I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, August 06, 2016
The Beach (2000)
Richard: What are you talking about?
Keaty: Two: you don't speak French. Three: he speaks French. In fact, even better than that, four: he IS French. Five: he's much better at football - sorry, sorry, SOCCER - than you. And six: you're a bit strange, Rich. Some girls like that in a man, but not usually the sort of girls you wanna be with.
Richard: Is that right?
Keaty: Come on, your last girlfriend chucked ya, there must've been a reason.
Richard: It was not my fault!
Keaty: And seven: look at - look at your thumbs, man! They're well defined!
Richard: Wh-what is that supposed to mean?
Keaty: You play a lot of video games! That is a powerful index of incompatabilty.
Richard: Why do I get the feeling like you're trying to tell me something?
Keaty: You haven't a hope mate - not a bleedin' chicken's chance in Thailand. Know what I mean?
Richard: Thank you.
Keaty: So, enjoy the beach and cut the bullshit.
Richard: [softly] Thank you very much.
Keaty: It's my pleasure.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM
A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game. There was a lot of detail I can still visualize but I do not feel all that compelled to describe the scenes. In the next series of scenes though, I seemed to be walking through an open field and there is a paved road running off to my left and there is open field as far as I can see to the other side of it and I guess to my right side although most of the dream seems to visualize over to what was initially my left-side of visualization. Just after that visualization started, and I note that it seems to be chronologically after the series of football scenes, I saw the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse in that field on the other side of the paved road and to my minor annoyance, they started charging in my direction and I can visualize that lead Horsemen, but I am left with the vague sense that the Four of them were actually cows that had turned to charge at me. I did some fancy maneuvering and got them going in circles because I could maneuver better than they could but at some point I realized that I was not going to be able to keep that tactic up for very long. As I visualize that scene again now that I am awake, they seemed to have surrounded me. In the next scene though I seemed to have broke away from the Four Bovine of The Apocalypse and I was running flat out across the field at a 45 degree angle ahead of my original line-of-sight and direction of travel and I am vaguely aware of something ahead of me but I cannot visualize it well enough or remember it well enough to describe. I can remember that I turned around as I was running and threw something back at the lead Cow of The Apocalypse and I struck it squarely on the head and it dropped dead right there on the spot. At that point, I seemed to look back at a bale of hay in the middle of the field, which was the only one in sight, and I thought to myself that I should have stayed near that bale of hay because it was a piece of that bale that I killed the lead Cow of The Apocalypse. But I was still running in that same direction and I cannot really visualize the other Cows of The Apocalypse althought I guess they were back there somewhere in the dust the first Cow kicked up in a field that did not seem that dusty. The detail become very vague at the point where the dreams ends and I vaguely aware of something about how I could get help in fighting off those other three Cows of The Apocalypse if I said I "believed" and so I did say I believed and then I saw something that I can only describe now vaguely and one of those wagonwheeled-transports, that I think had names such as Conestoga, come traveling by me out in the direction of the other Cows and the wagon seemed to be covered in fire. I think I had stopped running at that point and there are other details about the surroundings that I can still visualize but not well enough to describe and I am left to ponder where I was. As I was writing all this, I remembered there was another series of scenes before the series of scenes about American football and I am left only with the sense of being compelled to remember those scenes and while I can visualize certain details, such as being in a supermarket, I cannot remember enough detail to articulate. I am not certain if those first scenes are connected to the next scenes about the football.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 July 2008 excerpt ends]
Springfield! Springfield!
Beach, The (2000)
[ Francoise: ] do you think that I ignore you?
[ Richard: ] No.
[ Francoise: ] But I do.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 01:17 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Sunday 05 June 2016 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/06/hugo.html
In Harm's Way (1965)
But why? Why?
Whatever the reason, she was thinking of you. She left this ring for you. I'm very sorry about that girl, Jere.
Thank you for coming all the way here.
It's the least I can do for... one of my officers.
