Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My chrononaut

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 3:45 PM Monday, March 28, 2011

Weird weird weird weird stuff.

The rain shower makes it almost believable.

Or maybe a better description is that the rain shower makes it almost non-believable.

For one reason, I have a basic understanding in my artificial memory-knowledge that explains how artificial rain can be produced.

But why? Why all the effort just to try to fool me with the weather?

Several people were involved and I would have said that was all part of the ploy but there is the fact that some of the information I observed was directly connected to choices I made and I had been compelled some time earlier to make choices that led me to a position where I observed information that was consistent with the larger observation I made.

So that is hard to explain.

One explanation though is that I simply walked into their information trap and was given that information sooner rather than later and another person was going to give me that information at another point I would be and that was predictable.

Yesterday, I was reviewing on the internet, with only one or two references online, but many references in my offline notes, the episode "Reins of a Waterfall" from the racketeering production of the television series "Caprica."

I had started thinking again that the time travel portal will appear at first as something that looks similar in appearance to a waterfall and then changes into a normal looking door that is constructed in the wall which I then push open and the walk through thus becoming a time traveler. I made some very compelling observations about the 2/5/2010 premiere date of that episode but I am annoyed that I am strongly compelled to not record any of those observations here. Sometimes I think the worst part about being a time traveler is knowing I am a time traveler and not being able to do anything to make it happen because my future as a time traveler is established in the natural order of the universe and I cannot make it happen any sooner than it is supposed to happen and therefore I have to wait and wait and wait.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 March 2011 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/1/2006 3:14 PM
May 4, 2005, was the day I went to the Kent Police department for help. I named George W. Bush specifically as one of the people harassing me. The policeman didn’t ask me any questions. He dumped me off at the St. Francis hospital in Federal Way where the first thing they did was secretly drug my food. I found it very hard to restrain the urge to laugh shortly after I had eaten. I wanted to leave the hospital and go back to my apartment the next day, the 5th, but they talked me out of it and I stayed there until the next day, the 6th. I didn’t know which bus would take me back to the Kent Police Department and I ended up having to walk a long ways. With a single red folder in hand, I walked all the way from the intersection of I-5 and Kent-Des Moines Road, taking a left on West Meeker Street, to the Kent Police Department where my Jeep was parked. I saw some chatter online after I got back to my apartment about how interesting it was that I wanted to leave on the 5th, which the date could have been written as 5-5-5. A few days after I got back to my apartment, I ran out of food and went for those 9 days without anything to eat. At the point of a one-way trip to a tall bridge, as a stroke of luck would have it, I discovered that the three hundred dollars in my checking account was then unfrozen and I ate that night. Maybe this happened before the starving period or after, I’m not certain. Actually it was at the end. After nine days, I was going to kill myself rather than stay there for another 30 days or so and starve to death. I had enough money to eat again for a while but I didn’t have enough money to pay the rent, so on May 31st, I moved out. I sleep in my Jeep for the next 14 days before I went into the Redmond Police Department, exhausted, and asked them for help because I had lived in that town before Kent and I had worked for Microsoft, which was based in that town. They didn’t ask me any questions and just dumped me off at the hospital.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 1 November 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 12:15 AM Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So what's next?

If my theory is correct that I will make incredible observations as the day draws closer for my time travel jump then what will I see next?

Raining on me as I walk to the grocery store is easy. What is the real point of doing that more than once? That occurrence is useful as an observation because I am surrounded by the evil that permeates this location.

Will I start to see people appear out of thin air? That must be what happens to me as I time travel back to the day 3 March 2003. The people who were waiting there and that are now sitting out there somewhere reading this must have seen me appear out of thin air as I completed that time travel jump.

I wish I knew. I hate being here so damned much. I wish I could write something here write now that would make it happen at this minute so I can leave this godforsaken place.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 March 2011 excerpt ends]