This Is What I Think.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Jacob's Ladder (1990)

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:24:34 -0700 (PDT)

From: "Kerry Burgess"

Subject: Re: Sleep journal 4/6/06

To: "Kerry Burgess"

Kerry Burgess wrote:

Details about my recent sleep are very fuzzy today. Can't remember for sure when I woke up. 3 am maybe. Or maybe shortly after midnight, can't really remember as I usually can. Remember dreaming something about driving my Jeep. Then I returned to it where it was parked in a parking lot after I was traveling through some passageways, hallways in a transit facility maybe. The only part I remember clearly is where a woman, I assume was my imaginary girlfriend asked me out for drinks or something. I told her we needed to keep it really casual though because all I had to wear was sweatpants. Kind of the downside to dating a homeless person I reflect now as I write this. She told me she would wear something with holes in it. I hope that was her in my dream, although the woman in the dream seemed to be someone unfamilar though. But I have noticed that happening with other people I know. They are represented, somehow, by a different person, but I think of them as someone specific. I feel like that is part of the manipulation. I have noticed something similar in real dreams, but I don't think it is the same here. I think they are disquising themselves in my dream for some reason. Anyway, if it really was her, she actually doesn't have to worry about dressing down if we were to go out. Of course, if I have my way, it would be a moot point because why would I want to go out with her when I am in such an ugly situation? At the minimum, I would want to be back to work so that I have regained some independence. And hey, next time you are in my dreams, dear imaginary girlfriend, how about wearing a bikini? Red would be good

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 6 April 2006 excerpt ends]

1990 film "Jacob's Ladder" DVD video:

Louis: Well, you've done it to yourself this time, haven't you?

Jacob Singer: Am I dying, Louie?

Louis: From a slipped disc? That would be a first.

Jacob Singer: I was in Hell. I don't want to die, Louie.

Louis: Well, I'll see what I can do about it.

Jacob Singer: It's all pain.

Louis: Straighten out your head. Relax. You ever read Meister Eckhart?

Jacob Singer: No.

Louis: How did you get your doctorate without reading Eckhart? Relax. Okay, good. Now turn over gently. Right side. The other right, okay? You're a regular basketcase, you know that? Eckhart saw Hell, too. You know what he said? He said the only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life. Your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Friday, February 3, 2006 6:56:36 PM

Subject: Nice talking with you in the morning,0,3625909.htmlstory?coll=kcpq-newsstaff-1

I think I am in love with Lily Jang. It seems crazy to even write that, with all things considered, but, well, what isn't crazy right now?

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 3 February 2006 excerpt ends]

1990 film "Jacob's Ladder" DVD video:

Jezzie: Maybe it's the pressure, Jake. You know, the money. Things like that. Or your wife.

Jacob Singer: Why do you bring her up?

Jezzie: She's always on your mind.

Jacob Singer: I never talk about her.

Jezzie: It has nothing to do with talking. Maybe it's the war. You can't spend two years in Vietnam and expect -

Jacob Singer: Aw, Jezzie, come on. How does that explain barricaded subway stations? How does that explain these fucking creatures?

Jezzie: Creatures? Jake, New York is filled with creatures, and lots of stations are closed.

Jacob Singer: They're like... Demons, Jezz.

Jezzie: Demons? Jake, honey, they're winos and bag ladies. Lowlife. That's all they are. The streets are crawling with them. Don't make them into something they're not, hmm?

Jacob Singer: These guys were trying to kill me. They were aiming straight at me.

Jezzie: Kids on a joy ride. It happens all the time.

Jacob Singer: They were inhuman.

Jezzie: Oh, come on. What were they, Jake? You still love me?

Jacob Singer: What?

Jezzie: Do you love me?

Jacob Singer: Yeah.