From 4/6/1965 ( premiere US film "In Harm's Way" ) To 4/9/1986 ( --- ) is 7673 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/5/1986 is 7673 days
From 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) To 11/5/1986 is 3803 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/1/1976 ( premiere US TV movie "Helter Skelter" ) is 3803 days
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Memorandum of Disapproval of the Bill Establishing the President's Council on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
November 5, 1986
I am withholding my approval of S. 2057, which would establish a President's Council on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
Many Federal health promotion and disease prevention activities are underway at the Department of Health and Human Services, which has set an ambitious agenda of health promotion and disease prevention goals to be achieved by 1990. I am encouraged by the progress that is being made toward those objectives and the plans which lie ahead. These plans include a national conference in late 1989 or early 1990, and many individual programs such as the Low Birth Weight Prevention Initiative, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program, and the Healthy Older People Public Education Program. Because our Federal commitment to such activities must, and will, continue, a President's Council on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention is not necessary at this time.
The White House,
November 5, 1986.
In Harm's Way (1965)
Nurse Lieutenant Maggie Haynes: I made a special effort to not look like a nurse.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 05 June 2016 excerpt end]
From 6/17/1947 ( Harry Truman - Commencement Address at Princeton University ) To 11/17/1994 is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash ) is 8660 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-childhood-express.html ]
Star Trek: Generations (1994)
Release Info
USA 17 November 1994 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
Star Trek Generations (1994)
SORAN: Haven't you got anything better to do?
Los Angeles Times
How the marine compass finally found its sea legs
Compass A Story of Exploration and Innovation Alan Gurney W.W. Norton: 320 pp., $22.95
June 29, 2004 Bernadette Murphy Special to The Times
Since its first documented use by the Chinese centuries ago, the magnetic compass has guided countless sailors safely across the seas. Though the compass allowed for the advent of modern navigation, early versions could often be wildly imprecise, giving a false sense of security to seafarers and leading to disastrous consequences.
The device's rocky evolution is charted with an enthusiast's passion in "Compass" by British yacht designer, writer and photographer Alan Gurney, who chronicles the instrument's history from the discovery of the lodestone's magnetic properties to the development of global positioning systems, with a focus on the British role in compass development.
It is a fascinating adventure, marked by folly, ingenuity, epic shipwrecks and the loss of innumerable lives. The compass was considered so precious to northern seamen of the 16th century, Gurney tells us, "that any man found tampering with the compass or its magnetizing lodestone had his hand, by law, pinned to the mast with a dagger, the even more painful result being a split palm as the offender, to gain freedom, dragged his hand down against the blade."
Beginning with the cry "Breakers ahead!," Gurney tells of the 1707 night when four ships of the British Royal Navy fleet were pounded to bits on the Scilly Islands' granite reefs in the gateway of the English Channel. Two thousand men drowned; the loss that night is still considered one of the worst shipwrecks suffered by the Royal Navy. That disaster, readers learn, was due to a number of factors, particularly the use of "shoddy compasses."
In fairly accessible terms, Gurney explains how the compass works, describing the magnetizing properties of the gray-black ore lodestone; telling of the distorting effects on the magnetized needle by other iron in its vicinity, including iron-hulled ships; and detailing the many devices and theories invented over the years to compensate for this magnetic deviation. The difference between true north and magnetic north is considered as we learn of the inventive ways early compass designers tried to countermand their instrument's fallibility.
For many years in Britain, the most popular compasses were dry, designed with a magnetized needle set in a glass-covered wood or brass bowl.
"As sailing ships have a horrid tendency to roll and pitch in a seaway, the compass bowl was hung in gimbals (double pivoted rings) to keep the compass card as horizontal as possible." These dry compasses were often inexact and nearly impossible to read on pitching seas.
After the Scilly Islands shipwreck, for example, the remaining fleet's compasses were hauled in and inspected; the resulting report was dismal. "Of 136 wood-bowl and 9 brass-bowl compasses, only 3 were found effective." Much of Gurney's narrative details how, through a combination of political machinations by the elite and myriad stopgap measures by compass makers themselves, the dry compass remained in the British navy's favor for years, even as the fleets of other nations moved on to the liquid compass.
