) .... Terri Fisher
Soldier (1998/I) .... Sandra

John Tower is 33 years, 5 months, 3 days, older than me, suggesting to me that President Reagan was trying to create a 33-59 connection to me. I assume that Iran-Contra was really about why I was missing and presumed dead and I guess he was taking heat for it. I am quite certain he knew I was still alive though, for certain periods of time, but he couldn't send in any forces to extract me.

John Goodwin Tower (September 29, 1925 – April 5, 1991) was the first Republican United States senator from Texas since Reconstruction. He served from 1961 until his retirement in January 1985, after which time he was the chairman of the Reagan-appointed Tower Commission that investigated the Iran-Contra Affair.

I pondered over whether STS-26 would point to my experience in Africa because I was 26.95 years old on 2/14/1986, which is the date I recognize as when I was shot down by anti-aircraft fire. I turned 27 when I was a Prisoner of War in Libya, if I have this all figured out correctly. I would have been 28 when I finally got home, having completed my escape on 5/13/1987. It is suspiciously similar to 10 years earlier. I recognize that I spent my entire 27th year missing Africa.

The space shuttle flight STS-26 returned to Earth 3.586 years after my 26th birthday. The following day was 3.589 years after my 26th birthday. If the shuttle flight STS-26 had landed 2 days later, it would have been 3.59 years after my 26th birthday. The time period from my 26th birthday to when STS-26 landed is 1310 days. That landing was only 2 days off from creating a perfect 3-59 clue pointing to me.

Launch: September 29, 1988
Landing: October 3, 1988

STS-26 was a space shuttle mission by NASA using the Discovery. It was the 26th shuttle mission, and the seventh for Discovery. It was the "Return to Flight" mission, being the first mission after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. This was the first mission to use the original Space Transportation System numbering system since STS-9, and the first to have all crew members wearing pressure suits for launch and landing since STS-4.

Space Shuttle Discovery lifted off from Pad B, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, at 11:37 a.m. EDT on September 29, 1988, 975 days after the Challenger disaster. Launch of America's return-to-flight mission was delayed for 1 hour and 38 minutes because of unseasonable and unusual light winds aloft, and to replace fuses in the cooling systems of two crew members' flight suits. The suits were repaired, and a waiver was issued for the wind conditions after officials determined there was a sufficient safety margin for wind loads on the orbiter wing leading edges. The 26th Shuttle flight was the seventh for Discovery.

The primary payload for the STS-26 mission, a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS), was successfully deployed, and 11 scheduled middeck scientific and technological experiments were carried out. The orbiter sustained only minor Thermal Protection System tile damage and the redesigned solid rocket boosters showed no signs of leakage or overheating at any of the joints.

Two minor problems occurred during the flight. After ascent, the Flash Evaporator System for cooling the orbiter iced up and shut down, increasing the crew cabin temperature to approximately 87 degrees Fahrenheit. The problem was resolved on Flight Day 4 and cooler temperatures resulted. A Ku-band antenna for communications was successfully deployed on Flight Day 2, but it failed to respond properly and had to be stowed for the remainder of the mission.
Besides conducting the various experiments, crew members practiced suiting up in new partial-pressure, or launch-and-entry, flight suits, and unstowing and attaching the new crew escape system. On Oct. 2, the day before the mission ended, the five-man crew paid a moving tribute to the 51-L Challenger crew.

Discovery landed on Runway 17, Edwards AFB, CA, at 12:37 p.m. EDT on Oct. 3. Mission duration was 4 days and 1 hour. Capsule Communicator Blaine Hammond Jr. welcomed the crew, saying it was "a great ending to a new beginning."

The space shuttle flight STS-27 launched 33.59 months after 2/14/1986. I recognize the date 2/14/1986 as when I was shot down by anti-aircraft fire somewhere in Africa. I would have turned 27 years old while a Prisoner of War of Libya.

From 2/14/1986 to 12/2/1988 is: 33 months, 18 days
30 * 0.59 = 17.7 days
From 2/14/1986 to 12/2/1988 is: 33.59 months


Launch: December 2, 1988
Landing: December 6, 1988

STS-27 was a space shuttle mission by NASA using the Space Shuttle Atlantis. It was the 27th shuttle mission, and the 3rd for Atlantis, 2nd after the Challenger disaster. It carried a payload for the U.S. Department of Defense.

The Space Shuttle Atlantis (OV-104), at the time the youngest in NASA's fleet, made its third flight in a classified mission for the Department of Defense (DoD).

3 years, 5.9 months after 2/14/1986 occurred during space shuttle flight STS-28. I recognize the date 2/14/1986 as when I was shot down by anti-aircraft fire somewhere in Africa. I was 28 when I returned on 5/13/1987.

From 2/14/1986 to 8/10/1989 is: 3 years, 5 months, 27 days
27 / 30 = 0.9
From 2/14/1986 to 8/10/1989 is: 3 years, 5.9 months



Launch: August 8, 1989
Landing: August 13, 1989

Fourth mission dedicated to United States Department of Defense, and first flight of Columbia since mission STS-61-C. Due to the nature of this mission, details are classified. Believed to have deployed two satellites, possibly including one second-generation Satellite Data System relay.

It has been reported that STS-28 also deployed an Advanced KH-11 photo-reconnaissance satellite that used an all-digital imaging system to return pictures. The satellite was placed into a low earth orbit with a high-inclination to the equator to allow coverage of most of the Earth's surface. The KH-11 series is a digital imaging photo- reconnaissance satellite with both visual and infrared sensors.

The pioneering Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia (OV-102), the first operational reusable spaceship in NASA's fleet, lifted off from Pad 39B, Launch Complex 39, KSC, on 8 August 1989. Liftoff time was 8:37 a.m. EDT. It was the 30th flight of the Space Shuttle, and the first flight of the refurbished Columbia since the 61-C mission on 12 January 1986. Landing was at Edwards AFB, CA, at 9:37 p.m. EDT. The mission lasted for 5 days and 1 hour.

During the flight, the crew shut down a thruster in the reaction control system (RCS) because of indications of a leak. Also, an RCS heater malfunctioned.
Post-flight analysis of STS-28 discovered unusual heating of the thermal protection system (TPS) during re-entry. A detailed report ([1] identified protruding gap filler as the likely cause. This filler material is the same material which was removed during a spacewalk on the STS-114 Return to Flight mission in 2005.

I have also seen this details show up in association with the "Star Trek" franchise and I believe that is because I created the "Star Trek" franchise, along with my other artistic creations, although I don't remember any of that in the conventional sense. William Shatner was 335 months, 9 days, old on 3/3/1959.

From 3/3/1959 to 7/20/1969 (Apollo 11 landing) is: 3792 days
From 7/20/1969 (Apollo 11 landing) to 12/7/1979 is: 3792 days

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Release Date: 7 December 1979 (USA)

Plot Outline: When a destructive space entity is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral Kirk resumes command of the Starship Enterprise in order to intercept, examine, and hopefully stop it.

I believe this "Star Trek" movie was scheduled to represent that I also saved the space shuttle from crashing on that first flight.

From 4/14/1981 (first space shuttle landing) to 6/4/1982 is: 59 weeks, 3 days


Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Release Date: 4 June 1982 (USA)

From 3/3/1959 to 6/1/1984 (Friday) is: 9222 days
9222 * 0.3459 = 3189
From 7/16/1963 to 4/10/1972 is: 3191 days

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)

Release Date: 1 June 1984 (USA)

Plot Outline: Admiral Kirk and his bridge crew risk their careers stealing the decommissioned Enterprise to return to the restricted Genesis planet to recover Spock's body.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

Release Date: 26 November 1986 (USA)

This movie opens with a guy digging holes in a desert and I think it basically reflects my escape across the desert in 1986 and 1987. The movie was released, I assume, to create a 3-5-9 connection to my escape across Africa. The premiere date was on a Friday, as are most movies in the U.S., and the next Monday was 3 years, 59 days, after I escaped into the desert from being a Prisoner of War in Libya. I completed that escape on 5/13/1987.

From 4/14/1986 to 6/9/1989 (Friday) is: 3 years, 56 days
From 4/14/1986 to 6/12/1989 (Monday) is: 3 years, 59 days


Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

Release Date: 9 June 1989 (USA)

From 2/14/1986 to 12/6/1991 is: 5 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 1 day


Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

Release Date: 6 December 1991 (USA)

The actress who portrays "Antonia" was 15.93 years old on 7/16/1970. The reason for that detail, I believe, is because Phoebe and I were arranged to be married, possibly before I was born, and we had some kind of ceremony in 1970 to represent that arranged marriage. The next step in that arrangement was for when she turned 16 and to see if she wanted to continue with the arrangement, or something like that.

"and do things right from day one"

From 8/8/1954 to 7/16/1970 is: 15 years, 342 days
342 / 365 = 0.93
From 8/8/1954 to 7/16/1970 is: 15.93 years


Lynn Salvatori
Date of Birth: 8 August 1954
Star Trek: Generations (1994) (riding stunts: Antonia) (uncredited)

The actor who portrays the Midshipman who is killed in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" was 3 years, 4.59 months, younger than me. I assume this also reflects that I was almost killed on that first flight of the space shuttle, where I would have still been a U.S. Navy Midshipman at the time. That name Preston also means something I can't completely remember. In my artificial and symbolic memory, I had a friend named Preston Lee. He was a U.S. Navy TM3, formerly of the USS Kitty Hawk CV-63, and he was attending Basic Electronics and Electricity School with me at the U.S. Navy base in Orlando, Florida, in early 1986.

From 3/3/1959 to 7/21/1962 is: 3 years, 4 months, 18 days
30 * 0.59 = 17.7 days
From 3/3/1959 to 7/21/1962 is: 3 years, 4.59 months


Ike Eisenmann
Date of Birth: 21 July 1962
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982) .... Midshipman Peter Preston

The person I “remember” as Thedia Newman’s father was born 59 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, before the first launch of the space shuttle on 4/12/1981. I guess that is a clue designed to reflect that I was on that flight and that I was attending the U.S. Naval Academy with the Class of 1982, at the time. I also noted that Clarendon, Virginia, is right next to Arlington National Cemetery. In my artificial and symbolic memories of 1986, my girlfriend was named Diane Broch and she was from Arlington Heights, Illinois. She went to college at Valporaiso University in Indiana, and that artificial and symbolic memory was probably designed as a reference to the Valpo of Finland that had a problem with communist infiltration.

Coleman Newman

1921 - 1982

Coleman Newman died in May 1982.

Born July 29, 1921, Newman was 60 years old and lived in Clarendon, TX.

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 8:34:03 AM

Subject: Navy Seals (1990)

All of those Microsoft-Corbis-Al Qaeda zombies following me around all those years would note that I was driving a black Jeep Wrangler just as Biehn's character did in the 1990 "Navy SEALs." I would note back in the year 2000 that Microsoft-Corbis placed a woman in the cubicle next to me in the historic Bellevue, Washington office of Microsoft Corporation who had a hairstyle that distinctly resembled the "Sarah Connor" character from the 1984 "The Terminator." I'm not sure if I was supposed to attack her or to ask her out on a date. That was about the time Microsoft Corporation installed John Connor as the CFO of Microsoft and that was the name of "Sarah Connor's" unborn son in that 1984 movie and of which the movie plot was based on.

People were also acting strangely around me back then in 2000, among other times, but even worse was that I only caught part of it. For example, I was walking by a coworker that was 2 cubicles down from me and she was doing something very weird that was very puzzling to me. I told a friend about and she responded that what that coworker had been doing was wrong and that puzzled me even more because I couldn't figure out why she was so sure that what Sharon Bjeletich had been doing was wrong. Her behavior had been bizarre but why would you classify it as wrong if you didn't see it? Shortly after that, Sharon put up a shower curtain on the entrance to her cubicle and that really annoyed me. Later I would realize she, and everyone else, knew that the Microsoft-Corbis paparazzi was recording everything that went on in our office from outside the building. We had cubicles that were completely open to the windows of that high-rise we were in and people with a good telescope could probably even recognize us from as far away as Seattle, although they were probably in any of the many buildings and houses that were close by and directly in my line-of-sight. All of that was going to be some kind of B-roll footage for the content Microsoft-Corbis was creating as they were stalking me and endangering my family. That also has something to with why they had that Ilan Ramon look-alike named Tom Devey working around me, as well as Ramona Ramadas working closely with me, in addition to the many other look-alikes I have noted. I also noted that the pin code Bank of America sent to me when I opened an account them, I think that was 2002, was the birth date listed for Brian Dennehy. I assume that was supposed to create some kind of association with "Rambo" and I will write later about details I have found about that 1982 movie.

From 3/3/1959 to 7/16/1963 is: 1596 days
1596 * 0.593 = 946 days
From 7/31/1956 to 3/4/1959 is: 946 days

Michael Biehn
Date of Birth: 31 July 1956

The Terminator (1984) .... Kyle Reese
Aliens (1986) .... Cpl. Dwayne Hicks
Navy Seals (1990) .... Lt. James Curran

ZIP Code™ Matches in CURRAN, MI


48 7 28 >>> 1948 July 28

From 7/28/1948 to 6/7/1976 is: 334 months, 10 days
10 / 30 = 0.333
From 7/28/1948 to 6/7/1976 is: 334.333 months


This actress was 33 years, 4.59 months, old on 4/14/1986. I recognize that date 4/14/1986 as when I escaped the Libyan prison where I was captive as a Prisoner of War. My family thought I had been killed that day when the prison was bombed.

Merkerson portrayed the fiancee of the U.S. Navy SEAL operative that was killed in the 1990 "Navy SEALs," although Phoebe and I have been married since 1979. This aspect might represent something of a composite notion in that I have been close to getting killed on many occasions since we have known each other and that she has never known the full story of my military activities.

From 11/28/1952 to 4/14/1986 is: 33 years, 4 months, 17 days
30 * 0.59 = 17.7 days
From 11/28/1952 to 4/14/1986 is: 33 years, 4.59 months

S. Epatha Merkerson
Date of Birth: 28 November 1952
Navy Seals (1990) .... Jolena

The 1990 movie "Navy SEALs" might actually point to the Battle of Hue City. I seemed to have only been looking for '59's when I was making that calculation the first time, although I did get correct the bereaved girlfriend. As I have noted before, the Battle of Hue City shows up in relation to my age of 9.0 years when that battle ended.

I guess this is some notion about how the Battle of Hue was part of the Tet Offensive and that is a similar notion to me getting shot down by anti-aircraft fire on 2/14/1986.

From 7/16/1963 to 7/20/1990 is: 9866 days
From 3/3/1959 to 3/3/1968 is: 3288 days
3288 / 9866 = 0.333


Navy Seals (1990)

Release Date: 20 July 1990 (USA)

Tagline: America's top secret weapon.

This reminds me of 6/19/1968. I recognize the date 11/25/1986 as when my family had a funeral service for me, thinking I had been in Africa. In the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, my step-brother, Micheal Draper, was killed that day when he crashed his pickup truck. I felt bad for a long time afterwards, in the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, because if I had been driving my pickup that night, as I normally did, then he would not have died. I have also noted that the bunk beds we slept in at our parents house reminds me of an officer's stateroom on a U.S. Navy ship.

From 3/2/1949 to 11/25/1986 is: 6 days, 1968 weeks

Gates McFadden

Date of Birth: 2 March 1949

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Doctor Beverly Crusher (154 episodes, 1987-1994)

Actual City name in 26253


26 2 53 >>> 26 February 1953

From 2/26/1953 to 7/16/1963 is: 3792 days
From 3/3/1959 to 7/20/1969 (Apollo 11) is: 3792 days

Doctor Beverly Crusher, played by actress Gates McFadden, was a character on the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV show and subsequent films. She was a regular character in the show for all but the second of its seven seasons.

During the character's absence in the second season, the character of Dr. Katherine Pulaski was added to the series.

Dr. Crusher was the Chief Medical Officer on board the USS Enterprise-D and its successor, the USS Enterprise-E. She initially held the rank of Lieutenant Commander until promoted in 2362 to the rank of Commander. She was the head of Starfleet Medical from 2365 to 2366.

Beverly Howard was born on October 13, 2324 to Paul and Isabel Howard in Copernicus City, Luna.

She married Jack Crusher in 2348 and gave birth to their son Wesley Crusher the following year. Jack Crusher proposed to Beverly Howard by giving her a book called How to Advance Your Career Through Marriage as a gag gift.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (ST:TNG, TNG) is a science fiction television series, part of the Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry. Set in the 24th century, about 80 years after Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation features a new crew and a new starship Enterprise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered the week of September 28, 1987 with the two-hour pilot "Encounter at Farpoint" and ran for 178 episodes in seven seasons, ending with the finale "All Good Things..." the week of May 23, 1994. The series was broadcast in first-run syndication, with dates and times varying among individual television stations.

These two actors portrays characters that have a romantic history in this television series. I assume that I had creative input into this work and that I made these casting choices to represent aspects of my romantic relationship with Phoebe.

From 3/3/1959 to 7/16/1963 is: 1596 days
1596 * 0.593 = 946 days
From 8/19/1952 to 3/29/1955 is: 952 days

952 - 946 = 6 days

Marina Sirtis
Date of Birth: 29 March 1955
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Counselor Deanna Troi (176 episodes, 1987-1994)

Jonathan Frakes
Date of Birth: 19 August 1952
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Commander William T. Riker / ... (176 episodes, 1987-1994)

This movie seems to have been scheduled, with the day-of-week scheduling constraint in effect, as a pointer to when I was missing in Africa.

From 7/16/1963 to 12/13/2002 is: 14395 days
14395 * 0.593 = 8536 days
From 7/16/1963 to 11/25/1986 is: 8533 days

8536 - 8533 = 3 days

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

Release Date: 13 December 2002 (USA)

From 3/3/1959 to 8/25/1989 is: 1590 weeks, 3 days


Heart of Dixie (1989)

Release Date: 25 August 1989 (USA)

Phoebe Cates ... Aiken Reed

ZIP Code™ Matches in TILLAR, AR


7 16 70 >>> 7/16/1970

Reed, AR, and Tillar, AR,-91.453026&spn=0.174496,0.374222&z=12&om=1

Dixie is a nickname for the Southern United States.

As a definite geographic location within the United States, "Dixie" is usually defined as the 11 Southern states which seceded to form the Confederate States of America. They are (in order of secession): South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. This definition is strongly correlated with history and, in the minds of many Southerners, remains the traditional and emotional South.

In other ways however, the "location" and boundaries of Dixie has become, over time, more limited, vernacular, and/or mercurial. In popular mindset today, it is most often associated with those parts of the Southern United States where Old South traditions and legacies of the Confederacy live most strongly, and are most widely celebrated and remembered. Or where the image of "moonlight and magnolias" is very rooted in reality.

South Vietnam is the commonly used name for the former Vietnamese state that existed from 1949 to 1976 in the portion of Vietnam that lies south of the 17th parallel. North Vietnam was situated to the north of the 17th parallel. The division of Vietnam occurred during the Geneva Conference, after the Viet Minh fought to install Communism in Vietnam and to end almost 100 years of colonial rule in French Indochina.

(1949–1955): State of Vietnam.
(1955–1975): the Republic of Vietnam.
(1975–1976): the Republic of South Vietnam.

Following the surrender of Saigon to North Vietnamese forces on April 30, 1975, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam established itself in Saigon as the government of the Republic of South Vietnam. However, it lacked real autonomy and was largely under the control of the North Vietnamese. The Republic of South Vietnam was dissolved in July 1976 when it merged with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) to become the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Names-- Their Meanings -- Origin


decorated; honored



Vietnamese Names for Boys

Trang: decorated, honored

The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States. It is often colloquially referred to as the Congressional Medal of Honor because the President presents the award "in the name of the Congress".[3] It is bestowed on a member of the United States armed forces who distinguishes himself "…conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States…"[1]

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:13:10 AM

Subject: "Rambo"

When I opened an account with Bank of America, back in 2002 I believe it was, they sent me a debit card for my checking account. The pin number for that debit card was '7938' and I noted that it very similar to Brian Dennehy's 7/9/1938 birthday, as listed below from the internet.

One other detail has been puzzling me since I saw that movie again a few months ago. Towards the end of the movie, "Rambo" is telling "Trautman" about how he and his buddy were going to go to Las Vegas one time when they were on leave from the Army. As soon as I heard that in the movie, I remembered something from a few years ago at Microsoft. I'm not sure of the year, maybe 2000 or 2001, I was in Las Vegas at a meeting for a company that did business with my group at Microsoft. A Microsoft coworker named Ken Fagan was down there with me and we were both giving technical presentations at the meeting. He and I were out walking in Vegas after going to a bar and he told me about one time when he was on leave from the Army and had spent some time in Vegas.

I have also been thinking about a time that Ken Fagan was writing in email at Microsoft, and I have also found this topic on the internet, that he was changing his last name to Cavallon because he didn't want his children to be teased because his last name sounds like the "fag" slur. I have also noted that Ken Fagan Cavallon resembles the serial killer John Gacy and then I realized that if you sound that name Gacy out by syllables then it also forms a reference to homosexuals. Considering all of the look-alikes Microsoft-Corbis had working around me, and especially that Fagan does resemble John Gacy, then I do not believe that was a coincidence.

There was also a guy named Bill Bevan who had a distinct resemblance to the so-called Green River Killer and I found a mugshot of him from 1982. In that mugshot, the numberical sequence '359' is prominently featured. It looks as though the photo was touched up just to draw attention to the '359,' which actually resembles the '1-359' artistic device I use. I have found other suspicious details surrounding that case, other than the nature of the crime itself.

Brian Dennehy
Date of Birth: 9 July 1938
First Blood (1982) .... Hope Sheriff Will Teasle

After I was watching this movie recently, probably the first time I had watched in 10 years, even though I was familiar with it, I was thinking to myself that it was a good message for U.S. military officers that we are leaders of men and those men are not machines.

There are probably a few other relevant details associated with me in this work but I am finding it difficult to concentrate more on it.

From 5/28/1982 to 10/22/1982 is: 3 days, 3 weeks, 4 months


First Blood (1982)

Release Date: 22 October 1982 (USA)

Tagline: One war against one man.

Plot Outline: A mentally unstable Vietnam war vet, when abused with a small town's police force, begins a one man war with it.

First Blood is the first film featuring the character of troubled Vietnam War veteran John Rambo. It starred Sylvester Stallone as Rambo, Brian Dennehy as Sheriff Will Teasle, and Richard Crenna as Col. Samuel Trautman.

Based on a 1972 David Morrell book of the same name, the film (which differs from the book in many areas) was directed by Ted Kotcheff, produced by Mario Kassar and Andrew G. Vajna, and released on Friday, October 22, 1982.

The film centers on John Rambo, a former member of an elite Special Forces unit in Vietnam and Medal of Honor recipient. Rambo has difficulty adjusting to civilian life and wanders the country as a drifter. The film begins as he is seeking out his friend Delmar Barry, apparently the only other Special Forces member from his unit to make it out of Vietnam alive.

