Tuesday, February 07, 2012

"Is it possible this could be part of some secret naval maneuver"


Planet of the Apes

- Don't follow us. I'm pretty handy with this.|- Of that I'm sure.
All my life I've awaited your coming|and dreaded it, like death itself.
Why? I've terrified you|from the first, doctor. I still do.
- You're afraid of me and you hate me. Why?|- Because you're a man.
And you're right.|I have always known about man.
From the evidence, I believe his wisdom|must walk hand in hand with his idiocy.
His emotions must rule his brain.

Pilot Move 1: The Six Million Dollar Man - DVD video

7 March 1973


Dr. Rudy Wells: Everything I told Steve Austin was designed to reassure him that in all respects, he'd be a normal man again. What I didn't tell him, because I didn't feel he was ready for it, was the extent to which he would be abnormal. I didn't tell him that if the operation was a success his physical powers would be absolutely awesome.



The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

The President's Analyst (1967)

Country Date

USA 21 December 1967