Detailing the many tumultuous stages and wrong turns taken along the way, Gurney leads up to the refinement of the marine magnetic compass we're used to seeing today, a "liquid" compass in which the compass card floats in liquid (usually a mix of water and alcohol) to dampen the card's movement. This design is similar to the earliest compasses from centuries ago, in which a magnetized needle floated in a bowl of water.
Serving as a bookend to Gurney's in-depth and at times technical history is an anecdotal story from the recent past. In 1998, he writes, a very expensive yacht was going through its sailing trials. The instrumentation aboard was like something out of a James Bond movie, with flickering digital numbers and glowing screens tied into orbiting satellites. "No inconvenient and cumbersome charts, tide tables, parallel rules, plotters, dividers, or pencils cluttered this altar to modernity." The first night at sea -- moonless, starless -- all the electronic instruments failed as a result of a defective switchboard. There was no old-fashioned compass on board, so the crew members were reduced to sailing blind with no directionals other than the wind, an experience, Gurney tells us, that took them back a thousand years.
For all the technological advances that have made sailing a safer activity since the compass was refined -- the gyrocompasses, fluxgate compasses and global positioning systems -- Gurney reminds us, "the marine magnetic compass, the sailor's guide, remains the essential instrument when all the others have failed."
Los Angeles Times
Caused by Fall Off Horse : Reagan Survives Brain Surgery to Remove Fluid
September 10, 1989 from Associated Press
ROCHESTER, Minn. — Former President Ronald Reagan underwent successful brain surgery Friday afternoon for removal of fluid that apparently resulted from his horseback-riding accident two months ago, his spokesman said.
"President Reagan is conscious and recovering in his room, where he is comfortable and in good spirits," said spokesman Mark Weinberg.
Weinberg said the hourlong surgery, performed at St. Mary's Hospital by a team of Mayo Clinic surgeons, went "without complications." The 78-year-old former President "will be carefully monitored, although no further treatment is anticipated," he said.
The fluid on the right side of the brain--blood that accumulated over a period of time--was found during a routine examination at the Mayo Clinic, Weinberg said. Fluid on the brain can cause pressure that can damage or kill brain cells.
Routine Procedure
Although Reagan did not experience any symptoms, physicians advised that the fluid be removed in a routine procedure, Weinberg said.
He said the surgeons made a "small burr hole" in Reagan's skull and drained a collection of fluid.
"The procedure, which was performed under a general anesthesia, lasted slightly over one hour and was without complications."
Weinberg said he did not know how long Reagan will be hospitalized.
Mayo Clinic physicians said the former President is otherwise in excellent health, Weinberg said earlier. Reagan's wife, Nancy, who also underwent routine tests, was found to be in excellent health as well, he said.
Bush Tried to Phone
Weinberg's description of the President's problem as a "subdural hematoma caused by President Reagan being thrown by a bucking horse in July" indicated that the fluid had collected underneath the dura, a membrane that covers the brain inside the skull. A hematoma is a pool of blood, as in a bruise.
The blood had collected on the top of the right side of the brain, Weinberg said.
President Bush tried to phone his predecessor from Air Force One en route from New Orleans to Washington, but Reagan had already entered surgery.
"I hope it's all right--pray it's all right," Bush told reporters.
The Reagans arrived in Minnesota on Wednesday and checked into the clinic Thursday. They left the clinic Friday morning and he later checked into St. Mary's, said a hospital spokeswoman who would not be identified.
Reagan, an accomplished rider, was thrown from a bucking horse July 4 while visiting the ranch of William Wilson, a friend, near Cananea, Mexico, about 30 miles south of the Arizona border.
He was flown to an Army hospital in Arizona and kept about four hours, declining a doctor's suggestion that he remain overnight for observation. He was described as suffering from scrapes and bruises and advised to avoid stressful exercise for a few days.