Rambo finds out from Barry's widow that he died from cancer due to Agent Orange exposure, and she is clearly very upset that she lost the man she loved and is also left to eke out a meager existence on her own. Rambo, in an attempt to offer some cold comfort to her, gives her the photograph of her husband's unit. This also hurts Rambo deeply as now he realizes that he is the "last man standing" from his unit. Left to continue drifting, Rambo runs afoul of Will Teasle, the sheriff of a small Washington State mountain resort town called Hope (set in Hope, WA. - filmed in Hope, British Columbia). Teasle drives Rambo out of town while telling him the people of Hope don't appreciate people of his kind; drifters. When Rambo asks if there is someplace that he can eat around here Teasle says that there is a place about 30 miles up the highway. Rambo is dropped outside of town but heads back, refusing to be forced out. Teasle becomes very angry and arrests Rambo for vagrancy, resisting arrest, and carrying a concealed weapon, a large survival knife, which he claims is for hunting 'The Enemy'.

Teasle brings him back to the station, where he is beaten by Art Gault, the sheriff's sadistic head deputy. Some of the officers are sympathetic, but ignorant or meek. Teasle then roars at Rambo that he is on his way to stand before an unsympathetic judge and is looking at spending time in the county jail, but that he will not be scruffy when he is in court. During the beatings, Rambo has flashbacks to his time as a prisoner of war. The sight of a straight razor brings to mind horrible torture and causes Rambo to have a psychotic break, probably triggered by PTSD, common among Vietnam vets. He violently dispatches the officers with nothing but his hands, runs upstairs, grabs his knife, escapes from the police station, and heads into the mountains on a stolen motorcycle. Teasle gives pursuit in his police car, which is overturned after an extended chase. Rambo eludes Teasle and flees into the hills.

The deputies go after Rambo on foot, aided by a pack of Doberman pinschers, forcing him to climb down a steep cliff overlooking a river gorge to elude capture. Deputy Gault, ignoring Teasle's orders to capture Rambo, attempts to murder Rambo from a passing helicopter while he is trapped on a ledge. Rambo drops into a mass of trees, badly cutting himself, and is cornered by the helicopter again. He throws a rock at it, causing it to pitch heavily and dropping Gault into the gorge, killing him (despite the film's reputation of being overly violent, this is the only person who is clearly killed in the entire movie). Teasle is enraged at his friend's death, and vows to stop Rambo. When one of the deputies reasons with Teasle that Gault might have earned his fate due to his abusive behavior, Teasle talks down to the deputy and cites his inexperience and youthfulness means he is a know-nothing.

Teasle leads his deputies into the woods in an attempt to capture Rambo. The deputies are inexperienced and fight amongst themselves, making them easy targets. Rambo disables the deputies using guerrilla war tactics but doesn't kill any of them. Rambo then confronts Teasle, knife to his throat; "In town you're the law, out here it's me."

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 10:05:29 AM

Subject: "The Inner Light"

In certain aspects, my current life is similar to that 1992 episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” titled “The Inner Light.” I think a lot about the ending to that episode where he has lived to become an old man, he watches a rocket launch through the sky, and then everything.......something I can't figure out what else I want to say here. I feel as though I am at that part of that episode just before the friends he knew in that artificial life appeared and told him what was happening and then he awoke to return to his real life, although for me it is kind of reversed because "Picards" real life seems very lonely.

"The Inner Light" is the twenty fifth episode of the fifth season of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, the penultimate episode of the season.

Airdate June 1, 1992


The Enterprise-D is followed by a space probe. When the probe scans the ship, Picard staggers and is rendered unconscious.

He wakes to find himself being tended to by a women, who tells him he has come out of a fever. She refers to him as Kamin, and claims to be his wife. He establishes that he is on a non-federation planet called Kataan, and sets about finding a way to send a message. Outside he meets a man by the name of Batai, who is troubled by his strange questions and apparent lack of memory. Picard visits a lookout offering a view of the town of Ressik. Later his "wife" tells him that he works as an ironweaver and he enjoys practicing the flute. He notices she is wearing an necklace with a decoration in the shape of the probe.

On the bridge of the Enterprise, Dr. Crusher finds that the probe is transmitting a signal to Picard, and that he is experiencing dramatically increased neural activity. They are unable to block the probe but decide that firing on it may put the captain's health at risk

On Kataan, five years later, Picard charts the stars while his wife remarks that none of his stories of his supposed former life mention a loving partner. At a town meeting, Picard impresses a regional administrator by suggesting that atmospheric condensers be built to relieve the prolonged drought. Batai feels that Kamin is once again acting as a menber of the community. Later that night, Picard confesses to his wife that the relationship has been one-sided, and decides that it is time to start a family.

On the bridge, Data finds a way to block the signal. Riker, believing the probe is hostile, gives the go-ahead despite Dr. Crusher's objections.

Four years later, with a daughter and newborn son, Picard realises that his life wouldn't be complete without children. He collapses when the probe's beam is blocked, and on the Enterprise his body quickly begins to die. Crusher attempts to stabilise him, but only re-establishing the signal averts his death.

Many years later, Picard chides his fully grown daughter on placing scientific pursuits above the social. By now the drought has become serious enough to threaten all life on the planet.

The Enterprise tracks the probe's trail to its planet of origin, Kataan, a lifeless planet whose star went nova a millennia ago.

An old Picard discusses his adult son's career choices. He presents his findings about the planet's fate to the administrator, who by now is an old friend. However the administrator has been aware of the problem for the past two years, but the government chose not to inform the public. He assures Picard that despite the lack of spacefaring technology the government does have a plan to save some remnant of the society. His son calls him back to the house where his wife soon dies. Some years later, an ancient Picard interrupts his play with his grandson to watch a missile launch: the launch of the probe. His wife and old friend Batai appear as he when he first saw them, and they tell him that the probe is a way for them to live on.

On the bridge, the transmission from the probe ceases and Picard wakes up, recalling distant memories of his life aboard the Enterprise. He can scarcely believe that only 25 minutes have passed in realtime.

Later, in his ready room, Riker gives Picard a small rectangular box which was found inside the probe and leaves him alone. Inside, Picard finds Kamin's flute, which he had gradually mastered over the years. Treasuring the memory of his life on Kataan, he adeptly plays a tune.

Patrick Stewart OBE (born July 13, 1940) is an Emmy- and Golden Globe-nominated British film, television and stage actor. He is also Chancellor of the University of Huddersfield.[1] Stewart has had a distinguished career in theatre for nearly fifty years, including performances as various characters in Shakespearean productions. However, he is most famous for his roles as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, and as Professor Xavier in the X-Men film franchise.

Stewart's son, Daniel, had a small role playing Picard's son the Next Generation episode, "The Inner Light".

From 12/20/1761 to 5/27/1829 is: 67 years, 5 months, 1 week

Reminds me of 5/1/1967, the day I recognize as my first flight by myself in a fighter jet.

General Daniel Stewart (December 20, 1761 - May 27, 1829) was a brigadier general in the Georgia Militia. He joined the militia in 1776 and served during the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.[1]


Music by Elton John

Lyrics by Bernie Taupin

Available on the album Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player

Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane
I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye
God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes
They say Spain is pretty though I've never been
Well Daniel says it's the best place that he's ever seen
Oh and he should know, he's been there enough
Lord I miss Daniel, oh I miss him so much
Daniel my brother you are older than me
Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal
Your eyes have died but you see more than I
Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky
Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane
I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye
God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes
Oh God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes

Released January 22, 1973

Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player is the seventh album by British singer/songwriter Elton John.

This was Elton John's commercial breakthrough in America and yielded his first #1 single there - Crocodile Rock. Along with Crocodile Rock, Don't Shoot Me... contained more songs with a pop flavor, including "Elderberry Wine" (the b-side of Crocodile Rock) and "Teacher, I Need You." Many long-time fans however, lamented this change, wishing he had stayed true to his original roots of simple piano ballads which were the staple on most of his earlier albums.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I’ve been thinking for several days about one scene from the movie Red Dawn. It’s that part where the downed Air Force pilot talks about, I think he says this as I haven’t seen that movie in a long time, how it was 4 to 1 and he got three. That is consistent with Claire’s book about the flyers on the preemptive strike to Osirak having at least a 1 in 4 chance of not making it back in their aircraft. In Top Gun, if memory serves, Viper tells Maverick that his father had been wounded, but returned anyway and got 3 before he “bought it.”

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I find myself thinking a lot about how apt that plot element from "Red Dawn" would have been in my love affair with Phoebe. I think also that Powers Boothe portrayed a Lieutenant Colonel in that movie because I was a Lieutenant at the time in the U.S. Navy.

Phoebe and I are only 4 years, 4 months, apart in age but we lived in different worlds in 1984. I was practically fighting World War 3 back then.

From 6/1/1948 (Boothe) to 5/31/1961 (Thompson) is: 4747 days
4747 * 0.3359 = 1594
From 3/3/1959 to 7/16/1963 is: 1596 days

Powers Boothe
Date of Birth: 1 June 1948
Red Dawn (1984) .... Andy

Lea Thompson (I)
Date of Birth: 31 May 1961
Red Dawn (1984) .... Erica

Release date(s) August 10, 1984

Red Dawn is a 1984 film by John Milius about an invasion of the United States by the Soviet Union and Cuba, and the resulting guerrilla actions of a group of American high school students in the fictional town of Calumet, Colorado. The movie features Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey, and Powers Boothe.

The film’s plot involves a Soviet and Cuban/Latin American invasion of the United States in the late 1980s, igniting a world war. The story is about young people resisting the resulting Soviet occupation.

The film is set in a small Colorado town. The opening scene featured a massive airdrop by airborne forces into the town and school. The storyline centers around a group of teenagers who flee to the hills to escape the Soviets, and eventually begin an insurgency against Soviet occupational forces. The Colorado high school students call themselves the Wolverines after their school’s team/mascot and proceed to launch raids, set ambushes, use sniper attacks, plant bombs, and even execute a Russian prisoner and one of their own (who had been forced to betray them to the Soviets) during their campaign.

Over time, the Wolverines are joined by a downed fighter pilot, who instructs them in more formal military tactics, culminating in the Wolverines liberating a "political prisoner camp" in town where the Soviets had rounded up citizens whom they thought might offer resistance to their occupation.

Erica Mason (Lea Thompson) - Toni’s younger sister. She is soft-spoken and always observes what is going on. She forms a crush on the downed pilot (Tanner).

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Tanner, USAF (Powers Boothe) - A fighter pilot from Texas whose F-15C was shot down (asked how he got shot down, he indignantly replies, “It was five to one. I got four.”), he was discovered by Erica Mason. She took him to the Wolverine base camp, where he taught the kids some military tactics. They planned several attacks, but he was killed when he jumped on a Russian tank and tried to overtake it.

Memorable quotes for

Red Dawn (1984)

The Colonel: All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid.

Robert: It keeps me warm.

This actress portrayed the wife of "Worf" in the "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" television series. I also liked her portrayal in the 1986 "Back To School."

From 7/16/1963 to 11/19/1963 is: 126 days
365 * 0.3459 = 126
From 7/16/1963 to 11/19/1963 is: 0.3459 year


Terry Farrell
Date of Birth: 19 November 1963
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" .... Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax / ... (149 episodes, 1993-1999)

The date difference for the actors who portray "Worf's" parents from the "Family" episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" television series was 3459 days. The "Family" episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" premiered 3 years, 4.59 months after 5/13/1987, reminding me of my 3/4/1959 birthday in my father's homeland. I recognize the date 5/13/1987 as when I completed my escape from Africa after being shot down by anti-anticraft fire to become a POW of Libya. After about two months in that Libyan prison, I escaped into the desert, working my way south and living off the land of Africa for over a year until I made it out. The actress who portrayed "Picard's" sister-in-law is 19 years, 11 months, 26 days, older than me. That forms Ronald Reagan's birthday of 1911 February 6.

From 5/13/1987 to 10/1/1990 is: 3 years, 4 months, 18 days
30 * 0.59 = 17.7 days
From 5/13/1987 to 10/1/1990 is: 3 years, 4.59 months


Airdate October 1, 1990

"Family" was the second episode of the fourth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. This episode takes place several weeks after the Borg attack on Earth shown in the episode "The Best of Both Worlds", and is sometimes considered to be a third part to the the "Best of Both Worlds" story arc, although it does not include any scenes with the Borg

From 5/2/1924 to 10/21/1933 is: 3459 days


Theodore Bikel (born 2 May 1924, age 83) is a versatile character actor, born in Vienna, Austria. A master of languages, dialects, and accents, he often plays ethnic roles, such as a German officer and Serbian king. In 1990, he appeared on Star Trek: The Next Generation, playing Sergey Rozhenko, the Russian adoptive father of Worf, in the episode "Family".

Georgia Brown (21 October 1933 – 5 July 1992, age 58) was the actress who portrayed Helena Rozhenko, foster mother of Worf and grandmother of Alexander, in the Next Generation episodes "Family" and "New Ground".

From 3/3/1959 to 11/5/1965 is: 2439 days
2439 * 0.3459 = 843
From 7/16/1963 to 11/5/1965 is: 843 days


Famke Beumer Janssen (born November 5, 1965) is a Dutch actress and former fashion model. She is known for her roles in GoldenEye, Nip/Tuck, and the X-Men film series.

Two days before this episode aired on its regular day-of-week schedule, Phoebe was 345 months, 9 days, old.

From 7/16/1963 to 4/25/1992 is: 345 months, 9 days


Guest star(s) Famke Janssen

"The Perfect Mate" was the 120th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the 21st episode of the show's fifth season. It was first broadcast on April 27, 1992.

In this episode, Federation Starfleet starship USS Enterprise Captain Jean-Luc Picard develops feelings for a woman destined from childhood for an arranged marriage

The actress who portrayed "Chief O'Brien's" wife in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" is 5 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, older than Phoebe, according to information I found on the internet.

From 9/23/1957 to 7/16/1963 is: 5 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 2 days


Rosalind Chao

Born September 23, 1957

Chao played Keiko O'Brien (maiden name Ishikawa), a Japanese exo-botanist, in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Keiko is the founder and teacher of a school on DS9's promenade, the wife of engineer Miles O'Brien, and a mother of two.

One of her earliest roles was a bit part as a receptionist in the initial Season 2 episode of The Incredible Hulk, "Married". She also had a role in a two-part episode of The Amazing Spider-Man (TV Series) called "The Chinese Web" (which turned out to be the series finale). In it, she plays Emily Chan, the niece of Min-Lo Chan, a diplomat framed for crimes he didn't commit during World War II. She reluctantly teams with Peter Parker (Spider-Man's civilian identity) to help clear his name. She also ends up being a love interest for Peter after discovering that he was Spider-Man.

Rosalind Chao (born 23 September 1957; age 49) is an actress best known for her portrayal of Keiko O'Brien (nee Ishikawa) in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. She appeared in eight episodes of Next Generation and nineteen episodes of Deep Space Nine.

Her first major acting role was in the 1972 television series Anna and the King, in which she played Princess Serena.

The air date of "Data's Day" where "Chief O'Brien" and "Keiko" get married was as close as possible, due to day-of-week scheduling constraints, to forming a perfect mid-point clue with 4/14/1977. There is a similar pattern to USS Russell DDG-59, and I believe that ship is supposed to point to my attendance at University of Oxford, which is part of a group of universities named Russell.

From 7/16/1963 to 4/14/1977 is: 5021 days
From 4/14/1977 to 1/12/1991 is: 5021 days

From 1/7/1991 to 1/12/1991 is: 5 days

Season: 4 Episode: 11

Air Date: 01.07.1991

Data's Day

Data tries to comprehend human emotions.

Data is excited about his friend Keiko's upcoming wedding to Chief O'Brien, where the android will be giving the bride away. When the bride succumbs to jitters and calls the wedding off, Data applies android logic, and decides that since O'Brien loves Keiko, if calling off the wedding makes her happy it will make O'Brien happy. Of course, the heartbroken groom's reaction to Data's news quickly reflects otherwise. Data's confusion is compounded when Geordi assures him that the wedding will proceed as planned. With this in mind, he attempts to buy a gift for the couple, and encounters Worf, who informs Data that he will have to dance at the wedding. Data has never danced, so he enlists Dr. Crusher's help — after learning from her file that she was once a tap dancing champion.

Picard confronts Mendak, the Romulan commander, with this information and learns that T'Pel is actually a Romulan spy. After a tense standoff, the U.S.S. Enterprise heads home. With the danger now passed, Data approaches Keiko to make amends. She informs him that he did not offend her and that the wedding will continue as planned after all. Data soon walks his friend down the aisle, where she and O'Brien are married by Captain Picard.

The day after that "Power Play" episode aired, Phoebe was 343.3 months old.

Keiko was introduced to Miles O'Brien by their mutual friend, Data. (TNG: "Data's Day") While on Earth together, Miles and Keiko visited McKinley Park, where Miles gave Keiko a gold bracelet. (TNG: "Power Play") The two eventually wed aboard the Enterprise-D in a wedding ceremony that combined Irish and Japanese traditions. Data served as the "father of the bride." (TNG: "Data's Day")

"Star Trek: The Next Generation"

Power Play (1992)

Original Air Date: 22 February 1992

Power Play

Season: 5 Episode: 15

Air Date: 02.24.1992

2/19/1992, Wednesday - Phoebe is 343 months, 3 days old
2/20/1992, Thursday
2/21/1992, Friday
2/22/1992, Saturday - "Power Play" original air date
2/23/1992, Sunday
2/24/1992, Monday - "Power Play" original air date
2/25/1992, Tuesday - Phoebe is 343.3 months old (343 months, 9 days)


Rosalind Chao
Date of Birth: 23 September 1957

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Keiko O'Brien / ... (8 episodes, 1991-1992)
"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" .... Keiko O'Brien (19 episodes, 1993-1999)
Special Report: Journey to Mars (1996) (TV) .... Dr. Lin Yo Yu

From 3/4/1959 to 3/25/1996 is: 444 months, 3 weeks


From 3/3/1959 to 7/16/1963 is: 4 years 4.43 months


Special Report: Journey to Mars (1996) (TV)

Release Date: 25 March 1996 (USA)

Plot Summary: When the worlds first spaceship is close to its goal, Mars, the TV-network GNN begins it's live coverage of the last two hours

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 11:42:30 AM

Subject: Superman (1978)

In the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, I can distinctly visualize sitting on the sofa with Janyne Clark at her house in Ashdown, watching this movie on television when it premiered.

From 4/14/1977 to 11/20/1983 is: 3 days, 344 weeks


The Day After (1983) (TV)

Release Date: 20 November 1983 (USA)

I was watching this movie again on television a few days ago, quite certainly the first time in the past 10 years although I was very familiar with the plot, which I understand is a symptom of source amnesia, and I noted the comment he made about the meatball sandwich. I noted earlier that I think I included that detail into "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" because it is a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier aviation term.

From 7/26/1922 to 5/28/1982 is: 59 years, 306 days

Jason Robards
Date of Birth: 26 July 1922
The Day After (1983) (TV) .... Dr. Russell Oakes

From 8/15/1926 to 4/30/1982 is: 668 months, 15 days
668 / 2 = 334


Georgann Johnson
Date of Birth: 15 August 1926
The Day After (1983) (TV) .... Helen Oakes

The actor who portrayed the motorcycle riding bride-groom in “The Day After” was 233.59 months old on 4/14/1977, the day I returned to Earth after diverting the comet. I never did notice as I was just watching this movie again if it was explained what happened to him in the movie. The last I remember seeing him is when his motorcycle died after an EMP blast. Earlier, as tensions were rising, he responded to a question by pointing out that he needed a haircut.

From 10/27/1957 to 4/14/1977 is: 233 months, 18 days
30 * 0.59 = 17.7 days
From 10/27/1957 to 4/14/1977 is: 233.59 months


Jeff East

Date of Birth: 27 October 1957
Superman (1978) .... Young Clark Kent
The Day After (1983) (TV) .... Bruce Gallatin

The actress who portrays "Lois Lane" creates a clue also that points me to the Apollo 11 landing. She is within 3 days of being my age when I was born as I was when Apollo 11 landed on the Earth's moon on 7/20/1969. I think there is also a scene where I make a clever reference in the script, assuming I had creative input, to my work with the band Pink Floyd. Is he telling her the color or is he telling her that his first name is "Pink"?

I think this movie also represents that Phoebe and I had been friends for a long time before we got married and that the "Lois Lane" portrayal might have some bearing on Phoebe. I think of that scene where "Lois Lane" is confident that "Clark Kent" likes her. Maybe Phoebe wasn't as certain back in those days whether I was going to move forward with our arranged marriage when she was old enough.

From 10/17/1948 to 3/3/1959 is: 3789 days
From 3/3/1959 to 7/17/1969 is: 3789 days

From 3/3/1959 to 7/20/1969 is: 3792 days

Margot Kidder
Date of Birth: 17 October 1948
Superman (1978) .... Lois Lane

Memorable quotes for

Superman (1978)

Lois Lane: What color underwear am I wearing?

Superman: [looking] Hmmm...

Lois Lane: Oh, I'm sorry, I embarrassed you, didn't I?

Superman: Oh, no, no, no, not at all, Miss Lane, it's just that this planter must be made of lead.

Lois Lane: Uh, yes it is. So?

Superman: Well, you see, I, uh, I sort of have a problem seeing through lead.

Lois Lane: Oh, that's interesting.

Lois Lane: [Writing] Problem seeing through lead. Hmmm. Uh, d-do you have a first name?

Superman: What do you mean, like, uh, Ralph or something?

Lois Lane: No, no, I mean like...

[Walks away from the planter]

Superman: Pink.

Lois Lane: Huh?

Superman: Pink.


"Have A Cigar"

Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar.
You're gonna go far, fly high,
You're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try;they're gonna love you.
Well I've always had a deep respect, and I mean that most sincerely.
The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think.
Oh by the way, which one's Pink?
And did we tell you the name of the game, boy
we call it Riding the Gravy Train.
We're just knocked out.
We heard about the sell out.
You gotta get an album out,
You owe it to the people. We're so happy we can hardly count.
Everybody else is just green, have you seen the chart?
It's a helluva start, it could be made into a monster
if we all pull together as a team.
And did we tell you the name of the game, boy
we call it Riding the Gravy Train.

The age difference of Glenn Ford and Ronald Reagan is 1911 days and that might be why I cast him as "Jonathan Kent" in the movie, assuming I had that kind of creative input. I have also been thinking that Ronald Reagan once told me he almost had a heart attack because of something that had happened to me, such as one other time they thought I was dead. I have also been thinking I was the field goal kicker for the U.S. Naval Academy because of that early scene in the movie where the young "Clark Kent" punts a football.

