28 Days Later...
Do you hear that?
Hey, hey, do you hear that?
Hear what?
High Throughput Sequencing
DNA Sequencing: NextGen Targeted Capture Exome
For ordering instructions, choose an entry point (outlined in blue):
DNA Sample
Send us your purified DNA or we will purify DNA from cells provided by you or a commercially available source that can be cultured using standard methods.
Our mailing address
High Throughput Genomics Center
WTC East, Suite 600
2211 Elliott Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121
28 Days Later...
The chimps are infected. They're highly
contagious. They've been given an inhibitor.
- Infected with what?
- To cure, you must first understand.
Infected with what?
28 Days Later...
- What is he talking about?
- Get the cages open.
No! No! No!
Listen, you sick bastard,
we're taking your torture victims with us.
We'll get you out of here.
The animals are contagious. The infection
is in their blood and saliva. One bite...
Stop... Stop! You've no idea!