I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, June 04, 2016
Jen Psaki Talks State Department Admission of Doctoring Briefing Footage; Florida Governor to Sit Down with Trump on Monday; Fight to Take Back Fallujah from ISIS Intensifies. Aired 1:30-2p ET
Aired June 3, 2016 - 13:30 ET
[13:30:00] JEN PSAKI, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON: But then there was this -- when you were the State Department spokeswoman, subsequent exchange with James Rosen of FOX when he asked why Victoria Nuland had lied about those direct bilateral negotiations. I'll play the clip again. Listen to this.
JAMES ROSEN, CORRESPONDENT, FOX NEWS: Is it a policy of the State Department where the preservation of secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned to lie in order to achieve that goal?
JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR & FORMER U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON: James, I think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress.
BLITZER: The accusation against you, Jen -- and I want to give you a chance to respond -- that you were defending that earlier lie from Victoria Nuland.
PSAKI: I think you could speak to Tori or anyone else about she knew or didn't know about the negotiations. I don't have that information. But what I was doing that day and the weeks prior was providing information about the back channel, about the negotiations from the years past. I do believe, as I said during that exchange, there are certainly times where negotiations and important diplomatic discussions require not briefing the public on what's happening. Not because we don't want to have that conversation with you, Wolf, but because that means all parties are weighing in and it becomes a public debate instead of a private negotiation, that, as you know from covering these type of negotiations for years, is often need in order to make progress.
BLITZER: The point being though that it's one thing not to release all of the information you need for national security reasons or diplomacy or whatever. It's another thing to actually lie to the media and the American public as a result of that. Is it ever justified? This is my final question because I know you got to run. Is it ever justified for a U.S. government spokesperson to lie to the American people?
PSAKI: I think that's a fundamental value that I have always followed is not to and providing as much information as you possibly can, including being an advocate for when you can provide more, which is exactly what I did in the case briefing on the Iran back channel.
BLITZER: Jen Psaki is the White House communications director.
Jen, thank you very much for joining us.
PSAKI: Thank you, Wolf. Great to be here.
Springfield! Springfield!
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The (1982)
Goddamn it, Mona, you're makin' me mad!
Whoo! Listen at him cuss and shout.
Just like on TV!
You're just a kid
playin' at bein' a cowboy.
You ain't never gonna grow up!
You use me as your mistress.
You use that damn Dulcie Mae
as your in-town wife.
You even use that little boy of hers...
...so you can play weekend daddy!
- Leave him out of it!
You're playin'. You're just a big,
overgrown kid playin' at bein' a man!
I don't have to listen
to this shit. Damn it!
I'm the law. If I choose to, I'll close
this place down till hell freezes over.
Don't you threaten me.
I'm tellin' the truth, and you know it!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 07:32 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 04 June 2016