From 2/6/1911 to 5/1/1916 is: 1911 days

Glenn Ford
Date of Birth: 1 May 1916
Superman (1978) .... Jonathan Kent

From 10/27/1957 to 4/14/1977 is: 233 months, 18 days
30 * 0.59 = 17.7 days
From 10/27/1957 to 4/14/1977 is: 233.59 months


Jeff East
Date of Birth: 27 October 1957
Superman (1978) .... Young Clark Kent

The actress who portrayed "Superman's" biological mother is precisely 5.9 months younger than Patrick Stewart. That scene in "An Officer And A Gentleman" with "Zack's" father has more to do with the Pukin' Dogs U.S. Navy air squadron than with my real father. He might represent one of my actual RIO's at some point. The part about the "stewardesses" could be about an air-to-air engagement with hostile fighters, although I doubt I was ever going to explain that reference, as the cowards would probably just go after my family, as I see them doing now, with such references as Harriet Miers.

From 7/13/1940 to 1/9/1941 is: 5 months, 27 days
27 / 30 = 0.9
From 7/13/1940 to 1/9/1941 is: 5.9 months


Susannah York
Date of Birth: 9 January 1941
Superman (1978) .... Lara

The actor credited as the co-pilot of "Air Force One" in a brief scene was 34 years, 5.9 months old on the day "Superman" premiered.

From 6/16/1944 to 12/15/1978 is: 34 years, 5 months, 29 days
29 / 30 = 0.9 month
From 6/16/1944 to 12/15/1978 is: 34 years, 5.9 months


Brian Protheroe
Date of Birth: 16 June 1944
Superman (1978) .... Air Force One Co-Pilot

Superman (1978)

Release Date: 15 December 1978 (USA)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Did I really make a buzzer-beater for the USNA basketball team in 1982 in one of the final games? I have artificial and symbolic "memories" from my last year at Ashdown where the coach told me he didn't think I was going to make the basket I threw during a basketball game but I did make it. Could that be why "Paula" made the number 3 gesture in her very first scene in the 1982 "An Officer And A Gentleman"? Was Phoebe there to watch that basketball game where I made the last minute game winning basket?

I have also been thinking I was a field goal kicker in my 1st year at USNA, so that could also account for the '3' gesture that "Paula" makes. I haven't been able to determine so far if the games the U.S. Navy team participated in back in 1982 was using the 3-point rule.

The more I think about it, the "Lynnette" character is anticipating the whistle for the end of the day and that would sure make a great symbolic connection to the end of a basketball game. Then "Paula" turns around and makes a gesture for the number 3, which could symbolize that I made a 3-point shot just before the whistle sounded the end of the game.

In basketball, a three-point field goal, three-pointer, three-point shot, or simply three is a field goal made from beyond the three point line, a designated semi-ellipsoid arc radiating from the basket. A successful attempt is worth three points, in contrast to the two points given for shots made inside the three point line.

A traditional three-point play occurs when a shooter successfully scores a basket while being fouled, and then scores the ensuing single free throw. The phrase and one is commonly used to signify that the shooter's basket was good and that a single free throw will be awarded, indicating a possible three-point play.

The three-point rule was first tested in a 1945 National Collegiate Athletic Association game between Columbia and Fordham but professional basketball would be the first to adopt the rule on a permanent basis. The short-lived American Basketball League did so in 1961, and the Eastern Professional Basketball League followed in its 1963-64 season. The three-point shot later became popularized by the ABA after its introduction in 1968. During the 1970s, the ABA would use the three-point shot, along with the slam dunk, as a marketing tool to compete with the National Basketball Association (NBA). In the 1979–80 season, the NBA officially adopted the three-point shot. On October 12, 1979, Chris Ford scored the NBA's first three-point shot, and Fred Brown led the league in three-point field goal percentage in that first season of adoption. The sport's international governing body, FIBA, introduced the three-point line in 1984.

The NCAA's Southern Conference became the first collegiate conference to use the three-point rule, adopting a 22-foot line in 1980. Over the following five years, NCAA conferences differed in their use of the rule and the distance they required for a three-point shot. The NCAA adopted the 19-foot, 9-inch line nationally in 1986.

A field goal (formerly "goal from the field") in American football and Canadian football (collectively called gridiron football) is a goal that may be scored during general play ("from the field").

A field goal may be scored by a placekick or the very rare drop kick. The ball must pass "through the uprights", that is, over a crossbar 10 feet off the ground and between upright posts 18' 6" (5.55 m) apart, to count, and the kick must not be a kickoff or a free kick following a safety. A field goal can still be good even if the ball hits an upright or the crossbar. The rules of the particular sanctioning authority may impose additional requirements. A successful field goal scores three points.

01/08/07 11:48 AM
Why do I "remember" this? I associate this event with being on the Taylor in 1985. I have what seems to be very good "memories" of this event. I have "memories" of committing this event to memory. Why would I do that? Why would I have such a "memory" associated with my "memories" of the USS Taylor?

1985 National Champions

In 1985, under the direction of coach Rollie Massimino, the men's basketball team completed one of the most surprising runs in NCAA tournament history by winning the national championship in the first year of the 64-team field. The eighth-seeded Wildcats beat Dayton, then upset top-seeded Michigan, Maryland and second-seeded North Carolina to win the South regional en route to the Final Four in Lexington, Kentucky. After defeating 2-seed Memphis State in the national semifinals, Villanova met defending champion and ten-point-favorite Georgetown, led by Patrick Ewing, in the title game.

This actor was 459 months, 2 weeks, 1 day old on 5/28/1982. I guess that is a 4-59-21 clue. I recognize the date 5/28/1982 as when the Class of 1982 graduated at the U.S. Navy Midshipman were promoted to the rank of Ensign, while the U.S. Marine officers, if there were any, were promoted to 2nd Lt. The ‘4’ is because I am the 4th oldest among my siblings.

It is the nature of this clue, my thoughts suggest, that he was given the role of "Hotel Manager" in the movie. I have observed what seemed to be similar references to me as some kind of authority figure associated with a hotel, but also that the hotel represents a larger corporation, of which I am the authority figure, which makes sense.

Michael Ensign
Date of Birth: 13 February 1944
Pink Floyd The Wall (1982) .... Hotel Manager

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 19, 2006

I started thinking yesterday about a scene from "Escape From L.A." It's that one where Plissken is on that basketball court and has to score a certain number of points before the clock runs out. I am wondering if I did something like that, in that I scored several points in the final minutes or at least made a game-winning buzzer beater, while in a game with the USNA basketball team.

9/24/2006 6:43 PM
I’m still thinking I played basketball during my 4th year at USNA. The only detail I can remember though, from my senior year at Ashdown, is about the two successful free throws the coach didn’t think I would make.

9/24/2006 7:37 PM
Oh, yeah. There was that scene in “Escape From L.A.” where Snake Plissken makes that improbable shot for two points at the buzzer. I wonder if I did something like that while playing for the USNA basketball team.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I was especially amused by the scene in this "Futurama" episode where the spaceship opens and the "Nibbler" character seems to cringe in fear as the animated characters of the Harlem Globetrotters stepped out. I find that amusing for more reasons than I can explain. I think it is some kind of inside joke stemming from me playing basketball with the Globetrotters at some point that I cannot consciously remember. It could be that I was trained to play basketball by the Harlem Globetrotter's during my time at Princeton University.


Time Keeps on Slipping (2001)

Original Air Date: 1 May 2001

070716-N-4386D-001 BREMERTON, Wash. (July 16, 2007) - Harlem Globetrotter Jimmy "Happy" Twyman teaches the basic fundamentals of basketball at the Naval Base Kitsap Admiral Boorda Center during a Summer Youth Basketball Camp for active duty military children. The Admiral Boorda Center provides youth with a wide variety of activities. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Scott Dagendesh (RELEASED)

In the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, my first assignment in the U.S. Navy fleet was the USS Taylor FFG-50. I reported on board on 12/19/1984 and was disappointed that I had missed the ship's commissioning on 12/1/1984. I have discovered similar associations with U.S. Navy ships from my artificial and symbolic memory. This ship seems to point to the landing of the first space shuttle. I also "remember" that I was assigned to work for a BM2 on the Taylor named Andy and that reminds me of Andy Taylor from the musical group Duran Duran.

From 4/14/1981 to 12/1/1984 is: 3 years, 33 weeks


USS Taylor (FFG 50)

USS TAYLOR is one of the many OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class frigates.

Commissioned: December 1, 1984

The actress who portrays "Nova" in the 1968 "Planet Of The Apes" was 33 years, 357 days, old on Phoebe's 16th birthday, which adds support to my theory about an arranged marriage. I assume I had creative input into the casting selection and I was trying to create a '33-359' artistic device with a woman that resembled my predictions of Phoebe's future appearance, based on her mother's appearance.

From 7/24/1945 to 7/16/1979 is: 33 years, 357 days
From 7/16/1963 to 7/16/1979 is: 16 years

Linda Harrison
Date of Birth: 24 July 1945
Planet of the Apes (1968) .... Nova

Memorable quotes for

Planet of the Apes (1968)

Dr. Zaius: I see you've brought the female of your species. I didn't realize that man could be monogamous.

George Taylor: On this planet, it's easy.

The movie "Planet of the Apes" premiered 334 days before my 10th birthday. I was 10 years old when Apollo 11 landed on the Earth's moon.

From 4/3/1968 to 3/3/1969 is: 334 days

Planet of the Apes (1968)

Release Date: 3 April 1968 (USA)

From 7/16/1963 to 12/23/1968 is: 1987 days

ZIP Code™ Matches in RADNOR, PA


Villanova University is a private university located in Radnor Township, a suburb northwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States. Founded in 1842 by the Augustinian monastic order, the university can trace its roots back to old Saint Augustine's Church in Philadelphia, which the Augustinians founded in 1796, and to its parish school, Saint Augustine's Academy, which was established in 1811. Villanova is the oldest and largest Catholic university in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. [1]

For more than a decade, Villanova University has been ranked #1 by U.S. News and World Report in the Best Universities-Masters category in the northern region. Villanova has a number of highly regarded academic programs, including an engineering school that is ranked #11 among undergraduate engineering programs whose highest degree is a masters by U.S. News and World Report. The School of Business was ranked #12 in the 2007 Business Week rankings of undergraduate business schools, [2] #87 in the 2006 U.S. News and World Report rankings of undergraduate business schools, and #29 in the Financial Times' ranking of top executive MBA programs. [3] Villanova University School of Law is ranked as a Top Law School by the 2008 edition of U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools," placing 60th overall.[4]. In December 2006, PC Magazine and The Princeton Review ranked Villanova #1 in its review of top "wired colleges" in the United States. [5]

Villanova is home to a Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) program which has commissioned more U.S. Navy admirals and Marine Corps generals than any institution but the U.S. Naval Academy. [6] In 2004, the commanders of both U.S. Naval Forces Atlantic and U.S. Naval Forces Pacific were Villanova NROTC graduates.

From 3/3/1959 to 4/5/1963 is: 33 days, 4 years


The term First Contact is also used to specifically refer to the first official contact between Humans and extraterrestrials. First Contact took place on the evening of April 5, 2063, when a Vulcan survey ship, the T'Plana-Hath, having detected the warp signature of the Phoenix, touched down in Bozeman, central Montana, where they met with the Phoenix's designer and pilot, Zefram Cochrane. This event is generally referred to as the defining moment in Human history, eventually paving the way for a unified world government and, later, the United Federation of Planets.

I assume I created the plot element about "First Contact" at Bozeman, Montana, because I wanted to associate Phoebe with 4/14/1977 and 4/14/1981. To created this association, I would have taken her known age on 4/14/1981 and subtracted it from the date 4/14/1977. That produced the date 7/15/1959. The zip code listed for Big Sky, Montana, is a precise match and it is within 46 miles of Bozeman and that seems a logical connection to me.

ZIP Code™ Matches in BOZEMAN, MT


59 7 15 >>> 1959 July 15

From 7/15/1959 to 4/14/1977 is: 6483 days
From 7/16/1963 to 4/14/1981 is: 6482 days

Actual City name in 59716 (PO BOX)


From 7/16/1959 to 4/14/1977 is: 6482 days
From 7/16/1963 to 4/14/1981 is: 6482 days

Bozeman, Montana, to Big Sky, Montana: 46.1 miles,+mt&daddr=big+sky,+mt&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=42.445866,95.800781&ie=UTF8&z=10&om=1

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 1:25:05 PM

Subject: Apollo 17

Memorable quotes for

Star Wars (1977)

Princess Leia: Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?

USS Thomaston (LSD 28)

Named after Thomaston, Maine, the home town of General Henry Knox, the first Secretary of War to serve under the United States Constitution, the USS THOMASTON was the first THOMASTON - class dock landing ship.

Making port at San Diego on 21 November, THOMASTON operated locally and trained through the early fall of 1964, when she sailed for the Philippines on 26 October to commence another WestPac deployment. Arriving at Subic Bay on 16 November, the LSD conducted special operations in the South China Sea, including a dredge lift from Saigon to Danang, South Vietnam, between 21 November and 16 December. Christmas of that year found THOMASTON again at sea, on "special operations" in the South China Sea. She was present at the initial Marine landings at Danang and Chu Lai, South Vietnam. She remained deployed to WestPac until June of 1965, when she returned to San Diego to conduct routine local operations off the west coast.

Departing San Diego on 10 January 1966 for WestPac, THOMASTON arrived in Vietnamese coastal waters on 5 February and immediately commenced operations at Chu Lai and Danang, serving as boat haven at the latter port. She returned to the United States in the spring and remained at San Diego from 9 April to 9 July 1966. The ship then headed back to the western Pacific and operated out of Subic Bay from 28 July through the end of the deployment. She participated in Operations "Deckhouse III" (phases one and two) and "Deckhouse IV" in August and September. In the former, THOMASTON landed marines north of Vung Tau and served as primary control ship and boat haven during the subsequent operations. She then landed marines at a point just south of the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between North and South Vietnam. She thus continued in her familiar role as primary control ship and boat haven during "Deckhouse IV" and staged boat convoys carrying supplies nine miles up the Cua Vet River to Dong Ha.

Returning to Subic Bay, THOMASTON later participated in Exercise "Mudpuppy II" which was designed to provide training in river operations for marines. Held on Mindoro in the Philippines, "Mudpuppy II" ended three days before Christmas; and Thomaston sailed for Vietnam.

She thus began the year 1967 as she had begun the previous year, in active combat operations against Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army units along the coastline. Participating in "Deckhouse V" and "Deckhouse VI" into March, THOMASTON's participation in the former operation began on 5 January 1967 when she dropped anchor off the mouth of the Song Co Chien River. She helped to launch the thrust of "Deckhouse V," aimed at the delta lowlands of Kien Hoa province, South Vietnam. The combined American and Vietnamese Marine Corps landings successfully challenged Viet Cong forces in this area. Relieved at Vung Tau by POINT DEFIANCE (LSD 1) on 6 March, THOMASTON sailed for repairs at Subic Bay, en route home via Hong Kong, Okinawa, Yokosuka, and Pearl Harbor.

Origin Los Angeles, California, United States

Genre(s) Psychedelic rock

Blues rock

Hard rock

Jam band

Years active 1965–1973, 2002–present (Riders on the Storm)

The Doors were an American rock band formed in 1965 in Los Angeles by keyboardist Ray Manzarek, vocalist Jim Morrison, drummer John Densmore, and guitarist Robby Krieger. They were one of the most controversial bands of their time, due mostly to Morrison's cryptic lyrics and unpredictable stage persona. Since the band's dissolution in the early 1970s - and especially since Morrison's death in 1971 - interest in the Doors' music has remained high, perhaps even surpassing that which the band enjoyed during its own lifetime.

Psychedelic rock is a style of rock music sometimes inspired by or attempting to replicate the mind-altering experiences brought on by drugs such as cannabis, psilocybin, mescaline, and especially LSD.[1] There are also other forms of psychedelic music that started from the same roots and diverged from the prevalent rock style into electronic music.

In the history of rock music, psychedelic rock is a bridge from early blues-based rock to latter progressive rock and heavy metal, but it also drew heavily from non-Western sources such as Indian music.

13th Floor Elevators' frontman Roky Erickson was once asked by a friend to define psychedelic music. Invoking the image on the American one dollar bill, he famously replied, "It's where the pyramid meets the eye, man."[citation needed]

While the first musicians to be influenced by psychedelic drugs were in the jazz and folk scenes, the first use of the term "psychedelic" in popular music was by the "acid-folk" group The Holy Modal Rounders in 1964. The first use of the word "psychedelic" in a rock music context is usually credited to The Deep, and the earliest known appearance of this usage of the word in print is in the title of their 1966 album The Psychedelic Moods of the Deep. Acid rock is often used interchangeably with psychedelic rock, but usually refers to styles bordering or overlapping with hard rock or heavy metal. Generally, psychedelic rock is more mellow.

The psychedelic sound itself had been around at least a year earlier in the live music of the Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd, Donovan's hit Sunshine Superman and the landmark single "Rain" by The Beatles.

From 12/8/1943 to 7/3/1971 is: 10069 days
From 3/4/1959 to 11/25/1986 is: 10069 days + 59 days

James Douglas Morrison (December 8, 1943 – July 3, 1971) was an American singer, songwriter, writer, film director, and poet. He was best known as the lead singer and lyricist of the popular American rock band The Doors, and is considered to be one of the most charismatic, unique, and influential frontmen in the history of rock music.[1] He was also an author of several poetry books, a documentary, short film, and three early music videos ("The Unknown Soldier", "Moonlight Drive", and "People are Strange"). Morrison died in Paris at the age of 27.

From 12/8/1943 to 7/3/1971 is: 10069 days
10069 / 2 = 5034
From 3/4/1959 to 12/14/1972 is: 5034 days

Launch: December 7, 1972
Lunar landing: December 11, 1972
Landing: December 19, 1972

Apollo 17 was the eleventh manned space mission in the NASA Apollo program. It was the first night launch and the sixth and final lunar landing mission of the Apollo program. As of 2007, it remains the most recent manned Moon landing.

"As I take man's last step from the surface, back home for some time to come — but we believe not too long into the future — I'd like to just [say] what I believe history will record — that America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17."

– Eugene A. Cernan, Apollo 17 Commander. Last man to walk on the moon, December 14, 1972.

From 6/19/1968 to 12/17/1968 is: 5 months, 28 days
28 / 30 = 0.933 month
From 6/19/1968 to 12/17/1968 is: 5.933 months


Released 17 December 1968

"Point Me at the Sky" is a single by the British band Pink Floyd. The song, released on December 17, 1968, was an early Roger Waters composition. This single was the band's fifth. The song spoke of overcrowding and lack of food in the near future (2005). Because the recording quality on most pressings was marginal, there are many different interpretations of the song's lyrics.

Pink Floyd Lyrics

Point Me At The Sky Lyrics

Hey, Eugene,
This is Henry McClean
And I've finished my beautiful flying machine
And I'm ringing to say
That I'm leaving and maybe
You'd like to fly with me
And hide with me, baby
Isn't it strange
How little we change
Isn't it sad we're insane
Playing the games that we know and in tears
The games we've been playing for thousands and thousands and ....
Pointing to the cosmic glider
"Pull this plastic glider higher
Light the fuse and stand right back"
He cried "This is my last good-bye."
Point me at the sky and tell it fly
Point me at the sky and tell it fly
Point me at the sky and tell it fly
And if you survive till two thousand and five
I hope you're exceedingly thin
For if you are stout you will have to breathe out
While the people around you breathe in
People pressing on might say
It's something that I hate to say
I'm slipping down to eat the ground
A little refuge on my brain
Point me at the sky and tell it fly
Point me at the sky and tell it fly
Point me at the sky and tell it fly
And all we've got to say to you is good-bye
It's time to go, better run and get your bags, it's good-bye
Nobody cry, it's good-bye
Crash, crash, crash, crash, good-bye...

From 6/19/1968 to 7/13/1968 is: 3 weeks and 3 days

Released July 13, 1968

Waiting for the Sun is The Doors' third album, released in 1968. It became the band's first number one album and spawned their second number one single "Hello, I Love You". Much of the material of this album had been written around and before the time of the group's formation, most notably "Not to Touch the Earth", which was taken from Morrison's epic poem Celebration of the Lizard. The poem was originally intended to be recorded for this album where it would have taken up one side, but the group was never able to get it right (they would revisit it later in its full-length form on their 1970 album Absolutely Live).

Though a strong album lyrically, musically it has often been criticized for its softer, mellow sound, a departure from the edgier, more ambitious sound that the band had become well-known (and notorious) for. Nonetheless, the album contains some rarely disputed classics, most notably the menacing "Five to One" and the evocative "Not to Touch the Earth".

The song "Waiting for the Sun", however, did not appear until the 1970 album Morrison Hotel.

"Five To One" is a song by The Doors. "Five to one" is rumored to be the approximate ratio of whites to blacks, young to old, or non-pot smokers to pot smokers in the US in 1967, depending on whom you ask. A further urban legend has it as the ratio of Viet Cong to American troops in Vietnam. [1] Jim Morrison said the lyrics were not political. He was so drunk when he recorded this song, he needed help from the studio staff on when to begin singing. If you listen closely, you can hear someone in the background say "One more time" before Jim starts his first verse. The opening part ("Yeah, c'mon - I love my girl. She lookin' good...") is some of Jim's nonsensical drunk rambling. Morrison got the idea for this while waiting in the audience before performing a concert in 1967. On bootlegs of live recordings, Morrison included the phrase "fucked up" in the spoken word section at the end. He swore a lot at live shows, but the studio albums were originally either curse-free or censored, with exceptions like the climax of "The End".

A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat.

The term ace in a day is used to designate a fighter pilot who has shot down five or more airplanes in a single day. During World War II 68 U.S. pilots —43 U.S. Army Air Forces, 18 U.S. Navy, and 7 U.S. Marine Corps — were credited the feat, including Joe Foss, Chuck Yeager, and David McCampbell, who destroyed nine Japanese planes in a single mission.

Notable pilots of other nations to have claimed the title include Antoni Glowacki in the Battle of Britain and numerous Luftwaffe aces. Most notable was Ltn. Hans-Joachim Marseille, credited with downing 17 British fighters in just three sorties on September 1, 1942.


Rank and organization: Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Helicopter Support Squadron 7, Detachment 104, embarked in U.S.S. Preble (DLG-15). place and date: Republic of Vietnam, 19 June 1968. Entered service at: Jacksonville, Fla. Born: 14 March 1942, Fort Myers, Fla. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as pilot and aircraft commander of a search and rescue helicopter, attached to Helicopter Support Squadron 7, during operations against enemy forces in North Vietnam. Launched shortly after midnight to attempt the rescue of 2 downed aviators, Lt. (then Lt. (J.G.)) Lassen skillfully piloted his aircraft over unknown and hostile terrain to a steep, tree-covered hill on which the survivors had been located. Although enemy fire was being directed at the helicopter, he initially landed in a clear area near the base of the hill, but, due to the dense undergrowth, the survivors could not reach the helicopter. With the aid of flare illumination, Lt. Lassen successfully accomplished a hover between 2 trees at the survivors' position Illumination was abruptly lost as the last of the flares were expended, and the helicopter collided with a tree, commencing a sharp descent. Expertly righting his aircraft and maneuvering clear, Lt. Lassen remained in the area, determined to make another rescue attempt, and encouraged the downed aviators while awaiting resumption of flare illumination. After another unsuccessful, illuminated rescue attempt, and with his fuel dangerously low and his aircraft significantly damaged, he launched again and commenced another approach in the face of the continuing enemy opposition. When flare illumination was again lost, Lt. Lassen, fully aware of the dangers in clearly revealing his position to the enemy, turned on his landing lights and completed the landing. On this attempt, the survivors were able to make their way to the helicopter. En route to the coast he encountered and successfully evaded additional hostile antiaircraft fire and, with fuel for only 5 minutes of flight remaining, landed safely aboard U.S.S. Jouett (DLG-29) .

