Monday, May 21, 2012

Damn, it's getting a little strange out there, boys.

Some of the stuff is predictable. It's the same crap that's been driving me crazy for so long.

But it's the other stuff. The stuff that no one can know I'm thinking about.

I see indications of a dream I had while asleep a long time ago.

Sure, it's what I want to see. I want to see it because I think it could mean I can get out of here sometime very, very, very, very soon (which technically would be this very second).

Damnit I wish I could get a decent nights sleep. I'm dying here.

Patty Murray will never defend the constitution of the United States of America.

Patty Murray will always defend al-Qaida violently against the United States of America.

In the face of overwhelming evidence she is actively supporting the success of al-Qaida inside the United States of America she will always defend al-Qaida.

They have something on that old skank and she will always put her self-preservation before defending the constitution of the United States of America and to defend her personal indiscretions.

It would be entertaining if only she was an attractive woman. But no. She's an old skank who is under the thumb of Corbis Microsoft Bill Gates al-Qaida.


Tigh: Starbuck. That's a good call sign. Starbuck-buck-buck-buck-buck-buck-buck. (Making it sound like a chicken clucking.) Where'd you get that nickname, anyway? Was that before you were thrown in the brink for drunk and disorderly as a cadet, or after?

Starbuck: After.

Tigh: After, that's right, it was... after.

Helo: I'm in. Thanks to you, XO.

Starbuck: (not amused) How's the wife?

Boomer: Too early for that kind of money.

Helo: Hey. Check out that pyramid game on Geminon?

CAG: What were you doing on Geminon?

(The camera is swinging around the table; Tigh and Starbuck are glaring at each other.)

Helo: There's a girl there I know.

Boomer: What girl don't you know?

Tigh: The wife is just fine.

Starbuck: Talk to her lately?

CAG: That's you, Lieutenant.

Starbuck: Great. Thirty to me, and it looks like I'm going to bring this lovely little game to a close, cause - full colors. Aha! (She laughs, does a little victory dance.)

(Tigh pushes over the table, she punches him in the face. Boomer pulls Starbuck back.)

Starbuck: Okay, I'm fine, I'm fine. (They lunge at each other again; the others pull them apart.)

Tigh: (pointing) You have finally gone too far, and now you're done. Lieutenant, consider yourself under arrest, pending charges. Report to the brig.

Starbuck: (picks up her cigar, holds up her hands) Gentlemen. (She leaves.)

(Adama's quarters. He's washing up and getting dressed.)

Adama: Are you really going to press charges against Kara?

Tigh: For striking a superior officer? You're damn right I am.

Adama: Heard you started the day off pretty early.

Tigh: (walks over, picks up picture of Adama and his kids) I wasn't on duty. (laughs) Where did you get this?

Adama: Tyrol's deck gang scrounged it up. I couldn't talk you out of it, could I?

Tigh: Not a chance. She is insubordinate, undisciplined-

Adama: Probably one of the finest fighter pilots I've ever seen in my life.

Tigh: Yeah.

Adama: She's better than I am. Twice as good as you.

Tigh: Like hell. Jesus.

Adama: Listen. I'm not gonna defend what she did, especially the cracks about your marital problems. But you did kick over the table first.

Tigh: I did not. (pauses) Unless I did.

Adama: You did. So what do you say we just drop the formal charges, throw her in the brig, cool her heels off until we get home.

Tigh: You always did have a soft spot for her.

Adama: Yeah, I guess I'm just a crazy old man.

2004 film "Dawn of the Dead" Unrated Director's Cut DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]


Luis: Hey, you. You're late. You missed it. They just cut the mailman loose.

Ana: No, Richie? The chubby one? Oh, my God. He had such a sweet voice. I can't believe that.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 07:06 PM Pacific Time USA Monday 21 May 2012