Tuesday, February 07, 2012



Planet of the Apes

- What are you doing?|- Reconstructing a past life.
These things were found|at the same level as that doll?
Whoever owned them must have been in|pretty bad shape. He wore false teeth.
And eyeglasses.
He had a failing heart.
Towards the end, he had|this prefabricated valve put in it.
I don't say he was a man like I knew at home,|but he must have been a close relative.
He had all the same weaknesses.|He was a weak, fragile animal.
But he was here before you|and he was better than you are.
That's lunacy. I can offer alternate|descriptions of every one of those articles


Planet of the Apes

- Don't follow us. I'm pretty handy with this.|- Of that I'm sure.


Planet of the Apes

Don't look for it, Taylor.|You may not like what you find.