Details I have found are STS-93, STS-82, USS Lassen DDG-82, when compared with my age of 9.3 on 6/19/1968, my 1982 graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy, and 6/28/1998. The description here about the problem with the fuel was what first caught my eye and made me think of the details about Lt. Lassen almost running out of fuel on 6/19/1968.

STS-93 marked the 95th launch of the Space Shuttle, the 26th launch of Columbia, and the 21st night launch of a Space Shuttle. It had the first female Shuttle Commander. Its primary payload was the Chandra X-ray Observatory. It would also be the last mission of Columbia until March 2002. During the interim, Columbia would be out of service for upgrading, and would not fly again until STS-109.

Five seconds after liftoff, an electrical short knocked out controllers for two main engines. The engines automatically switched to their backup controllers. Had a further short shut down two engines, the orbiter would have ditched into the ocean, although the crew could have possibly bailed out. Concurrently a pin came loose inside one engine and ruptured a cooling line, allowing a hydrogen fuel leak. This caused premature fuel exhaustion, but the vehicle safely achieved a slightly lower orbit. Had the failure propagated further, a risky transatlantic or RTLS abort would have been required.

If the objective was to select a pilot for space shuttle flight STS-93 to connect me with 6/19/1968, then this calculation is only off by 3 days. This result seems more likely than would a lot of calculations that have perfect results. The reason it would be so hard to get perfect matches is that you have to find people that have to necessary skills, in the first place, to do the job, and the job in this case is the pilot of the space shuttle. This was his first space shuttle flight so that would add weight to the possibility he was assigned specifically to connect me with 6/19/1968 when I was 9.3 years old.

From 6/16/1954 to 6/19/1968 is: 5117 days
5117 * 0.3359 = 1718
From 6/16/1954 to 3/3/1959 is: 1721 days


Jeffrey Shears "Bones" Ashby (born June 16, 1954) is a former American naval aviator and astronaut, a veteran of three space shuttle missions. He is a retired Captain in the U.S. Navy


STS-93, STS-100, STS-112

According to information on the internet, the pilot of space shuttle flight STS-68 is 3410 days older than me. I was 3396 days old on 6/19/1968, which is the date on U.S. Navy Lt. Lassen's Medal of Honor citation. It is a difference of 14 days, which is pretty good considering this is based on the pilot of the space shuttle.

From 10/31/1949 to 3/3/1959 is: 3410 days
From 3/3/1959 to 6/19/1968 is: 3396 days

3410 - 3396 = 14 days

Terrence Wade Wilcutt (born 31 October 1949) is an American astronaut and a veteran of four space shuttle missions.

Raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Wilcutt earned a degree in mathematics from Western Kentucky University and taught high school math for two years before entering the United States Marine Corps. He trained as a pilot and flew the F/A-18 before being assigned to the Naval Aircraft Test Center, where he worked on classified aircraft programs.

Wilcutt was selected as an astronaut candidate in 1990; he piloted missions STS-68 (1994) and STS-79 (1996). Wilcutt commanded mission STS-89 (1998) to the Mir space station and STS-106 (2000) to the International Space Station.

From 4/9/1946 to 8/4/1985 is: 14362 days
From 3/3/1959 to 6/28/1998 is: 14362 days

This is my father, in the context of my artificial and symbolic memory. This is all a construct of my official United States federal undercover identity, which I maintain to this very minute.

Morrison Cemetery

Morrison, Noble County, Oklahoma


FIRST MI Joseph Wayne

BORN 09 Apr 1946

DIED 04 Aug 1985

From 6/28/1998 to 4/21/2001 is: 33 months, 3 weeks, 3 days

33-34 (objective)

USS Lassen (DDG 82)

Commissioned: April 21, 2001

From 2/11/1997 (launch) to 2/21/1997 (landing) is: 10 days

From 2/11/1997 (launch) to 2/16/1997 (mid-point) is: 5 days

From 7/16/1963 to 2/16/1997 is: 33 years, 215 days

215 / 365 = 0.589

From 7/16/1963 to 2/16/1997 is: 33.589 years


STS-82 was a mission of the United States Space Shuttle.

Launch: February 11, 1997
Landing: February 21, 1997

With this astronaut on space shuttle flight STS-82, I see a connection to me and 9/2/1965. I recognize the date 9/2/1965 as my first day at Princeton University. That would be a relevant clue to this flight because my thoughts suggest I graduated, along with graduating Princeton and Oxford earlier, from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1982. I recognize the date 5/28/1982 as the official graduation date of the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 while I graduated on 4/30/1982.

From 4/15/1956 to 5/28/1982 (USNA Class of 1982) is: 9539 days
From 4/15/1956 to 9/2/1965 (my first day Princeton University) is: 3427 days
3427 / 9539 = 0.359


Gregory Jordan Harbaugh is a former NASA astronaut.

Harbaugh was born April 15, 1956


STS-39, STS-54, STS-71, STS-82

From 3/3/1959 to 10/11/1968 (Apollo 7 launch) is: 9 years, 222 days
222 / 365 = 0.60 year
From 3/3/1959 to 10/11/1968 (Apollo 7 launch) is: 9.60 years

From 6/28/1998 to 5/27/1999 is: 333 days


Launch: May 27, 1999
Landing: June 6, 1999

STS-96 was a Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS) flown by Space Shuttle Discovery.

From 3/4/1959 to 2/11/1989 is: 1 week, 359 months


USS Princeton (CG 59)

Commissioned: February 11, 1989

About the Ship's Name, about the Battle of Princeton:

On January 3, 1776, the Battle of Princeton took place during the War of Independence. In the Battle of Trenton that took place on December 26, 1776, the troops under General George Washington defeated the British-Hessian troops. One week later the British under General Charles Cornwallis moved forward along the Delaware River against the troops of Washington. At the morning of January 3, 1777, Washington moved forward to Princeton where he beat a British department that wanted to move to Cornwallis. Cornwallis moved his troops to Brunswick, NJ. After the British defeat the American self-confidence increased.

USS Philippine Sea (CG 58)

USS PHILIPPINE SEA is the twelfth ship of the TICONDEROGA class and the second built by Bath Iron Works in Maine.

Commissioned: March 3, 1989

The precise mid-point of 3/3/1959 and the commissioning of the USS Russell DDG-59 is 4/10/1977. I assume the U.S. Navy asked me if I wanted to schedule to commissioning date of the USS Russell DDG-59 and this was the result of my calculations.

USS Russell (DDG 59)

Commissioned: May 20, 1995

Formation 1994

Type Association of UK universities

Location United Kingdom

The University of Oxford (usually abbreviated as Oxon. for post-nominals), located in the city of Oxford, England, is the oldest university in the English-speaking world.[3]

The University of Oxford is a member of the Russell Group of research-led British universities

This ship was commissioned on a Saturday as are all of those Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates I have examined. That commissioning date is as close as it could get to a day when I was 335.9 months old. It is only off by 2 days, which is within the day-of-week scheduling constraint.

From 3/3/1959 to 3/2/1987 is: 335 months, 27 days
27 / 30 = 0.9
From 3/3/1959 to 3/2/1987 is: 335.9 months

From 2/28/1987 (Saturday) to 3/2/1987 (Monday) is: 2 days

USS Kauffman (FFG 59)

Commissioned: February 28, 1987

This ship was commissioned on a date that was 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, after 4/14/1981. The date 4/14/1981 is when the space shuttle landed after its first launch into Earth's orbit and I believe I save the shuttle from crashing that day by repairing the landing gear at the last moment.

From 4/14/1981 to 2/8/1997 is: 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 4 days


USS Falcon (MHC 59)

USS FALCON was the 9th ship in the OSPREY - class of coastal mine hunters.

Commissioned: February 8, 1997

Decommissioned: June 30, 2006

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 2:49:23 PM

Subject: Bright Lights, Big City (1988)

This is the scene where she is walking down a runway that reminds me of career as a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier aviator. She has short hair and she is walking down a runway. I have been thinking this is something I had arranged for her before I was POW in Libya in early 1986.

I don't ever recall seeing this movie, but there are some interesting details relevant to me to note. The first is that it released about a year after I returned home after my escape from Africa. I recognize the date 4/14/1986 as when the prison I was being held at as a Prisoner of War in Libya was bombed and I escaped captivity. My family thought I had been killed that day and they had a funeral service for me on 11/25/1986. Phoebe portrays a character named "Amanda" in this movie and in my artificial and symbolic memory of 1988, I had a girlfriend named Amanda. In my artificial and symbolic memory, I returned from the Persian Gulf in 1988 and Amanda broke up with me about 3 days after I got back. I have written about those artificial "memories" many times over the past years.

From 4/14/1986 to 4/1/1988 is: 718 days

718 / 2 = 359

Bright Lights, Big City (1988)

Release Date: 1 April 1988 (USA)

Plot Outline: A disillusioned young writer living in New York City turns to drugs and drinking to block out the memories of his dead mother and estranged wife.

Phoebe Cates ... Amanda

Bright Lights, Big City is a 1988 film staring Michael J. Fox, Kiefer Sutherland and Phoebe Cates.

"The Coca-Cola Years." I find that very amusing.

I have noted several times that the image of the woman in the logo reminds me of a girlfriend named Rhonda Rochelle Ramsey. I think I "remember" that detail of her because her initials R.R.R. make me think of three R's, which sounds similar to TriStar. I can still almost visualize when I took Rhonda to Texarkana in my 1967 blue Chevrolet to see "An Officer And A Gentleman." The windows fogged up as we were sitting there at the drivein watching the movie and I wrote "I Love R.R.R." on my window, which she thought was nice.

Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. is an American division of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE). SPE is a part of Japanese electronics giant Sony.

The Coca-Cola Years and Tri-Star

With a healthier balance-sheet, Columbia was bought by Coca-Cola in 1982 (they had also considered buying the struggling Walt Disney Productions).[citation needed] Coca-Cola management announced there would be no X-rated films from Columbia, yet in 1984 the studio released Body Double, which came close to receiving the rating. Studio head Frank Price mixed big hits like Tootsie and Ghostbusters with many, many costly flops. Under Coke, Columbia acquired Norman Lear and Jerry Perenchio's Embassy Pictures division Embassy Television (included Tandem Productions) in 1985, mostly for its library of highly successful television series. Expanding its television franchise, Columbia also bought Merv Griffin's game-show empire the following year, including the rights to Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!.

TriStar Pictures was founded in 1982, as a joint venture between Columbia, HBO, and CBS.

From 5/16/1955 to 7/16/1963 is: 2983 days
From 3/3/1959 to 5/1/1967 is: 2981 days

Debra Winger
Date of Birth: 16 May 1955
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) .... Paula Pokrifki

The woman who portrayed the mother of Debra Winger's character was 35.90 years old on 4/14/1977.

From 5/17/1941 to 4/14/1977 is: 35 years, 332 days
332 / 365 = 0.90 year
From 5/17/1941 to 4/14/1977 is: 35.90 years


Grace Zabriskie
Date of Birth: 17 May 1941

An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) .... Esther Pokrifiki
Armageddon (1998/I) .... Dottie

From 3/3/1959 to 6/6/1963 is: 3 days, 3 months, 4 years


Jason Isaacs
Date of Birth: 6 June 1963
Armageddon (1998/I) .... Dr. Ronald Quincy, Research

The father of "Zack's" love interest in "An Officer And A Gentleman" is listed as "Joe" where Phoebe's father's name is Joseph. Victor French was also 34 years, 33 weeks, 1 day, old on 7/24/1969, the day Apollo 11 returned from the Earth's moon.

Victor French
Date of Birth: 4 December 1934
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) .... Joe Pokrifiki

From 7/20/1969 (Apollo 11) to 8/13/1982 is: 13 years, 3 weeks and 3 days


An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)

Release Date: 13 August 1982 (USA)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Journal May 22, 2006

And then a thought struck me: RR! I went to see that movie An Officer And A Gentleman with a girl with the initials RR. Maybe I once dated Ronald Reagans granddaughter.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Monday, May 21, 2007

This article also reminds me of that girlfriend, Rhonda Rochelle Ramsey, in my artificial and symbolic memory. I can't "remember" for certain the proper spelling for her last name. She is the girlfriend I "remember" taking to see "An Officer And A Gentleman" in my 1967 blue Chevrolet. I wrote something that makes me think she is my wife, in that she is Ronald Reagan's granddaughter-in-law. In my artificial and symbolic memory, Rhonda resembles that logo for Columbia Pictures of the woman holding the torch.

I wonder if this is the reason for that photo that seems to be of me flying Air Force One in 1982 with President Reagan sitting behind me.

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 3:09:31 PM

Subject: Tiger Cruise (2004) (TV)

I think this is a reference to my wife's last name Cates, which is also listed on the internet as Katz. There is also the notion that I flew the F-14 Tomcat and that my nickname, among others and because of the Princeton University mascot, was Tiger, which is a big cat.

This dialog always makes me feel sad every time I see it because I remember how sad it made me feel when I watched it the movie.

Memorable quotes for

Vanilla Sky (2001)

Sofía: I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats.

[last lines to Sofia]

David: Do you remember what you told me once? That every passing minute is a another chance to turn it all around.

Sofía: I'll find you again.

David: I'll see you in another life... when we are both cats.

070725-N-4014G-023 NORFOLK, Va. (July 25, 2007) - A young girl throws a paper airplane during a paper-airplane-throwing contest as part of Bring Your Child To Work Day aboard amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3). The day allowed parents who are deploying with the ship to bring their children aboard to see where their parents work and live while underway. Kearsarge is preparing for an upcoming deployment. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Patrick Gearhiser (RELEASED)

I assume that the date listed as Michelle Kwan's birthday is a date I created for her public identity because she is part of my family, as listed here partially, and my family is very important to me.

From 11/15/1966 (Gemini 12) to 7/7/1980 is: 13 years, 33 weeks, 4 days


Michelle Kwan
Date of Birth: 7 July 1980

Michelle Kwan: Princess on Ice (2001) (TV) .... Herself
... aka Disney and Hallmark Present Michelle Kwan: Princess on Ice
"The Simpsons" .... Herself (1 episode, 2005) - Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... Herself
Ice Princess (2005) .... Herself

Launch: November 11, 1966
Landing: November 15, 1966

Gemini 12 (officially Gemini XII) was a 1966 manned spaceflight in NASA's Gemini program. It was the 10th manned Gemini flight, the 18th manned American flight and the 26th spaceflight of all time (includes X-15 flights over 100 km).


The patch's unique orange and black colors are a link to the flight's original scheduled date close to Halloween. The Roman numeral XII is located at the 12 o'clock position on the face of a clock, with the Gemini spacecraft pointing to it like the hour hand of a clock. This represents the position of Gemini 12 as the last flight of the Gemini program. With the Apollo project following this last flight of the Gemini program, the ultimate objective -- the moon -- is symbolized by the crescent on the left.

I can't now remember why I noted this time period just before I made the reference to "Tiger Cruise." It seems important but I can't remember now why. I feel compelled to leave it in here though even though I can't remember why it is important.

From 11/2/1975 to 4/14/1977 is: 529 days

Tiger Cruise (August 6, 2004) is the 53rd Disney Channel Original Movie. It stars Hayden Panettiere (Remember the Titans) and Bill Pullman (Independence Day). The film's fictional events are intertwined with the real-life events of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Maddie Dolan is on a mission to convince her dad to give up his naval career and come home to his family where he belongs. To do this, Maddie accepts her dad's offer to participate in Operation Tiger, a week-long cruise for family and friends aboard his aircraft carrier.

Maddie thinks her plans might actually work until September 11, 2001, two days into the cruise. When the ship goes into high alert, Maddie gets to see her father's courage, honor and commitment to his family firsthand and discovers the importance of the sacrifice he makes to serve his country, and she now understands why her dad wants to (and has to) serve.

The actress who portrays the daughter of the US Navy officer in this movie was born 3332 days after the birthday listed for Michelle Kwan and I assume that was done to represent that Michelle is my daughter and the goal was to create a 33-34 artistic device.

From 7/7/1980 to 8/21/1989 is: 3332 days

Hayden Panettiere
Date of Birth: 21 August 1989
Tiger Cruise (2004) (TV) .... Maddie Dolan

I have noted that 3/15/1998 and 3/16/1998 seem to be related to when I began this deployment.

From 3/16/1998 to 8/6/2004 is: 333 weeks, 4 days


Tiger Cruise (2004) (TV)

Release Date: 6 August 2004 (USA)

Tagline: Maddie wanted a father. What she found was a hero.

Plot Outline: In the wake of the World Trade Center attacks, a naval carrier with civilians on board is ordered in combat mode.

Hayden Panettiere ... Maddie Dolan
Bill Pullman ... Cmdr. Gary Dolan
Barbara Niven ... Kate Dolan

From 2/26/1953 ("Kate") to 7/16/1963 is: 3792 days
From 3/3/1959 to 7/20/1969 (Apollo 11) is: 3792 days

Barbara Niven
Date of Birth: 26 February 1953
Tiger Cruise (2004) (TV) .... Kate Dolan

Memorable quotes for

Tiger Cruise (2004) (TV)

Maddie Dolan: Dad, when are you coming home?

Cmdr. Dolan: What do you mean? We're gonna be docking on Friday.

Maddie Dolan: No, I mean when are you coming home. For good.

Cmdr. Dolan: [Cmdr. Dolan realizes why she came] Is that why you came on board... to ask me that? This is my job.

Maddie Dolan: So get a new one. You got the degress. You could do like anything you want.

Cmdr. Dolan: This is what I do.

From 7/16/1963 to 12/24/1968 (Apollo 8) is: 1988 days
From 3/3/1959 to 6/4/1975 is: 5937 days
1988 / 5937 = 0.334


Angelina Jolie
Date of Birth: 4 June 1975

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) .... Jane Smith
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) .... Franky
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) .... Lara Croft
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) .... Lara Croft

Memorable quotes for

Gremlins (1984)

Kate: Now I have another reason to hate Christmas.

Billy Peltzer: What are you talking about?

Kate: The worst thing that ever happened to me was on Christmas. Oh, God. It was so horrible. It was Christmas Eve. I was 9 years old. Me and Mom were decorating the tree, waiting for Dad to come home from work. A couple hours went by. Dad wasn't home. So Mom called the office. No answer. Christmas Day came and went, and still nothing. So the police began a search. Four or five days went by. Neither one of us could eat or sleep. Everything was falling apart. It was snowing outside. The house was freezing, so I went to try to light up the fire. That's when I noticed the smell. The firemen came and broke through the chimney top. And me and Mom were expecting them to pull out a dead cat or a bird. And instead they pulled out my father. He was dressed in a Santa Claus suit. He'd been climbing down the chimney... his arms loaded with presents. He was gonna surprise us. He slipped and broke his neck. He died instantly. And that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus.

From 3/3/1959 to 12/24/1968 is: 9 years, 9 months, 3 weeks


Apollo 8 was the second manned mission of the Apollo space program, in which Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot James Lovell and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders became the first humans to orbit around the Moon. It was also the first manned launch of the Saturn V rocket.

NASA prepared for the mission in only four months. The hardware involved had only been used a few times—the Saturn V had launched only twice before, and the Apollo spacecraft had only just finished its first manned mission, Apollo 7. However, the success of the mission paved the way for the successful completion of U.S. President John F. Kennedy's goal of landing on the Moon before the end of the decade.

After launching on December 21, 1968, the crew took three days to travel to the Moon, which they orbited for 20 hours. While in lunar orbit the crew made a Christmas Eve television broadcast in which they read from the book of Genesis. It was the most watched broadcast to date.

From 7/2/1976 to 6/27/1981 is: 59 months, 3 weeks, 4 days


9-9-3 (Apollo 8)

USS Kidd (DDG 993)

USS KIDD was the lead ship of the KIDD - class of guided missile destroyers. These ships were a modified version of the SPRUANCE - class destroyers. Originally built for Iran, the ship was first named KOUROUSH, but after the destroyer's takeover by the U.S. Navy the ship was renamed KIDD, becoming the second ship in the Navy named after Rear Admiral Isaac Campbell Kidd.

Commissioned: June 27, 1981

I assume I created the date listed publicly as Danica Patricks birthday because she is my daughter. The date 11/2/1975 was the first day during my activities that culminated on 4/14/1977.

From 11/2/1975 to 3/25/1982 is: 333 weeks, 4 days


Danica Patrick
Date of Birth: 25 March 1982
"Girl Racers" (2005) (mini) TV Series .... Herself

"Girl Racers" (2005) (mini)


Tagline: Girl Racers follows North America's leading female race car drivers over the course of the 2004 racing season.

Of the Apollo space flights in the 1960's and 1970's, 6 of those flights landed on the surface of the Earth's moon. The Apollo 14 flight was 3rd of 6 landings on the Earth's moon. The birthday listed for actress Kristin Kreuk forms a mid-point device, relative to my birth date, with the launch date of Apollo 14, which was the 3rd of 6 lunar landings.

From 3/4/1959 to 1/31/1971 (Apollo 14) is: 4351 days
From 1/31/1971 (Apollo 14) to 12/30/1982 is: 4351 days

Kristin Kreuk
Date of Birth: 30 December 1982

"Smallville" .... Lana Lang (133 episodes, 2001-2007)
Superman: The Early Years (Behind the Scenes of Smallville) (2002) (TV) .... Herself
Snow White (2001) (TV) .... Snow White

Apollo 14 was the eighth manned mission in the Apollo program and the third mission to land on the Moon.

Launch: January 31, 1971
Lunar landing: February 5, 1971
Landing: February 9, 1971

The Apollo program, specifically the human lunar landings, are often cited as one of the greatest events in human history.

Apollo 7 lunar landing: none. Earth orbit only

Apollo 8 lunar landing: none. Only orbited the Earth's moon beginning 12/24/1968 UTC.

Apollo 9 lunar landing: none. Earth orbit only.

Apollo 10 lunar landing: none. 2nd flight to orbit the Earth's moon.

Apollo 11 lunar landing: 7/20/1969. 1st landing of 6.

Apollo 12 lunar landing: 11/19/1969. 2nd landing.

Apollo 13 lunar landing: none. Lunar landing aborted. Lunar flyby only.

Apollo 14 lunar landing: 2/5/1971. 3rd landing of 6.

Apollo 15 lunar landing: 7/30/1971. 4th landing.

Apollo 16 lunar landing: 4/21/1972. 5th landing.

Apollo 17 lunar landing: 12/11/1972. 6th and final landing.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Sleep journal 3/19/06

Yesterday was some kind of foreign dream that was more of an emotion than a visualization. I couldn't remember any of the details although I felt like I had been seeing details. All I remembered was feeling like it was something intense, there was some intensity to the communication, almost overwhelming like a very strong and clear signal on a radio. After I woke up, I could only characterize the message as positive.

