I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/06/07 2:05 PM
Goddamnit my foot hurts. It feels like someone hits it with a sledgehammer every night when I am asleep.
And - damn - that is my favorite foot for kicking ass. If I have to literally start kicking ass, I am going to have to use the other foot.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 April 2007 excerpt ends]
From 3/25/1932 ( premiere US film "Tarzan the Ape Man" ) To 6/15/2011 is 28936 days
28936 = 14468 + 14468
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/13/2005 is 14468 days
From 3/2/1962 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::To Serve Man" ) To 10/13/2007 ( premiere US film "The Belly of the Beast" ) is 16661 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/15/2011 is 16661 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/04/because-even-sissy-boy-comic-readers.html ]
The American Presidency Project
Barack Obama
XLIV President of the United States: 2009 - present
449 - Remarks at the Congressional Picnic
June 15, 2011
Hello, everybody! Welcome to the White House. First of all, I take full responsibility for the weather. [Laughter] What a spectacular day for a congressional picnic. This is always one of the best events of the year for us, mainly because with all the work that we do with Members of Congress and their staffs, all too often, we don't get a chance to say thank you to the families.
And we understand that public service is tough on the families, in some ways tougher.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 07:21 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Tuesday 12 March 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/03/wouldnt-it-blow-your-mind-to-hear.html
They stuck a lot of needles in me when I was inpatient at the University of Washington Medical Center back in the summer of 2005. I remember one very dark night when I was in a mental haze from the drugs they were forcing on me (only because I went to the City of Kent Washington police department to report criminal activity directed at my personal property and which continues unabated to this very day) and I awoke in the dark in that hospital bed and a woman was glaring at me as she stuck another needle in hand. I thought about that later and I decided she was glaring at me because she was possibly expected me to club her with my fist, which I did not.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 March 2013 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/07/freaked-out-under-dome-monday-01-july.html - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 8:03 PM Pacific Time near Seattle Washington State USA Monday 01 July 2013
Freaked Out "Under the Dome" Monday - 01 July 2013
I didn't think I would ever get to sleep today. I had been awake pushing on to 24 hours and then I was lying in bed and I still couldn't fall asleep.
I did finally fall asleep and then I awoke a few hours later and I woke up after a while and I was trying to remember any dreams I had while asleep to that point. I did dream about something but I couldn't recall even the most vague detail about them and I still cannot. And I still feel pretty lousy. And damn my left shoulder has been brutalizing me for several days now. Just a dull ache and that does not seem to be joint pain.
I had several other sleeping dreams today but I cannot recall any of them.
The only sleeping dream I had today that I can now recall seemed to happen just before I awoke and got out of bed and sat down here at my desk.
In the dream I was in a room that I was aware at some point that was some kind of immigration processing center.
The point in the sleeping dream I can start to recall details about is when I sat down in a chair and there was activity on both sides of me.
There was a woman I was vaguely aware of and there seemed to be another on the other side of me and the activity seemed to be similar to a dentists operating room or a hair salon.
I was sitting there waiting on something and then I decided I should get up and walk around because I think I had to check in somewhere, to become registered on a waiting list or something. I was there for a reason and I seemed to be there in an immigration facility.
I could see that I started walking through a wide hallway, a passageway in a building and there were a lot of people in there.
I found the end of the line and I got in line. A woman walked up behind me and the line behind me rapidly extended as other people got in line.
Then I walked out of the line. I was looking for food. I walked around the busy hallway and there were a lot of people and I was looking at signs on doors but I didn't see anything I recognized.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 July 2013 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 6:02 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Sunday 27 July 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/07/well-windshield-was-broken-but-i-love.html
Then other details and then the elevators. Once again, elevators and hallways. Always it's the elevators and passageways and trying to find my way around in hallways.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 July 2014 excerpt ends]
From 8/26/1976 ( the first known human case of Ebola ) To 6/27/2012 is 13089 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/3/2001 ( premiere US TV series "The Legend of Tarzan"::series premiere episode "Tarzan and the Race Against Time" ) is 13089 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-geronimo-machine.html ]
The American Presidency Project
Barack Obama
XLIV President of the United States: 2009 - present
520 - Remarks at the Congressional Picnic
June 27, 2012
The President. Hello, everybody!
Audience members. Hello!
