I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Sunday, November 06, 2016
Monsters, Most Familiar
The sleeping dream that has stayed with me since I was last asleep a long time ago now was of bicycling.
Man, that felt great. I saw myself really stretching it out and cranking out the miles on my bicycle.
Among the myriad sleeping dreams I tossed and turned over last I was sleeping I think that was the one I awoke from and finally dragged myself out of bed.
The dream was of a long-distance organized event.
Feels now that I have forgotten some of the details but I am sitting here now thinking that I have mostly just forgotten feeling.
The most interesting part was that I found myself lost. I was lost in some urban setting. Wasn't the typical West Coast high-density urban setting I would expect from Seattle or Los Angeles. I know downtown Seattle much better than downtown Los Angeles.
I have thought today often over that dream after waking and the thought occurred to me that setting could have been European. Cannot visualize enough detail to distinguish my experiences in Europe from my experiences in some cities and towns in the United States.
I did note some intriguing details that I now just suddenly remembered. I was riding my bicycle on some concrete steps. The steps had narrow sections of the concrete removed and those modifications created less of a barrier for my bicycle wheels as I ascended the steps. I cannot recall ever seeing a similar structure in real life.
Another time I saw myself quickly turn around and pedal back outwards from the furniture store I found myself riding into from the street.
You see, I was lost. I was pedaling around the sometimes narrow streets and there are other details I have forgotten now but I was struggling to find something familiar.
I found myself incredulous that I had no map with me for the bicycle course.
I found myself understanding that my progress to that point had been only because I was following along with the other riders.
I didn't even know the name of the town that was my destination.
So I was lost because suddenly I could no longer see other bicycle riders.
I wasn't sure if I had made a wrong turn or if I had simply been passed by all the other riders on the course.
The dream ended with me just pedaling around through streets and I was looking for something but I cannot recall if I even remembered anything before then.
After being awake for a while and which makes this what I call a normal dream, which isn't really compelling enough to talk about, I thought to myself that the circumstances reminds me of actual experience.
That was the year 2001 when I rode again the Seattle-to-Portland organized bicycle course but that was the year I pedaled by myself that 200 mile course and in one day. Well, less than one day. I can't now recall my finish time. 15 hours? 18 hours? Can't recall. Somewhere around there. I know I finished before dark. Can't recall now the date of that event but I think that was before my participation in Ironman Utah which was 6/8/2001.
In STP 2001 there were always bicycle riders around me, even when I reached the finish line after 200 miles.
But there was one stretch when I suddenly found myself alone.
I remember telling coworkers about it later when I was back at work in the office.
I had thoroughly researched the course route, as the people I rode with the previous year knew from my navigation for our formation, but that year by myself the only map I brought with me was in a heavy satchel attached to my bicycle and in the memory of my Microsoft Pocket PC.
That device was one of the early tablet or smartphone computers and I told people I had counted on it because it had Microsoft MapPoint on it, but then as I think this through this makes less sense.
For some reason, that device did not work for me that day. But why, I am now sitting here wondering. I want to say that I told someone that I found myself lost at one point and that was all right because I would just pull over to the side of the road, or a convenience store in that case, and pull out my Microsoft Pocket PC and check the map. But that failed because I had forgotten something. I want to say I had forgotten the power cord but that makes no sense because I remember another time using it without the power cord. So I know it was battery powered. Yeah, definitely. Some of us were sitting in the movie theatre one day and I referred to it as my "onboard computer" which I have noted here before in my blog. So now I just cannot understand what failed that day.
So anyway, I must have figured it out later because in my mind are details suggesting I had made a turn that led me onto the old route for the course. I didn't see anyone else around and I pedaled around for a while until I passed a crossroads and I saw other bicyclists and realized I was riding on a street parallel to the main body.
I am sitting here wondering now if that is some done on purpose by Kerry Burgess 1994-B.
I paused this video after the first few minutes to make this note above.
Falling Water Season 1 Episode 3
Monsters, Most Familiar
Aired Thursday 10:00 PM Oct 27, 2016 on USA
Taka takes a closer look at the cult; Burton meets a mysterious CEO while on a business trip; and Tess discovers difficult information at her mother's house.
AIRED: 10/27/16
Springfield! Springfield!
Falling Water
Monsters, Most Familiar
I-I thought we could go for a walk or something.
Get you in the mood to look at the bottle designs.
Yeah, I'll look at them later.
You promise you'll pick one? Jesus, I promise.
Okay? [muttering] Tess.
Tess? Tess! Yeah? What are you looking for? [sighs] Records.
I need to find a date.
There's a gap.
That's February.
That's May.
There's a there's a two-month gap.
What were you doing in that gap? [exhales] I was at Cranwell.
What's Cranwell? An institution.
I had a breakdown.
I was manic, running around the city, staying up for days.
I thought there was this glow coming out of me.
My mother put me in Cranwell.
I lost my mind completely.
I was on all kinds of drugs.
Walls closing in.
Well, it happens to people with talent like yours.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 03:16 AM Daylight Standard Time Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Sunday 06 November 2016