Today the first foreign dream wasn't too clear either. It had something to do with me, someother characters, and something about the stars. We were under the stars, or we were talking to the stars. I can visualize the sky with the stars but they may have also been a metaphor for people. Then I left somewhere and there was something about a goose, not sure what that meant, maybe something to do with staying meant something about a cooked goose.

The second foreign dream had a lot of detail. I was sitting on a bus with someone that I knew but I don't know who it was. It may have been Britney Spears but that makes no sense. I was sitting next to her and she was someone that I had lived with before, someone I had a relationship with, like a girlfriend. I was getting off the bus to a place I was staying that I don't recognize from anyplace I've been in real life. She asked me if I was really staying there, she may have commented that it was amazing I was staying there, or someone else said that. Apparently, it was the same place she and I had lived during our relationship. It was some kind of little travel trailer. A young woman was letting me stay there. I was taking up a little open seat or bench in a hallway of the trailer. I had a little storage bin to put my stuff in.

For a while I was thinking this was about Britney Spears mother, in that I was dreaming of a time before the first space shuttle launched and I was telling her mother that I was launching on that flight. But more likely, it is about my wife, Phoebe, who I guess is her step-mother. And I have no idea the context of this conversation that was occurring in my dream because I don't think Phoebe knew about my space shuttle flights. Or maybe I told her about it later and she told me it was amazing that I was an astronaut. Or maybe that it what I anticipated her to say when I told her about it in the future.

From 4/12/1981 (STS-1) to 12/2/1981 is: 33 weeks, 3 days


Britney Spears

Date of Birth: 2 December 1981

The first Space Shuttle mission, STS-1, was launched April 12, 1981, and returned April 14. Space Shuttle Columbia orbited the earth 36 times in this 54.5-hour mission. It was the first US manned space flight since the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in July 15, 1975.

This certainly piqued my curiousity. The USS Taylor is a Perry-class frigate. It seems if people from my true identity associate with details from my artificial identity, then I will recognize them, assuming I am even correct about this. The Microsoft-Corbis zombies have probably been trying to spoof me all these years.

Britney Spears’ ‘manny’ is Navy man

Perry Taylor is ‘more of a bodyguard,’ says his mother

Updated: 3:53 p.m. PT June 9, 2006

EASTON, Md. - At the U.S. Naval Academy, Perry Taylor was addressed as “midshipman.” Now, though, he’s known as Perry Poppins.

The 28-year-old Easton native has popped up in supermarket tabloids as the male nanny — or “manny” — for Britney Spears, who has a 9-month-old son, Sean Preston, and is pregnant.

“Actually, he’s more of a bodyguard,” says Taylor’s mother, Caroline Moncure-Taylor, a Washington real estate agent. Moncure-Taylor told The (Baltimore) Sun that Taylor has worked for the 24-year-old pop singer for less than a month.

From 4/14/1981 (STS-1) to 12/1/1984 is: 3 years, 33 weeks


USS Taylor (FFG 50)

USS TAYLOR is one of the many OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class frigates.

Commissioned: December 1, 1984

The date 11/16/1965 was the middle day of the battle that "We Were Soldier Once...And Young" is based on.

From 11/14/1965 to 11/18/1965 is: 4 days
4 / 2 = 2
From 11/14/1965 to 11/16/1965 is: 2 days

I assume I created this birthdate that is listed publicly for Paris because she is my daughter. I haven't watched "The Simple Life" series but I am familiar with the concept and I find it entertaining.

I have also been thinking I was in the Hoa Loa Prison, also known as the Hanoi Hilton. I have been thinking I had an assignment of keeping track of the U.S. military that were POW's during the Vietnam War. At one point, probably 1972, I let the Viet Cong capture me so they would throw me in with Stockdale and the others so I could assess the conditions of the prison. I thought of that more when I saw an episode of the "Lost" television series recently and I wondered how often you would see a military crew member of a helicopter conducting low-level seaches wearing the oxygen mask of a supersonic fighter jet.

I have also been wondering if that was why I was only purchasing Hewlett-Packard computers while I have been out here on this deployment.

Hewlett Packard >>> H-L-P >>> Hoa Loa Prison

From 11/16/1965 to 2/17/1981 is: 15 years, 93 days


Paris Hilton
Date of Birth: 17 February 1981
"The Simple Life" .... Herself (46 episodes, 2003-2007)

The Battle of Ia Drang was the first major battle of the Vietnam War between the United States Army and the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN).
The two-part battle took place between November 14 and November 18, 1965, at two landing zones (LZ's) northwest of Plei Me in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam. The battle derives its name from the Drang River which runs through the valley northwest of Plei Me, in which the engagement took place. "Ia" means "river" in the local Montagnard language.

Representing the American forces were elements of the 1st Battalion 7th Cavalry, the 2nd Battalion 7th Cavalry, and the 1st Battalion 5th Cavalry of the United States Army. The communist forces included the 33rd, 66th, and 320th Regiments of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN), as well National Liberation Front (NLF) of the H15 Battalion.

The battle is the subject of the critically acclaimed book We Were Soldiers Once ... And Young by Harold (Hal) Moore and Joseph L. Galloway. In 2002, screenwriter Randall Wallace depicted the first part of the battle in the film We Were Soldiers starring Mel Gibson.

I was 33 years, 33 weeks, old when this book released.

From 3/3/1959 to 10/20/1992 is: 33 years, 33 weeks

Released October 20, 1992

We Were Soldiers Once ... and Young is a 1992 book by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore (Ret.) and war journalist Joseph L. Galloway about the Vietnam War. It focuses on the role of the First and Second Battalions of the 7th Cavalry Regiment in the Battle of Ia Drang. This battle was the first large-unit battle of the Vietnam War; previous conflicts involved small units and patrols (squad, platoon, and company sized units).

Friday, 3/1/2002
Sunday, 3/3/2002

We Were Soldiers (2002)

Release Date: 1 March 2002 (USA)

Plot Outline: The story of the first major battle of the American phase of the Vietnam War and the soldiers on both sides that fought it.

I have been pondering Greg Kinnear's role as a helicopter pilot in that movie since I first watched the movie. That might have been my actual role in that battle. I might have been flying in the helicopter as co-pilot with Major Crandall. I could pilot a helicopter before I first flew a fighter jet by myself on 5/1/1967.

From 3/3/1959 to 11/14/1965 is: 2448 days
From 6/17/1963 to 11/14/1965 is: 881 days
881 / 2448 = 0.359


Greg Kinnear
Date of Birth: 17 June 1963
We Were Soldiers (2002) .... Maj. Bruce 'Snake' Crandall

From 3/3/1959 to 11/15/1966 (Gemini 12) is: 2814 days
From 3/3/1959 to 6/9/1981 is: 8134 days
2814 / 8134 = 0.3459


Natalie Portman

Date of Birth: 9 June 1981

Launch: November 11, 1966
Landing: November 15, 1966

Gemini 12 (officially Gemini XII) was a 1966 manned spaceflight in NASA's Gemini program. It was the 10th manned Gemini flight, the 18th manned American flight and the 26th spaceflight of all time (includes X-15 flights over 100 km).

There are 7 named Apollo missions before Apollo 10 and 7 named Apollo missions after Apollo 10.

7 flights: Apollo 1, Apollo 4, Apollo 5, Apollo 6, Apollo 7, Apollo 8, Apollo 9

Middle of named Apollo missions: Apollo 10

7 flights: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17

From 3/3/1959 to 5/18/1969 is: 3729 days
From 5/18/1969 to 8/3/1979 is: 3729 days

Evangeline Lilly
Date of Birth: 3 August 1979
"Lost" .... Kate Austen (69 episodes, 2004-2007)

Launch: May 18, 1969
Landing: May 26, 1969

Apollo 10 was the fourth manned mission in the Apollo program. The mission included the second crew to orbit the Moon, and the test of the lunar module in lunar orbit. The module came to within 8.4 nautical miles (15.6 km) of the lunar surface during practice maneuvers. According to the 2001 Guinness World Records Apollo 10 has the record for the highest speed attained by a manned vehicle: 39,897 km/h (11.08 km/s or 24,791 mph). The speed record was set during the return from the Moon on 26 May 1969.

Missions of the Apollo program

From 7/2/1976 to 7/2/1986 is: 10 years

Lindsay Lohan

Date of Birth: 2 July 1986

From 6/7/1976 to 10/11/1989 is: 4 days, 4 months, 13 years


From 3/3/1959 to 7/16/1963 is: 4 years, 4 months, 13 days


Michelle Wie

Date of Birth: 11 October 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

From 7/16/1963 to 10/15/1997 is: 13 weeks, 34 years


Adora Lily Svitak (born October 15, 1997) Usually known simply as Adora Svitak. Svitak is an American child prodigy and internationally published author, known for her essays, stories, poems, blogs, and full-length books. Adora first became known to the public when, at the age of 6, she was recognized on local news in Seattle for her writing abilities.[1] Adora became an object of national interest at the age of 7 when she appeared with Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America.[2] Her book, Flying Fingers describes Adora's abiding love of language and writing and contains tips and hints for other aspiring writers. [3] In 2005, at the age of 7, Adora began writing blogs and keeping an online journal, where she comments on matters of both international significance and subjects of personal interest.[4][5] Since Nov, 2005 Adora has been leveraging her talent and fame to promote literacy and interest in reading and writing. She has lectured before large audiences of both students and adults across the United States, and recently in Great Britain.[6]

As of January 2007, Adora is completing her first full-length novel "Yang in Disguise," serving as a spokesperson for Verizon Reads campaign for literacy, and working on an animated computer program to help develop children's reading and speaking skills.

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 3:43:08 PM

Subject: Date with an Angel (1987)

That movie "Bright Lights, Big City" might have been produced before I left in early 1986, I'm not entirely sure, but the release would have been scheduled to point to something about me. I don't know what I was aiming there for. It's probably so I could explain at a later date to Phoebe what all had happened to me during our marriage that she didn't know.

And I think I had creative input into all of Phoebe's movies, but I am not sure how much depth of control I had. For instance, my input might have been just to associate certain details I wanted to her movie. Kind of the like the note on the card for a bouqet of flowers I sent her. Some of the movies I had a great deal of creative input on, while others I did not have as much input, other than at an executive level, although I have had an executive level input, as well as creative input, into a lot of movies.

The schedule of this movie would suggest it has something to do with me returning from Africa in 1987. I recognize the date 11/25/1986 as when my family had a funeral service for me, thinking I had been killed. I am thinking though, that not all of them thought I was dead. For example, I think I was able to contact Phoebe a few times. I also started thinking Phoebe actually works for the CIA too, although I did not know what until recently.

From 11/25/1986 to 11/20/1987 (Friday) is: 1 + 359 days

Date with an Angel (1987)

Release Date: 20 November 1987 (USA)

Phoebe Cates ... Patty Winston

Tagline: Jim is about to marry a princess... but he's in love with an angel.

Michael E. Knight
Date of Birth: 7 May 1959, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Date with an Angel (1987) .... Jim Sanders

I caught a couple minutes of this movie the other day and I found one of Phoebe's lines humorous. She said her husband would be thrilled that the other people knew who he was.

Along with that line, which most people shouldn't understand as sarcastic, that movie might have represented certain elements in my life at the time while I was working undercover at Microsoft.

From 3/15/1998 to 6/24/2001 is: 3 years, 3 months, 9 days
9 / 30 = 0.3 month
From 3/15/1998 to 6/24/2001 is: 3 years, 3.3 months


The Anniversary Party (2001)

Release Date: 24 June 2001 (USA)

Phoebe Cates ... Sophia Gold

One day....I'll get back home.

ZIP Code™ Matches in SOPHIA, WV

25921 (PO BOX)

25 9 21 >>> 1925 September 21

From 9/21/1925 to 3/2/1959 is: 33 years, 5 months, 9 days


----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 4:18:19 PM

Subject: Superman Returns (2006)

Her blouse looks just like that comforter I used to sleep under alone all those years in historic Bellevue, Issaquah, and Redmond.

From 2/9/2007 (first day of preview) to 3/3/2007 is: 22 days
From 3/3/2007 to 3/25/2007 (last day) is: 22 days

My birthday was at the mid-point of the first day of the preview and the last day of the production.

From 2/9/2007 (first day of preview) to 3/25/2007 (last day) is: 44 days
44 * 0.5933 = 26
From 2/9/2007 (first day of preview) to 3/7/2007 (opening day) is: 26 days

Exit the King: Kevin Kline's Lear Closes March 25

The Public Theater's production of William Shakespeare's King Lear, starring Kevin Kline, closes March 25.

James Lapine directed the production, which began previews Feb. 9 and opened March 7.

Act 4. Scene VI

SCENE VI. Fields near Dover.

Enter GLOUCESTER, and EDGAR dressed like a peasant


When shall we come to the top of that same hill?


You do climb up it now: look, how we labour.


Methinks the ground is even.


Horrible steep.

Hark, do you hear the sea?


No, truly.


Why, then, your other senses grow imperfect

By your eyes' anguish.


So may it be, indeed:

Methinks thy voice is alter'd; and thou speak'st

In better phrase and matter than thou didst.


You're much deceived: in nothing am I changed

But in my garments.


Methinks you're better spoken.

The 3/9/2004 date on that photo was 5 years, 93 days, after 12/7/1998, my first day at Microsoft while undercover with my official United States federal identity. The photo had a special meaning to me when I saw it at the time it was first published.

From 12/7/1998 to 3/9/2004 is: 5 years, 93 days


040309-N-4374S-008 At sea aboard USS Taylor (FFG 50) Mar. 9, 2004 - The Oliver Hazard Perry-class ship USS Taylor (FFG 50) conducts a replenishment at sea (RAS) with the fast combat support ship USS Seattle (AOE 3). The guided missile frigate Taylor is part of the USS John F. Kennedy Strike Group and is currently taking part in a Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMTUEX). COMPTUEX is an intermediate level exercise designed to forge the strike group into a cohesive fighting team and is a critical step in pre-deployment training. During COMPTUEX, more than a dozen ships, and Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (CVW-17) embarked on Kennedy, conducted war game exercises using training ranges along the East Coast of the U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico. The exercise took advantage of existing ranges under the Navy’s comprehensive Training Resource Strategy (TRS). These ranges offer training facilities and realistic simulations, better preparing U.S. Navy ships and Sailors to participate in the Global War on Terrorism. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Michael Sandberg. (RELEASED)

From 7/16/1963 to 6/28/2006 is: 15688 days
15688 * 0.359 = 5631
From 7/16/1963 to 12/15/1978 is: 5631 days

Superman Returns (2006)

Release Date: 28 June 2006 (USA)

Superman (1978)

Release Date: 15 December 1978 (USA)

From 7/4/1924 to 3/4/1959 is: 12661 days
From 7/16/1963 to 3/15/1998 is: 12661 days

Eva Marie Saint

Date of Birth: 4 July 1924

Superman Returns (2006) .... Martha Kent

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/30/07 7:31 PM

Surely they wouldn't let me start consciously remembering my wife if I wasn't going home to her immediately.

It would be a bad news-good news kind of deal.

"The bad news is you have to spend 9 years away from your wife until we catch the Microsoft-Corbis-paparazzi terrorists that have targeted you. The good news is you get to go home to her today."

04/30/07 7:44 PM
That was 5 days ago!

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 4:57:58 PM

Subject: Re: The Time Machine (2002)


From 3/15/1998 to 3/9/2002 (Saturday) is: 3 years, 359 days


The Time Machine (2002)

Release Date: 8 March 2002 (USA)

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 4:50:04 PM

Subject: The Time Machine (2002)

Maybe this is nothing, but I found myself thinking about how Helen Hunt's character married a dentist in "Cast Away." I found myself thinking about the D.D.S. designation for dentists. I don't remember what that stands for. Doctor of dentristy or something. I found myself thinking of substituting letters for numbers and this is what I came up with:

D - 4
D - 4
S - 19

This reminded me that Phoebe and I are 4 years, 4 months, 1 week, 6 days apart in age. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I wonder if 4-4-19 could represent 4 years, 4 months, 1.9 weeks. That would work out to represent our age difference of 4 years, 4 months, 1 week, 6 days.

In the movie, the dentist she married did say that he had once performed a root canal for Tom Hanks character so I assume that means he was a Doctor of Dental Surgery, or D.D.S.

The DDS degree, referring to Doctor of Dental Surgery, denotes one of a few degrees that are awarded to dentists, the others being Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD), Bachelor of Dentistry (BDent), or Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), all of which are equivalent degrees for the practice of Dentistry. The Bachelor of Dentistry (BDent) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) are degrees awarded outside the U.S. In order for a dentist to practice in the U.S. with a degree obtained from a foreign dental school, he/she must apply to and attend a U.S. dental school through an advance standing program. The advance standing program, upon completion, will award the foreign-trained dentist with a DDS or DMD degree, which will allow the dentist to practice in the U.S.

I still don't understand why Julia Roberts connected into all that, going back to some observations I made in my journal. I guess she is part of the cover, similar to Kevin Kline. I have many layers to my undercover identity. False leads and dead ends, I assume. Keep them guessing. Standard procedure when you are being stalked.

Pangaea or Pangea (derived from , Greek meaning 'all earth') is the supercontinent that, according to the theory of plate tectonics, existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras about 250 million years ago, before each of the component continents were separated into their current configuration.

The geological time scale is used by geologists and other scientists to describe the timing and relationships between events that have occurred during the history of the Earth.

Landmasses unite into supercontinent Pangaea, creating the Appalachians. End of Permo-Carboniferous glaciation. Synapsid reptiles (pelycosaurs and therapsids) become plentiful, while parareptiles and temnospondyl amphibians remain common. In the mid-Permian, coal-age flora are replaced by cone-bearing gymnosperms (the first true seed plants) and by the first true mosses. Beetles and flies evolve. Marine life flourishes in warm shallow reefs; productid and spiriferid brachiopods, bivalves, forams, and ammonoids all abundant. Permian-Triassic extinction event occurs 251 mya: 95 percent of life on Earth becomes extinct, including all trilobites, graptolites, and blastoids.

This movie premiered 13.59 years after 11/25/1986. I recognize the date 11/25/1986 as when my family had a funeral for me, thinking I had been killed in Africa.

From 11/25/1986 to 6/30/2000 is: 13.59 years

The Perfect Storm (2000)

Release Date: 30 June 2000 (USA)

The movie "The Time Machine" might have been timed to premiere 3 year, 359 days, after 3/15/1998, with the day-of-week scheduling constraint in effect. I recognize the date 3/15/1998 as the last day I saw my wife before I began this deployment. I don't consciously remember any of that but I have detailed how I arrived at that date using details I found associated with the "Martha Kent" character in the 2006 "Superman Returns."

From 3/15/1998 to 3/9/2000 (Saturday) is: 3 years, 359 days


The Time Machine (2002)

Release Date: 8 March 2002 (USA)

This actress was born 5 years, 9 months, 4 days, after 4/14/1977. The character "Mara" is the one who cared for "Hartdegen" after he was seriously injured in his time machine and hurtled hundreds of thousands of years into the future. I think it was just as he saw the Earth's moon breaking into fragments above the Earth that he was injured and knocked unconscious as his time machine was speeding into the future while the Earth suffered some kind of catastrophy and it seemed that most people on Earth died as a result of the catastrophy.

From 4/14/1977 to 1/18/1983 is: 5 years, 9 months, 4 days
From 4/14/1977 to 1/17/1983 is: 5 years, 9 months, 3 days


Samantha Mumba
Date of Birth: 18 January 1983
The Time Machine (2002) .... Mara

This actor portrayed a character that was, I think, "Mara's" younger brother and was one of the lead actors in the movie.

From 6/7/1976 to 7/2/1989 is: 13 years, 3 weeks, 4 days


Omero Mumba
Date of Birth: 2 July 1989
The Time Machine (2002) .... Kalen

The actress who portrays the character he keeps going back in time trying to save from being killed was 33 weeks old on 11/2/1975.

From 3/16/1975 to 11/2/1975 is: 33 weeks

Sienna Guillory
Date of Birth: 16 March 1975
The Time Machine (2002) .... Emma

This is the actress, I think, who is unlocking her bicycle and asks whether his "Time Machine" is a coffee machine. I wonder if she had more scenes in the movie, though, that weren't shown in the movie that released to theatres.

From 3/3/1959 to 2/5/1975 is: 15 years, 339 days
365 * 0.93 = 339 days
From 3/3/1959 to 2/5/1975 is: 15.93 years


Myndy Crist
Date of Birth: 5 February 1975
The Time Machine (2002) .... Jogger

The actress who portrayed his housekeeper points to Phoebe's age when "Princess Caraboo" premiered. The character of "Mrs. Watchett" was the housekeeper for "Hartdegen," the inventor of the time machine. I remember seeing this movie when it premiered in the theatre's and I think I have seen it since on television. At the end of the movie, she goes to work in the household of "Hartdegen's" friend, I think, as "Hartdegen" never returns home. The aspect of the plot always makes me feel sad.

Phyllida Law
Date of Birth: 8 May 1932
The Time Machine (2002) .... Mrs. Watchett

It's a difference of only 6 days. This is the age difference of the actress who portrays "Hartdegen's" housekeeper and of my wife. She was only 6 days younger when "Princess Caraboo" premiered in theatres.

From 5/8/1932 to 7/16/1963 is: 11391 days
From 7/16/1963 to 9/22/1994 is: 11391 days

Princess Caraboo (1994)

Release Date: 16 September 1994 (USA)

Tagline: She was everything they dreamed of... And nothing they expected.

Phoebe Cates ... Princess Caraboo/Mary Baker

The actor who portrays the character "Mrs. Watchett" went to work for as housekeeper because "Hartdegen" wasn't returning home is 5.9 months younger than my wife. I remember that I went to see this movie when it premiered in the theatres.

From 7/16/1963 to 1/14/1964 is: 5 months, 29 days
29 / 30 = 0.9
From 7/16/1963 to 1/14/1964 is: 5.9 months

Mark Addy
Date of Birth: 14 January 1964
The Time Machine (2002) .... David Filby

This is the actor with the automobile that "Hartdegen" is fascinated with as that seems to be a new invention during his normal time period. What did he call operating that automobile? Perambulate?

From 1/4/1970 to 11/26/1976 is: 359 weeks, 5 days

Josh Stamberg
Date of Birth: 4 January 1970
The Time Machine (2002) .... Motorist

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 7:43:47 PM

Subject: "Falcon Crest" (1981)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I wonder when I actually learned to drive a car. When did I learn to ride a bicycle? I had a blue Schwinn road bicycle in my storage locker that I was able to ride with ease in 1999 even though all of memories of learning to ride a bicycle are artificial. All of my memories of learning to ride a bicycle, the one with "Westpoint" printed on it, although I don't think I have any association with the West Point, but the symbolism is probably the same, are all symbolic and artificial. It could be that a graduate of the United States Military Academy, known as West Point, taught me to fly helicopters or fighter jets or both. In my artificial and symbolic memory, I had a friend named Patrick Brumfield, when I was a kid and lived in De Queen. I can distinctly "remember" that he told me he and his family had lived at West Point before they moved to De Queen.