The Reagans have a long relationship with physicians at the Mayo Clinic, in this city 70 miles southeast of Minneapolis. Mayo doctors took part in Reagan's care while he was President, and in October, 1987, two Mayo physicians were part of a team that treated Mrs. Reagan's breast cancer.
Frank Iossi, communications director at the clinic, said he would not comment beyond Weinberg's statement.
Doctors Not Identified
Mary Ellen Landwehr, a clinic spokeswoman, said that, at the Reagans' wish, the clinic would not announce the names of doctors who performed the operation.
Based on the Mayo Clinic's statement, Henry Brem, a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, characterized the operation as a fairly minor procedure.
"Patients usually do beautifully in something like this," said Brem, who was not among doctors performing the surgery on Reagan.
In the case of subdural fluid, surgeons drill a series of holes and then use a saw to remove a piece of the skull, he said. The fluid is then drained, the dura stitched back together and the piece of skull replaced, Brem said.
The procedure normally takes one to four hours, he said, and usually requires a week's hospital stay.
Problem Not Unusual
Dr. Edward Laws, chairman of neurosurgery at George Washington University Hospital, said it would not be surprising if the jolt from a fall, particularly with an elderly person, would cause a collection of fluid on the brain.
"This is usually because a little blood vessel gets torn and causes some blood to leak into the space over the surface of the brain," said Laws, who was not involved in the surgery.
He said it is common practice to remove such fluid collections, even if they are causing no problems. "They usually continue to enlarge and could ultimately cause symptoms," Laws said.
The Reagans have lived in Los Angeles since he left office in January.
During his two terms, Reagan was hospitalized several times, recovering from various ailments at a speed doctors called impressive for a man his age.
Deseret News
Published: Tuesday, July 4 1989 12:00 a.m. MDT
A Soviet MiG-23 fighter jet Tuesday crashed into a house near the French border, killing one person, officials said. The pilot apparently had bailed out.
Two U.S. Air Force F-15 jets intercepted the plane after it crossed into Western European airspace and escorted it until it crashed.Defense Ministry spokesman Gaston Bourlet said the plane crashed at 10:37 a.m. in Wevelgem, a town on the French border about 50 miles west of Brussels.
Emmanuel de Bethune, mayor of the nearby town of Kortrijk, said a man was killed when the plane crashed into a bedroom of his home. The whereabouts of the pilot were unknown.
apache .jpg
Los Angeles Times
Bucking Horse Throws Reagan; Injuries Minor
July 05, 1989 JILL STEWART Times Staff Writer
Former President Ronald Reagan suffered minor injuries after tenaciously hanging onto, and finally being tossed from, a wildly bucking horse during an Independence Day hunting excursion at a friend's ranch in Mexico, a spokesman said Tuesday.
The 78-year-old Reagan, a riding enthusiast, sustained bruises and scrapes Tuesday morning and was examined by doctors at Raymond W. Bliss Army Community Hospital at Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. They pronounced him "in excellent condition," said spokesman Mark Weinberg in Los Angeles.
"X-rays taken today revealed no serious injuries," Weinberg said. He said Reagan, an experienced rider, was comfortable and in good spirits "and joked that the incident was 'my own private rodeo.' "
Ambassador to Vatican
Reagan was flown to the Ft. Huachuca Army facility by military helicopter from the Mexican state of Sonora, where he was hunting on a large private ranch owned by William Wilson, a wealthy Californian who served under Reagan as the first U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.
"The horse Reagan was riding bucked wildly several times on a rocky downhill slope and eventually stumbled," finally throwing Reagan, Weinberg said. He said Reagan is "an excellent rider and he held on quite a while."
Despite several sore spots, "he's feeling fine, yeah," Weinberg said.
