Saturday, May 19, 2012

Star gate

From 5/8/2011 ( "I have been left with the sense all day about how I was back home." ) To 5/20/2012 ( the predicted annular solar eclipse ) is 378 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/15/1966 ( the United States Gemini 12 spacecraft splashdown and my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy officer was United States Gemini 12 spacecraft United States Navy astronaut returning from orbit of the planet Earth ) is 378 days

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Sunday, May 08, 2011 Posted by H.V.O.M at 11:15 PM

I have thought several times about a dream I had before waking up earlier today in the morning. I think about it again now, especially considering how my dreams are relevant to observations I made later in the day after having the dream, after watching on television the scene I reference now. The scene only lasted for probably a second or two of dreaming but I have thought of it several times today because of the good feeling I had during the dream. I cannot recall how it started out but the part I remember is that I seemed to be entering an office building and I got a pass to clip to my uniform shirt and I had full access to the building. What I did though is sit in a chair in the lobby, which I can only partially visualize and I could have gone on in but I was just sitting there watching people enter and leave and I think that is what I wanted to do. I looked at my watch. I cannot recall the precise time I saw in the dream but my watch might have read 12:38 PM. I sat there for a while and if I would have wrote about this dream back in early 2006 I would have wrote about how the narrator was talking to me in the dream but in the dream, no one spoke to me during that series of scenes. There almost seemed to be comments about why I was sitting there when I could go in to the office area and I had full access to that building. I was wearing a United States military uniform in the dream and after waking up I decided I was wearing a dress white United States Marine Corps officers uniform that is no longer in service. The uniform was very similar to the United States Navy officers ceremonial dress uniform but what I read earlier today is that uniform was phased in 1998, or maybe 2000. So anyway I was clearly wearing a United States military uniform and I got up from the chair in the lobby and I started walking through the office section and I was very glad to be there. I have been left with the sense all day about how I was back home. I have also been thinking that was some kind of office that I worked out of and that is here in the United States and I had been gone for a while and I was glad to be back and I was walking around and no one had realized yet that I was back. That was how the dream ended. I was walking around through the office and I noted that someone I knew didn't work in the same place. I was going somewhere specific but that was where the dream ended and I woke up and I think that was when I got up out of bed.

But anyway, as I read back through the scene I remember that before that scene was something about me being trapped in someplace that seemed to be a deep well. I was aware that I was perched on a surface and there was very dark water just below me in reach and I was worried about what was under that surface. But I was definitely trapped in a well, a long vertical cylinder of a wall made of stones and there seemed to be just enough lighting to see my surroundings. At one point I caught a frog. I was keeping it because I might have had to use it for food. But I didn't have to because I was only trapped down there for eight days without food and water and I didn't want to eat the frog, which was the only source of possible food that presented itself to me during that time I was trapped in the well. So then the part in the office building seemed to happen.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 8 May 2011 excerpt ends]

annular eclipse

an eclipse of the sun in which a portion of its surface is visible as a ring surrounding the dark moon.

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

1994 film "Stargate" Ultimate Edition DVD video:

US Air Force major general West: This is the information the probe sent back to us. Freeze and enhance. You can clearly see the Gate on the other side. Both Gates must have functioned as a doorway between our worlds.

US Air Force major general West's aide: These reading's tell us it's an atmospheric match. Barometric pressure, temperature, and most importantly, oxygen.

Dr. Daniel Jackson: These markings are different. They don't match the symbols on our Gate.

US Air Force major general West: That's why we may have to abort. This project is for naught without a reconnaissance mission.

US Air Force major general West's aide: Once on the other side we'd have to decipher the markings on their Gate and, in essence, dial home in order to bring the team back.

US Air Force major general West: Based on this new information, I don't see how we can do that.

Dr. Daniel Jackson: Well, I can do that.

US Air Force major general West: Are you sure?

Dr. Daniel Jackson: Positive.

US Air Force colonel Jack O'Niel: He's full of shit.

US Air Force major general West: You're on the team.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:32 AM Pacific Time USA Saturday 19 May 2012