In my artificial and symbolic memory, I learned to drive Thedia's white 1978 Pontiac Bonneville, as well as Denzil's gray 1978 Ford pickup that was his company vehice at the gravel pit. Thedia's car had an automatic transmission but Denzil's pickup had a standard transmission and it has always seemed important over the past 9 years that I call it a standard transmission instead of a stick shift, as most people usually refer to a standard transmission.

A manual transmission (also known as a stick shift, straight drive, or standard transmission) is a type of transmission used in automotive applications. Manual transmissions often feature a driver-operated clutch and a movable gear selector. Most automobile manual transmissions allow the driver to select any gear at any time, but some, such as those commonly mounted on motorcycles and some types of racing cars, only allow the driver to select the next-highest or next-lowest gear ratio. This second type of transmission is sometimes called a sequential (manual) transmission.


Aeronautics. a lever, usually with a handle, by which the longitudinal and lateral motions of an airplane are controlled.

The control device of an aircraft that operates the elevators and ailerons.

a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane

From 3/3/1959 to 7/27/1972 is: 13 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, 3 days


Maiden flight 27 July 1972

The McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F-15 Eagle is an all-weather tactical fighter designed to gain and maintain air superiority in aerial combat. It was developed for the U.S. Air Force, and first flew in July 1972. The F-15E Strike Eagle derivative is an all-weather strike fighter that entered service in 1989.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, June 19, 2007

That's a 1960 Ford Falcon that "Paula" and "Lynette" are driving in their first scenes.

1960 Ford Falcon Sedan

1960 Ford Falcon in An Officer and a Gentleman, Movie, 1982

Trivia for

An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)

Richard Gere rides a 750cc Triumph T140E Bonneville introduced halfway in the 1978 selling season.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 30, 2006

Randy Romine bought that Pontiac Bonneville for my mom. I think that was '77 or '78. I'm pretty sure it was a 1978 model.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 6, 2006

When did I buy that Nissan 1986.5 model? It was brand new so I think I got it before the middle of the year. And I remember it was very hot that summer in Chicago and it didn’t have an air conditioner. Not long after I got it, I took a road trip to see Diane at her college, Valparaiso in Indiana. I think that was a 3-day weekend. It was probably Memorial Day, so that would have been May of 1986.

The fact that is was a Nissan though must mean something. Not sure what the 1986.5 means.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My first school was the U.S. Navy Basic Electricity and Electronics at the Service School Command in Orlando, Florida, and I completed that course in April 1986. I am quite certain that, in the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, I started there in February 1986. From there, I drove my 1978 Ford Explorer pickup on a long drive to the Chicago-area where I began the Fire Control Technician "A" School. I "remember" a woman hit my pickup with her car in Terre Haute, Indiana, when I was turning left at an intersection. The impact twisted my pickup around and I almost hit a light pole before I gained control. The impact felt as though she must have knocked the cargo bed off the back, but after I stopped and looked, I saw that she had hit me squarely on the right wheel and I was left only with a flat tire. A witness told me she had been speeding. I graduated from Great Lakes in November 1986 and went back to Thedia and Denzil's house on Hicks Road on 30 days leave before I was due to attend MK152 Guided Missile Fire Control Computer Complex school, in Dam Neck, Virginia. My girlfriend, Diane, had been complaining about why I didn't call her when I was home on leave and I told her about my step-brother, Michael, dying when he wrecked his pickup on 11/25/1986. I was driving the red, 1986.5 Nissan XP pickup by that time, which always seems important, but I'm not sure why. Recently, I noted that 1986.5 was the first year of that model and that the series was known as the Nissan XP Hardbody.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I have been thinking for a while that I was on the USS Roberts as well when it was damaged in the Persian Gulf. I recall dreaming about that one night 4 or 5 years ago. I had thoughts and the dream that I was on the Roberts when it hit an anti-ship mine and if I am interpreting my symbolic “memories” correctly, I towed away the remaining mines that were floating nearby because another hit probably would have sunk the ship. I have “memories” of being in a boat and being thrown against the bulkhead when I hit a large, round metallic object floating in the water. Also in that “memory” I was towing that large round, metallic object with my boat. But I have thoughts that in reality, I was swimming in the Persian Gulf with a rope tied to me and the mines and I towed them away like that to be detonated at a safe distance with rifle fire. I have also had thoughts that a shark took a couple of bites on my ankle when I was swimming to tow away the mines. After I finished with that exercise, I transferred over to the USS Wainwright. I think in reality I was at the time the Commanding Officer of a SEAL Platoon and I reportedly directly to the Commanding Officer of the Wainwright during the military engagement with the forces opposing us. In my symbolic “memory,” I was the phone-talker for the CO of Wainwright during Special Sea and Anchor Detail. I think I was on the USS Roberts because my girlfriends last name was Roberts.

There was that one dream about three years ago that was terrifying. I woke up and it seemed like forever that I had been standing out of bed and I just couldn’t shake that feeling of pure terror. There was something about the alarm clock. Something about the red numbers. Time had stopped and that was terrifying to me. And when I first jumped out of bed, it was as though there was a red glow on the open door to my bedroom as though there was a fire in the living room. I would later write in my journal that the image of that red glow reminded me of the missile strike on the USS Stark but that made no sense to me at the time.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The attack on USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG-31 resulted in Operation Praying Mantis. In my symbolic and artificial memories, I served onboard the USS Wainwright CG-28. In my role on the Wainwright, I was a computer technician for the guided-missile fire control computer systems on that ship. One of my secondary responsibilities on that ship in my artificial memories is that I was the Captain’s phone-talker on the bridge during Special Sea and Anchor Detail. I believe in reality, I was a U.S. Navy Lieutenant in charge of a U.S. Navy SEAL platoon that was embarked on Wainwright for Operation Praying Mantis. The news reports that I read indicate that the Iranian missile-boat Joshan raced in, on what was surely a suicide mission, to within 10 miles of the Wainwright to fire a Harpoon anti-ship missile at the Wainwright. I am certain that was another attempt to hit a ship specifically because I was on that ship.

Operation Praying Mantis was the April 18, 1988 action waged by U.S. naval forces in retaliation for the Iranian mining of the Persian Gulf and the subsequent damage to an American warship.

On April 14, the guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts struck a mine while sailing in the Persian Gulf as part of Operation Earnest Will, the 1987-88 convoy missions in which U.S. warships escorted reflagged Kuwaiti oil tankers to protect them from Iranian attacks. The explosion put a 25-foot hole in the Roberts' hull and nearly sank it. But the crew saved their ship with no loss of life, and Roberts was towed to Dubai on April 16.

After the mining, U.S. Navy divers recovered other mines in the area. When the serial numbers were found to match those of mines seized along with the Iran Ajr the previous September, U.S. military officials planned a retaliatory operation against Iranian targets in the Gulf.

The battle, the largest for American surface forces since World War II,[1] sank two Iranian warships and as many as six armed speedboats. It also marked the first surface-to-surface missile engagement in U.S. Navy history.

The attack by the U.S. helped pressure Iran to agree to a ceasefire with Iraq later that summer, ending the eight-year conflict between the Persian Gulf neighbors.

Surface Action Group Charlie

USS Wainwright (DLG/CG-28) - guided missile cruiser
USS Bagley (FF-1069) - frigate
USS Simpson (FFG-56) - guided missile frigate
SEAL platoon

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Thursday, May 10, 2007

070420-N-2959L-071 CORONADO, Calif. (April 20, 2007) - Assistant Navigator Lt. Joseph Levy looks out the bridge windows of USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) while his watch team works to ensure a safe pull in to homeport. Ronald Reagan Strike Group returned to homeport following a surge deployment in support of operations in the western Pacific. During the three-month deployment, the Navy's newest aircraft carrier took part in naval exercises with the Republic of Korea and Japan Maritime Self Defense Force. Sailors also enjoyed port visits in Sasebo, Japan; Hong Kong; Buson, Republic of Korea; and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Dominique M. Lasco (RELEASED)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Monday, July 09, 2007

From 3/3/1959 to 6/7/1976 is: 6306 days
6306 / 2 = 3153
From 10/28/1967 to 6/7/1976 is: 3145 days

3153 - 3145 = 8 days

Julia Roberts

Date of Birth: 28 October 1967

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Journal May 25, 2006, Supplemental

And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand?

It was after a special operation that I was swimming in the ocean. My memory tells me that I had no role in the operation, other than I was there. There are these other thoughts, thought, of me floating in the ocean by myself, having completed my mission, hoping that someone would find me.

After I moved into that first apartment in Greenville, a friend made a big deal about me jumping into the pool one day with my clothes on. I associate a song from The Doors with that memory: Riders on the storm.

When I was living in the duplex on Wexford in Taylors, driving my fancy red RX-7, I was seeing this 19 year that worked at the bank with the initials R.B., although I am sure she doesn't exist. I need to stop referring to Julia Roberts as I am crazingly beginning to believe I did know her and cared about her, but yet, I don't know, I just want to figure who I used to be.


Wed, 5/10/06 2:45 PM

the worst time is seeing the plane flying over and waiting..........

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Monday, May 07, 2007

I caught an interesting episode of Futurama last night. The interesting part was where Fry was talking to the bureaucrat and she told him he should have made the request 20 years ago.

Is it possible that I was stationed in London at some point? That would explain the Whitehall detail. I do have memory of London that is probably there to deflect something about reality. And of course, Mogge was there. We were posing in front of a statue that I think is in front of Buckingham Palace.

That probably means too, that my memory of swimming in the ocean is much different than I remember. I remember being out by myself and I saw a pair of dorsal fins behind me, much to my surprise. But there is something about feeling surprised, almost like I was told to feel surprised, or that the normal reaction was to feel surprised to see the fins, but then I was relieved to see that they were dolphins, or porpoises, whatever I can't remember the difference. I also remember watching the sea snakes floating in the water from the deck of the Wainwright.

Since I heard it again this morning, I have been thinking of that song "Free Falling" from Tom Petty.

Suojelupoliisi, or Supo informally, is Finland's security police. Directly translated, suojelupoliisi means "protection police", though the official English translation is "security police". It is composed of policemen with additional training, staff numbering 200. It specializes in preventing security threats and participates in protecting the parliamentary democracy as well as protecting the nation's security interests.

Supo was formed in 1949 to replace its predecessor, Valtiollinen Poliisi ("Governmental Police") or Valpo. In the aftermath of the Second World War the leadership positions of Valpo had been filled by communists and some of its activities were found erroneous and illegal by an investigation committee. Valpo was closed after the Weapons Cache Case.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Monday, May 07, 2007

"Vampire", a US naval verbal warning of inbound missiles, usually repeated three times and followed by count, heading and speed.

"Winchester", military aviation slang to indicate an aircraft has expended all ordnance except for gun or cannon

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, May 15, 2007

That corridor I described with the underground pipeline where I got my red Ford stuck in the mud could actually be a river. It works in a notional sense. There was also that "memory" of Rhonda Ramsey's cousin, Pokey, running my blue, 1967 Chevrolet into the river on graduation night. Not sure precisely what that means. I did note in my journal that I got my red Ford stuck in the mud not far from where I shot that 9-point deer earlier. I also noticed my journal reflected that something had happened the night before, reinforcing that I went back to Osirak the next day to hit it again and finish the job.

There was also that newspaper article I noted recently about President Reagan searching for a nurse that was present when he was in the hospital after being shot. The article indicated he was searching for his "Florence Nightingale" and the date on the article was one or two days after the Osirak strike. Why would I have articicial and symbolic memories of when my step-grandfather Ronnie Romine was in the hospital and he was dying from a lung ailment?

I can still "remember" when my sister and I found out Ronnie Romine had died. We were staying with some people Thedia knew and they had a new swimming pool. One of the kids was teaching me how to flip as I jumped off the diving board. He told me to keep my hands in my pockets as I jumped and I would automatically flip over. I "remember" their pool wasn't very pleasant to swim in because it was very murky. It was also cold because they said the guy who constructed it was afraid of installing the heater-lamp because I think someone had been electrocuted when he installed one before. I can still visualize sitting in their house and watching Saturday Night Live.

Pink Floyd

Pigs On The Wing (Part One) Lyrics

If you didn't care what happened to me,
And I didn't care for you
We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame
And watching for pigs on the wing.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Saturday, May 19, 2007

Every time I read over that February 1986 speech by President Reagan about Jack Dempsey, I "remember" something Jim Shea said. In my artificial and symbolic memory, my roommate off-base and USS Wainwright co-worker Jim Shea, native of Hollywood, Florida, bought a fish tank. He told me how fun it was to throw in a fish that was called a Jack Dempsey and to watch that big Jack Dempsey fish eat the other little fish in the tank. He said it was better than watching cable television. I suspect it has something to do with me being forced to fight in a cage when I was a POW in Libya and they were televising the fights on satellite. I guess they were broadcasting the fights to the Soviet Union and the U.S. military was intercepting the signals and President Reagan was monitoring the broadcasts.

Remarks to Citizens in St. George's, Grenada

February 20th, 1986

Thank you very much, Prime Minister Blaize, Governor-General Scoon, distinguished Prime Ministers, and my dear Grenadian friends. I bring you the good will and affection of the people of the United States. It is my honor to be on this platform with these Caribbean leaders. We stand before you as friends who share a fundamental belief in democracy. Our commitment to humane and representative government is stronger than any tyrant's chains. And I'm certain that my colleagues approve when I say to you, we are grateful to God, today, that Grenada is once again safely within the ranks of free nations.

There is a story, perhaps it's a legend, that in 1933 a group of young boys were in a swimming race across your harbor. And in the midst of the race, according to the story, to the horror of the crowd that watched, a shark appeared and surfaced directly under one young swimmer. For a few terrorizing minutes, the boy was carried on the back of the shark until the shark hit a wharf, and the boy was knocked to safety and pulled out of the water by his friends and neighbors. Well, dear people of Grenada, for a time it appeared that you were like that boy riding on the back of a shark. Your friends held their breath hoping and praying for you. And it was our honor to help you get off the shark. And we're—all of us up here—we're just glad we got here before it was time for his supper.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 18, 2006

I have thought again several times about that memory of getting my red Ford stuck in the mud. It was on that underground pipeline near where I shot that 9-point. I can almost picture my pickup sitting there up to the fenders in the mud. That is the time I had to walk out of the woods to find someone to pull me out. It was pitch black that night and I only knew I was on the road by the sound of the gravel crunching under my boots. I had to walk several miles like that. I have been wondering if that actually represents something about the flight back from Osirak in 1981. I'm wondering if I ran out of fuel, landed, found more fuel, and then took off again to return to the Israeli base. I remember how Michael told me that mom thought I was dead out there somewhere. I told them I was going to a different place to hunt so when they decided I was missing, they were searching the wrong area. They had a lot of people out looking for me. I remember mom was crying. I was expecting to be grounded, as that happened a lot, but they let me hunt the next day. I guessed they had really believed I was dead and was too relieved to punish me for being late as they were quite strict about me returning when they wanted me back.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/09/07 2:33 PM

I had another dream about being in the water, but this one doesn't seem as important as that one the other day about the carrier. In this one this morning, it was something about a ship dropping its anchor and leaving it. But I want to say that the anchor was discarded until they realized they needed it. I can't remember a lot of details from that dream. I do remember that I was swimming in the water above where the anchor was dropped. I can still kind of visualize the ship and I'm not really sure if it was a U.S. Navy ship. I also want to say all of this occurred in a port somewhere in China. I also want to say they were using something that looked like the Liberty Bell as the anchor. In the dream, I dived below the surface and I did some kind of back-flip to begin the dive and I was pleased with myself for that maneuver, but as I have written other times, there was some kind of delay. It was similar to what I wrote about my pickup going backwards and I was spinning the wheels trying to regain forward momentum but it keep going backwards. I think what this represents is that over-turn I read about and there would be a time, probably seems like forever if you're not used to it, when the aircraft was still flying backwards. I have a lot of thoughts and some possible relevant "memories" on this topic. So that's all I remember about the dream. I think I eventually reached the bottom and I can still kind of visualize that Liberty Bell-shaped anchor.

I wonder when I actually learned to swim. In my artifical and symbolic memory, I "remember" taking swimming lessons at the U.S. Marines base in McAlester, Oklahoma. The Marine who was giving us swimming lessons was annoyed that I always wanted to swim with flippers on my feet. He said something about how swimming with those flippers on my feet made me look like a snake going through the water because only part of my head was above the water surface. That's the first "memory" I have associated with learning to swim, but yet, it seems I already knew how. I think Thedia sent me there I would get proper instructions on how to swim. That would have been 2nd or 3rd grade. Other memories of that time was of getting in trouble for pouring a bucket of paint down a slide in the playground. Another time, Thedia was scared that my sister and I had been kidnapped. I liked to eat the C-Rations my step-father would bring home sometimes. I can't "remember" all of my friends names when I was going to school in McAlester, but I "remember" Karla Miller. There was also a big kid named Thibodeaux, not sure of spelling, that was always sticking up for me for some reason. That must have been 3rd grade. Seems like my sister was in 1st grade and I was 2 grades ahead of her. I can still visualize a parking lot on that U.S. Marines base and I was wondering if all the cars parked there belonged to Marines fighting in Vietnam.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Monday, July 23, 2007

What is it about that stuff I "remembered" about Dino Bohanon's sister a while back? Is that how Phoebe is going to return to conscious memory? Am I going to start remember details about Dino's sister that are going to connect to my real memories of Phoebe?

I see flashes of images in my mind of Phoebe that I don't know the source of. I just see her face and I don't know how I......something. And it is not just still images I see of Phoebe. I am started to discern some motion to them. Not much. Just slight movements of her face and of her head moving, as though she is talking and I am remembering something about her. A lot of other stuff is making sense, too. I have a much better understanding - I assume - of why I do not consciously remember any of the real details. But I can feel.....something. I can feel it start to return. I can't articulate it yet.

I don't think Dino was a real person; rather someone I created as part of my official United States federal undercover identity. I think he represents certain aspects of my real identity. I am trying to remember why his last name is Bohanon but I don't remember yet. In the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, I can "remember" trying to make fun of his last name but no one else thought it was funny. I also have artificial and symbolic memories of going back to Ashdown for our 10 year reunion in 1994 and of people saying they didn't remember who I was, although there were people who did remember me.

I also understand that there is so much that is ingrained into my mind that affects what I am consciously aware of. I can't fully articulate that yet, either. But it is expressed well with the notion of riding a bicycle. When I ride a bicycle, there isn't a lot of conscious thought that goes into it. So what is the difference of how I am now? I don't remember when I learned to ride a bicycle in reality, but yet I can do it very well. The same goes with swimming. I swim very well and I have a great deal of endurance in the water. I saw a photo a while back on the internet that suggested I had backup on those last really long swims I completed.

I do not have any artificial memories of learning to ride a bicyle or of learning to swim. I "remember" when I got my first bicycle, the one with Westpoint on it, but I already knew how to ride it and I have no memories of being taught. The same goes with swimming. I have memories of taking swimming lessons, but I already knew how to swim before those lessons and I don't remember anyone teaching me either activity.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 06/01/07 8:54 AM

I had a dream last night that I was flying a desk in an office. Phoebe was there and she seemed impressed as I was pushing buttons to get whatever engine was in the desk, not unlike a VTOL contraption, to get it off the floor. I wasn't flying it very well though because it kept hitting the walls and doorway.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Thursday, May 10, 2007

I have this memory today, it seems like I have had it for 20 years, but I'm not sure about that. It was 1986 and we were at Micheal's funeral. His father, Denzil, my step-father, was grief-stricken over the death of his son. I was still in shock at that time. He told me that I was the only son he had left and that he was the only father I had left. My father had died the previous year. I remembered how Micheal told me at the funeral that he was sorry about my father dying.

I look at this one photo of a person who may have been my friend in my real life....I see a similarity to a woman I worked with at Microsoft. I like her. She was from Canada I think, of Egyptian descent. People talked about her being a lawyer before working at Microsoft as a TAM, but from what she told me, she had dropped out of law school. She and I were dancing at the Christmas party one time. She drove me home. I quipped at one point, for some reason, about how I had spent so much time in the North Atlantic, my offspring would be eskimo. I wanted to invite her up to my apartment when she dropped me off, but decided against it.

ah, damn......that princess with the pink car.....wish I could find the photo.....

I haven't seen the movie, but lately some previews for Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai have been playing on tv. There is something about that woman, where she reminds me of someone I was with. I have this unexplained sadness when I see her in those previews. And it feels like something is missing, I have this feeling that something is missing, can't explain it.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Journal June 15, 2006, Supplemental

And Suzanne Morgan at Microsoft is certainly no coincidence either. There was that day at that combined group meeting where Neil Leslie was preaching about doing bold, unexpected stuff. I was telling Suzanne something about how I would never have an affair with anyone I wasn't married to and she was telling me that I should. She may have not known anything about all this though. But I don't think it was a coincidence she was there. She was there, as with a lot of other people, to remind me of people I used to know.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Sunday, May 20, 2007

I was stunned when I stumbled across this photo last year of the Air Force officer with the F-16 wind tunnel model. The similarity in appearance to my half-brother, Kevin Wayne Burgess, from my symbolic and artificial memory is remarkable. The guy in civilian clothes looks familiar too, but I can't place him. Every time I look at this photo, I also think that is fake, in that it is a composite image for the Air Force officer. I didn't look like that back in 1981, but I think there are some facial similarities and that is why he resembles my half-brother.

ID: DF-ST-82-10662

Technicians discuss an F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft model in a test wind tunnel at the Engineering Development Center. The model holds an assortment of armament models.


Camera Operator: AFSC

Date Shot: 1 Jan 1981

The notion of going to the Sonic drive-in restaraunt for lunch has something to do with flying a supersonic fighter jet.


When I was a kid in high school, I worked at a general store in Wilton after school. My employer started stocking these traps on the counter where I stood when I didn't have anything to do. The were for catching gophers or some other small critter. When I was standing there waiting for something to do, I would, not unlike compulsively clicking a retractable ink pen, set and spring one of those traps. set, spring. set, spring. set, spring. One day, I think it was for Christmas, and I'm pretty sure it was 1983, my employers, Donald and Shirley Mills, gave me a bonus of a $100 dollar bill and they enclosed it in one of that traps, something about how I liked them so much. I was also surprised they gave me so much. They had been giving me bonuses before but that was by far the largest. I also remember now times standing out on the flight deck of the Taylor and using a hook to pull up the RAST cable out of the deck. I also remember running myself ragged doing that. We were supposed to trade off to let the other crew take some of the landings, but I kept going out there myself and doing it. I remember too, unrelated to flight operations, but probably symbolically related to flight operations, that they put me on the night watch when we were in the Persian Gulf in 1988.

When memories of being above the clouds come to mind, I reminded for flying on passenger aircraft, staring out the cabin window, especially from 1984 and 1985 when I remeber flying home several times and spending a lot of time in the air.