Accompanied by his wife, Nancy, Reagan left the hospital Tuesday afternoon and walked quickly to a waiting Army helicopter, which returned the couple to the ranch where they have been vacationing since Saturday. The Reagans plan to celebrate Nancy Reagan's birthday there Thursday and return to California at the end of the week, Weinberg said.
Capt. Juan Lopez, a U.S. Army doctor who examined Reagan at the hospital, said Reagan declined to stay overnight, as physicians suggested, so the hospital's chief nurse, Lt. Col. Paul Farineau, accompanied the former President back to Mexico.
Lopez said he would visit the ranch today to do a follow-up examination of Reagan.
President Bush, told of Reagan's fall by the Secret Service just before he left for an afternoon of holiday boating near Kennebunkport, Me., released a statement saying that he was "obviously relieved that President Reagan's injuries are minor . . . ." Bush planned to contact Reagan "at an appropriate time," the statement said.
Earlier, Mrs. Reagan, who had awaited the outcome of Reagan's X-rays at Bliss Medical Center, was paid a visit by another well-wisher--June Scobee, widow of Challenger commander Francis R. (Dick) Scobee.
Weinberg said Scobee wished the Reagans well and told Mrs. Reagan how much she appreciated her support and kindness at the time of the 1986 space shuttle disaster that killed her husband and six other crew members.
Tuesday's tumble from a horse was the latest twist in Reagan's longtime passion for horses, which held a place of special prominence during his presidency.
Reagan first took up riding as a young sportscaster in Des Moines, Iowa, in the 1930s and maintained the hobby throughout his political career.
He once said of his love of riding: "There is nothing better for the insides of a man than the outside of a horse."
As President, he would often take an afternoon off to ride at the Marine base in Quantico, Va. He also often traveled to his ranch near Santa Barbara to ride horses and was photographed sitting astride one many times. As a Hollywood actor, he appeared in numerous Westerns, including "Santa Fe Trail," "The Last Outpost" and "Cattle Queen of Montana."
Aides have said that Reagan did much of his thinking about the problems a President might face in the days before his successful 1980 campaign while riding a horse at his ranch.
Lt. Gen. Thurmond D. Rodgers, the ranking officer at Ft. Huachuca, said Reagan told him Tuesday to "make sure people know that I was thrown from the horse. I did not fall."
Springfield! Springfield!
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (1991)
Hey, this scumbag killed|four of our friends just for laughs.
Still doesn't make it right.
What are you talkin' about?
My old man used to tell me,|before he left this shitty world,
never shoot an unarmed man.
Fuck your old man. He's dead.
Leave my old man out of this, all right?
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Remarks at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Commencement Ceremony
May 16th, 1987
Thank you all very much. And Secretary Weinberger, Chairman Olch, Dean Sanford, members of the graduating class, and ladies and gentlemen, I must tell you before I start how relieved I was when Dean Sanford told me that I was going to walk on after the procession. I thought that I was going to come in with the dean, and with his reputation, I'd been afraid that the good news was that we might perch on the backstage rafters and rappel in— [laughter] —and the bad news, that we'd jump from 10,000 feet. [Laughter] But it's a pleasure to be here to welcome you the graduates of this the West Point and Annapolis and Colorado Springs for physicians into your new profession as military and Public Health Service doctors.
You know, I hope you won't mind if I pause for a minute, but that reminds me of something. At my age, everything reminds you of something.
Alabama WX Weather Blog
Bill Murray September 21, 2012
On September 10, 1989, a tropical depression formed in the far eastern Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands.
It received a name the following day and became Hugo.
Quotes for
Marvin (Character)
from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
Marvin: I've calculated your chance of survival, but I don't think you'll like it.
5.03 "Ascension"
Next thing you know I'm waking up with Colonel O'Neill looking down at me.
Springfield! Springfield!
Beach, The (2000)
I want to talk.
About what?
About you and Francoise.
What do you mean, me and Francoise?
I mean, Richard... that I want her to be happy.
Yeah. I mean, of course. We all do, right?
Shut up! Please shut the fuck up.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:08 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 06 August 2016