JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Friday, September 17, 2010 Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:45 PM
Devil (2010)
I guess I know why today I was suddenly compelled to purchase a new toaster. Last year, my apartment flooded due to a fire sprinkler line that froze and burst, they tell me, and I threw away my toaster because all that crap from the apartment's above was streaming out throughout the ceiling. I used that toaster just about every day but I did not feel like replacing it all during this past year. Until today. Today I was suddenly compelled to purchase a new toaster and so I did. I wanted to pick up some other stuff but no, only the toaster. The toaster would be the only item on the electronic transaction I generated with my bank card because without the electronic transaction then it "wouldn't count" whatever that means. So just one hour before I went to see this film I bought a new toaster and I had it with me in my backpack after I sat down in the theatre to watch this film.
The Internet Movie Database
Devil (2010)
A group of people trapped in an elevator realize that the devil is among them.
Director: John Erick Dowdle
Writers: Brian Nelson (screenplay), M. Night Shyamalan (story)
Release Date: 17 September 2010 (USA)
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 September 2010 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 9:25 PM Monday, March 07, 2011
In an artificial memory that I just now thought of, prompted by observations I make here, I have a "memory" of traveling from Greenville South Carolina to a seminar in Sacremento California. The seminar was about computerized medical billing. I was there for two or three days. I very clearly remember one of those days while I was there at the seminar that I looked down and was annoyed to see that my ink pen in my left shirt pocket under my suit jacket had started to leak ink and had ruined my shirt.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 7 March 2011 excerpt ends]
[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]
1-08 - Flesh And Bones 12/06/04
Original Airdate: February 25, 2005 (USA)
Starbuck - Sleeping?
Leoben - Praying.
Starbuck - I don't think the gods answer the prayers of toasters.
Leoben - God answers everyone's prayers.
Starbuck - How many Cylons are there in the fleet?
Leoben - We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Leoben.
The Internet Movie Database
Callum Keith Rennie
Born: September 14, 1960
Battlestar Galactica (TV series) 2004-2009
Leoben Conoy
Paycheck 2003
Jude - Guard
Battlestar Galactica (TV mini-series) 2003
Leoben Conoy
1-08 - Flesh And Bones 12/06/04
Original Airdate: February 25, 2005 (USA)
Leoben - You believe in the gods, don't you? Lords of Kobol and all that?
Starbuck - Why should I tell you?
Leoben - Come on, it's not a trick question I just wanna see how much I got right so you pray to Artemis and Aphrodite?
Starbuck - Where's the warhead?
Leoben - ( Laughing ) I was right. See, our faiths are similar but I look to one god, not to many.
Starbuck - I don't give a damn what you believe.
Leoben - To know the face of god is to know madness. I see the universe. I see the patterns. I see the foreshadowing that precedes every moment of every day. It's all there, I see it and you don't. And I have a surprise for you. I have something to tell you about the future.
Starbuck - Is that so?
The Internet Movie Database
In Love and War (1987) (TV)
Release Date: 16 March 1987 (USA)
Plot Summary: This movie is an account of US Navy Commander James Stockdale's 8 year imprisonment in North Vietnam
Jane Alexander ... Sybil Stockdale
James Woods ... James B. 'Jim' Stockdale
1-08 - Flesh And Bones 12/06/04
Original Airdate: February 25, 2005 (USA)
Leoben - ( Grunting )
Starbuck - Now, if you were human, you'd be just about ready to start offering up some false information about the location of the nuke. Some tiny thing that might get you a reward and maybe spare you a few minutes of this. But then I keep forgetting, you're not human. You're a machine.
Leoben - I am more than you could ever imagine. I am god.
Starbuck - ( Stifles laugh ) I'm sorry, you're god? Wow... nice to meet ya. That's good, that's good. We'll give you a couple of minutes for that.
Leoben – It's funny, isn't it? We're all god, Starbuck, all of us. I see the love that binds all living things together.