The were two 2-man teams on the helo deck. I was usually the person in front with the guy behind me with a hook to grab the wire from the helo. I would then connect the cables.

Ah...that princess with the pink Rolls Royce....I hope I get back that memory.

When I initially signed up for the Navy, I was in training as an Electronics Technician, which the Navy designation is ET.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I have been puzzling over those details for a long time, but the first one that piqued my interest, as my perception began to suggest I had never actually lived in any of those places, or at least not as I "remember" it all, was that I moved to a town in western South Carolina named Central.

For while I have been puzzling about Seneca, SC, which is near where I lived in Central, SC. My primary territory, although sometimes the whole state, was the upper portion of SC west of Greenville. The bank branch in Seneca was the branch that was farthest west in my territory. I spent most of my time covering Clemson and Seneca. Recently I remembered something interesting about Clemson University: Their school mascot is the Tiger, just as is Princeton University. I found it interesting to remember a few weeks ago that last year, during Christmas, the choir from Princeton University was singing Christmas caroles at the homeless shelter I was in and I thought they were sure a long ways from home.

I developed that theory when I was scanning a newspaper article from the 1980's and I found a reference to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, which was the site of a lot of air battles and I suddenly remembered a girlfriend I was kissing named Becky. In my "memory," Becky and I were in my blue 1967 Chevrolet and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the engine, which was idling as we sat there kissing, was producing two streams of white smoke rising up behind the pickup. I have been thinking for a while that those pickups represent fighter aircraft, where the first one I had was a red Ford 1967, and represented the F-16 because that Ford pickup was a single exhaust engine, just like the F-16 Falcon. The blue 1967 Chevrolet represented the F-14 Tomcat, I believe, because that Chevrolet was a dual exhaust engine, just like the F-14. My initial thoughts that those two smoke columns behind that pickup, which I can still visualize, even though I am also starting to visualize them from the perspective of an F-14 pilot, even though I have no memory of ever flying an F-14, were two very large anti-aircraft missiles rising up behind me as I was lining up on a target of my own. So anyway, back to that woman at First Federal, a very interesting detail I "remembered" was when she was telling me that the people at her other job referred to her by the initials B.L.T. The reason was that her first name was actually two names combined and those people assumed she used both names as initials. She told me however that she actually used B.M.T. as her initials because her middle name was Michelle. I pondered over that for a while, and other than other clues that are important to me, I eventually settled on the importance of combining those two details to form the initials B.L.M.T. I can't remember what my first theory was about that in connection with the comet, it seems there was a connection there but I would have to look back through my journal to see what it was. But there was a really big clue, or at least, it seemed to be very important to me even though I couldn't understand why. I eventually decided that it was a reference to Butte, Montana. The "B" is for Butte, and the MT is the postal abbreviation for Montana. That became very obvious to me when I discovered that one of the zip codes for Butte, Montana, ends with a 50 and the letter "L" in Roman numerals represents the value of 50. That opened up a few other clues that I wrote about in my journal.

Also on my earnings report from the Social Security Administration is my after-school job from the 80's. Lately, I decided that the name "Mills" refers to the military. I pondered over whether there was any symbolism to connect my "memories" of working at Mills Store for 4 years and my theory that I attended the U.S. Naval Academy for 4 years. My theory was these details represent my attendance at the Academy when I focused on a seemingly important detail from my 3rd year working at Mills Store. It was during that 3rd year that my employer, Donald Mills, was elected mayor of the town. That summer, he was granted some funds from the federal government for road maintenance in the town and he put me in charge of a group of people to fix the potholes in the street. We worked all day fixing the pavement and then I put in a few more hours at his store after I let the crew off for the day. According to my "memories," that all occurred when I was in school and after my fourth year working for Mills Store, where the M.S. probably represents 'Midshipman,' I "remember" going on active duty in the U.S. Navy. It was around that same time, at the end of my third year at Ashdown, just before the beginning of my last year at that school, that I recieved the American Legion award, which was a medal. I believe that time period represents how the Osirak strike was in the summer of 1981 and I graduated from USNA that next summer, meaning that I went to Iraq around the end of the equivalent of my junior year at the USNA.

I'm still not really sure why Butte, Montana. Maybe that is where my home is that I cannot remember. That would make sense though. On more than one occasion I have just taken off and driven to Montana. I didn't do anything. I just drove there, probably spent less than a half-hour, always in Missoula, and then turned around and drove back. As for my home that I can't remember, that would make sense why I have had the same dream over and over for the past decade. The dream is always the same in the theme and the location, but the details change a little bit every time. The theme of the dream is that one day, I suddenly find out that I still own a house that I used to live in near Greer, SC. On a sidenote, I moved to Greer and bought that house in Country Club Estates, after I moved from Central, SC, while I was still working for UFP. Any fan of Tom Clancy, such as me, can tell you that "Admiral Greer" was the one who recruited "Jack Ryan" into the CIA. Anyway, in the dream, I would suddenly find that I still had that home to go back to, which was great to know because I really missed the place. It was a very peaceful location and I really enjoyed living there. It was always the same in the dream. I could go back there anytime I wanted, even that very minute, and go home. Over and over I dreamed that I could go home at that very minute to that place I had forgotten about but that had not forgotten me.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I’m not sure precisely what was my relationship with the band Pink Floyd. I have theories, but I have conflicting thoughts about the nature of my work with that band. One theory is that I wrote and composed all the music while the people known as Pink Floyd were actors I hired to perform the music in live concerts and to generally promote my work. But I am not sure. But yet, I feel there is something there that I can almost remember.

I sense connections to other bands, such as The Doors, which I have already described, as well as to Depeche Mode. I wonder a lot about Depeche Mode because of the CD’s I remember listening to during my artificial life. Why would I “remember” any of that? I "remember" that I listened to a dual-set of CD's from The Doors - "The Best Of The Doors" - as well as two CD's from Depeche Mode. I listened to those CD's over and over. Most nights, as I "remember" it, I sat there in my computer room playing a game on my Commodore computer named "Wasteland" while those CD's were playing.

In my artificial “memories,” I got out of the Navy in 1990 and moved to Greenville, South Carolina, where I got a job providing electronic and mechanical support to Automated Teller Machines for a bank named First Federal. I moved into my apartment there in Greenville and bought some new furnishings. I “remember” that I bought a Mitsubishi television and VCR that I liked a lot. I don’t know what happened to the VCR but I still had that television, along with the Philco television, until 2005. I also bought a Kenwood amplifier/tuner and multi-disc CD player that I was very happy with and I still had those also until 2005. So anyway, I moved into an apartment on a street named Wexford, and about a year ago, I began to understand that location was a major clue in itself.

There was one day I was sitting there in that homeless shelter in Seattle’s Pioneer Square and the thought occurred to me that I had never actually lived at any of the addresses as I “remembered” any of it. One of the first clues I started to research was to find out if there was any special meaning to the name Wexford other than what I actually “remembered.” Even before I discovered the source of the name Wexford – relative to the U.S. Navy – I knew it was going to be something profound. Even before the page came up describing that County Wexford, Ireland, was the birth place of John Barry, I knew it was going to mean something very important to me. John Barry, in some sources, is considered the father of the U.S. Navy and I have also read that he was given the first officer’s commission in the U.S. Navy. From there, I was equally puzzled over why I later lived off a road named Dresden that was near a park named Sheffield. I would later interpret those as clues that I was onboard the HMS Sheffield on 5/4/82 when it was hit by an anti-ship missile and then burned out of control.

All of my “memories” are symbolic of my real life. Those “memories” of repairing cash machines in Greenville are highly symbolic of how much money is associated with my life. In a sense, I am a cash machine. I even have a “memory” from my youth of a kid named Varner who wrote in my class year book that I was “THE BANK.”

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Saturday, July 21, 2007

I don't remember yet what the '35' means relevant to my real life, but I believe this is supposed to be a 59-3 clue pointing to my real identity. I believe the reason his place of birth is Princeton is because of my connection to Princeton University in New Jersey, among other reasons. The current president of Princeton University has a 1-359 clue associated with Thedia Newman, my mother in my artificial and symbolic memory, and I believe that is part of my official federal undercover identity as Princeton University is a stakeholder, somehow, in the research to be gained from my artificial identity. I was thinking of this more last night as I was watching "Karate Kid" on television, for certainly the first time in the last 9 years. I noted that at the beginning of the movie, he was from New Jersey. Those scenes of him going to school and talking about his injuries probably reflects something similar with me at Princeton University when I would come back from the Vietnam War. I think I was primarily tasked with rescuing our troops from behind enemy lines but I got caught sometimes myself. The part of him trying to scale the chain-link fence seemed very familiar to me and I think it symbolized something about helping our troops escape and/or me escaping myself. The shirt he was wearing with the '89' on it made me think of how I was 8.9 years old around the time of the Battle of Hue City started. The are also my thoughts that I was trained in aikido instead of karate, but I don't remember much about the difference, other than karate is the most well-know. Maybe I was trained in both and others and I preferred the teachings of aikido.

I have also been thinking that the "Indiana Jones" nickname has something to do with the country of India or with the West Indies. It may be the reason my grandmother Betty, from my artificial and symbolic memories, is part American Indian.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, May 09, 2007

070314-N-3659B-155 PACIFIC OCEAN (March 14, 2007) - Members of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 14 and other flight deck personnel participate in a manual "push back" of an F/A-18E Super Hornet, assigned to the "Eagles" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 115, aboard Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Push backs are necessary to move many aircraft backward because they don't have a way to reverse independently. Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group and embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 14 are underway in support of operations in the western Pacific. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Joseph M. Buliavac (RELEASED)

070129-N-1635S-003 Pacific Ocean (Jan. 29, 2007) - A troubleshooter assigned to the "Stingers" of Strike Fighter Squadron One One Three (VFA-113) assists in pushing back an F/A-18C Hornet on the flight deck aboard USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group is currently underway in support of operations in the western Pacific. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Joshua Scott (RELEASED)

From 4/14/1977 to 12/4/1981 is: 3 days, 33 weeks, 4 years


"Falcon Crest" (1981)

TV-Series 1981-1990

Release Date: 4 December 1981 (USA)

Plot summary for

"Falcon Crest" (1981)

Set in the vineyards of California, this prime-time soap opera featured the conflict between two families: the Channings, headed by ruthless family matriarch Angela Channing (Jane Wyman), and the Giobertis, led by Chase and Maggie Gioberti (Robert Foxworth and Susan Sullivan). Written by Phil Fernando

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 8:42:53 PM

Subject: "Family"

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: homeless veteran of microsoft

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The other dream I had was about fighting some kind of aliens. I'm not sure if this dream happened before the one I wrote about above or if it happened later. In this dream, I am still in the Navy, but I am wearing some kind of camoflauge uniform, maybe army or marines. These aliens have invaded a subway and there are a lot of travelers around in danger. I am about to drop from exhaustion after 36 hours of fighting, we have been retreating and I am separated from the other soldiers. I am carrying two heavy packs, trying to find another unit to group up with, with passengers stream through the facility, they are even getting on the trains as some of them are still coming through. I have lost my rifle somewhere. I still have plenty of ammo, but I can't find a rifle. A woman at a coffee kisok says something to me that I don't remember, she has dried blood on her hands as she is preparing coffee. Then I am outside and I have found an armory where I get another rifle. I start heading back to the subway. A woman drives up in a car and asks me if I am who she thinks I am. But I can't remember seeing her actually in the car, all I can remember is seeing her buried in the dirt with only her talking face exposed. That is all I remember.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/13/2006 10:09 PM

Retreat is nothing more than being pushed backwards.

11/13/2006 11:29 PM
I read earlier today that Queen Elizabeth was pregnant in 1959 and that started me thinking I have an uncle that is younger than I am. That may be the reason for that scene in the TNG episode “Family.”

The Prince Andrew, Duke of York KG, KCVO, ADC(P) (Andrew Albert Christian Edward Mountbatten-Windsor; born Windsor, 19 February 1960), is a member of the British Royal Family, the third child and second son of Queen Elizabeth II.




I know who you are.

Then, you have the advantage.

You're my nephew, Jean-Luc. From the starship Enterprise.

Then you must be my uncle Rene.

I'm not your uncle. It's the other way around.

Too bad. I rather enjoyed the idea.

11/14/2006 1:20 PM
Maybe that is the real reason for this choice of words, because I am directly related to the British royals:

Nation & World: Friday, August 18, 2006

In a scathing rebuke, a federal judge ruled Thursday that the Bush administration's warrantless-eavesdropping program is unconstitutional and should be shut down, but legal scholars said the administration has a good chance of getting the decision reversed on appeal.

"There are no hereditary kings in America and no power not created by the Constitution," U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor of Detroit said in a 43-page opinion blasting the program.

11/14/2006 3:32 PM

On May 1, 2003 George W. Bush landed on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, in Navy One, a Lockheed S-3 Viking, where he gave a speech announcing the end of major combat operations in the War on Iraq. Clearly visible in the background was a banner stating "Mission Accomplished."

President Bush, with NFO Lt. Ryan Philips, in the flight suit he wore for his controversial televised arrival on the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Ryan Philips.

11/14/2006 4:00 PM
Just the tip of the iceburg.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Saturday, May 05, 2007

I have thought for a long time that Tina Mason, from my symbolic and artificial memories, has a distinct resemblance to the actress Bette Davis. She had the same eyes. I think there is a song about her eyes. And it might not be a coincidence that my grandmother - from my artificial and symbolic memory - was named Bettie Davis. It might also not be a coincidence that my grandmother Bettie - in my symbolic and artificial memory - resembles Queen Elizabeth II. Tina's son was named Philip. We stood outside one time - in my artificial and symbolic memories - looking at a comet in the night sky.

Phoebe must be the woman I “remember” from my artificial and symbolic memory that grandma Betty told me she approved of. I have been thinking of that “memory” for a while.

Bette Davis (April 5, 1908 – October 6, 1989), born Ruth Elizabeth Davis, was a two-time Academy Award-winning American actress of film, television and theatre. Noted for her willingness to play unsympathetic characters, she was highly regarded for her performances in a range of film genres, from contemporary crime melodramas to historical and period films and occasional comedies, though her greatest successes were romantic dramas.

The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939) is a romantic drama film based on the relationship between Queen Elizabeth I (played by Bette Davis) and Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex (played by Errol Flynn).

From what I can tell by my research on the internet, there isn’t even a house where I “remember” living at Country Club Estates in South Carolina. The street address that I remember” seems to an empty, wooded lot. I do see the house I “remember” living in, but it is well down the street and at a very different street address. There is just no way I could not remember the correct address for that house. It is burned into my memory.

In my artificial and symbolic memory, I lived there when I worked for a company with the initials UFP. This all on the work history documents I got from the Social Security Administration so it is part of my official federal undercover identity. I think UFP was chosen to symbolize the “United Federation of Planets” from “Star Trek.” Before I worked for UFP, I worked for ISA-ISS in Memphis, Tennessee and I believe that is a similar work of symbolism. While I have never heard of an “International Space Agency,” the ISS could be a reference to the International Space Station.

At one point, sometime in 1995, I think, according to my artificial memories, UFP transferred me to Charlotte, NC, to work in a bank there and I lived in an apartment named Arrowood at corner of Arrowcreek and Royal Point. From there, I moved across town to an apartment on Dresden that was near Sheffield. Then I moved back across town to Whitehall Estates. That was the last place I lived in North Carolina, until I moved to Rock Hill, SC. I lived at Paces River apartments in Rock Hill before I left for Microsoft to begin my work there with my undercover identity. Lately, I have been wondering if that is some kind of symbolic reference to my wife, Phoebe Ray.

The Palace of Whitehall was the main residence of the English monarchs in London from 1530 until 1698 when all except Inigo Jones' 1622 Banqueting House was destroyed by fire. Before the fire it had grown to be the largest palace in Europe, with over 1,500 rooms (and was at one time the largest building in the world).

The palace gives its name — Whitehall — to the current administrative centre of the UK government.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Just call Dame Helen Mirren Your Majesty on-screen

She plays the 16th-century queen in the two-part miniseries "Elizabeth I," premiering on HBO Saturday at 8 p.m. Later this year, she'll be seen as the current Elizabeth II in the feature film "The Queen," which takes place in the days following Princess Diana's death.

Scripted by Nigel Williams, the miniseries uses many of the intellectual monarch's own words. England's Palace of Whitehall was re-created in Lithuania inside a Soviet-era concrete gymnasium.

"It was this amazing set, all in one piece so you could walk from one room to another," said Mirren, describing the juxtaposition of the private and the public -- the "almost erotic" atmosphere of the queen's bedroom being right next to the political council chamber.

She also has great praise for the costumes, designed by Mike O'Neill.

"The older she got, the more extreme they got and the lower cut. Funnily enough, there's a lot of talk about her baring her bosom," laughed Mirren, who has never shied away from playing nude scenes, but doesn't have to go that far this time.

Elizabeth II wasn't on duty when Mirren was dubbed a dame -- Prince Charles did the honors -- but Mirren once met the monarch briefly at a polo match.

"It was a great place to meet because she was in her element," the actress recalled. "She's very charming. Sparkling. People don't see that. ... She's just not interested in smiling when she doesn't have reason to smile."

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: aka_Kerry_Wayne_Burgess_Journal 071306 083106

July 13, 2006

What was my jersey number when I played little league? That was before I started playing football. I think it was '10' but not sure. I played for the team in De Queen that was sponsored by the Mountaire chicken plant. I don't remember anyone ever kidding us about that though. I also remember our first game beating the other team that was considered the best to play for. I think they were the Rotary Lions. I used to always get on base because no one could pitch to left-handers and I would either get hit or get walked.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/06/07 5:18 PM

Batting for Mountaire - Mountbatten.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/07/07 12:53 PM

This is where Buzz Aldrin is from. Montclair - Mountaire. Orange. Verona.

Montclair, New Jersey

Montclair is bordered by Cedar Grove, Little Falls, Clifton, Bloomfield, Glen Ridge, East Orange, Orange, West Orange, and Verona.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/16/2006 11:23 AM

Queen Elizabeth does closely resemble my maternal grandmother, Betty, in my memory. When I was at Betty’s funeral in 1999, I couldn’t bring myself to actually view her in the coffin. I told Thedia I didn’t want to remember her that way.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 31, 2006

In "Generations," they filmed that orbital skydiving with Kirk but then cut it from the movie that was released. I am wondering if that was planned because of STS-1 in 1981. From what I've read, the shuttle crew discussed abandoning the shuttle but they did not do that obviously. Maybe that is why the orbital skydiving scene was filmed but not included with the release.

For the past several hours, I have been examining my memory for anything that could represent me falling out of the Columbia as it landed during STS-1, assuming that something such as that did occur to me.

There was that time in France where I walked off the wrong side of the train because I was drunk and didn't even realize I had fallen until I was face down in the dirt.

Another time, somewhere overseas, not sure where, maybe Le Havre, France, Mogge and I were returning to the Wainwright late one night. I was running along the top of some kind of concrete roof and then suddenly found I had run of the end of it. Even though I was very drunk, I hit the concrete hard enough to still register in my mind and I knew I was going to feel it the next day.

The first day of football practice in Ashdown after we moved down there and I was starting the 9th grade. School started in September I guess, but two-a-day summer practice started before the school year started. I was so out of shape that I couldn't get out of the bed the next morning for the second day of practice. Denzil was leaving that morning well before sunrise and he asked me I was going to practice. He was going to work at the gravel pit and Micheal was going to work with him as he was still on summer vacation. I didn't go into practice that day but did go back the third day and they worked me even harder for missing a day.

Then there was this time that I thought about a few hours ago and keep coming back to several times this morning. This was several years earlier than that Ashdown football practice day. We were still living in De Queen at Randy Romine's house. I think mom was looking for a place of her own, planning to leave Randy as she did several times. We were looking at some house I guess she was planning to rent. As we went through the house, I reached up and pulled on the cord to the stair-ladder that went into the attic. I look at something similar to that in this building and I start thinking about the landing gear cover on the space shuttle. I am wondering if that is the memory of me doing something to get the buckled cover off so that the gear can come down. That stair-ladder makes me think of a retracting landing gear. And, to add more weight to this theory, that next day in my memory, mom had to take me to the hospital because I pulled some muscles in my back when I reached up and pulled the ladder down. I am wondering if reality had me actually on the other side of that retractable structure and pushing it open, instead of in my memory where I pulled it down. And the part about me not being able to move from the couch represents that I fell through and hit the ground hard. I keep thinking about that video clip on the news the other day with the motorcyclist hitting the ground hard after his stunt went bad.

There is also that memory I have written about before where I climbed up on Randy Romine's 100 foot HAM radio antenna. One time I went up there with my first model rocket, the one that was fashioned as R2D2 from Star Wars. Then it dawned on me a few hours later: Of course! R2D2 is shaped a lot like the external fuel tank and the solid-rocket boosters for the space shuttle.

So then I started thinking that my real memories are locked into my symbolic memories of the same time. In other words, what happened to Kerry Burgess in 1981, for instance, has clues to what really happened to me in 1981. That isn't consistent though. But as I wrote earlier, I can usually find some kind of connection point to tie certain details together, the pattern doesn't always have to be consistent. For example, one thing can happen to Kerry Burgess in 1981 that represents something that really happened to me in 1981, but that date pattern doesn't always have to be consistent. Something could happen to Kerry Burgess in 1995, for instance, that happened to me in reality in 1983. But that 1995 and 1983 detail will have something else that connects them. So anyway, I started thinking about where Kerry Burgess lived in 1981. We were in a house on De Quincy street in De Queen. It was the last place we lived in before moving to start school in Ashdown sometime in the summer of 1981. Then I remembered reading about those problems they had on Columbia in April 1981 with the toilets and I remember a problem with the toilet in that house on De Quincy. There was another time I was lifting weights with barbells and one of the weights slipped off the slide and broke the window in my bedroom. We were living in that house I think when mom told us to watch the eruption of Mt. St. Helens on tv. I remember knocking out the lights when I tried to turn the house wiring into a tv antenna another time. Was it 4/15/80 or 4/15/81 when I remember that snow storm I wrote about yesterday? Maybe it was '81 because I realized that 4/15 would be the day after STS-1 returned. Not sure what the snow storm means? A ticker-tape parade? What about mom paying taxes? I remember that day our pet dog, a pekingnese named Susie, slipped out the door and I chased her around the block in the snow. I actually miss that little dog.

So then I started thinking: how fast is the shuttle moving when it lands?

Then I looked it up. According to this information on the atmospheric free flight, it landed at 213 mph. How the hell could I have survived falling something like 75 feet to the ground at over 200 mph?

If I did fall out, I must have been high enough to open my parachute. That is, if that even happened to me. It drives me crazy not knowing. I don't know what I don't know.

In "Generations," Kirk disappears from the Deflector room and then the movie jumps ahead, predictably now, 78 years into the future. When we see Kirk again, he is chopping wood. What could that mean to me? Assuming that I fell out of the shuttle as it landed, what does the scene with Kirk chopping wood represent?

