Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What will be my last report?

Before I time travel back to the future, where does my journal end? There are people right now on this very planet Earth who have documentation that describes perfectly the exact representation of my online reports and offline journal which was sometimes recorded on an internet connected computer and those people know precisely what is my final report in my online journal.

Sleep is excruciating for me. Last night was miserable. I cannot sleep without the constant disruption that someone is going to break into my apartment while I sleep.

I manage to sleep enough but the quality of my sleep is lousy.

I cannot figure out why the air quality in here is so bad. I run the fan next to the window almost constantly. I feel as though wood smoke is blowing in through the open window and that is what I smell but I cannot stand to leave the windows closed.

I am a time traveler. I sense the future. Am I writing now details that are relevant to the future? I cannot see how. This is ridiculous. I just want to get away. I hate this place. I am satisfied with the quality I pay for in the place I live and that it is a good value. I don't want to be here and that is not their fault.

I am a time traveler. How can I use that to my advantage? How I the *fact* that I will someday in the future time travel to another time work to my advantage.

So I don't think they can kill me. They can, of course, still cause me a lot of aggravation between now and when I make my time travel jump and so if I am a time traveler and I have already time traveled then how can anyone kill me? All they can do is piss me off and injure me to the point that they less than being killed.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

Captain Picard: Do you remember when we used to be explorers?


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

USA 11 December 1998

Star Trek: Insurrection

Anij, stay with me.

Help me find the power
to keep you in this moment.

Don't let go of this moment.

- She's stabilising.
- ls it safe to move her?.

Safer than leaving her here.

And you thought
it would take centuries to learn.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

Anij: Have you ever experienced, a perfect moment in time?

Captain Picard: A perfect moment?

Anij: When time seemed to stop, and you could almost live, in that moment.

Captain Picard: Seeing my home planet from space, for the first time.

Anij: Yes. Exactly. Nothing more complicated than perception.

Anij: ...We've discovered that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself, full of powerful forces. Most people aren't aware enough of the now to even notice.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

Captain Picard: [to Worf] Straighten your baldric.