The President. Now, you don't have to worry. I will not be singing. We have professionals for that. [Laughter] But on behalf of Michelle and myself, I just want to say welcome. We have a perfect day for a picnic.
From 6/13/2005 To 9/17/2014 is 3383 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/6/1975 ( the Marburg outbreak index patient case ) is 3383 days
The American Presidency Project
Barack Obama
XLIV President of the United States: 2009 - present
674 - Remarks at the Congressional Picnic
September 17, 2014
Hello, everybody! It is a perfect night for a picnic. I'm thrilled that everybody is here. I took off my tie; I noticed some of you didn't get the memo. [Laughter] But I know that a lot of you are coming straight from work. I'm not going to make a long speech. I want to shake as many hands as possible. I hope you guys are having a wonderful time.
I want to start off by saying thank you to House Members—Republican and Democrat—who came together today to pass an important component on our strategy for dealing with this terrible terrorist organization known as ISIL. And I want to in particular thank Speaker Boehner and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi for showing us that when it comes to America's national security, America is united. So I very much appreciate all of you in the efforts that you made there.
And that brings up this more general point. Look, we've gone through, just in the last decade and a half, the worst attack on our homeland in our history, the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. We continue to face significant challenges. But I came from Tampa, where we have the Central Command and talked to our troops this morning. And in talking to them and seeing the dedication and the effort and professionalism that they make, I was reminded once again, as I'm reminded every time I travel around the country, that the American people are good and they are strong and they are resilient. And because of them, we bounce back from anything.
And America is now positioned better than we could have ever imagined if we continue to act in the interests of all of us and if every once in a while we're willing to set aside politics and try to get something done. There's no doubt that we can make sure our schools work better. There's no doubt that we can make sure that our roads and our bridges and our infrastructure works the way it should. There's no doubt that, since we still have the most innovative companies in the world, that we can succeed and that we can continue to put money into research and development and cure diseases and continue to lead the world when it comes to not just security, but also dealing with issues like Ebola and making sure that more people are safe and well housed and well fed and children and girls are getting the kind of education they deserve.
All these things we can do. And so, hopefully, a picnic like this just reminds us of the fact that there are a lot of people all across the country counting on us to be able to work together. That doesn't mean we don't have strong passions and strong arguments, but it also means that every once in a while we've got to set those aside, embrace compromise, and try to get some stuff done. That's what people are looking for, and today, I think, on national security at least, we showed that we could.
The only other thing I want to say is thank you to the families. It is—Michelle was traveling to St. Jude's today to be with the amazing kids there and the doctors and staff who help families going through really tough diseases, but she would be the first one to testify that being married to a politician is not easy. [Laughter] And being the partner of a politician, being the child of a politician, it's hard. And sometimes, you see your loved one attacked, and sometimes, you see them not appreciated, and they're away too much, and you're having to shoulder some of the burdens of family. And so to all the spouses, all the children, everybody who helps support our public servants and our Members of Congress, I just want to say thank you to you as well for the great job that you do. We really, really appreciate it.
And finally, please try to eat more, because we always have leftovers after this thing. [Laughter] All right? I am going to swing down the rope line. I want to shake as many hands as I can. I will tell you in advance that selfies are a little tough just because if I'm doing 2,000 selfies, then we won't be done until, like, 10 in the evening. I will make exceptions for little people, but you have to actually be little. [Laughter] And I mean young, I don't mean short. [Laughter] All right?
So thank you very much, everybody. Have a great time. God bless you. God bless America. Thank you.
NOTE: The President spoke at 7:05 p.m. on the South Lawn at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to H.J. Res. 124; and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist organization.
US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1978 Nov;27(6):1210-5.
Epidemiologic investigation of Marburg virus disease, Southern Africa, 1975.
Conrad JL, Isaacson M, Smith EB, Wulff H, Crees M, Geldenhuys P, Johnston J.
During the first 10 days of February 1975, an Australian hitchhiker contracted Marburg virus disease while traveling through Rhodesia and died; the infection was subsequently passed to two other persons, who recovered. Investigators retraced the hitchhiker's steps in March and again in June 1975 in an effort to uncover the natural reservoir of the virus and determine how it was transmitted. Serum samples were collected from humans and animals wherever the patient had come in close contact with animals or insects. Arthropods of various types were collected in June 1975 and again in February 1976 for virus isolation attempts; at no time did the patient come in direct contact with nonhuman primates of any kind, or any other animals. Indirect contact with bats, monkeys, and birds through aerosols was possible, though at some distance. Direct contact with arthropods occurred throughout the trip; on several occasions it was notably severe. We believe that during this outbreak the first Marburg virus infection occurred by vector-borne transmission from an arthropod yet to be identified, and that patients 2 and 3 acquired the disease by exposure to the oropharyngeal secretions of patients 1 and 2, respectively. Studies are underway to identify the species of arthropod involved in this transmission.
Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, and Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Marburg virus represents one of the least well-known of the hemorrhagic fever-causing viruses worldwide; in particular, its geographic potential in Africa remains quite mysterious. Ecologic niche modeling was used to explore the geographic and ecologic potential of Marburg virus in Africa.
With the kind assistance of J. L. Conrad, who led the original investigations of the 1975 outbreak, we traced the tour around Zimbabwe of the young man who became the index case patient. The Wankie roadside site that became the focus of the case investigation was not predicted as suitable by any of the best subsets models in this analysis, suggesting either that it was not the infection site, or that it would represent an extreme not otherwise appreciated in the Marburg hemorrhagic fever occurrence data set. The victim’s route indeed did pass through the areas of northeastern Zimbabwe that were identified by our ENM. Most interesting is that our re-review of his itinerary showed that he visited a cave complex in that region known as Sinoia Caves (see map in Conrad and others8), which would fit with the known profile of the three northern outbreaks. Given that the index case patient was in Wankie on February 6, 1975 and at Sinoia Caves on February 3–4, 1975, the incubation period for virus exposure at the caves makes an almost perfect interval of 8–9 days before onset of symptoms on February 12, 1975.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Twilight Zone
To Serve Man
I'm still working on that book.
Deciphering that title has been of no help because their capital letters are different than the other signs they use, just as ours are.
But it's starting to fall into place.
I think i'll get the answer eventually.
Space: Above and Beyond
Air Date
Sunday September 24, 1995
McQueen: If we successfully delay the enemy, we will have reinforcements appearing behind them, and out of the sun. And that's when we teach them something every human knows: payback's a bitch.
5.03 "Ascension"
So what happened?
The others.
Old Time Radio Catalog
Volume 1
Tarzan 321205 37 Cannibals Choose The Professor
Springfield! Springfield!
The Walking Dead
Four Walls and a Roof
It was gonna be a choice.
You join us or feed us.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 9/3/2006 10:36 AM
Goddamn stinking zombies. These people are like 55% zombie and 45% human. I don’t know what the balance is, at some point they are going to start trying to eat the brains of humans. What’s is been – 13, 14 months now I’ve been living with these pre-Zombies? Creeps me the hell out.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 03 September 2006 excerpt ends]
Baltar: (There's a bright blast outside.) Ow!
Six: Gaius. I can't die. When this body is destroyed, my memory, my consciousness, will be transmitted to a new one. I'll just wake up somewhere else in an identical body.
Baltar: You mean there's more out there like you?
Six: There are twelve models. I'm number six.
Original Airdate (SciFi): 12-AUG-05
Adama: Why?
Adama: It's decomposing as we speak.
Leoben: It's the storm, isn't it? It puts out something. Something you discovered has an effect on Cylon technology. That's it, isn't it? And this is a refuge, that's why you put a fleet out here. Last ditch effort to hide from the Cylon attack. Right, well, that's not enough Adama. I've been here for hours. Once they find you, it won't take them that long to destroy you. They'll be in and out before they even get a headache.
Adama: Maybe. (He grabs Leoben, pushes him up against the wall.) But you, you won't find out, because you'll be dead in a few minutes. How does that make you feel? If you can feel.
Leoben: Oh, I can feel more than you could ever conceive of, Adama. But I won't die. When this body dies, my consciousness will be transferred to another one. And when that happens, (he collapses to the ground with a groan) I think I'll tell the others exactly where you are
2-01 - Scattered 07/15/05
Original Airdate (SciFi): 15-JUL-05
Caprica - Delphi Museum of Colonial History
Caprica Boomer: Her consciousness is being downloaded into another body right now. And when she wakes up, she'll tell them exactly where we are.
Helo: She's right, we can't stay here.
Strabuck: She's right, huh? Sharon the Cylon is right. It's all just, "listen to Sharon the Cylon." "Do whatever she says." 'Cause that's a good idea.