Then I started thinking again about what I was writing, or maybe speaking out loud, about my experiences in 1985 with flying through DFW on my way home to Hicks Road. My luggage got lost every time I flew through there. Then I started thinking about that in terms of STS-1. I was luggage on that flight and I didn't make it back with the ship.

I started remembering this white Cadillac that Randy Romine drove. I am thinking that our white vehicles represent the space shuttle. I remember standing up through the sun roof one day as he was backing out of the driveway.

In the theme of falling out of the shuttle, there is that scene in "First Contact" where Data jumps down several stories to where Lilly is shooting at them.

This could be about that theory I wrote about earlier. There is that failed launch of my F-14 Tomcat that left me hanging by my parachute from the superstructure of the aircraft carrier. In my artificial and symbolic memory, I was sitting on a topside deck on the superstructure under the fire-control radar of the Taylor and I was reading a book and the Captain and some other crew were running up or at least, they seemed to be in a hurry and I wondered what the commotion was about. They saw me sitting there reading a book and that seemed to be why they were there. The reality is probably that I almost got cooked by the aircraft carriers radar and this artificial memory could be of that event. It always reminds me of something vague, real or artificial, that I never can remember.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, July 04, 2007

These artificial and symbolic memories about me being drunk when I hit the ground have something to do with what I heard about how drunk drivers usually survive automobile accidents while the people that are sober do not survive. I need to research that more for details, but I believe that is the source of that symbolism. I might have quipped something about that one time after someone was astonished that I had survived a crash of whatever I was in and I was joking that I had been drunk or something like that, probably based on an earlier conversation about how drunk drivers survive wrecks. That part about the luggage reminds me of the old Samsonite luggage commercials.

At mid-century and earlier, Samsonite promoted its hard-shell luggage by emphasizing its durability with taglines such as "Strong Enough to Stand On." Even into the twenty-first century, Samsonite continues to be heavily identified with a 1970's ad campaign that actually was for American Tourister, a brand which Samsonite did not acquire until many years later, in 1993. A more current campaign which re-uses the gorilla motif and ties in the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park is "American Tourister: Tough luggage for a tough world."[2]

The original American Tourister television advertisement featured a gorilla and a bright red American Tourister case which the ape pounded on, threw around the cage, jumped on, and finally dragged out the back door. The campaign, which was produced in 1969 and began its fifteen-year run in 1970,[3] is still cited as an example of successful "branding," that is, making a brand name memorable to the general public in a positive association with a particular product -- even though the branding in question has elided in the public mind from American Tourister to that brand's current corporate parent, Samsonite. The 1969 ad was created by advertising genius Roy Grace, who was also responsible for the memorable Alka-Seltzer "Mama Mia! That's a spicy meatball!" campaign.[4] The marketing industry's flagship magazine, Ad Age, has named the gorilla ad to its list of the top one hundred ad campaigns of the twentieth century.[5] The gorilla campaign was reprised with three new ads between 1980-1983[3] and again with a gorilla-dinosaur-suitcase vignette capitalizing on the popularity and technical advances of the 1993 film Jurassic Park, which combined costumes, CGI and animatronics.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 31, 2006

I started thinking again about that time on the Wainwright when I was topside up on the superstructure helping Larry Johnson work on one of his WDS antennas. I pulled off the fiberglass, canopy-shaped cover, and it almost pulled me over the side when the wind caught it. I wonder if that represents falling out of the shuttle as the WDS contained a lot of parts that remind me of the heat tiles on the shuttle.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Friday, June 29, 2007

Stacy Graham. I'll bet that was Phoebe too. First girl I kissed. I can still visualize it. We lived at the U.S. Marine family housing in McAlester, OK. She and the other girls were playing house and I was her husband. I've probably got elements of the Vietnam War mixed in with all those artificial memories, too. The time I can still visualize of her visiting our trailer in De Queen is probably about me thinking of her when I was a Prisoner of War. Maybe I am remembering a dream I had of her when I was being held by the Vietnamese. If that is a cage I remember, then it was quite depressing. I often heard rats crawling around in the walls. It smelled bad. There was dog crap all over the place. It was small and cramped. I was hiding in there from Thedia one time when she was trying to take me to the babysitter, last name Honea I think, because Thedia was going out on her first date with Randy Romine, the Vietnam veteran of the U.S. Army or Marines. That was when Thedia was driving a red Volkswagen and I believe the V.W. is symbolic of my participation in the Vietnam War. I also might have selected the name Stacy Graham because of the Sir Galahad has the same initials. Maybe I realized later that if I had died that day, my last thoughts would have been of Phoebe.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/07/07 4:13 PM

Michael Reagan resembles Dale Parker in this photo. And that dog, Pogo. Reminds me of a German Sheperd that Randy Romine had. I "remember" that pogo stick I was jump on at Dale Parker's parent's house outside De Queen. That was the place I wanted to cut out a message in the grass with the lawn mower. I "remember" Dale's father yelling at me for not staying out of the neighbor's yard, when I had built a fort in some pine trees.

H18-2, The Reagan family at their house in Pacific Palisades, California. From left to right: Patti Davis, Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan, Maureen Reagan, Ron Reagan and dog "Pogo." 1976.

04/07/07 4:25 PM

Memorable quotes for Cast Away (2000)

Chuck Noland: [reading from a birthday card] The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Friday, May 11, 2007

070503-N-5253W-001 BRISBANE, Australia (May 3, 2007) - Fire Controlman 2nd Class Kenneth Queen and other Sailors man the rails aboard USS Lassen (DDG 82) while pulling into Brisbane, Australia. While in port, the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer will participate in the Battle of Coral Sea commemoration events and provide demonstrations and tours of the ship to industry leaders. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Gabriel S. Weber (RELEASED)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Saturday, May 05, 2007

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Captain's sleep journal. Stardate: Febuary the crappyth Wed, 2/8/06 6:45 PM

I remember having dreams when I last slept but I can remember absolutely no details. Except, maybe something to do with my imaginary girlfriend, Lily. For a while I have been wondering if they can also manipulate my half-asleep dreams too. Those are those first dreams I remember having when I am drifting off to sleep. I have never really thought of them as dreams though, rather more like random thoughts that go through my mind as I drift off. Last night, I have two such thoughts that stuck with me when I woke up minutes or seconds later. The first one was of Senator Carl Levin standing in front of me either in an elevator or waiting for an elevator. He said something about how my "reading was correct." The second scene was of Lily telling me of some endearing quality about herself.

This imaginary girlfriend routine is kind of fun, but with all these actors around me, who knows what is the reality. What I really want to avoid is encouraging people to stalk women on TV. No one should take seriously the perceived affections of a person on TV. My hope is that this situation will end soon and then some third person will make arrangements where we can meet and I can determine if this was all my imagination.

Even if Lily is as nice in person as she seems to be on TV, I'm beginning to think I shouldn't pursue it. I've been feeling confident this thing could actually be real, but that is actually a real problem. So many people are watching what I do in private so they can try to mimic my success. If I talk to a pretty woman on TV while sitting in my living room and then end up spending the foreseeable future finding ways to make her smile in a real relationship, then there are going to be other people out there trying the same thing. And after that Tacoma Mall terrorist, I just think this is all a bad idea. As some jerk standing next to me the other day pointed out conspicuously secretive: It sucks to be me. And then there are all these people with the "priceless," "volume down," etc. bullshit.....when does it end? How are they finding out this stuff? Why can't they just all go away and if anybody has to monitor everything I do and write, why can't they just give that job to Lily? That would be pretty fun.

In the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, I can "remember" Tracie Rhodes wanting me to ask her father, Joseph, for permission to marry her. Tracie's birthday, in the context of my artificial and symbolic memory, was July 16th. We met when she started working at the First Federal bank in Greenville, although she worked at the branches in Clemson, South Carolina. Her job was to restock the ATM machines with cash while my job was to repair the machines if they broke down. She would call me out if any repairs were needed. Her mother was named Betty, same as my grandmother. She had an older sister and a younger brother.

T A R 3 5 9

Thomas A. Ray 3-59

Phoebe Cates

AKA Phoebe Belle Katz

Father: Joseph Cates

Mother: Lily Cates

Brother: Phillip Cates

Sister: Valerie Cates

Sister: Alexandra Cates

Lilibet is a shortened form of Elizabeth. It is best known as the pet name for Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Betty Davis Newman was the mother of Thedia Newman, my mother in my artificial and symbolic memory. There is a real person that I knew as Thedia, but I don't know who she is really. Possibly one of the medical team that suppressed my memory. I remember when she visited and stayed with me at my apartment in Bellevue, Washington, in the year 2000, just after the earthquake that hit this area, I commented to her how that was the first time I could remember that she had ever stayed in my home.

I also remember when I picked her up at the airport and she was commenting about how her hair was a lot shorter than I probably remembered and I pulled off my cap to show her that I had started shaving my head, and she didn't seem to be surprised to see that. I puzzled over why she didn't seem surprised to see that, as though she already knew. I puzzled over a lot of stuff like that in those years after my memory was suppressed.

Betty is a common diminutive for the names "Elizabeth", "Bethany", or any other name containing "bet".

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Sleep journal 3/28/06 Tue, 3/28/06 8:55 PM

Very interesting dream that featured prominently my imaginary girlfriend, whom made me smile today. She told me in the dream "when I'm ready." That's what I was hoping to hear, but then, just like sitting in front of the tv, none of it is really real. There was at least one, maybe more, weird strange aspects to the dream, but I think it was just mischief on the part of the dream manipulator. I figured she was personally directing the dream and threw that in to screw with my head, or someone else was relaying her comments/whatever-however-it's-done to my sleeping mind. After awaking I was extremely annoyed at the people that are actively disturbing my sleep. I slept one time for almost 6 hours, but all the other times are no more than 3 hours every 12 hours or so. I'm going crazy here, I need some goddamned sleep.

And before the happy-time-with-my-imaginary-girlfriend segment of the dream, there was something about something collapsing that I didn't want to be around.

I think what that one part of the dream was saying was that we could hang out when I was ready. Whether that was a real foreign dream or just a regular dream representing loneliness, I don't know. I hope it was foreign dream though because she is one super cutie. I was thinking today that I would like to see her wearing jeans. Ok, well, I want to see her not wearing jeans, but you got to start somewhere. Anyway, what I worry about is trying to get close to anyone for a long time. I have felt like I have been literally living with millions of people for so long, all I want now and for the foreseeable future is to have just the opposite. To go somewhere and feel like people aren't tracking me or staging stuff around me or talking about me like I wasn't standing there knowing they were talking about me. She seems like a nice person, although how the hell I know that, I do not know. I am going to seek some counseling when this is all over. But only when it's over. As it is now, I am sick of explaining this all again to someone new and to have to deal with the deception and bullshit. At least when it's over, I can focus on recovery instead of trying to figure out why this is still going on, why I still have no private life. And how can I even be intimate with anyone when I have no private life? Everywhere I go, someone is secretly listening. If I bring her into my life, we are just going to be involuntary porn stars for those bastards. It is going to take a long time to put that behind me. And I still haven't even reached that day yet I start to put it all behind me. It continues this minute, it will continue the next minute. Another unread message to my anonymous captors.

Just Another Day

(theres life underground)
I feel it all around / I feel it in my bones
My life is on the line / when Im away from home
When I step out the door / the jungle is alive
I do not trust my ears / I dont believe my eyes
I will not fall in love / I cannot risk the bet
Cause hearts are fragile toys / so easy to forget
Its just another day / theres murder in the air
It drags me when I walk / I smell it everywhere
Its just another day / where people cling to light
To drive away the fear / that comes with every night
Its just another . . . . . . . its just another day
Its just another . . . . . . . its just another day . . .
Its just another day--when people wake from dreams
With voices in their ears--that will not go away
I had a dream last night / the world was set on fire
And everywhere I ran / there wasnt any water
The temperature increased / the sky was crimson red
The clouds turned into smoke / and everyone was dead
(but) theres a smile on my face . . . for everyone
Theres a golden coin . . . that reflects the sun
Theres a lonely place . . . thats always cold
Theres a place in the stars . . . for when you get old
Theres razors in my bed / that come out late at night
They always disappear / before the morning light
Im dreaming again / of life underground
It doesnt ever move / it doesnt make a sound
And just when I think--that things are in their place
The heavens are secure--the whole thing explodes in my face

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 11:20:42 PM

Subject: The Final Countdown (1980)

From 4/14/1977 to 8/1/1980 is: 3 years, 3 months, 18 days
30 * 0.59 = 17.7
From 4/14/1977 to 8/1/1980 is: 3 years, 3.59 months


The Final Countdown (1980)

Release Date: 1 August 1980 (USA)

Plot summary for

The Final Countdown (1980)

The USS Nimitz, a modern-day nuclear aircraft carrier, is drawn through a time warp from 1980 to a couple days before the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor, and the crew must decide whether to launch a preemptive strike against the incoming Japanese carrier fleet with their more advanced air wing, or allow history to take its course, which might not happen since they had rescued Senator Chapman, who disappeared shortly before the attack, from his death.

It is 1980 and the USS Nimitz puts to sea off of Pearl Harbor for routine exercises. After encountering a strange storm and losing all contact with the US Pacific Fleet, nuclear war with the Soviet Union is assumed and the USS Nimitz arms herself for battle. However, after encountering Japanese Zero scout planes and finding Pearl Harbor filled with pre-World War II battleships, it is realized that the storm the Nimitz went through caused the ship to travel back in time: to December 6th, 1941

I recognize the date 5/28/1982 as the official graduation date of the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982. I graduated on 4/30/1982 so I could leave deploy to the Falklands with the Royal Navy as an observer.

This Friday release date was 3 years, 3 months, 4 weeks, 2 days, after 5/28/1982.


Invasion U.S.A. (1985)

Release Date: 27 September 1985 (USA)

Plot summary for

Invasion U.S.A. (1985)

A terrorist, Rostov, is planning to unleash a reign of terror on the U.S. but before he does he decides to go after, Matt Hunter, a former CIA agent, who lives in Florida, who once had Rostov's life in his hands but on orders took him alive, and now Rostov is plagued by nightmares of Hunter killing him. So Rostov goes after him but misses, so Hunter, who has already been approached by his former employers to go after Rostov, after initially turning down the job, cuase he believed that they should have let him terminate Rostov when he had the chance, decides to go after him. But he is only one man and Rostov has hundreds of men ripping the country apart, so how will he stop it.

Foreign mercenaries start a reign of terror in the southern U.S. Norris is a recluse who lives in the everglades and is the mercenaries primary obstacle.

Invasion U.S.A. is a 1985 action film made by Cannon Films and starring Chuck Norris. It was directed by Joseph Zito. Both Chuck Norris and his brother Aaron Norris were involved in the writing.


No one thought it could ever happen here...

America wasn't ready...but HE was!

Taking place during the Cold War, Soviet operative Mikhail Rostov (Richard Lynch) leads a band of Latin American communist guerrillas in a landing in Florida. The invasion force spreads out into the South and causes havoc by firing bazookas into suburban homes, inciting race riots, impersonating the police, attacking ethnic events, devastating a county fair, and planting bombs in churches, malls and on school buses. With terror spreading everywhere, martial law is declared. Only former CIA agent Matt Hunter (Norris), who has had previous encounters with Rostov, can take him on.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, June 12, 2007

070606-N-5345W-041 SUITLAND, Md. (June 6, 2007) - Retired Senior Chief Aviation Machinist's Mate Scott Wood carefully restores a Saturn V F-1 rocket engine to its original condition at the National Air & Space Museum's Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration and Storage Facility. Five F-1 engines were used on the stage one portion of the Saturn V rocket to launch the project Apollo missions into space in the 1960s and 1970s. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kristopher Wilson (RELEASED)

070608-N-5345W-096 SUITLAND, Md. (June 8, 2007) - Amanda Young, the National Air & Space Museum's specialist in early manned spaceflight and astronautical equipment, dons her gloves while preparing to inspect former naval astronaut Rear Adm. Alan B. Shepard's project Mercury spacesuit, worn May 5, 1961, when Shepard piloted the Freedom 7 orbiter and became America's first man in space. Shepard's suit, along with many other historically significant spacesuits, is currently stored in temperature and humidity controlled environments at the Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration and Storage Facility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kristopher Wilson (RELEASED)

070611-N-8923M-092 ATLANTIC OCEAN (June 11, 2007) - From left to right, Lt. Cmdr. Todd Holbeck, Lt. Cmdr. Alan D'Jock and Lt. Cmdr. Lindsey Graves give the final signal to launch a C-2 Greyhound, from the "Rawhides" of Carrier Logistics Squadron (VRC) 40, from the bow of Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75). The three officers are shooters, and this marked the final time they will shoot an aircraft from Truman's flight deck. Truman is underway in the Atlantic Ocean conducting carrier qualifications. U.S. Navy photo by Seaman Kevin T. Murray Jr. (RELEASED)

----- Original Message ----

From: Kerry

To: House

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 11:36:49 PM

Subject: Lost in Space (1998)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Tuesday, June 12, 2007

070523-N-0593C-004 ANNAPOLIS, Md., (May 23, 2007) - Blue Angel #5 performs a sneak pass just below the speed of sound along the Severn River in Annapolis, Md. Their performance was one of a series of events leading up the graduation and commissioning of the Naval Academy Class of 2007. Other special events included performances from the Marine Barracks Washington Silent Drill Platoon and the U.S. Naval Academy Pipes and Drums. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Michael Croft (RELEASED)

I noted earlier that photo of U.S. Navy Blue Angel number 5 but I was thinking about it again today after I woke up. The '593C' could also be expressed as '5933' and the '4' that following it might be relevant to me as well.

I don't remember what purpose this character served in the movie, but his name "Tommy Ryan" makes me wonder if it is supposed to represent Tommy Ray. I think people who knew me back in the 60's called me Tommy. Then there is the detail about how he was born on the day Apollo 17 left the surface of the Earth's moon, which is the last known time humans have walked on the Moon.

Jason Barry
Date of Birth: 14 December 1972
Titanic (1997) .... Tommy Ryan

The actor who portrays the captain of the Titanic was 335.9 months old on 12/14/1972, when Apollo 17 left the Earth's moon, which is the last known time humans were on the surface of the Moon.

From 12/17/1944 to 12/14/1972 is: 335 months, 27 days
27 / 30 = 0.9
From 12/17/1944 to 12/14/1972 is: 335.9 months


Bernard Hill
Date of Birth: 17 December 1944
Titanic (1997) .... Captain Smith

Apollo 17

7 December 1972 05:33 GMT.

Landing Date: 1972-12-19 19:24:59.

Flight Time: 12.58 days.

Flight Up: Apollo 17.

Flight Back: Apollo 17.

Call Sign: America.

Crew: Cernan, Evans, Schmitt.

Of note: First geologist to walk on the moon.

On the lighter side: Cernan asked Evans' wife on advice on how to wake the deep sleeper. "All I do is give him a kiss", she replied. Cernan reported that after eight days of flight "he did start to get pretty good-lucking". The last words on the moon came from Cernan: "OK, let's get this mother out of here".Apollo 17 (AS-512), the final Apollo manned lunar landing mission, was launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, KSC, at 12:33 a.m. EST December 7. Crew members were astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans, and Harrison H. Schmitt.

Challenger lifted off the moon at 5:55 p.m. EST December 14. Rendezvous with the orbiting CSM and docking were normal.

This actress is 19 years, 76 days, younger than Phoebe, suggesting this movie is supposed to point, primarily to the year 1976. There might be another reason for this casting choice but I don't know. This movie, assuming I had creative input, which it seems I did, seems to point to my experiences in the 1976 time period as well as the events of 1986. As I understand those experiences, but do not actually remember, these details I point out make perfect sense to me.

From 7/16/1963 to 9/30/1982 is: 19 years, 76 days

Lacey Chabert
Date of Birth: 30 September 1982
Lost in Space (1998) .... Penny Robinson

I recognize the date 2/14/1986 as when I was shot down by anti-aircraft fire somewhere in Africa and I was a Prisoner of War in Libya.

From 2/14/1986 to 4/7/1987 is: 59 weeks and 4 days

Jack Johnson
Date of Birth: 7 April 1987
Lost in Space (1998) .... Will Robinson

I recognize the date 5/13/1987 as when I completed my escape after being a POW in Libya and then running down through Africa for over a year to escape and return home. I recognize the date 6/7/1976 as relevant to my wife, Phoebe, in terms of name recognition. This casting choice seems to have been made to connect those events, as both suggest to me I was thinking of Phoebe, my wife.

From 1/29/1970 to 5/13/1987 is: 6313 days
From 3/3/1959 to 6/14/1976 is: 6313 days

From 3/3/1959 to 6/7/1976 is: 6306 days

Heather Graham
Date of Birth: 29 January 1970
Lost in Space (1998) .... Dr. Judy Robinson

This actor was 23 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, old on 7/20/1969. I noticed when I was watching this movie again recently that he had a scar above his right eye just like one I have. For the most part, I want to say I got that scar when I was a Prisoner of War in Libya. I think someone flicked the point of a knife across my eye and I probably thought they had cut out my eye. It is a well-formed scar so it must have been a serious cut.


Matt LeBlanc
Date of Birth: 25 July 1967
Lost in Space (1998) .... Maj. Don West

William Hurt is 3270 days older than me. I was 3270 days old on 2/14/1968. That is the birthday of my younger sister, Melissa, in my artificial and symbolic memory. And that is the clue that got me thinking I had been shot down by anti-aircraft fire on 2/14/1986.

From 3/20/1950 to 3/3/1959 is: 3270 days
From 3/3/1959 to 2/14/1968 is: 3270 days

William Hurt
Date of Birth: 20 March 1950
Lost in Space (1998) .... Prof. John Robinson

For a while, I had been thinking I had been married to Mimi Rogers before I was a POW in Libya. From my artificial and symbolic memory, I "rememebered" a girl named Kendra Rogers whose father was named Kenny Rogers. I don't know what it means. I noted that she and Tom Cruise married on 5/9/1987, which was just before I returned from Africa. There was also the scene in "Lost In Space" where she commented that she thought that her husband would have made it back before they tried to launch from the planet. I was even more confused by the scene in George Clooney's "O Brother Where Art Thou?" because he was trying to get back home before his wife got married again and I associated that movie with my escape from Africa.

Mimi Rogers was 13 years, 5 months, 27 days, old on 7/24/1969, the day Apollo 11 returned to Earth from the Moon.

From 1/27/1956 to 7/24/1969 is: 13 years, 5 months, 27 days
27 / 30 = 0.9
From 1/27/1956 to 7/24/1969 is: 13 years, 5.9 months


Mimi Rogers
Date of Birth: 27 January 1956
Lost in Space (1998) .... Dr. Maureen Robinson

This actor portrayed the older "Will Robinson" in kind of an alternate reality that is created in the movie. This actor seems to have been cast to make a connection with 11/26/1976.

From 8/24/1961 to 11/25/1976 is: 15 years, 93 days


Jared Harris
Date of Birth: 24 August 1961
Lost in Space (1998) .... Older Will Robinson