Starbuck - Love? You don't even know what the word means.
Leoben - I know that god loved you more than all other living creatures and you repaid his divine love with sin, with hate, corruption, evil. So then he decided to create the Cylons.
Starbuck - The gods had nothing to do with it. We created you... us. It was a stupid, fraked-up decision and we have paid for it. You slaughtered my entire civilization ! That is sin ! That is evil, and you are evil.
Leoben - Am I? I see the truths that float past you in the stream.
Starbuck - You got a real thing about rivers and streams, don't you? I think we should indulge you in your obsession.
Leoben - Do you realize I could kill you before they came back in the room? I could get to my feet, rip your skull from your spinal column, crash through that door, kill the guard in less time than it's taking me to describe it to you?
Starbuck - Then why don't you?
Leoben - It's not the time. I have a surprise for you.
Starbuck - You fraked up, pal. Now the gloves come off.
The Official Website of the UNITED STATES NAVY
Assessment of Damage Nearing Completion Following USS George Washington Fire at Sea
Story Number: NNS080606-32 Release Date: 6/6/2008 9:00:00 PM
From Pacific Fleet Public Affairs
SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet released the below statement surrounding the damage assessment of the USS George Washington (CVN 73) following a fire at sea on Thursday, May 22:
Navy officials have nearly completed a comprehensive damage assessment following the shipboard fire aboard George Washington that occurred on May 22 while at sea. The source of the fire has not yet been determined, but the fire was located in a ventilation intake/exhaust trunk that led from the lower decks of the ship to a ventilation port on the ship's outer hull several decks above. In addition to providing a ventilation path for non-critical machinery components that are located below the ship's waterline, the trunk has numerous piping and cabling runs located within it.
Damage to USS George Washington is primarily electrical in nature with some associated structural and mechanical repairs required. Fire and heat affected electrical cabling and components running through approximately 80 spaces of the more than 3800 total spaces on the carrier. The heat generated by the fire damaged a small portion of interior structural plating which will require either repair or replacement. Piping and related valves that were exposed to heat from the fire have been inspected and will require a minimal amount of repairs. Electrical cables in the vicinity of the intake/exhaust trunk were damaged and will require repair and in some cases, replacement.
The Internet Movie Database
The Fall Guy (TV series 1981–1986)
Win One for the Gipper??? (#2.10)
Lee Majors ... Colt Seavers
Release Date: 5 January 1983 (USA)
1-08 - Flesh And Bones 12/06/04
Original Airdate: February 25, 2005 (USA)
Billy He says he found a Cylon onboard.
Roslin - They found him in the starboard storage compartment. Looks like he'd been camped there for days.
Adama - They're sure it's a Cylon?
Roslin - The captain identified him by one of the photos we sent out. He's another copy of the man you knew as Leoben Conroy.
Apollo - Where is it now?
Roslin - Aboard the Gemenon Traveler locked in a storeroom, under guard.
Adama - Isolate that ship.
Apollo - Order the C.A.P. To fly escort around the Gemenon Traveler and not to approach any other ship in the fleet.
Dualla - Aye, sir. Kat/Galactica fly closer to the...
Adama - I'll send a team over to destroy it immediately.
Roslin - I want this man interrogated first.
Adama - First of all, it's not a him, it's an it. Second, anything it says cannot be trusted. Best thing to do is to destroy it immediately.
Roslin - I'd like to hear what this thing has to say, it might be important.
Adama - Madam President, I've dealt with this model before. It'll fill your head with double-talk and half-baked philosophy and confuse you.
Roslin - Then send someone who won't be easily confused, that's an order, commander. I want him interrogated.
Adama - Order understood.
Starbuck - You really think it'll give me something?
Adama - No... President disagrees.
Starbuck - Well, you need me to go, I'll shower up and go.
Adama - How's this coming?
Starbuck - We, uh, got the entire avionics package figured out fire control, navigation and I think that I am zeroing in on her F.T.L. Drive.