I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, June 27, 2014
"Too bad for you."
Tom Clancy
Red Storm Rising
17 – The Frisbees of Dreamland
Red Storm Rising
The view would have been frightening to most men. There were solid clouds overhead at four thousand feet. He flew through showers that he more heard than saw on this black night, and the dark outlines of trees appeared to reach up and snatch at his speeding fighter. Only a madman would be so low on such a night-so much the better, he smiled inside his oxygen mask.
Colonel Douglas Ellington's fingertips caressed the control stick of his F-19A Ghostrider attack fighter, while his other hand rested on the side-by-side throttle controls on the left-side cockpit wall. The head-up display projected on the windshield in front of him reported 625 knots Indicated Air Speed, a hundred six feet of altitude, a heading of 013, and around the numbers was a monocolor holographic image of the terrain before him. The image came from a forward-looking infrared camera in the fighter's nose, augmented by an invisible laser that interrogated the ground eight times per second. For peripheral vision, his oversized helmet was fitted with low-light goggles.
"Raisin' hell over our heads," his back-seater reported. Major Don Eisly monitored the radio and radar signals, as well as their own instruments: "All systems continue nominal, range to target now ninety miles."
"Right," the Duke responded. It had been an automatic nickname for Ellington, who even looked vaguely like the jazz musician.
Ellington relished the mission. They were skimming north at perilously low level over the angular terrain of East Germany, and their Frisbee, never more than two hundred feet off the ground, jerked up and down to the pilot's constant course adjustments.
"Red Storm Rising"
Lockheed called her the Ghostrider. The pilots called her the Frisbee, the F-19A, the secretly developed Stealth attack fighter. She had no corners, no box shapes to allow radar signals to bounce cleanly off her. Her high-bypass turbofans were designed to emit a blurry infrared signature at most. From above, her wings appeared to mimic the shape of a cathedral bell. From in front, they curved oddly toward the ground, earning her the affectionate nickname of Frisbee. Though she was a masterpiece of electronic technology inside, she usually didn't use her active systems. Radars and radios made electronic noise that an enemy might detect, and the whole idea of the Frisbee was that she didn't seem to exist at all.
Far over their heads on both sides of the border, hundreds of fighter aircraft played a deadly game of bluff, racing toward the border and then turning away, both sides trying to goad the other into committing to battle. Each side had airborne radar aircraft with which to control such a battle and so gain the advantage in a war which, though few yet knew it, had already begun.
And we're getting a quick one in, Ellington thought. We're finally doing something smart!
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 29
At just past noon on the twenty-fourth, Elder and two male nurses had come and taken away the television. The nurses had removed it while Elder stood by, holding his revolver (neatly wrapped in a Baggie) on Stu. But by then Stu hadn’t wanted or needed the TV—it was just putting out a lot of confused shit anyway. All he had to do was stand at his barred window and look out at the town on the river below. Like the man on the record said, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 3:10 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Child Online Protection Act
I can think of two good examples of the hypocrisy that creeps into this "community standard" business. One was when former Mayor Jim West of Spokane said that he was scared to admit he was gay because he wouldn't have gotten elected. In public, he was an oppressor of gays, in private, he was gay. Another example of hypocrisy is Dick Cheney not only hunting without the proper license, but then blaming his staff for not having the proper permits.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 February 2006 excerpt ends]
The Springfield Files
Original Airdate on FOX: 12-Jan-97
Scully tests Homer's reflexes. It takes quite a while before Homer feels the pain and says "Oww."
Later, with wires attached to him, Homer runs on a treadmill in naught but his underwear. Mulder and Scully watch.
Mulder: Wait a minute, Scully. What's the point of this test?
Scully: No point. I just thought he could stand to lose a little weight.
Mulder: His jiggling is almost hypnotic.
Scully: Yes. It's like a lava lamp.
Mulder amd Skully then take their investigation to Moe's.
Mulder: All right, Homer. We want you to re-create your every move the night you saw this alien.
Homer: Well, the evening began at the gentleman's club, where we were discussing Wittgenstein over a game of backgammon.
Scully: Mr. Simpson, it's a felony to lie to the F.B.I.
Homer: We were sitting in Barney's car eating packets of mustard. You happy?
Tom Clancy
Red Storm Rising
14 – Gas
"They said what?" The Defense Minister almost screamed.
"Our fraternal socialist comrades of the German Democratic Republic have informed us that they can only view the use of chemical munitions inside their territory as a matter of the gravest national concern." The Foreign Minister spoke dryly. "Moreover, they have forwarded to us intelligence reports which show clearly that the use of such weapons would only serve to harden NATO resolve-and possibly open the door to other weapons of mass destruction."
"But they are part of the plan!" Defense objected.
"Comrades," Sergetov observed. "We all know that the use of chemical munitions will have calamitous effects on civilians-wouldn't this compromise our political maskirovka? Aren't we saying that our quarrel is with the West German government? How might it look then if on the first day of the war we coldly exterminate many thousands of civilians?" How many more innocents shall we slaughter? he thought.
"And there is another question," said Bromkovskiy. Old and frail though he was, he was still an experienced man from the last war against the Germans, and his views on defense affairs still commanded respect. "If we use these weapons against all the NATO armies-and how can we restrict them to German formations?-America and France have made it clear that they consider gas as a weapon of mass destruction, to which they would respond in kind."
"The American chemical arsenal is a joke," replied Defense.
"I have seen studies from your ministry that suggest otherwise," Bromkovskiy shot back. "And perhaps you will laugh at their nuclear weapons! If we kill many thousands of German civilians, their government will demand the use of atomic weapons against targets in our territory. If our gas weapons kill some thousands of American soldiers, do you think the American President will refrain from using his own weapons of mass destruction? Comrades, we have discussed this before. This war against NATO is a political operation, no? Do we cast away our political camouflage by using a weapon like this? We have the assurance now that at least one NATO country will not join in a Russian-German war. This is a great victory for our political policy. The use of chemical weapons will cast away that advantage and open political dangers from more than one direction.
"I feel that we should retain control of these weapons in the Politburo. Comrade Defense Minister, are you telling us that we can win only if weapons of mass destruction are used?" The old man leaned forward and spoke with harsh determination. "Has the situation changed? You will remember telling us that if strategic surprise were lost, our armies could be recalled. Has surprise been lost?"
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 6:28 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Friday 27 June 2014