Helo: Hey, Kara, she helped me get this far.
Strabuck: Okay, I get it. I get it, Helo. You and I go way back, so I get it. All right, I remember how you felt about her, but that is not the real Sharon. That is some cheap knock-off copy.
Caprica Boomer: I'm not a copy. I'm Sharon. I remember the first day I met you, Starbuck. You were puking your guts out in the head because you'd eaten bad oysters on...
Starbuck: Don't do that. (she pulls her gun on Boomer)
Helo: Hey!
Strabuck: I don't like it and I don't like you. So the best thing you can do is just keep your damn mouth shut.
Helo: Starbuck. Put it down, for gods' sakes.
Strabuck: What do you want from me, Helo? She's a Cylon. You've been had. We've been had. So what, I'm just supposed to be nice to her? Because she says she's pregnant? Get out of the way.
Helo: No.
Strabuck: Carl, do not think that I will not-- [Gun fires]
Helo: I'm not gonna let you kill her! Okay? She's carrying my child.
Strabuck: My gods, men are so painfully stupid sometimes! How do you know that? (Boomer quietly gets outta Dodge!)
Helo: I know, all right? She is not lying.
Strabuck: They lie about everything, Helo, their entire existence is a lie. They're not human, Helo. They're machines. You can't have a baby with a machine. I don't know what to tell you. Okay?
Helo: But I believe her. I-it's hard to describe. We've been together a long time. I mean, I know what she is, but she is not like the others. She is not.
From 4/22/1923 ( Aaron Spelling ) To 9/14/2002 ( at Overlake hospital in Bellevue Washington State the announced birth of Phoebe Gates the daughter of Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and Microsoft Bill Gates the 100% female gender as born and Microsoft Bill Gates the Soviet Union prostitute ) is 29000 days
29000 = 14500 + 14500
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/15/2005 is 14500 days
Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Episode 1
Scattered (1)
Aired Friday 10:00 PM Jul 15, 2005 on Syfy
Colonel Tigh takes over the command of the Galactica due to Adama's critical injuries. A Cylon attack forces the fleet to make an emergency jump. A miscalculation causes the Galactica to be separated from the rest of the fleet. On Kobol, Tyrol and Cally risk their lives to retrieve medicine for one of their wounded colleagues.
AIRED: 7/15/05
Voice on radio: Colonial One, this is Picon 36. I can't believe you want us to leave these people behind.
Apollo: Cycle.
Stargate Atlantis
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
SHEPPARD: Oh, OK. Well, it's official -- you don't get to name anything. Ever. (He speaks into the comms.) Flight, this is ... (he grins) Puddle Jumper. We're go for launch.
(In the Control Room)
McKAY: Er, this is Flight. I thought we were going with Gateship?
SHEPPARD (over comms): Negative, Flight.
McKAY: Stand by. (He turns to Weir.) It's a ship; it goes through the Gate, I, I ... (He trails off and speaks into the comms irritably.) Fine -- Puddle Jumper, you are clear for launch.
SHEPPARD: Dial it up, Lieutenant.
(In between the two seats is a smaller version of the dialling device in the Control Room. Ford punches in the Gate address. In the Gateroom, the Stargate dials out and kawhooshes. Above the Gate, the ceiling irises open and the Puddle Jumper hovers slowly down until it is lined up with the Gate, then moves forward and through the event horizon. Weir and McKay watch it go.)
WEIR: Be safe.
PUDDLE JUMPER. The ship is through the Gate and in orbit around the Wraith planet. It cloaks.
SHEPPARD: Wow, this is cool.
FORD: Looks like you got the hang of it.
SHEPPARD: Tell you what, Lieutenant, a lot of fighter pilots would kill to fly this thing. It's like it reads your mind.
(Almost immediately, readouts appear superimposed over the front windshield.)
FORD: Did you do that?
SHEPPARD: I-I was just wondering where we go from here.
FORD: I'll take that as a yes. So how do we find them once we land?
SHEPPARD: Well I've been thinking about that too ... (On the wall beside him, a panel opens to reveal a small hand-sized device with a screen on it. He takes the device off the wall, looks at it and then puts it into his jacket pocket.) Now I'm thinking about a nice turkey sandwich.
(Sheppard and Ford look around the cabin but nothing else materialises.)
FORD: Worth a try.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:11 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 29 April 2015